Lisp Code Unexpected Results - lisp

I am trying to solve a homework problem where I have to return a selected users' grades in
order by course number (not allowed to use built-in sort function). I don't understand the results: the first entry isn't sorted, and some extra students seem to be returned. I don't know why and I spent over three hours trying to solve this one problem. Thanks.

A good start would be to get rid of functions like car, cdr, cadar, ...
Write access functions for the data records. Use first, second and third.
For accessing the list's first element use the function FIRST.
For accessing the rest of the elements use the function REST.
This makes the code easier to read and understand.


Using found set of records as basis for value list

Beginner question. I would like to have a value list display only the records in a found set.
For example, in a law firm database that has two tables, Clients and Cases, I can easily create value list that displays all cases for clients.
But that is a lot of cases to pick from, and invites user mistakes. I would like the selection from the value list to be restricted to cases matched to a particular client.
I have tried this method and it works up to a point, but it requires too much entry of data and too many tables.
It seem like there ought to be a simpler method using the find function. Any help or ideas greatly appreciated.

Do I have to loop through each 'page' of orders to get all orders in one WooComerce REST Api query?

I've built a KNIME workflow that helps me analyse (sales) data from numerous channels. In the past I used to export all orders manually and use an XSLX or CSV reader but I want to do it via WooCommerce's REST API to reduce manual labor.
I would like to be able to receive all orders up until now from a single query. So far, I only get as many as the # I fill in for &per_page=X. But if I fill in like 1000, it gives an error. This + my common sense give me the feeling I'm thinking the wrong way!
If it is not possible, is looping through all pages the second best thing?
I've managed to connect to the api via basic auth. The following query returns orders, but only 10:
I've tried increasing the number per_page but I do not think this is the right way to get all orders in one table.
My current mindset would like to be able to receive all orders up until now from a single query. But it personally also feels like that this is not the common way to do it. Is looping through all pages the second best thing?
Thanks in advance for your responses. I am more of a data analist than a data engineer or scientist and I hope your answers will help me towards my goal of being more of a scientist :)
It's possible by passing params "per_page" with the request
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Default is 10.
Try -1 as the value

Using variables to save a repetition field in FileMaker

I got a part number field that have several repetitions. I want to use a variable to save this so that I can show all the descriptions of these parts in a different layout when user click a button.
But I do not know how to use variable to save several values like that. And I do not know exactly how many repetitions for each part number.
Although FileMaker allows for repetition fields and they have some valid behind-the-scenes uses for the database developer, they should NEVER be used for data. As pointed out by others, you should rethink you data structure.
That being said, you can capture the information in repeating fields by specifying which repetition you're interested in. If you have a repeating field named "partNumber" with 10 repetitions, then you can access each of the repetitions by:
RepFieldToVar [calculation] =Let($$varName = List(RepeatingFieldName), "")
This puts all repetitions into a return-delimited value list in $$varName.
Incidentally, there are _exceedingly rare_ instances where repeating fields are still useful. I've used them for grid-type schedule layouts that need stored values. But 99.98% of the time the other commenters are right, you can probably do it more efficiently with related records.

How to search for multiple tags around one location?

I'm trying to figure out what's the best solution to find all nodes of certain types around a given GPS-Location.
Let's say I want to get all cafes, pubs, restaurant and parks around a given point X.xx,Y.yy.
This returns nothing because I think it searches for nodes that are both, amenity and leisure which is not possible.
[out:json];(node[amenity or leisure](around:500,52.2740711,10.5222147););out;
These solutions result in an error (400: Bad Request)
The only working solution I found is the following one which results in really long queries
Isn't there an easier solution without multiple "around" statements?
Found This on which is a little bit shorter. But still multiple "around" statements.
What you're probably looking for is regular expression support for keys (not only values).
Here's an example based on your query above:
NB: Since version 0.7.54 (released in Q1/2017) Overpass API also supports filter criteria with 'or' conditions. See this example on how to use this new (if: ) filter.

Case-When/HasNext variable input loop

I am honestly having trouble articulating this question to my co-workers, so please go easy on me. I can elaborate if needed.
So here is the deal, I have a theoretical question about SQL's Case When statement. This isn't a specific situation that I need help with, it is just a complex question I need answered about the abilities of the T-SQL language, which I want to know for my own future purposes.
I know that in Java you can creat loops and use the .hasNext() method to continuosly retrieve input from a source (the keyboard for example), and by doing this you can essentially create a loop that does [some action] until you run out of input.
I would like to know if I can use a similar sort of function (correct me if function is not the right terminology) that I can use along with a Case When statement in T-SQL.
Here is some psuedo code for example:
case when [Column Y has next] then 'X'
Essentially I want to know if I can tell a Case When funciton to execute continuosly until it runs out of values or encounters a null value.
Please let me know if I am on the right track here, my brain is kind of stuck somewhere between the object oriented world of Java and the relational DB world of SQL. All feedback is appreciated.
Case-When is basically a row operation. Specifically, you need to think about the set of data you are working with based on joins and where clauses, and then think about the case-when operator running against each row in the result set. Because of this, there is no concept of previous row, next row or "has next".
That being said, there's always a way to accomplish what you want. Generically speaking, I would usually recommend a "self join". This is really just a special case of a regular type of join (inner, left, right, full and cross). The difference here is that instead of joining two different tables, you join the same table back to itself. If you introduce a Row_Number function and include that in the where clause, you can effectively join one row to the next row, which would effectively give you a way to accomplish a "has next" functionality.