Use a pool to spawn images - iphone

Hi every one here is my code:
-(void) createNewImage {
[imageView setCenter:[self randomPointSquare]];
[[self view] addSubview:imageView];
[views addObject:imageView];
[imageView release];;;
[XArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:(240 - ix)/diviseurVitesse]];
[YArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:(160 - iy)/diviseurVitesse]];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [views count]; i++) {
imageView = [views objectAtIndex:i];
X = [[XArray objectAtIndex:i] floatValue];
Y = [[YArray objectAtIndex:i] floatValue]; + X, + Y);
With this code, image are created and move to the center of the screen but after some seconds the performance decrease and come to 30fps. I would like to keep fps at 60 but I don't know how to proceed.Some people say that I can use pool but it's hard for me to use it because I don't really know how to use it :/ sorry for my english I'm french :/

Your problem is most likely here - [views addObject:imageView];. Adding object to a persistent dataset like NSMutableArray retains the object, so memory consumption actually grows. Try manipulating your images in [self.view subviews] without storing them in array.
EDIT: Your code should look something like this
- (void)createAndMove {
UIImageView *imageView = [UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image];
[imageView setCenter:[self randomPointSquare]];
[self.view addSubview:imageView];
[UIView animateWithDuration:5 animations:^{ =;
- (void)moveImages {
for (UIImageView *img in [self.view subviews]) {
[UIView animateWithDuration:5 animations:^{ =;

What happens when your object reaches the centre of the screen? If it just sits there and the other images overlap it, then you could then reset it to be at the start position rather than creating a new image. If you are moving them to the centre and then leaving them there, pretty soon you will have many many views and that will just kill the performance.
So, imagine you have 3 views. View 1 is created and appears at edge of screen and moves towards centre. When that is half-way to the centre, view 2 is created and appears at the edge of the screen and starts to move towards the centre. When view 2 is half-way to the centre, view 1 is at the centre and view 3 is created and appears at the edge of the screen. Now, when view 2 reaches the centre, view 1 is reset to be at the edge of the screen (it will be covered by view 2 so it won't be noticed). Then when view 3 reaches the centre, it will cover view 2, so that can be reset to the edge of the screen.
Hope this makes sense - it's a bit difficult without drawing pictures or knowing exactly what you are moving around on the screen, etc.


iOS: How To swipe through an image with pagination on

Basically, I want to have an app with only one view that has an image on it. I want to be able to swipe left or right and have the first image go out of the view and the second image to come in. The images are the same and I want it to look like they are connected (like scrolling down a rope where the pattern just repeats, but it looks like a constant scroll). I need it to be able to change the image or restart after a series of swipes. I know that I need to turn pagination ON in the UIScrollView, but I am new to iOS and am having trouble.
Ultimately, I want to have the iPhone vibrate every so-and-so swipes (and restart the pattern).
I'm sure that there are a lot of ways to do this (i.e. a TableView) so feel free to just point me in the direction of some references if the answer is tedious to explain.
I found an Apple example that did very nearly what I wanted to do. I made a lot of adjustments to it, but I'm banging my head against a wall trying to get the images to cycle. Here is what I think is the offending code, but I'm not sure what the solution is, as the ScrollView is functional, it just doesn't reset the center to the current view. Any ideas?
- (void)layoutScrollImages
UIImageView *view = nil;
NSArray *subviews = [scrollView1 subviews];
// reposition all image subviews in a horizontal serial fashion
CGFloat curXLoc = 0;
for (view in subviews)
if ([view isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]] && view.tag > 0)
CGRect frame = view.frame;
frame.origin = CGPointMake(curXLoc, 0);
view.frame = frame;
curXLoc += (kScrollObjWidth);
// set the content size so it can be scrollable
[scrollView1 setContentSize:CGSizeMake((kNumImages * kScrollObjWidth), [scrollView1 bounds].size.height)];
I'd just use a UIScrollView. Set the contentWidth to be 3 times the width/height of the view (for 3 pages) and set the contentOffset to be the center 'page' (view.bounds.size.width or view.bounds.size.height depending on whether you're scrolling horizontally/vertically respectively) . You'll need to setup a delegate for the UIScrollView (probably the view controller) and implement - (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView. This will be called when the scroll view has finished decelerating. Once it has finished decelerating, reset the contentOffset back to the center view. This should give the impression of an infinite scroll. You can also set a counter to increment in the scrollViewDidEndDecelerating method to increment the counter or initiate the vibration.
You shouldn't need to keep repositioning the images. Just set the images once in the scrollView:
//Horizontal arrangement
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"nameOfImage.png"];
UIImageView *imageView1 = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image];
UIImageView *imageView2 = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image];
UIImageView *imageView3 = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image];
NSArray *imageViews = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:imageView1, imageView2, imageView3];
UIScrollView *scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
[self.view addSubview: scrollView]; //This code assumes it's in a UIViewController
CGRect cRect = scrollView.bounds;
UIImageView *cView;
for (int i = 0; i < imageViews.count; i++){
cView = [imageViews objectAtIndex:i];
cView.frame = cRect;
[scrollView addSubview:cView];
cRect.origin.x += cRect.size.width;
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(cRect.origin.x, scrollView.bounds.size.height);
scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(scrollView.bounds.size.width, 0); //should be the center page in a 3 page setup
So the images are setup, you don't need to mess with them anymore. Just reset the contentOffset when the scroll views stops (note: you need to make sure you're the delegate of the scroll view or you'll not receive the message when the scroll view stops):
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView{
scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(scrollView.bounds.size.width, 0);
Please forgive any typos. I wrote it out by hand.
Look on for a custom photo album view. As for the vibration, this code snippet vibrates the phone (make sure you link to and #import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>):

UIScrollView - selection like UIPickerView

I have two little problems with my UIScrollView.
I managed to create scroll view, which is similar to the picker view except that it's horizontal.
The problem n.1 is - How do I get the number which the user tapped?
The problem n.2 is - How do I make the scrollview to go round and round - never-ending?
A question - Is it possible to make some "selection indicator"?
Here is my code:
numberArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"1", #"2", #"3", #"4", #"5",
#"6", #"7", #"8", #"9", #"10", #"11", #"12", #"13", #"14", #"15",
#"16", #"17", #"18", #"19", #"20", #"21", #"22", #"23", #"24", #"25",
#"26", #"27", #"28", #"29", #"30", #"31", #"32", #"33", #"34", #"35",
#"36", #"37", #"38", #"39", #"40", #"41", #"42", #"43", #"44", #"45",
#"46", #"47", #"48", #"49", #"50", #"51", #"52", #"53", #"54", #"55",
#"56", #"57", #"58", #"59", #"60", #"61", #"62", #"63", #"64", #"65",
#"66", #"67", #"68", #"69", #"70", #"71", #"72", #"73", #"74", #"75",
#"76", #"77", #"78", #"79", #"80", #"81", #"82", #"83", #"84", #"85",
#"86", #"87", #"88", #"89", #"90", #"91", #"92", #"93", #"94", #"95",
#"96", #"97", #"98", #"99", #"100", nil];
masterDividerView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 480, 320, 44)];
morePeople = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 53)];
morePeople.backgroundColor = [UIColor scrollViewTexturedBackgroundColor];
morePeople.delegate = self;
[morePeople setBackgroundColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
[morePeople setCanCancelContentTouches:NO];
morePeople.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = NO;
morePeople.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = NO;
morePeople.clipsToBounds = NO;
morePeople.scrollEnabled = YES;
morePeople.pagingEnabled = NO;
NSUInteger nimages = 0;
NSInteger tot=0;
CGFloat cx = 0;
for (; ; nimages++) {
NSString *label = [numberArray objectAtIndex:nimages];
if (tot==99) {
if (99==nimages) {
UILabel *labelView = [[UILabel alloc] init];
labelView.text = label;
labelView.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;
labelView.numberOfLines = 0;
[labelView sizeToFit];
labelView.backgroundColor = [UIColor scrollViewTexturedBackgroundColor];
CGRect rect = labelView.frame;
rect.size.height = 53;
rect.size.width = 40;
rect.origin.x = cx;
rect.origin.y = 0;
labelView.frame = rect;
[morePeople addSubview:labelView];
cx += labelView.frame.size.width+5;
self.pageControl.numberOfPages = nimages;
[morePeople setContentSize:CGSizeMake(cx, [morePeople bounds].size.height)];
[masterDividerView addSubview:morePeople];
[self.view addSubview:masterDividerView];
If anybody knows a good solution to this, I would be very happy!!!! :))
Your question is too wide to make a detailed answer, but yes, everything of what you're talking about can be solved in a quite easy way.
The problem n.1 is - How do I get the number which the user tapped?
If you mean to know what element is chosen by your UIScrollView at the moment, then it's not a problem: UIScrollView always knows its position (contentOffset), which gives you the easy possibility to define, which object is chosen (which object you're working with) now.
If you mean to know when the user tapped by his finger one of the elements of your "picker view" (UIScrollView), then I would say that the answer to this depends on how you actually represent your data (like if you see one or several elements of your scrollView at a time on your screen). But in any case you can easily solve this by using UITapGestureRecognizer. Smth like:
// add gesture recognizers to the scroll view
UITapGestureRecognizer *singleTap = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(handleSingleTap:)];
[singleTap setNumberOfTapsRequired:1];
[self.yourScrollView addGestureRecognizer:singleTap];
[singleTap release];
And then to scroll it programmatically in your selector you do smth like:
- (void)handleSingleTap:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer
CGPoint pointOfTouch = [gestureRecognizer locationInView:self.view];
if ( (pointOfTouch.x > self.rightArrowMin) && (pointOfTouch.x < self.rightArrowMax) ) {
[scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(lastOffset + self.lengthOfLabel, 0) animated:YES];
} else if ( (pointOfTouch.x > self.leftArrowMin) && (pointOfTouch.x < self.leftArrowMax) ) {
[scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(lastOffset - self.lengthOfLabel, 0) animated:YES];
The problem n.2 is - How do I make the scrollview to go round and round - never-ending?
It can be solved if you know the algorithm of calculating the next/previous or random element in the sequence of elements of your scrollView.
Basically, I solved this same thing for myself in one of my projects (free app "IJCAI11" in the appStore, there you can see at the work of a datePicker in the details of any chosen conference's day: there is applied the algorithm of infinite scrolling view, the limits I applied later only from design point of view).
The scheme I use there is simple, though perhaps a bit weird (before reading ahead, note that in my case I see only one element of scrollView on the screen, when the scrollView is in nonscrolling state):
I create the UIScrollView with 3 (in case you see more than 1 element at a time this can be like 5, 7, ..., 2N+1 according to your very case) labels;
Make the second (central) label active.
Assign proper value to all 3 (2N+1) labels. On this step your second (central) label will contain data of (will show) the default value.
When user scrolls one step left/right (to the position M_pos), you do it in a standard way, since your neighboring to central labels contain correct data (M).
Then you take this new active value (M) and apply it for your central label (this is gonna be behind the scene, therefore the user wont see this on the screen), then you recalculate ALL the other labels properly ( ..., M-1, M, M+1, ...), including your M_pos position(!).
With "animated:NO" mode you shift your scrollView to your central position. In this case user doesn't see anything, when in fact his scrollView was moved from position M_pos to the central position. All neighboring labels are already recalculated and you are ready to repeat the point 4 any number of times you wish, making a strong feeling for user, that he works with the scrollView with a huge number of elements (whereas in practice your just work with 3 (2N+1) labels, changing their content after every movement).
A question - Is it possible to make some "selection indicator"?
If I understand this question correctly, then just consider the View/Subview thing and in particular the function addSubview of View class ;)
Hope this helps!
I'm not sure if I understood your question right, but did you already think of using a NSTimer to repeat events with a certain speed or during a certain period of time? (Pointing at your "round and round thing".)

problem with uiimageView animation

here is my code :
-(void) createNewImage {
UIImage * image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"boutonplay_03.png"];
imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image];
[imageView setCenter:[self randomPointSquare]];
[[self view] addSubview:imageView];;;
-(void)Animation{ = CGPointMake( + X, + Y);
"CreateNewImage" is alled every 2 seconds, and there is a CADisplayLink on "Animation".
My problem is that the animation of "imageView" stops every 2 seconds because a new "imageView" is created and this last start moving and it stops again after 2 seconds, and again and again and again ... What I would like is to make "imageView" continue his animation in spite of the creation of new "imageView".How can I do this please ? sorry for my english I'm french:/
Check to see if imageView == nil or not.
if (imageView == nil) {
imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image];
//rest of code
You are creating a new UIImageView every time you call CreateNewImage
instead, check to see if it has already been created.
-(void) createNewImage {
if(imageView == nil) {
UIImage * image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"boutonplay_03.png"];
imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image];
[imageView setCenter:[self randomPointSquare]];
[[self view] addSubview:imageView];;;
If I understand correctly your case, what happens is this:
you create a new image in createNewImage;
this image is animated through the method:
-(void)Animation{ = CGPointMake( + X, + Y);
which animates your imageView ivar;
when you create a new image, after 2 seconds, you reassign it to the imageView ivar, so that the Animation method can animate it when it is called;
at the same time, you have lost the reference to your previous image that you were animating before, so Animation will not animate it anymore.
Now what I suggest is trying to change Animation in this way:
for (UIView* imgView in self.view.subviews) { = CGPointMake( + X, + Y);
So, this will simply animate any subview of your main view. If your only subviews are the images you want to animate, it should be fine.
From your description in the comments, it seems to me that what happens is that addSubview has the effect of stopping shortly all animations. I don't know if this is related to loading the images from disk, but I remember I also experienced a similar problem time ago. The only approach I see is pre-creating and pre-adding all the UIImageViews you need (or a maximum number of allowed images), make them all hidden and then making them visible again one by one. This would make the logic of your program more complex, but it would work.
Another approach could be using CALayers instead of UIVIews. Best thing would be using a CABasicAnimation to animate your images.
If you want to use UIImageView, you could get [imageView layer] and add this one instead of the view, like this:
[[self.view layer] addSublayer:[imageView layer]];
but I am not sure that this approach would work.
Hope that his helps.

how to make growing flower animation between two views

i have a UIButton in a viewcontroller's view, i wrote action method form that i am going to another view controller's view. Now i am trying to implement animation between to views.i tried with many types one of the type animation is shown below
[UIView beginAnimations:#"flipping view" context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1];
[UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseOut];
[self.view addSubview:anotherView];
[UIView commitAnimations];
This animation is working well but i am trying to implement some "growing flower animation"(name may be different) means the other view pop up from the button co-ordinatesand occupy entire custombutton` co-ordinates are (500,500,20,20).can any one suggest me for implementing this animation.
Thank you.
This can be achieved by various methods.
You can use:-
1 )
Core animations
UIImage class's animations
Cocos 2D
UIAnimation Classes (by simple changing the frames)
..and many more
It actually depends on your requirements, and your comfortable level with these classes/technologies.
If you just want to display growing flower, then the simpler (but not the optimized, and best) solution is to create different images,and put them in array, and then animate it
A similar example is available at: -
Animating images
If you have step by step images of growing flower images, then you can simply implement this. Write a function to implement simple implementation,
NSMutableArray * images;
//allocates the images array.
images = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
//loops till the 18images are added into array.
for (int index = 1; index < 19; index++) {
//get the image name.
NSString * imageName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Animation%d",index];
//get the path for the image in resourse file.
NSString * path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:imageName ofType:#"png"];
//allocate and own the image object for the particular image.
UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
//adds it to array.
[images addObject:image];
//release after adding.
[image release];
//remove the useless pointer.
image = nil;
//give the pointer to the array holding the images.
imageView.animationImages = images;
//after using it, release it.
[images release];
//remove the useless pointer
images = nil;
//set animation duration
imageView.animationDuration = 3.00;
//start animate
[imageView startAnimating];
After when you want to stop the animation you can simply call
[imageView stopAnimation];
You have another choice of
imageView.repeatCount = 1;
imageView is an instance of uiimageView, allocated one.

UIPopoverController animates when keyboard pops up

In my iPad application I have a UIPopoverController with a UIViewController containing some textfields.
When the keyboard comes up, the Popover gets animated to fit. Does anybody know how to disable this?
I dont think you can except make the popovers smaller in height...Its done like that so when your keyboard pops up none of the popover gets covered by it (thus it shrinks back), however i have found it to be annoying at times since it messed with table views (not making them able to scroll all the way and having to resize them)
It would be great if it did actually animate to better part of the screen, I think you mean it actually shrinks the popUp which is mostly not good.(which i see during rotation in my case). You can not keep the popUp from squishing, UNLESS you move a view. The best way to handle this is to temporarily move your entire main UIView of the whole screen up with the keyBoard by the difference between the size of your pop up, and how much that pop up would shrink if you did not move it up... you can't just move it up by the size of your keyboard, because popUps up high would then also be effected. This code below is for when the keyboard rotated, similar code for when it is first introduced. easy to do, EXCept for when you rotate the screen, then things get tricky...
in otherwords, sometimes your UIView will not move at all, sometimes it will move up by a good 170 points.
//-----------------finding the keyboard top (also used on "didRotate")----very handy,
// took me hours to figure out an absolute always work topOfKeyboard, so here you go.-------
- (void)keyboardWillShow:(NSNotification*)notification
NSLog(#" keyboardWillShow");
UIWindow *keyWindow = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow;
NSDictionary* info = [notification userInfo];
keyboardRect = [[info objectForKey:UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] CGRectValue];
keyboardRect = [(UIView*)keyWindow convertRect:keyboardRect toView:mainViewController.view];
keyboardIsVisible = TRUE;
topOfKeyboard = keyboardRect.origin.y;
the tricky part is finding the PopUp bottom, because there appears to be code in the popup itself or the convertRect:toView: code that makes the origin flaky , (if you try to "view" origin after a "convertRect:toView:" code), it wants to move and be in different spots during rotation,(or one of it's super views) so bottom calc comes out different some times,(not predicable) because of async process of the rotation of different elements possibly because the popUp itself has many superviews down in the pop up. (to see problem in action with pop up and, must have keyboard effecting popup, move the whole view up then log the "origin" and "size" of popUp after the "convertRect:toView:" code)... the "origin" i'm talking about is the origin of the frame after it is translated to the main view (or atleast a couple views up) with the "convertRect:toView:" code....
update:(it appears if you move down about 3 superviews from the popUp, the flakiness goes away... (this code below was in a "didRotate" ipad type of code. That is that the popUp has several superviews before you can get to the one that is projected ontop of the proper frame
UIPopoverController probably should have a property that has the origin that is predicted after a rotation in it, in a type of "will rotate" kind of code, (because of the keyboard problem), instead of just the "popoverContentSize", (also should include the popoverContentSize that would have been without the keyboard as another variable, ".. anyway This is how I had to do it, see code below.
- (void) checkRotation
NSLog(#" ");
if (wasOffset)
wasOffset = false;
[UIImageView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIImageView setAnimationDuration:0.2f];
CGRect frame = carousel.frame;
frame.origin.y += offset;
carousel.frame = frame;
[UIImageView commitAnimations];
[popPickerController presentPopoverFromRect:zoneButton.frame inView:[zoneButton superview] permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];
if (popPickerController.popoverVisible)
if (keyboardIsVisible)
wasOffset = false;
[popPickerController presentPopoverFromRect:zoneButton.frame inView:[zoneButton superview]
permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:NO];
upView3 = [[[popPickerController.contentViewController.view superview] superview] superview]; //hey it works... :o)
//NSLog(#" ");
//NSLog(#"upView3.frame.origin.x = %f",upView3.frame.origin.x);
//NSLog(#"upView3.frame.origin.y = %f",upView3.frame.origin.y);
//NSLog(#"upView3.frame.size.height = %f",upView3.frame.size.height);
//NSLog(#"upView3.frame.size.width = %f",upView3.frame.size.width);
//NSLog(#" ");
popUpRect.origin.x = upView3.frame.origin.x;
popUpRect.origin.y = upView3.frame.origin.y;
popUpRect.size.height = popUpSize.height;
popUpRect.size.width = popUpSize.width; //you must save the size because the keyboard destroys it before you can use it. very tricky....
//NSLog(#" ");
//NSLog(#"popUpRect.origin.x = %f",popUpRect.origin.x);
//NSLog(#"popUpRect.origin.y = %f",popUpRect.origin.y);
//NSLog(#"popUpRect.size.height = %f",popUpRect.size.height);
//NSLog(#"popUpRect.size.width = %f",popUpRect.size.width);
//NSLog(#" ");
//NSLog(#" ");
//NSLog(#"keyboardIsVisible = %d", keyboardIsVisible);
//NSLog(#" ");
//NSLog(#"keyboardRect.origin.x = %f",keyboardRect.origin.x);
//NSLog(#"keyboardRect.origin.y = %f",keyboardRect.origin.y);
//NSLog(#"keyboardRect.size.height = %f",keyboardRect.size.height);
//NSLog(#"keyboardRect.size.width = %f",keyboardRect.size.width);
//NSLog(#"topOfKeyboard = %f",topOfKeyboard);
CGFloat bottomOfPicker = popUpRect.origin.y + popUpRect.size.height - amountShadowCanEncroach;
//NSLog(#" ");
//NSLog(#"bottomOfPicker = %f",bottomOfPicker);
//NSLog(#"topOfKeyboard = %f",topOfKeyboard);
//NSLog(#" ");
if (bottomOfPicker > topOfKeyboard)
wasOffset = true;
offset = bottomOfPicker - topOfKeyboard;
NSLog(#"offset = %f",offset);
[UIImageView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIImageView setAnimationDuration:0.2f];
CGRect frame = carousel.frame;
frame.origin.y -= offset;
carousel.frame = frame;
[UIImageView commitAnimations];
[popPickerController presentPopoverFromRect:zoneButton.frame inView:[zoneButton superview] permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];
and moving the main UIView back
- (void) searchDidEndEditing
keyboardIsVisible = false;
if (wasOffset)
wasOffset = false;
[UIImageView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIImageView setAnimationDuration:0.2f];
CGRect frame = mainView.frame;
frame.origin.y += offset;
mainView.frame = frame;
[UIImageView commitAnimations];
if (zoneButton.selected)
[popPickerController presentPopoverFromRect:zoneButton.frame inView:[zoneButton superview] permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];