glassfish 3.1 system properties deployment - deployment

I had a log4j error (see here) and the suggested fix worked. I set the org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.ENABLE_CLEAR_REFERENCES system property to false in the console with asadmin.
As I am working with maven in a project using glassfish 3.1 I have to insert this fix in my code somewhere to make it run for everybody. I figured out this can be done with the maven-embedded-glassfish-plugin as a command. So i wrote this code and put it in my pom.xml:
<command>create-system-properties org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.ENABLE_CLEAR_REFERENCES=false</command>
But the server will not create the system property. What am I missing here?
Is there another way to realize this? Any help is appreciated.


How to make an executable JAR files

How do you build an executable JAR file in Netbeans 12.6? I realize this question is asked frequently but none of the other solutions previously posted here work on the latest version of Netbeans. All I ever get is "no main manifest attribute". Amazing to me that such a simple thing does not just work out-of-the-box. Getting Netbeans set up has been harder to learn than Java itself!
When you set the project’s main class, you ensure that the main class is be designated in the manifest. To set the project’s main class:
Right-click the project’s node and choose Properties.
Select the Run category and enter projectname.className in the Main Class field.
Click OK to close the Project Properties dialog box.
Here is what worked for me. For Maven, you need to update the POM.xml file. Netbeans does not work out of the box in version 12.6 like older versions. I'm sure they added more functionality but it no longer just works. It maybe similar for Gradle. Add this above ~ < /project> in your file. Change your class name to your's. (My class was called main).
<!-- Build an executable JAR -->

AEM Communities Cleanup SRP - Bundle status is not Active

I cloned project from here. And I imported in eclipse as maven project and trying to build it using mvn clean install -DskipTests.
After deploying getting cannot resolve error in system console. For this I checked in depfinder there is already following dependency is present.
Please help me. I'm new in AEM.
Thank you.
I resolve above problem after importing following package in maven-bundle-plugin in pom.xml
So, whole story will look like following:
<Bundle-Vendor>Adobe Systems Inc.</Bundle-Vendor>

Why is maven running the same pom differently on two computers?

Me and my workmate are trying to call the same Maven command (mvn site) on exactly the same pom and getting totally different output.
The code of which we think is going wrong, is the javadoc-plugin we added lately:
<!-- -->
<doctitle>${} API Documentation
<footer>Specification: ${specification.title}</footer>
<header>${} API Documentation
<windowtitle>${} API Documentation
Running this gets me the correct javadoc-generation in the targeted folder. When I pushed it to the svn repository and my mate downloaded, it was not working for him.
There is no Error and no warning, it just does not generate the javadoc.
Additional info:
We are not using any local settings.xml.
The output of mvn site -X (debug mode) does not make any difference regarding the javadoc-plugin.
He already reinstalled jdk and re-set his $JAVA_HOME.
Same Maven version
What could be the problem?
Thank you in advance
Run mvn -v to make sure you're using the same Maven and Java versions. The command will print the paths to the Java runtime, make sure they are same and correct.
If that checks out, run mvn help:effective-pom to see what Maven will execute. Redirect the output on both machines to a file and compare them.
Next, try to invoke the plugin directly from the command line. If that works, attaching to the life cycle doesn't work for some reason. If it doesn't work, check for error messages and use -X to check the plugin configuration.
If everything else fails, delete your local Maven repository (or at least the involved plugins).

How can I run a Maven webapp in Eclipse when I need resource filtering for properties files?

I need to get some updates on this issue, I found this thread back in 2009 here, but the answer was to use maven 2, I'm not sure if Q4E works with maven 3 or not. I need to have some properties files filtered during the mvn package phase for the resulting war to be functional, the resource filtering is working fine with CLI mvn install. But when I do "Run on server/debug on server", the filtering is not working any more.
The aforementioned thread author ended up using q4e, claiming q4e gets the resource filtering right. I have q4e installed as well along with m2e, but still doesn't work, so I don't know if q4e is not working with maven 3, or I'm doing something wrong.
updated to the latest m2e-wtp plugin 0.15 (resource filtering bug fix since 0.12), it works fine now.
I'm not sure if this matches your problem, but I wanted to populate my web.xml file with properties from the pom during build and I put a groovy script in the pom to do it. It worked a treat and might work for you too. It definately works in both eclipse and on the command line. Here is my pom fragment:
<!-- Groovy script to set the description and version in the web.xml display name -->
def file = new File("src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml");
def fileText = file.text;
def match = "<display-name>[^<]*</display-name>";
def replace = "<display-name>"+project.description+" "+project.version+"</display-name>";
fileText = fileText.replaceAll(match, replace);
println "Updated web.xml"

Requestfactory Validation on Multi-Project Setup

I tried changing to the release version of gwt2.4 and run into a problem. I use multiple projects in my setup. I have a project with serverside code, one project with shared code, that can be used in different gwt projects and a gwt project binding everything together. I build everything with maven. i followed the instructions for annotationprocessing found here:
when I compile my shared project, where the proxies and services are, the folder "generated-sources\apt\" with the is created. I have the sources of this project as dependency of my mainproject and try to run the validator as well, but the is not created here. Everything compiles but when I invoke a call to the requestfactory I get the error: No RequestContext for operation ZwI9iqZS626uTt_TFwRtUwPYSOE=
I guess there is an mistake in my setup, but I could't find where ..
Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
I added this to my pom:
<!-- <goal>build-classpath</goal> -->
This unpacks the sources of my dependencies and puts them into my target folder.
Then I added:
to my processor-plugin.
This way it is not necessary to have all the projects in the workspace and it should work with a continous integration system. Wouldn't have figured that out without Andys reply though :)
I had the same issue and spent hours scouring the web for an answer without any luck. If I add the processor plugin to the shared project, it generates the DeobfuscatorBuilder class, but I get the same No RequestContext exception as you. If I just have the processsor plugin on the GWT war project, the builder isn't generated at all.
With a fair amount of trial and error I found adding the source directory from the shared project into the processor plugin configuration on the war project worked...
It's a bit dirty, but it does the trick. If there's an official method that doesn't require cross project hackery I'd be more than welcome to switch, but I haven't seen anything suggested yet.