SQL Sum and Group By for a running Tally? - group-by

I'm completely rewriting my question to simplify it. Sorry if you read the prior version. (The previous version of this question included a very complex query example that created a distraction from what I really need.) I'm using SQL Express.
I have a table of lessons.
LessonID StudentID StudentName LengthInMinutes
1 1 Chuck 120
2 2 George 60
3 2 George 30
4 1 Chuck 60
5 1 Chuck 10
These would be ordered by date. (Of course the actual table is thousands of records with dates and other lesson-related data but this is a simplification.)
I need to query this table such that I get all rows (or a subset of rows by a date range or by student), but I need my query to add a new column we might call PriorLessonMinutes. That is, the sum of all minutes of all lessons for the same student in lessons of PRIOR dates only.
So the query would return:
LessonID StudentID StudentName LengthInMinutes PriorLessonMinutes
1 1 Chuck 120 0
2 2 George 60 0
3 2 George 30 60 (The sum Length from row 2 only)
4 1 Chuck 60 120 (The sum Length from row 1 only)
5 1 Chuck 10 180 (The sum of Length from rows 1 and 4)
In essence, I need a running tally of the sum of prior lesson minutes for each student. Ideally the tally shouldn't include the current row, but if it does, no big deal as I can do subtraction in the code that receives the query.
Further, (and this is important) if I retrieve only a subset of records, (for example by a date range) PriorLessonMinutes must be a sum that considers rows that are NOT returned.
My first idea was to use SUM() and to GROUP BY Student, but that isn't right because unless I'm mistaken it would include a sum of minutes for all rows for each student, including rows that come after the row which aren't relevant to the sum I need.
OPTIONS I'M REJECTING: I could scan through all rows in my code that receives it, (although this would force me to retrieve all rows unnecessarily) but that's obviously inefficient. I could also put a real data field in there and populate it, but this too presents problems when other records are deleted or altered.
I have no idea how to write such a query together. Any guidance?

This is a great opportunity to use Windowed Aggregates. The trick is that you need SQL Server 2012 Express. If you can get it, then this is the query you are looking for:
select *,
over (partition by StudentId order by LessonId
rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding)
as PriorLessonMinutes
from Lessons
Note that it returns NULLs instead of 0s (zeroes). If you insist on zeroes, use COALESCE function to turn NULLs into zeroes.
I suggest using a nested query to limit the number of rows returned:
select * from
select *,
over (partition by StudentId order by LessonId
rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding)
as PriorLessonMinutes
from Lessons
) as NestedLessons
where LessonId > 3 -- this is an example of a filter
This way the filter is applied after the aggregation is complete.
Now, if you want to apply a filter that doesn't affect the aggregation (like only querying data for a certain student), you should apply the filter to the inner query, as pruning the rows that don't affect the computation early (like data for other students) will improve the performance.

I feel the following code will serve your purpose.Check it:-
select Students.StudentID ,Students.First, Students.Last,sum(Lessons.LengthInMinutes)
as TotalPriorMinutes from lessons,students
where Lessons.StartDateTime < getdate()
and Lessons.StudentID = Students.StudentID
and StartDateTime >= '20090130 00:00:00' and StartDateTime < '20790101 00:00:00'
group by Students.StudentID ,Students.First, Students.Last


Tableau: Distinct count of a field which occurs more than once

I have a field customer_id and I need to track the number of unique users and repeat users. For example the table is as below:
Here, the no. of unique users is 4 (11,22,33,44) and number of repeat users are 2 (11,22).
I am calculating unique users as COUNTD([customer_id]).
How can I calculate repeat users? It is basically the distinct count of the values which appear more than once. I tried with the following expression:
COUNTD(IF COUNT([customer_id]) > 1
THEN [customer_id]
but I'm getting an error: Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments comparisons or results in IF expressions
How else can I calculate the repeat users?
Thanks in advance.
According to your filter needs, you can rely on LOD using FIXED/INCLUDE:
{ FIXED [Customer Id] : if sum({ FIXED [Customer Id] : COUNT([Customer Id])}) > 1 then 1 end }
Basically, in the inner LOD you count the occourrences, and then you just take in consideration records having 2+ (>1) of them:
A simple alternative to Fabio's answer can also do the job. Just create a calculated field
COUNT([customer id]) >1
and add this to filter shelf.
You can filter out false candidates to remove unique users and taking returning customers only.

How to dynamically pivot based on rows data and parameter value?

I am trying to pivot using crosstab function and unable to achieve for the requirement. Is there is a way to perform crosstab dynamically and also dynamic result set?
I have tried using crosstab built-in function and unable to meet my requirement.
select * from crosstab ('select item,cd, type, parts, part, cnt
from item
order by 1,2')
AS results (item text,cd text, SUM NUMERIC, AVG NUMERIC);
Sample Data:
Item 1 A AVG 4 1 10
Item 1 B AVG 4 2 20
Item 1 C AVG 4 3 30
Item 1 D AVG 4 4 40
Item 1 A SUM 4 1 10
Item 1 B SUM 4 2 20
Item 1 C SUM 4 3 30
Item 1 D SUM 4 4 40
Expected Results:
Item 1 A 4 AVG 10 SUM 10 AVG 20 SUM 20 AVG 30 SUM 30 AVG 40 SUM 40
The PARTS value is based on a parameter passed by the user. If the user passes 2 for example, there will be 4 rows in the result set (2 parts for AVG and 2 parts of SUM).
Can I achieve this requirement using CROSSTAB function or is there a custom SQL statement that need to be developed?
I'm not following your data, so I can't offer examples based on it. But I have been looking at pivot/cross-tab features over the past few days. I was just looking at dynamic cross tabs just before seeing your post. I'm hoping that your question gets some good answers, I'll start off with a bit of background.
You can use the crosstab extension for standard cross tabs, what when wrong when you tried it? Here's an example I wrote for myself the other day with a bunch of comments and aliases for clarity. The pivot is looking at item scans to see where the scans were "to", like the warehouse or the floor.
/* Basic cross-tab example for crosstab (text) format of pivot command.
Notice that the embedded query has to return three columns, see the aliases.
#1 is the row label, it shows up in the output.
#2 is the category, what determines how many columns there are. *You have to work this out in advance to declare them in the return.*
#3 is the cell data, what goes in the cross tabs. Note that this form of the crosstab command may return NULL, and coalesce does not work.
To get rid of the null count/sums/whatever, you need crosstab (text, text).
select *
from crosstab ('select
specialty_name as row_label,
scanned_to as column_splitter,
count(num_inst)::numeric as cell_data
from scan_table
group by 1,2
order by 1,2')
as scan_pivot (
row_label citext,
"Assembly" numeric,
"Warehouse" numeric,
"Floor" numeric,
"QA" numeric);
As a manual alternative, you can use a series of FILTER statements. Here's an example that summaries errors_log records by day of the week. The "down" is the error name, the "across" (columns) are the days of the week.
select "error_name",
count(*) as "Overall",
count(*) filter (where extract(dow from "updated_dts") = 0) as "Sun",
count(*) filter (where extract(dow from "updated_dts") = 1) as "Mon",
count(*) filter (where extract(dow from "updated_dts") = 2) as "Tue",
count(*) filter (where extract(dow from "updated_dts") = 3) as "Wed",
count(*) filter (where extract(dow from "updated_dts") = 4) as "Thu",
count(*) filter (where extract(dow from "updated_dts") = 5) as "Fri",
count(*) filter (where extract(dow from "updated_dts") = 6) as "Sat"
from error_log
where "error_name" is not null
group by "error_name"
order by 1;
You can do the same thing with CASE, but FILTER is easier to write.
It looks like you want something basic, maybe the FILTER solution appeals? It's easier to read than calls to crosstab(), since that was giving you trouble.
FILTER may be slower than crosstab. Probably. (The crosstab extension is written in C, and I'm not sure how smart FILTER is about reading off indexes.) But I'm not sure as I haven't tested it out yet. (It's on my to do list, but I haven't had time yet.) I'd be super interested if anyone can offer results. We're on 11.4.
I wrote a client-side tool to build FILTER-based pivots over the past few days. You have to supply the down and across fields, an aggregate formula and the tool spits out the SQL. With support for coalesce for folks who don't want NULL, ROLLUP, TABLESAMPLE, view creation, and some other stuff. It was a fun project. Why go to that effort? (Apart from the fun part.) Because I haven't found a way to do dynamic pivots that I actually understand. I love this quote:
"Dynamic crosstab queries in Postgres has been asked many times on SO all involving advanced level functions/types. Consider building your needed query in application layer (Java, Python, PHP, etc.) and pass it in a Postgres connected query call. Recall SQL is a special-purpose, declarative type while app layers are general-purpose, imperative types." – Parfait
So, I wrote a tool to pre-calculate and declare the output columns. But I'm still curious about dynamic options in SQL. If that's of interest to you, have a look at these two items:
Flatten aggregated key/value pairs from a JSONB field?
Deep magic in both.

Applying the same row id based on partition of ROW_NUMBER

I'm trying to sequentially add number rows based on the DOC value - the only condition i have is that IF the document is the same (like three last rows) it should get the same row number.
FROM [rowset_TST]
After i get excactly the opposite - the last three docs which are the same are numbered and the rest not: ZZB which is not unique should get the same row number.
Any advice highly appreciated - please tell me if this would be doable with ROW_NUMBER()
Regards, Luke
I think you intend to use a rank function here, possibly DENSE_RANK:
FROM [rowset_TST]
This would generate the following output, assuming your same sample data:
This is the only interpretation of your question/requirement which came to mind and makes any sense. If you really want every doc, whether occurring one or more times, to have a "row number" value of 1, then I don't see the point in using ROW_NUMBER.

pentaho distinct count over date

I am currently working on Pentaho and I have the following problem:
I want to get a "rooling distinct count on a value, which ignores the "group by" performed by Business Analytics. For instance:
Date Field
2013-01-01 A
2013-02-05 B
2013-02-06 A
2013-02-07 A
2013-03-02 C
2013-04-03 B
When I use a classical "distinct count" aggregator in my schema, sum it, and then add "month" to column, I get:
Month Count Sum
2013-01 1 1
2013-02 2 3
2013-03 1 4
2013-04 1 5
What I would like to get would be:
Month Sum
2013-01 1
2013-02 2
2013-03 3
2013-04 3
which is the distinct count of all Fields so far. Does anyone has any idea on this topic?
my database is in Postgre, and I'm looking for any solution under PDI, PSW, PBA or PME.
Thank you!
A naive approach in PDI is the following:
Sort the rows by the Field column
Add a sequence for changing values in the Field column
Map all sequence values > 1 to zero
These first 3 effectively flag the first time a value was seen (no matter the date).
Sort the rows by year/month
Sum the mapped sequence values by year+month
Get a Cumulative Sum of all the previous sums
These 3 aggregate the distinct values per month, then keep a cumulative sum. In PDI this might look something like:
I posted a Gist of this transformation here.
A more efficient solution is to parallelize the two sorts, then join at the latest point possible. I posted this one as it is easier to explain, but it shouldn't be too difficult to take this transformation and make it more parallel.

SQL: Get first entry in aggregation function?

I have a simple table:
1 - 1 - 100
2 - 2 - 50
3 - 2 - -25
4 - 3 - 100
5 - 3 - -50
I want to end up with:
1 - 100
2 - 50
3 - 100
Because Firebird is so insanely difficult when it comes to aggregation, this doesn't work:
SELECT jid, amount as firstBalance
FROM table
How can I get it so it groups by JID, and automatically set the value of firstbalance to the first value in the table?
Depends on what do you mean with "automatically set the value of firstbalance to the first value in the table". From the example of the desired result you gave I thought you consider the row with lowest ID value for given JID group as "first" so
(SELECT amount FROM table s WHERE s.JID = o.JID ORDER BY s.ID ROWS 1)
FROM table o
should work.
Firebird does not contain a first() or a last() aggregate function. This has been requested and denied by the team due to which item would be chosen. You'd need to specify an order by clause for the items that get aggregated.
The answer you selected gets you the max(amount) not the first(amount). This is not what you asked for (though possibly it is what you wanted).
For future Googlers/Bingers here's how you get the first item. It's not a terrific solution, and it can be slow.
select distinct a.jid,
(select first 1 b.amount
from table b
where b.jid = a.jid
order by b.id) as amount
from table a
order by a.jid
It will retrieve the three JID fields and the first found amount as determined by ID order.
Don't hold your breath for this to get built into Firebird. When asked about a positional aggregate in the past, the response was:
"I have a great deal of trouble with that concept because position isn't a relational concept and the introduction of positional operators will signficantly inhibit efforts to improve performance by performing operations in parallel."
This is what I was looking for:
SELECT jid, max(amount) as firstBalance
FROM table