Strange Error in transporting a Mobile Agent - deserialization

I have written a code for Mobility of an Agent. It works fine with a
Wireless (via Router) Link
But when I created an Ad-Hoc Wireless Connection with my friend's laptop it failed. This is the error I got:
Jan 27, 2012 12:06:37 PM jade.core.mobility.AgentMobilityService$CommandSourceSi
nk handleInformMoved
SEVERE: Error creating agent on destination container. Abort transfer. An I/O er
ror occurred during de-serialization [nested jade
.core.Agent$1; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = -85
03980205419088695, local class serialVersionUID = -6369687405671300436]
Since the program worked fine with one network connection, it failed with the same source on a different computer and a different connection.
What does this error mean? De-serilization error if any should have come in the first case as well
Is the type of connection i.e. Ad-Hoc a root of the problem?
OR is it due to the code, which includes File Access commands that is causing the problem (then why did it work in the first case)
Thanks for your help!

I think the serialized object's serialVersionUID is different from the class on the other JVM. For this give some fixed Long value. If you are using eclipse then add generated serial version ID to every class that implements Serializable. Clean and rebuild the source code. If you are just using command line then do
serialver "AgentClass"
and use the value generated from it and recompile the source code.


OrientDB 2.1.9 crashes with OStorageException EOFException when running SQL script in console

I've been using my SQL database initialization script for a while, but it seems that recently the database crashes in the middle of the execution and I don't know why, but here's some details:
I am running OrientDB on Ubuntu 14 Trusty x64 (via Vagrant)
It always seems to crash while the script attempts to create a UNIQUE_HASH_INDEX, but doesn't always crash at the same UNIQUE_HASH_INDEX instruction
The script creates a lot of vertices and edges, but for example, it will crash here (see line with UNIQUE_HASH_INDEX):
CREATE INDEX Channel.uq_channelId ON Channel(channelId) UNIQUE_HASH_INDEX;
The database crashes entirely with the following error:
Creating index... Error:
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Error
on executing command: sql.create INDEX Channel.uq_channelId ON
Channel(channelId) UNIQUE_HASH_INDEX
Looking at the log files, the only hint I get are the last two lines:
2016-01-14 17:17:05:437 INFO Received signal: SIGTERM [OSignalHandler]
2016-01-14 17:17:05:454 INFO Received signal: SIGTERM [OSignalHandler]
How can I resolve this issue, or at least get better hints as to what is making the database crash?
I also test with OrientDB 2.1.6, as I was running the older version initially. Same problem.
Sorry, false alarm -- this is a Vagrant issue, not an OrientDB issue. Running the exact same script on a 32bit instance instead of 64bit solved my problem, and installing the same script on a real 64bit server also works.

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I get this error while running web services using a web application.
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
Source Error:
Line 108: [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace="", ResponseNamespace="", Use=System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
Line 109: public string VerifyFingerPrint([System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(DataType="base64Binary")] byte[] VeriBmp, string empcode) {
Line 110: object[] results = this.Invoke("VerifyFingerPrint", new object[] {
Line 111: VeriBmp,
Line 112: empcode});
Source File: D:\Mayuri1working\BOBFingerPrint\BOBFingerPrint\Web References\localhost\Reference.cs Line: 110
Please help !
First update your web service references used in your application.
If web service references are not get updated, then check all files and folder containing source code files in your web service project solution and rebuild it and then update web references used in your project.
Else if its working fine then you need to check your network services used by your development server and windows firewall settings as suggested in above solutions.
I also encountered same problem and I came to know that I was referencing wrong folder having same name but used in another solution.
Enjoy codding.

Atmosphere Jersey - Server messages

Is it possible to let the server send messages to all connected clients without waiting for any action from them? Let me explain it :-) I've been reading the docs/examples and I have found nothing that satifies my needs: the flow is always the same; a client connects (e.g: a GET call to a Rest API), the connection is suspendend and until a new API call is received (e.g.: a POST call) the server simply waits (or at least this is what I have understood). My use case is pretty different: I want the server to send some "notifications" once new data become available. This would be my use case (pretty simplifed):
Client A connects to server
Connection is suspended since no new data is available at the moment
The server gets notified new data is available from an external
source and broadcasts it to client A
Go to step 2
What I have achieved so far is getting the connection successfully established. The next step is to solve this server issue. I must say this technology is completely new to me so it is possible I misunderstood how something works. If that's the case, let me know!
This is my stack:
Spring 3.2.0 RELEASE
Jersey 1.8
Atmosphere Jersey 1.0.13
Tomcat 7.0.40
Thank you all in advance!
UPDATE: After following this I get this warning, which I have no idea how to get rid of:
2013-06-04 09:40:36,284 WARN [org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework] - Failed using comet support: org.atmosphere.container.Tomcat7AsyncSupportWithWebSocket, error: Tomcat failed to detect this is a Comet application because context.xml is missing or the Http11NioProtocol Connector is not enabled.
If that's not the case, you can also remove META-INF/context.xml and WEB-INF/lib/atmosphere-compat-tomcat.jar Is the Nio or Apr Connector enabled?
2013-06-04 09:40:36,285 WARN [org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework] - Using org.atmosphere.container.Tomcat7BIOSupportWithWebSocket
I followed the app structure commented here, so this should not be a problem. I have noticed that by changing the transport to "websocket" instead of "long-polling" shows no errors. The server finally sends data tough :)
I followed your link and modified the code a little.
When you are in the step 3 "The server gets notified new data is available from an external source and broadcasts it to client A", you have to write a line like this:
At first I used the TextMessage received from my ActiveMQ Queue but I get this error, so I used a Jackson class as an object response and everything worked fine.
SEVERE: A message body writer for Java class org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQTextMessage, and Java type class org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQTextMessage, and MIME media type application/json was not found
jun 03, 2014 11:32:21 AM com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse write
SEVERE: The registered message body writers compatible with the MIME media type are:
application/json (JSONJAXBElementProvider, JSONArrayProvider, JSONObjectProvider, JSONRootElementProvider, JSONListElementProvider, ...)

EF4 EntityException - The underlying provider failed on Open

Okay, this is a new one. I'm trying to debug my project, which I've done many times in the past, and I'm now getting this exception in one of my repositories. I haven't seen it before now. I haven't touched my repos in days, and my connection string is the same as its always been. The inner exception states:
{"A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)"}
And the code it's choking on is:
public class HGArticleRepository : IArticleRepository
private HGEntities _siteDB = new HGEntities();
public List<Article> Articles
get { return _siteDB.Articles.ToList(); } // <-- this is the line
// more repo code
Again, like I said, I've never encountered this exception before, and I haven't touched my domain code in days.
This error usually means:
Connection String points to nonexistent SQL Server.
Connection String points to SQL Server that was shut down. Or not started.
Named pipes transport was disabled in SQL Server settings.
Check them carefully one by one. In your case I guess it is 2.
A second option of solution:
Review that IIS is running.
In my case it was stopped, so I got the same error.

JBoss MDB - JMSBytesMessage class cast exception

I'm working on an EJB3 MDB that listen to a MQ queue in a distant server.
All is working fine (MDB triggered when a message is put into the listenned queue) except the treatment done by the MDB. For information, i use WMQ resource adapter to map the queue.
Into the method 'onMessage' of the MDB, i try to cast the given message into the class '', but i get a strange error message.
The code is the following one (simple for the example):
public void onMessage(Message theMessage) {
((JMSBytesMessage) theMessage).readBytes(myBytes);
And the exception message:
Exception while reading input request: incompatible with
Ok, the message received should be (and is) type '', so why the application doesn't work ? Should it be possible that my JBoss server already use another version of the library '' (including the JMSBytesMessage class) and cause this kind of error ?
ps: i've deployed the application on a JBoss server version 4.2.3 under linux system.
I've already make the application work on my local machine with same version of JBoss server but under window system (same configuration, same libraries, etc.)
Does someone have an idea about the reason of such error ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
EDIT: SOLUTION: cast with javax.jms.BytesMessage instead of
Might as well reproduce my comment as answer:
Don't cast to the MQ-specific, cast to the JMS-standard javax.jms.BytesMessage. Coupling your code to the implementation-specific types is counter to what JMS tries to achieve.