Calling 'confess' under Plack/Starman - perl

I have a Plack/Starman application running with TryCatch statements that call 'confess' from the Carp module. However I notice that the confess output is not printing to STDOUT. I've tried routing STDERR output to STDOUT '2>&1', but still don't see anything. I have search for possible error log files with no luck. Where in the world is this printing to? I am sure it's probably a simple answer. Where are the log files located? I am running on a Ubuntu box if that matters.

Some confusion here. First, confess (and all the other carps in the pond) don't print to STDOUT: they print to STDERR. Second, you're stopping the exception and hence the associated output using try/catch (glorified eval), so it's not printed unless you explicitly print it yourself. You'll see warnings, but you won't see messages of instructions that would terminate the program (well, not Plack, but your script) because they're swallowed by your try/catch code and it's up to you to decide whether any of it should be printed and where to.


Can a Perl system() call ever die?

Can a system() call can ever die in Perl 5?
(in other words, in order to 100% crash-proof a program that does a system() call, does it need to be wrapped into an eval block, or is that wholly totally unnecessary?)
I haven't found a single mention to that possibility in perldoc system, but didn't quite find the precise "this call never dies" either.
NOTE: the question is about basic CORE Perl here, no autodie or any other custom module that would have similar effect. Also, assume no ALRM signal was set, or any other custom signal handler for that matter.
I'm assuming that all versions of Perl 5.* behave the same, but if not, an answer pertaining to 5.8 would be appreciated.
Unless my interpretation of the source is incorrect, this looks like a possibility:
Source: Perl 5.16.2 (checked 5.8.8 too), file: pp_sys.c, line: 4224 within the PP(pp_system) code block:
if (n != sizeof(int))
DIE(aTHX_ "panic: kid popen errno read, n=%u", n);
DIE is Perl_die(pTHX_ const* pat, ...) declared in util.c
According to the documentation, "panic: kid popen errno read" means "forked child returned an incomprehensible message about its errno".
Explanation of panic messages in Perl:
The convention is that when the interpreter dies with an internal
error, the message starts "panic: ". Historically, many panic messages
had been terse fixed strings, which means that the out-of-range values
that triggered the panic are lost. Now we try to report these values,
as such panics may not be repeatable, and the original error message
may be the only diagnostic we get when we try to find the cause.
You can call system() with the expectation that it will not throw an exception. There is no need to wrap it in an eval block.
system returns the exit status of the program. It means, if the program crashes, the calling Perl script continues (see system).
Nevertheless, the program itself can still kill the calling script or even crash the computer. For example, in Linux:
system 'killall', 'perl';
print "Alive\n";
I assume that you're talking about the implementation of the system function itself as opposed to whatever is invoked via the call. (Obviously, a child process can't call die in the parent's context, and even that assumes that the call is to Perl code.)
A definitive answer would require knowledge of the internals but given that attempting to invoke a non-existent program doesn't die, I can't imagine that anything else ever would, either:
system('abcd'); # 'abcd' is not recognized... [Win32 message]
say "I'm not dead."; # always prints

Perl: Calling a perl script from another

I have a perl script which calls another script. I am calling it using backticks and passing argument to that script and it works fine.
`CQPerl $agr1 $agr2 $arg3`;
But please suggest if there is another better way to do so. How can I check if the script errored out because of the calling script or the script that was called. How do I do that check from the calling script itself?
If you wan't to do error checking, backticks may be a wrong approach. You probably want to use the system function. See the documentation for all the details of error handling, examples included.
Perl has a number of possibilites to execute other scripts / commands:
backticks / qx{} When you want to read all the output at once after the program has terminated
exec When you wan't to continue your process as another program — never returns if succesfull
system When you are only interested in the success or failure of the command
open When you want to pipe information to or from the command
do and require Execute another Perl script here. Similar to C's #include
There are modules to do a three-way open so that you have access to STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR of the program you executed. See the apropriate parts of perlipc for advanced information.
And always use the multi-argument forms of these calls to avoid shell escaping (can be annoying and very insecure).
Check the value of the perl special variable $? to determine if there was an error.

What is the preferred cross-platform IPC Perl module?

I want to create a simple IO object that represents a pipe opened to another program to that I can periodically write to another program's STDIN as my app runs. I want it to be bullet-proof (in that it catches all errors) and cross-platform. The best options I can find are:
sub io_read {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { }; # Silence warning.
open my $pipe, '|-', #_ or die "Cannot exec $_[0]: $!\n";
return $pipe;
No $SIG{PIPE} to catch errors from the piped program
Are other errors caught?
sub io_read {
Returns an IO::Handle object for OO interface
Supported by the Perl core.
Still No $SIG{PIPE} to catch errors from the piped program
Not supported on Win32 (or, at least, its tests are skipped)
There is no interface for writing to a file handle in IPC::Run, only appending to a scalar. This seems…weird.
No file handle interface here, either. I could use a code reference, which would be called repeatedly to spool to the child, but looking at the source code, it appears that it actually writes to a temporary file, and then opens it and spools its contents to the pipe'd command's STDIN. Wha?
Still no file handle interface.
What am I missing here? It seems as if this should be a solved problem, and I'm kind of stunned that it's not. IO::Pipe comes closest to what I want, but the lack of $SIG{PIPE} error handling and the lack of support for Windows is distressing. Where is the piping module that will JDWIM?
Thanks to guidance from #ikegami, I have found that the best choice for interactively reading from and writing to another process in Perl is IPC::Run. However, it requires that the program you are reading from and writing to have a known output when it is done writing to its STDOUT, such as a prompt. Here's an example that executes bash, has it run ls -l, and then prints that output:
use v5.14;
use IPC::Run qw(start timeout new_appender new_chunker);
my #command = qw(bash);
# Connect to the other program.
my ($in, #out);
my $ipc = start \#command,
'<' => new_appender("echo __END__\n"), \$in,
'>' => new_chunker, sub { push #out, #_ },
timeout(10) or die "Error: $?\n";
# Send it a command and wait until it has received it.
$in .= "ls -l\n";
$ipc->pump while length $in;
# Wait until our end-of-output string appears.
$ipc->pump until #out && #out[-1] =~ /__END__\n/m;
pop #out;
say #out;
Because it is running as an IPC (I assume), bash does not emit a prompt when it is done writing to its STDOUT. So I use the new_appender() function to have it emit something I can match to find the end of the output (by calling echo __END__). I've also used an anonymous subroutine after a call to new_chunker to collect the output into an array, rather than a scalar (just pass a reference to a scalar to '>' if you want that).
So this works, but it sucks for a whole host of reasons, in my opinion:
There is no generally useful way to know that an IPC-controlled program is done printing to its STDOUT. Instead, you have to use a regular expression on its output to search for a string that usually means it's done.
If it doesn't emit one, you have to trick it into emitting one (as I have done here—god forbid if I should have a file named __END__, though). If I was controlling a database client, I might have to send something like SELECT 'IM OUTTA HERE';. Different applications would require different new_appender hacks.
The writing to the magic $in and $out scalars feels weird and action-at-a-distance-y. I dislike it.
One cannot do line-oriented processing on the scalars as one could if they were file handles. They are therefore less efficient.
The ability to use new_chunker to get line-oriented output is nice, if still a bit weird. That regains a bit of the efficiency on reading output from a program, though, assuming it is buffered efficiently by IPC::Run.
I now realize that, although the interface for IPC::Run could potentially be a bit nicer, overall the weaknesses of the IPC model in particular makes it tricky to deal with at all. There is no generally-useful IPC interface, because one has to know too much about the specifics of the particular program being run to get it to work. This is okay, maybe, if you know exactly how it will react to inputs, and can reliably recognize when it is done emitting output, and don't need to worry much about cross-platform compatibility. But that was far from sufficient for my need for a generally useful way to interact with various database command-line clients in a CPAN module that could be distributed to a whole host of operating systems.
In the end, thanks to packaging suggestions in comments on a blog post, I decided to abandon the use of IPC for controlling those clients, and to use the DBI, instead. It provides an excellent API, robust, stable, and mature, and suffers none of the drawbacks of IPC.
My recommendation for those who come after me is this:
If you just need to execute another program and wait for it to finish, or collect its output when it is done running, use IPC::System::Simple. Otherwise, if what you need to do is to interactively interface with something else, use an API whenever possible. And if it's not possible, then use something like IPC::Run and try to make the best of it—and be prepared to give up quite a bit of your time to get it "just right."
I've done something similar to this. Although it depends on the parent program and what you are trying to pipe. My solution was to spawn a child process (leaving $SIG{PIPE} to function) and writing that to the log, or handling the error in what way you see fit. I use POSIX to handle my child process and am able to utilize all the functionality of the parent. However if you're trying to have the child communicate back to the parent - then things get difficult. Do you have an example of the main program and what you're trying to PIPE?

What can be the possible situations where one should prefer the unbuffered output?

By the discussion in my previous question I came to know that Perl gives line buffer output by default.
$| = 0; # for buffered output (by default)
If you want to get unbuffered output then set the special variable $| to 1 i.e.
$| = 1; # for unbuffered output
Now I want to know that what can be the possible situations where one should prefer the unbuffered output?
You want unbuffered output for interactive tasks. By that, I mean you don't want output stuck in some buffer when you expect someone or something else to respond to the output.
For example, you wouldn't want user prompts sent to STDOUT to be buffered. (That's why STDOUT is never fully buffered when attached to a terminal. It is only line buffered, and the buffer is flushed by attempts to read from STDIN.)
For example, you'd want requests sent over pipes and sockets to not get stuck in some buffer, as the other end of the connection would never see it.
The only other reason I can think of is when you don't want important data to be stuck in a buffer in the event of a unrecoverable error such as a panic or death by signal.
For example, you might want to keep a log file unbuffered in order to be able to diagnose serious problems. (This is why STDERR isn't buffered by default.)
Here's a small sample of Perl users from StackOverflow who have benefited from learning to set $| = 1:
STDOUT redirected externally and no output seen at the console
Perl Print function does not work properly when Sleep() is used
can't write to file using print
perl appending issues
Unclear perl script execution
Perl: Running a "Daemon" and printing
Redirecting STDOUT of a pipe in Perl
Why doesn't my parent process see the child's output until it exits?
Why does adding or removing a newline change the way this perl for loop functions?
Perl not printing properly
In Perl, how do I process input as soon as it arrives, instead of waiting for newline?
What is the simple way to keep the output stream exactly as it shown out on the screen (while interactive data used)?
Is it possible to print from a perl CGI before the process exits?
Why doesn't print output anything on each iteration of a loop when I use sleep?
Perl Daemon Not Working with Sleep()
It can be useful when writing to another program over a socket or pipe. It can also be useful when you are writing debugging information to STDOUT to watch the state of your program live.

How to terminate a program in Perl - exit or die?

I am using syntax checking to see whether my Perl script is being used in the correct way. If the syntax is not correct, I display a message saying what the correct syntax is, and then end the execution of the program.
print "Please use the following syntax: ...";
exit 1;
die("Please use the following syntax: ...");
Which one should I use? I know die would have been the answer if exception handling was in place, but that is not the case.
Which one is the better choice for program termination without exception handling? Please also say why.
It depends on what you want to have happen with STDERR and STDOUT. I prefer to send error and warning type messages to STDERR so that when someone is trying to redirect output to a file they still see the error messages; However, there are times though when STDOUT is used to communicate status to the user so he or she can tail -f or paginate it, and at those times writing to STDERR causes them pain (they have to redirect STDERR back into STDOUT with 2>&1, and not everyone knows how to do that). So which to use, die or print and exit, depends heavily on what type of program you are writing.
There are other benefits/drawbacks to using die:
You can trap die with an eval, but not exit
You can run code when the program calls die by installing a signal handler for the __DIE__ signal
You can easily override the die function
Each of those has times where it is handy to be able to do them, and times when it is a pain that they can be done.
print prints to STDOUT but die prints to STDERR
exit 1 exits with exit status of 1 but die exits with exit current value of errno that is $!
Hence die is the preferred way as its simpler and shorter.
It is best to follow existing practice ("rule of least surprise"): exit with 2 on a fatal error such as a syntax error.