rendering fusionmaps on non flash devices - fusioncharts

if you know fusionMaps which is a flash based mapping tool. I need to have fusionmaps work on iphone/ipad. Any Idea how do I go about supporting these devices to show fusion Maps?

FusionMaps for JavaScript should be out in the next quarter.


Are there any iphone/ipad camera hardware filters that can be controlled by an App?

I posted this same question on apple.stackexchange... maybe here it fits better.
Does anyone know if in the iPhone (any version) there are any camera/CCD hardware filters (eg. polarizing filter, IR filter, bandpass filter) that can be controlled via software?
If so, how can I do and/or where can I find docs about it? I have written one iPad App using XCode, so I'm not totally newbie.
Thanks for any help.
I'm trying to develop an App, so I'm assuming there are no external hardware/filters attached to the device or the camera, just the iPhone/iPad with its standard hardware.
Check out the CIFilter class references, this can be used to achieve your goal. There are many different filters available, and I believe they can be applied in real time, or at least within milliseconds of real time.
Specifically, a list of all available CIFilters can be found here.

Can I programmatically access a smartphone's sensors through the browser and JavaScript?

Is it possible for me to programmatically access a smartphone's sensors (e.g. accelerometer, compass, etc. on an Android or iPhone device) through a browser webpage and JavaScript? I know that the W3C Devices standard can allow access to the camera.
HTML5 is likely to contain a sensor API. Until this is fully standardized, vendors provide their own APIs such as Apple does for mobile Safari.
There's no need for full blown solutions like PhoneGap or similar if it is Ok for you to restrict yourself to a specific vendor/device. If not, frameworks like PhoneGap provide you with a unified, device independent API.
You should be aware of the Performance constraints that apply to Javascript applications running inside the browser of a mobile device. Depending on your type of application and the amount of processing you intend to do on the sensor data, you are better off writing a native application
See for some reference documentation.
The answer is both "yes" and "no". Each phone manufacturer/OS combination behaves as it sees fit here - for example, the GPS on an iPhone can be accessed, but the compass not:
accessing iPhone compass with JavaScript
You can use something like PhoneGap to do this, I believe.
Check out this chapter called "Controlling the iPhone with JavaScript" from the book Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
This demo considers the iPhone movements on the three axis using the event.accelerationIncludingGravity object:
So far Safari on iPhone is the first to implement it, but I see Android filling this gap very soon.

How to test location based iPhone application during development?

I am currently developing a location based iPhone application. Is there any way to test the app other than taking the iPhone to different places?
Yes, you can.
Try this:
(...) With iSimulate installed on their iPhones however, their multi-touches on the iPhone (which gets interpolated for the larger iPad screen), the movement recorded by the accelerometer, the location and orientation captured by the GPS and Compass, all get wirelessly sent to the iPad Simulator, so they can develop virtually any application they want, before the iPad is itself released!
Even though an answer have long been accepted for this question I'll still chime in with some additional information on the topic.
The kind folks at FutureTap have mad the FTLocationSimulator available for free at GitHub. It allows you to prepare a test route using for instance Google Earth, and then have the simulator feed these coordinates to your app.
I've written a blog post about how to use FTLocationSimulator to easily switch between multiple routes during testing of the location features.

Force MapKit use cached map tiles only/disable network programmatically

We have stumbled upon such a problem.
We are developing an application for travelling. To make sure the user doesn't spend much money on roaming charges in our app we decided to implement a settings option for user to view cached maps only. So we let the user decide whether he wants to load the maps from internet or he wants to save money and view cached maps (stored in Library/Caches/MapTiles/MapTiles.sqlitedb).
We can't find a way to implement this. Is there any way to disable network programmatically in this case? Or force MapKit use cached tiles only? We thought about changing APN programmatically for this option to force MapKit go offline. Is it possible to change APN programmatically?
Thank you!
iPhone SDK apps do not have access to the network adapter settings, and I know of nothing in the MapKit API that gives you control over its Internet usage. Your best option in this case is probably to present an alert suggesting that the user enable Airplane Mode or turn off data roaming.
use openstreetmap
think the commercial side of it Cloud-made allows offline maps
Libraries that help iPhone developers use OSM maps
route-me is an open-source library used in a number of iPhone applications to display OSM maps.
The CloudMade iPhone Maps Library is an open-source library that provides high-level access to CloudMade's OSM-based map tiles with different sizes and different styles.
John McKerrell has ported the routing algorithm from gosmore to run on the iPhone and has successfully generated basic routes. More complicated routes crash the iPhone at the moment
There are some ways. One is to use your own tile overlay and implement the caching algorithm either in URLForTilePath: or in loadTileAtPath:result:
It works very well with open domain and some private ones. Does not cache the standard Apple Maps.
Another way that will be able to cache everything is subclass NSURLProtocol. There are some tutorials and probably you may detect when is a map image and act accordingly
the google map app does the cache feature ... MapKit seem no , I think Apple will add this feature in next version SDK ...

which features do you look forward to the most in iPhone SDK 3?

Which of the new features are you looking forward to the most in iPhone SDK 3.0?
Is it one of the main advertised six new things, or something smaller? Something in the "1,000 new APIs", perhaps?
Phone to phone communication via bluetooth seems like it will terribly useful for some apps I am writing. No longer do you have to input all the data you want to store yourself, you can share some of it with other iPhone users.
not really a feature, but the best thing about developing the iPhone SDK further is the great frameworks that arise. there are some really, really great frameworks out there already (like the Three20 project) which will become even better with the new 3.0 SDK.
my real excitement will take over once they let us run background processes. maybe in 4.0?
Video! The ability to write decent tools for mobile video uploads is a big draw.
MapKit by far will bring the biggest change sweeping across the app space.
My personal favorite is that we can finally easily track upload progress of large files (like images).
I really, really want to see fixes in the camera API so that it isn't either broken (2.2.1) or forcing a switch to portrait (3.0).
Apart from that, the most useful features to me are:
push notifications. Great for making an app more sticky - you can let the user know that something of interest to them has happened.
CoreData - I've been using a third-party SQL layer, but it's a little buggy and no longer supported.
Peer-peer bluetooth, as the poster above said, is also useful for local data exchange.
And the least useful? Cut and paste. I actually want to disable it in my app (to discourage people from copying content) - and it doesn't look as though you can (yet).
Bluetooth phone-to-phone communication with GameKit will enable a host of currently impossible applications. Multiplayer games with no WiFi network needed and data exchange between two phones are obvious use-cases.
I'd also like to see - not currently included in the betas - a decent camera API that allowed us to customize the appearance of the capture screen, and as another poster said, have it work properly in landscape and portrait mode.