Aptana Plugin Installation: Adding features - eclipse

I have installed Eclipse Indigo (3.7.1), then I installed Aptana IDE from the update site, followed by Eclipse PDT from the update site as well. (In that order)
I now want to add the additional Aptana features, which are available in the Aptana Standalone installation as "Install New Software". So in the standalone mode, we would get that installation screen with options for jQuery support, ExtJS support, Dojo, Ruby and the works basically.
Since I have a plugin installation of Aptana in Eclipse 3.7.1, how do I access that Aptana feature installation screen? If not, how do I install all the Aptana specific features?

The "Install New Aptana Feature" menu is only available in Aptana Studio 2.0. If you have installed Studio 3 plugins, the menu won't be there. However, Studio 3 includes Ruby/PHP/Python support by default, and you could add additional JavaScript library support such as jQuery using the instruction here: https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/tis/Using+JavaScript+Libraries.
Hope this helps.

I don't think that is at all relevant to the Aptana Studio 3.x plugin. Instead, you install jQuery support using the "Rubles" (aka "Bundles"). After installing the Aptana Studio 3.x plugin, go to the new "Commands" menu and find the "Bundle Development" sub-menu and follow it to "Install Bundle", i.e.
Commands > Bundle Development > Install Bundle
jQuery should be among the choices you are offered in the pop-up. Assuming you have Git installed, Aptana should open up a terminal view in Eclipse and run a Git clone of the bundle into your UserFolder\Aptana Bundles (Windows) or your ~/Documents/Aptana Bundles (Mac / Linux). You will then want to use the Javascript "Source Editor" in order to be able to use the extra features added by the bundle.
Hope that helps some of the others baffled by how this all works. I'm by no means "expert" in this yet, but I was similarly perplexed by the steps needed to take to get the Aptana Studio plugin to do very much "useful".


Eclipse cannot open java me perspective

I'd like to learn java me. I've gone to the following site to download what is needed. My Eclipse version is Juno.
I've done the following:
Eclipse Juno
The Oracle Java ME SDK requires the MTJ toolkit, but it is not bundled with Juno and it must be installed manually. Therefore, install MTJ toolkit first.
Go to Help > Install New Software.
In the "Work with" field, enter this URL: http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo
Click Add. When the plugins are discovered, open the Mobile and Device Development Tools hierarchy and check Mobile Tools for Java Examples, Mobile Tools for Java SDK, and Mobile Tools for Java Examples. Click Next. On the installation screen select all plugins and click Finish.
A Juno plugin named org.eclipse.jetty.server_(version).jar conflicts with the MTJ libraries when the plugin version is higher than 6. If it is you must prevent it from loading by changing its name so the Jar file is not parsed. For example, change it to: org.eclipse.jetty.server.old
To open the device selector, select Window > Open Perspective > Other and select Java ME.
The MTJ is installed along with the 3 packages that also need to be installed:
Mobile Tools for Java Examples
Mobile Tools for Java SDK
Mobile Tools
for Java Examples
When I choose: Window > Open Perspective > Other
there is no Java ME option. Does anyone know why that option is not shown?
I do not know exactly why, but MTJ does not run with Juno. If you like Eclipse try it with Indigo.
Have you considered using NetBeans?

Using the Eclipse Marketplace on Aptana Studio 3

I'm currently trying out Aptana Studio 3 for PHP development (I'm pretty new to all these), and I've stumbled upon a problem. I've noticed Eclipse has a Marketplace that hosts a wide variety of plugins, and I'd like to install one that helps me for version control.
However, I can't find the Eclipse Marketplace dialog under Aptana. Is there anybody out there who's done this before (installing Eclipse Marketplace stuff in Aptana)?
Also, this is a little out-of-topic but I'd like to use Java.net as the place where I'll be storing my repository. To my knowledge, NetBeans has a built-in support for Java.net; is there anything similar for Eclipse/Aptana Studio?
EDIT: If it helps, I installed Aptana Studio as a standalone version, and not as a plugin on Eclipse.
Try Help / Install New Software, and click on the Available Software Sites link. You'll probably have the eclipse Helios release directory in the list, just check it to activate it. A lot of third-party packages have their own release sites, you can add them in the same dialog.

Freemarker Eclipse Plug-In

How can I install Freemarker Plug-In in eclipse?
I googled it and found this site
but it did not work for me. The URL "http://www.freemarker.org/eclipse/update" as it has mentioned in #3 does not exist. Then I tried the URL "http://www.freemarker.org/eclipse/" then it worked but after installation, I added *.ftl as file types inside
Windows -> Preference -> General -> Editors -> FIle Associations but I could not find the Freemarker editor inside "Associated editors".
I am using Eclipse of Version: Indigo Service Release 1 in windows 7.
Any suggestions please???
You could try the JBoss Tools plugins available from http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/development/indigo/, they contain the "FreeMarker IDE" which provides a nice freemarker editor.
I didn't find a screenshot of the editor right now, so I will show you how it looks like in my installation (Indigo on Ubuntu 11.10), so that you can decide if this is what you want:
I have installed the freemarker just now, here is the screenshot for it, you can just check it
You can install it, from an update site - http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/helios/
For installing, open eclipse, than go to Help > Install New Software >> add the above update site url, From the many installations available from that update site, you can just install the editor, you can just install the ‘FreeMarker IDE’ from All JBoss Tools menu. See below screenshot for help.
Jeewan#Feb 21 '12 at 21:38, you are missing the “freemarker” suffix in your link. The complete url is http://www.freemarker.org/eclipse/freemarker/ . It works for me on Eclipse Juno, OS Linux Ubuntu 12.04. #Jason#Sep 28 '12 at 6:59, I don’t understand your answer to mention the solution make more sense.
I found detailed instructions under http://freemarker.org/editors.html in the first table row ("Eclipse", "Part of the JBoss Tools Project. Install like this"). Although I restarted Eclipse as recommended, it was also necessary to reopen each file for the syntax coloring to take effect.
Since July 2016 also published on Eclipse marketplace as separate entry
This is quick way to install FreeMarker IDE plugin from JBoss Tools
Sources are at https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-freemarker
Issue tracker is JBoss Tools JIRA
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE (specify component freemarker)
As recommended on http://freemarker.org/editors.html nightly version
is used for Neon.
For Eclipse Oxygen / Photon:
The Freemarker Plugin from JBoss Tools was deprecated in the new release for Oxygen, see changelog for JBoss Tools 4.5.0:
So I use JBoss Tools 4.4.4 instead (which was for Neon, but seems to work fine with Oxygen):
Help > Install New Software > Add http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/neon/stable/updates/ > Expand JBoss Application Development > Freemarker IDE

Problems in Installation of Blackberry JDE Plugin for Eclipse

I am having issues installing the BlackBerry JDE plugin. I have downloaded and installed the plugin from the BlackBerry site. The installation ran smoothly and completed. However when I open Eclipse the option for BlackBerry is not showing.
I don't know what the problem is exactly. I tried many things but I am heading nowhere. I want to know how to add the plugin and get started on BlackBerry development.
The default download of the BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse is a combination of Eclipse and the BlackBerry Eclipse plugin. For version 1.3 and 1.5, the install directory will contain a full Eclipse Helios installation, along with the BlackBerry plugin. You should start eclipse from that directory.
From the download page, one of the new features for version 1.5 is:
Ability to download and install the BlackBerry Plug-in into an existing Eclipse environment by providing the BlackBerry Plug-in through an Eclipse update site.
So to take advantage of that, follow the instructions on "BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse Update Site" which explain how to add the site to your existing Eclipse setup, and then install the plugin from the site.
There are 2 options, as noted above.
The blackberry way: you download the full plugin (the name is misleading, since it's a full eclipse install including the plugin) from here.
The eclipse way: you install a 32-bit Java 6 SDK (64-bit is not supported and Java 7 has known problems with the code signing tool), then download the 32-bit Eclipse (I use version 3.7 "Indigo"), and install the plugin from Eclipse (Menu Help->Install new software, type the url "http://www.blackberry.com/go/eclipseupdate/3.6/java" inside the "Work with" box, then you need to select the plugin and at least a Blackberry SDK from the list)
If everything works, you should see the blackberry icon in the "About" box.
You should also see a Blackberry perspective (under Window->Open Perspective), a Blackberry menu item under "Project"), and a Blackberry section if you create a new project.
There is no such thing as a "Blackberry tab". The Blackberry development tools are integrated with the environment.
you could have done some mistakes while the installation. I am also using in windows 7 only. Its working perfectly for me. Please delete the current eclipse and try to install as shown in this tutorial.
I have installed it on my new laptop just yesterday. Simple, follow the steps and you will be done. Note that the latest eclipse is Indigo and not Helios; I am using Indigo and I advocate it.
Go grab your Indigo
Unzip into ANY dammed directory. You must see a folder with "eclipse" created.
Double click the Violet eclipse Icon. You must now be seeing eclipse smiling at you.
Select the menu Help->Install New Software
Select a hyperlink present at label "Find more software by working with the "Available Software Sites" preferences"
Now select Preferences and the select the button "Add".
Fill up Name and Location values with the following
Name:BlackBerry Java Plug-in Update Site, Value: "http://www.blackberry.com/go/eclipseUpdate/3.6/java"
Select OK.
That's it!

Install Eclipse JDT on top of CDT

I have the eclipse CDT installed, and I would like to install Java development functionality (JDT) on top of my CDT installation. I've been Googling from an hour but I can't figure out how to do this.
What plugin do I need to install? What update site do I need to use?
All versions of Eclipse have a standard base, then a specific set of plugins, depending on the version. All you have to do is go to the Help > Install New Software menu, select the Eclipse update site (e.g. "Galileo - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/galileo"), and under the Programming Languages section, select Eclipse Java Development Tools.
If you don't see the Java Development Tools in the list, click on the "already installed" link on the install page--you may already have the Java tools installed.
Remember to write http:// before the download.eclipse..... if you don't put that it won't work
For Eclipse 2020-06 the weakest precondition seems to be
1.) JDK 11
2.) eclipse.ini has top entries
<jdk-11/jre-11 path>/bin
3.) JDT appears in "Install New Software" repository http://download.eclipse.org/releases/2020-06 as "Eclipse Java Development Tools"
NOTE: Installation of Java 11 is not required, downloading/extracting ZIP File is sufficient, e.g. if you prefer to continue development with Java 8
Update for Eclipse Release 2021-3
Here, with the JDT-Release JDK 11 or later is already installed
Choose Menu Help->Install New Software,
Select Work With: "2021-03 - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/2021-03"
Filter "Development Tools"
Select "C/C++ Development Tools SDK"
Complete Installation with Next ... Restart Eclipse