How to operate the Perl debugger in Eclipse/EPIC - eclipse

I have installed ActivePerl, and I would like to debug a Perl program using Eclipse and EPIC.
I have installed Eclipse and EPIC, they look OK. (It's doing basic syntax checking on an example Perl program).
I then used PPM to install PadWalker (since that's what they say is needed to use the step debugger).
Now, in Eclipse, when I try to step through the program, I get the error: "Error: install PadWalker module to see local variables".
In PPM, I notice that it had installed PadWalker in area: "site", while all other Perl modules are installed in area: "perl".
For area: "site", #INC shows: ... .../Environments/Active Perl/site/lib
and for area: "perl", #INC shows: ... .../Environments/Active Perl/lib
What should I do?
My system: Windows 7 x64.

I found the answer in another forum. One has to install the "testing" EPIC version. Then the debugger works. (only after a certain bug in is fixed). (On Windows).


EPIC unable to detect PadWalker in Eclipse

I am using perl version 5.16.3. I have installed PadWalker using this:
sudo apt-get install libpadwalker-perl
After restarting eclipse when I started debugging I am still getting the error:
Error displaying local variables
Install PadWalker & restart Eclipse or disable displaying of local variables
Can anybody help?
You have two builds of Perl installed:
/usr/bin/perl (the "system" perl)
apt-get install libpadwalker-perl installs the package for the system Perl.
I'm assuming you've configured EPIC to use the other, and this is the one that needs PadWalker. Run
perlbrew use 5.16.3
cpan PadWalker
/home/demo/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.3/bin/cpan PadWalker

DWIM not installing when ActivePerl present

I have ActivePerl already installed but when now I am trying to install DWIM package, it is not openeing. Its installed but whenever I try to open the Padre IDE it gives the below error.
I read that we can have two Perl versions - ActivePerl and Strawberry Perl on the same system due to separate paths for them. This popup also came while installing while a command prompt window got open and then this popped up.
This looks like a Padre problem rather than anything specific to your Perl install(s). Try uninstalling/reinstalling Padre... or try uninstalling Padre and installing Komodo: :-)

"EPIC requires a Perl interpreter" in Eclipse Kepler

I have installed Eclipse Kepler and EPIC, the Java Development Kit, and ActivePerl.
When I create a Perl script and try to run it as Perl local I get the error
To operate correctly, EPIC requires a Perl interpreter
I don't understand why that is. Am I going wrong because I have installed Active Perl? Why is it that my Perl interpreter is not detected by EPIC?
I installed EPIC from the betas here. I went to Help/Install new software/Add then I entered this link and followed the instructions. Then my Eclipse also restarted
I am still unable to run a Perl script because of the above error.
You need to specify the Perl executable's absolute path in EPIC configuration under Eclipse. Here are are the steps
Eclipse -> Window (on menu) -> Preferences -> PerlEPIC -> Perl Executable (on hte right hand side pane) -> /usr/bin/perl (this is my perl binary on ubuntu Linux)
The /usr/bin/perl part is important; that's my Perl executable.
Note: The above steps were taken from my Eclipse running on Linux, but I hope you get the idea
Make sure you have the perl interpreter in your PATH environment (ie when you issue a perl command from the cmd prompt, it will be found)

How to install pp (PAR Packager)?

I have to create an exe from a Perl script. I installed
How do I install pp?
I know this is a relatively old question, but for the sake of others, here is a solution that worked for me using pp (Par Packager):
Install Strawberry Perl for windows (I installed strawberry-perl-
I used because I wanted to try out perl2exe as well, while I'm at it (perl2exe at the time supported only up to 5.16.3 version of perl)
Once installed, open Strawberry Perl Tools (e.g. through start menu -> All programs -> Strawberry Perl -> Tools), and invoke CPAN Client
In the client console that opens, type:
get pp
install pp
Once installation is complete, you can simply run:
c:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\pp.bat -o myScript.exe
Which will produce a myScript.exe which is a standalone executable (no external perl interpreter is needed)
Note: You can use the -d command line switch in order to reduce the size of the executable. This will not include perl interpreter code inside the executable, reducing the size of the executable, however you will need to provide perl5x.dll in the same directory as your executable, or include it on the PATH environment variable.
Until the issue with 1.010 is fixed, do the following:
Go to
From the "Other releases" drop down list, select PAR-Packer-1.009 and download it
Decompress the archive, preserving directory structure
Run perl Makefile.PL
Install all the missing prerequisites by hand using ppm. E.g., ppm install Module::ScanDeps etc
Install MingW: ppm install MingW
dmake, then dmake test, then dmake install
Later, you can remove PAR::Packer from the site area using the ppm GUI and install the fixed version.
This is a Perl module called PAR::Packer, so it can be installed as any Perl module with CPAN. Unfortunately, you're using ActivePerl which isn't quite compatible with CPAN. Instead, you can see if use ActiveState's Perl Package Manager to install this module.
If the module isn't available via the Perl Package Manger, you can try installing with the CPAN command line utility. Open up a Console Window (Start->Accessories->Command Prompt) and type in cpan and press <ENTER>. Newer versions of ActiveState should automatically install the required compilers, etc. when you first start to use CPAN.
I prefer Strawberry Perl for Windows because it's more compatible with CPAN. However, ActivePerl has a lot of the Win32 modules already installed. Plus, it comes with the Perl Package Manager which is nice.
WARNING: ActiveState installs a lot of these Perl scripts not in C:\Perl\bin, but in C:\Perl\Site\bin which means you have to make sure that directory is in your path too.
As of v1.010, the software cannot be automatically packaged, see the report at Trouchelle's repo.
Install CPAN using PPM, then continue as per the Stack Overflow Perl FAQ: What's the easiest way to install a missing Perl module?
ppm install MinGW
cpanp i Win32::Exe PAR::Packer
In addition to the above answers,
You can use cpan to install the PAR::Packer.
From your windows command prompt use the command: cpan install PAR::Packer.
Note: I have Strawberry perl installed.
cpan installs the modules and the dependencies as well.

Trying to install MinGW and Tk for Perl on Windows 7

So... I have been trying to get this working for several weeks now. I can install MinGW through the .exe, but no-matter what I do I can't seem to get make support or ppm install MinGW to work in such a way that my compilation of Tk-804.029 will correctly use the 'make' command.
(Installing a Perl Module:
perl MakeFile.PL - Works fine
make or dmake - I can't get MinGW to properly associate Make or DMake (Can't find the correct .exe in the MinGW/bin directory either... I've tried using the -32bit mingw32-make.exe but that brings up errors to do with the compiled header files.
ppm install MinGW also doesn't work, seems to think it can't find the package. So I am at a loss. System is running Windows 7 on a x64 setup.
What perl are you using? You could try
perl Makefile.PL MAKE=dmake
ppm install
ppm install dmake MinGW
ppm upgrade dmake MinGW
or download from
Or try
I'd suggest using Strawberry Perl if possible (and for Perl on Windows in general), as it will give you a working dmake out of the box. I don't have Windows 7, but Tk installs fine from CPAN using Strawberry 5.10 on Windows XP.