What does the "0" mean in MongoDB's BinData(0, "e8MEnzZoFyMmD7WSHdNrFJyEk8M=")? - mongodb

The MongoDB shell prints binary data as a Base64-encoded string wrapped in what looks like a function call:
"_id" : BinData(0,"e8MEnzZoFyMmD7WSHdNrFJyEk8M=")
What does the "0" mean?

The BSON BinData datatype is represented via class BinData in the shell. Run help misc for more information.
> new BinData(2, "1234")
from the shell
help misc
b = new BinData(subtype,base64str) create a BSON BinData value
The 0 in your case is the BSON subtype
binary ::= int32 subtype (byte*) Binary - The int32 is the number of bytes in the (byte*).
subtype ::= "\x00" Generic binary subtype
| "\x01" Function
| "\x02" Binary (Old)
| "\x03" UUID (Old)
| "\x04" UUID
| "\x05" MD5
| "\x80" User defined
Similar question on this thread

Macrolinux is right but you have to be careful with his example as it will work but by accident.
The first argument to BinData() is the BSON binary subtype which, as has been mentioned is one of the following:
generic: \x00 (0)
function: \x01 (1)
old: \x02 (2)
uuid_old: \x03 (3)
uuid: \x04 (4)
md5: \x05 (5)
user: \x80 (128)
These are just helpers so that the deserializer can interpret the binary data differently depending on what those bytes represent except for the subtype 2 which is like the generic subtype but stores an int32 representing the length of the byte array as the first 4 bytes of data.
Now to see why the example is wrong you'll note that calling BinData(2, "1234") doesn't store the binary representing the string "1234" for two reasons:
The BinData function interprets that string as a base64 encoded string.
Type 2 would require that the first 4 bytes be an int32 containing the length of the byte array.
See bsonspec.org for more information.

I believe they they correspond to the BSON subtypes:
subtype ::= "\x00" Binary / Generic
| "\x01" Function
| "\x02" Binary (Old)
| "\x03" UUID
| "\x05" MD5
| "\x80" User defined
Looking at that, it appears that 0 is almost always a valid choice.


How to convert String to UTF-8 to Integer in Swift

I'm trying to take each character (individual number, letter, or symbol) from a string file name without the extension and put each one into an array index as an integer of the utf-8 code (i.e. if the file name is "A1" without the extension, I would want "A" as an int "41" in first index, and "1" as int "31" in second index)
Here is the code I have but I'm getting this error "No exact matches in call to instance method 'append'", my guess is because .utf8 still keeps it as a string type:
for i in allNoteFiles {
var CharacterArray : [Int] = []
for character in i {
var utf8Character = String(character).utf8
CharacterArray.append(utf8Character) //error is here
....`//more code down here within the for in loop using CharacterArray indexes`
I'm sure the answer is probably simple, but I'm very new to Swift.
I've tried appending var number instead with:
var number = Int(utf8Character)
var number = (utf8Character).IntegerValue
but I get errors "No exact matches in call to initializer" and "Value of type 'String.UTF8View' has no member 'IntegerValue'"
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The reason
var utf8Character = String(character).utf8
doesn't work for you is because utf8Character is not a single integer, but a UTF8View: a lightweight way to iterate over the UTF-8 codepoints in a string. Every Character in a String can be made up of any number of UTF-8 bytes (individual integers) — while ASCII characters like "A" and "1" map to a single UTF-8 byte, the vast majority of characters do not: every UTF-8 code point maps to between 1 and 4 individual bytes. The Encoding section of UTF-8 on Wikipedia has a few very illustrative examples of how this works.
Now, assuming that you do want to split a string into individual UTF-8 bytes (either because you can guarantee your original string is ASCII-only, so the assumption that "character = byte" holds, or because you actually care about the bytes [though this is rarely the case]), there's a short and idiomatic solution to what you're looking for.
String.UTF8View is a Sequence of UInt8 values (individual bytes), and as such, you can use the Array initializer which takes a Sequence:
let characterArray: [UInt8] = Array(i.utf8)
If you need an array of Int values instead of UInt8, you can map the individual bytes ahead of time:
let characterArray: [Int] = Array(i.utf8.lazy.map { Int($0) })
(The .lazy avoids creating and storing an array of values in the middle of the operation.)
However, do note that if you aren't careful (e.g., your original string is not ASCII), you're bound to get very unexpected results from this operation, so keep that in mind.

convert ByteArray to String to ByteArray

I want to convert ByteArray to string and then convert the string to ByteArray,But while converting values changed. someone help to solve this problem.
syntax = "proto3";
message Person{
string name = 1;
int32 age = 2;
After sbt compile it gives case class Person (created by google protobuf while compiling)
My MainClass:
val newPerson = Person(
name = "John Cena",
age = 44 //output
println(newPerson.toByteArray) //[B#50da041d
val l = newPerson.toByteArray.toString
println(l) //[B#7709e969
val l1 = l.getBytes
println(l1) //[B#f44b405
why the values changed?? how to convert correctly??
[B#... is the format that a JVM byte array's .toString returns, and is just [B (which means "byte array") and a hex-string which is analogous to the memory address at which the array resides (I'm deliberately not calling it a pointer but it's similar; the precise mapping of that hex-string to a memory address is JVM-dependent and could be affected by things like which garbage collector is in use). The important thing is that two different arrays with the same bytes in them will have different .toStrings. Note that in some places (e.g. the REPL), Scala will instead print something like Array(-127, 0, 0, 1) instead of calling .toString: this may cause confusion.
It appears that toByteArray emits a new array each time it's called. So the first time you call newPerson.toByteArray, you get an array at a location corresponding to 50da041d. The second time you call it you get a byte array with the same contents at a location corresponding to 7709e969 and you save the string [B#7709e969 into the variable l. When you then call getBytes on that string (saving it in l1), you get a byte array which is an encoding of the string "[B#7709e969" at the location corresponding to f44b405.
So at the locations corresponding to 50da041d and 7709e969 you have two different byte arrays which happen to contain the same elements (those elements being the bytes in the proto representation of newPerson). At the location corresponding to f44b405 you have a byte array where the bytes encode (in some character set, probably UTF-16?) [B#7709e969.
Because a proto isn't really a string, there's no general way to get a useful string (depending on what definition of useful you're dealing with). You could try interpreting a byte array from toByteArray as a string with a given character encoding, but there's no guarantee that any given proto will be valid in an arbitrary character encoding.
An encoding which is purely 8-bit, like ISO-8859-1 is guaranteed to at least be decodable from a byte array, but there could be non-printable or control characters, so it's not likely to that useful:
val iso88591Representation = new String(newPerson.toByteArray, java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)
Alternatively, you might want a representation like how the Scala REPL will (sometimes) render it:
"Array(" + newPerson.toByteArray.mkString(", ") + ")"

PowerShell: Converting String Representations of Numbers to Integers

I've tried really hard not ask this question, but I keep coming back to it as I'm not sure if I'm doing everything as efficiently as I can or if there might be problems under the hood. Basically, I have a CSV file that contains a number field, but it includes a decimal and values out to the ten-thousandths place, e.g. 15.0000. All I need to do is convert that to a whole number without the decimal place.
I came across a related question here, but the selected answer seems to cast doubt on casting the string representation directly to an integer data type - without explaining why.
Simply casting the string as an int won't work reliably. You need to convert it to an int32.
I've haven't had much luck getting the [System.Convert] method to work, or doing something like $StringNumber.ToInt32(). I realize that once I save the data back to the PSCustomObject they'll be stored as strings, so at the end of the day maybe I'm making this even more complicated than necessary for my use case and I just need to reformat $StringNumber...but even that has caused me some problems.
Any ideas on why casting wouldn't be reliable or better ways to handle this in my case?
Examples of what I've tried:
PS > $StringNumber = '15.0000'
PS > [Convert]::ToInt32($StringNumber)
#MethodInvocationException: Exception calling "ToInt32" with "1" argument(s): "Input string was not in a correct format."
PS > [Convert]::ToInt32($StringNumber, [CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
#MethodInvocationException: Exception calling "ToInt32" with "2" argument(s): "Input string was not in a correct format."
PS > $StringNumber.ToInt32()
#MethodException: Cannot find an overload for "ToInt32" and the argument count: "0".
PS > $StringNumber.ToInt32([CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
#MethodInvocationException: Exception calling "ToInt32" with "1" argument(s): "Input string was not in a correct format."
PS > $StringNumber.ToString("F0")
#MethodException: Cannot find an overload for "ToString" and the argument count: "1".
PS > $StringNumber.ToString("F0", [CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture)
#MethodException: Cannot find an overload for "ToString" and the argument count: "2".
PS > "New format: {0:F0}" -f $StringNumber
#New format: 15.0000
So basically what I've come up with is:
Someone in 2014 said casting my string to an int wouldn't work reliably, even though it seems like the Cast operator is actually doing a conversion
The ToInt32 methods don't like strings with decimals as the input
Apparently String.ToString Method is useless
Thanks to String.ToString and the processing order of composite formatting, simple "reformatting" of my string representation won't work
In summary: Is there a way to safely cast my $StringNumber into a whole number, and, if so, what's the most efficient way to do it on a large dataset?
Bonus Challenge:
If anyone can make this work using the ForEach magic method then I'll buy you a beer. Here's some pseudo code that doesn't work, but would be awesome if it did. As far as I can figure out, there's no way to reference the current item in the collection when setting the value of a string property
#This code DOES NOT work as written
PS > $CSVData = Import-Csv .\somedata.csv
PS > $CSVData.ForEach('StringNumberField', [int]$_.StringNumberField)
If your string representation can be interpreted as a number, you can cast it to an integer, as long as the specific integer type used is large enough to accommodate (the integer portion of) the value represented (e.g. [int] '15.0000')
A string that can not be interpreted as a number or represents a number that is too large (or small, for negative numbers) for the target type, results in a statement-terminating error; e.g. [int] 'foo' or [int] '444444444444444'
Note that PowerShell's casts and implicit string-to-number conversions use the invariant culture, which means that only ever . is recognized as the decimal mark (and , is effectively ignored, because it is interpreted as the thousands-grouping symbol), irrespective of the culture currently in effect (as reflected in $PSCulture).
As for integer types you can use (all of them - except the open-ended [bigint] type - support ::MinValue and ::MaxValue to determine the range of integers they can accommodate; e.g. [int]::MaxValue)
Signed integer types: [sbyte], [int16], [int] ([int32]), [long] ([int64]), [bigint]
Unsigned integer types: [byte], [uint16], [uint] ([uint32]), [ulong] ([uint64]) - but note that PowerShell itself uses only signed types natively in its calculations.
Casting to an integer type performs half-to-even midpoint rounding, which means that a string representing a value whose fractional part is .5 is rounded to the nearest even integer; e.g. [int] '1.5' and [int] '2.5' both round to 2.
To choose a different midpoint rounding strategy, use [Math]::Round() with a System.MidpointRounding argument; e.g.:
[Math]::Round('2.5', [MidPointRounding]::AwayFromZero) # -> 3
To unconditionally round up or down to the nearest integer, use [Math]::Ceiling(), [Math]::Floor(), or [Math]::Truncate(); e.g.:
[Math]::Ceiling('2.5') # -> 3
[Math]::Floor('2.5') # -> 2
[Math]::Truncate('2.5') # -> 2
[Math]::Ceiling('-2.5') # -> -2
[Math]::Floor('-2.5') # -> -3
[Math]::Truncate('-2.5') # -> -2
Note: While the resulting number is conceptually an integer, technically it is a [double] or - with explicit [decimal] or integer-number-literal input - a [decimal].
As for the bonus challenge:
With an integer-type cast:
[int[]] (Import-Csv .\somedata.csv).StringNumberField
Note: (Import-Csv .\somedata.csv).StringNumberField.ForEach([int]) would work too, but offers no advantage here.
With a [Math]::*() call and the .ForEach() array method:
(Import-Csv .\somedata.csv).StringNumberField.ForEach(
{ [Math]::Round($_, [MidPointRounding]::AwayFromZero) }
Casting [int] as you explained, is something that would work in most cases, however it is also prone to errors. What if the number is higher than [int]::MaxValue ? The alternative you could use to avoid the exceptions would be to use the -as [int] operator however there is another problem with this, if the value cannot be converted to integer you would be getting $null as a result.
To be safe that the string will be converted and you wouldn't get null as a result first you need to be 100% sure that the data you're feeding is correct or assume the worst and use [math]::Round(..) in combination with -as [decimal] or -as [long] or -as [double] (∞) to round your numbers:
[math]::Round('123.123' -as [decimal]) # => 123
[math]::Round('123.asd' -as [decimal]) # => 0
Note: I'm using round but [math]::Ceiling(..) or [math]::Floor(..) or [math]::Truncate(..) are valid alternatives too, depending on your expected output.
Another alternative is to use [decimal]::TryParse(..) however this would throw if there ever be something that is not a number:
$StringNumber = '15.0000'
$ref = 0
[decimal]::TryParse( $StringNumber, ([ref]$ref) )
[math]::Round($ref) # => 15
Using Hazrelle's advise would work too but again, would throw an exception for invalid input or "Value was either too large or too small for an Int32."
[System.Decimal]::ToInt32('123123123.123') # => 123123123
As for the Bonus Challenge, I don't think it's possible to cast and then set the rounded values to your CSV on just one go using ForEach(type convertToType), and even if it was, it could also bring problems because of what was mentioned before:
$csv = #'
'# | ConvertFrom-Csv
Cannot convert argument "item", with value: "922337203685477.5807", for "Add" to type "System.Int32": "Cannot convert value "922337203685477.5807" to type "System.Int32".
Using .foreach(..) array method combined with a script block would work:
$_.Col2 = [math]::Round($_.Col2 -as [decimal])
In case you wonder why not just use [math]::Round(..) over the string and forget about it:
[math]::Round('123.123') # => 123 Works!
But what about:
PS /> [math]::Round([decimal]::MaxValue -as [string])
PS /> [math]::Round([decimal]([decimal]::MaxValue -as [string]))

How to convert to UInt64 from a string in Powershell? String-to-number conversion

Consider the following Powershell snippet:
[Uint64] $Memory = 1GB
[string] $MemoryFromString = "1GB"
[Uint64] $ConvertedMemory = [Convert]::ToUInt64($MemoryFromString)
The 3rd Line fails with:
Exception calling "ToUInt64" with "1" argument(s): "Input string was not in a correct format."
At line:1 char:1
+ [Uint64]$ConvertedMemory = [Convert]::ToUInt64($MemoryFromString)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : FormatException
If I check the contents of $Memory:
PS C:\> $Memory
That works fine.
So, how do I convert the value "1GB" from a string to a UInt64 in Powershell?
To complement Sean's helpful answer:
It is only the type constraint of your result variable ([uint64] $ConvertedMemory = ...) that ensures that ($MemoryFromString / 1) is converted to [uint64] ([System.UInt64]).
The result of expression $MemoryFromString / 1 is actually of type [int] ([System.Int32]):
PS> ('1gb' / 1).GetType().FullName
Therefore, to ensure that the expression by itself returns an [uint64] instance, you'd have to use a cast:
PS> ([uint64] ('1gb' / 1)).GetType().FullName
Note the required (...) around the calculation, as the [uint64] cast would otherwise apply to '1gb' only (and therefore fail).
Alternatively, ('1gb' / [uint64] 1) works too.
'1gb' - 0 would have worked too,
but not '1gb' * 1' (effectively a no-op) or '1gb' + 0 (results in string '1gb0'), because operators * and + with a string-typed LHS perform string operations (replication and concatenation, respectively).
Automatic string-to-number conversion and number literals in PowerShell:
When PowerShell performs implicit number conversion, including when performing mixed-numeric-type calculations and parsing number literals in source code, it conveniently auto-selects a numeric type that is "large" enough to hold the result.
In implicit string-to-number conversions, PowerShell conveniently recognizes the same formats as supported in number literals in source code:
number-base prefixes (for integers only): 0x for hexadecimal integers, and 0b for binary integers (PowerShell [Core] 7.0+)
number-type suffixes: L for [long] ([System.Int64]), and D for [decimal] ([System.Decimal]); e.g., '1L' - 0 yields a [long].
Note that C# uses M instead of D and instead uses D to designate [System.Double]; also, C# supports several additional suffixes.
PowerShell [Core] 6.2+ now supports additional suffixes: Y ([sbyte]), UY ([byte]), S ([int16]), US ([uint16]), U ([uint32] or [uint64], on demand), and UL ([uint64]).
PowerShell [Core] 7.0+ additionally suports suffix n ([bigint])
You can keep an eye on future developments, if any, via the official help topic, about_Numeric_Literals.
floating-point representations such as 1.23 (decimal only); note that PowerShell only ever recognizes . as the decimal mark, irrespective of the current culture.
exponential notation (decimal only); e.g., '1.0e3' - 1 yields 999.
its own binary-multiplier suffixes, kb, mb, gb, tb, pb (for multipliers [math]::pow(2, 10) == 1024, [math]::pow(2, 20) == 1048576, ...); e.g., '1kb' - 1 yields 1023; note that theses suffixes are PowerShell-specific, so the .NET framework number-parsing methods do not recognize them.
The number-conversion rules are complex, but here are some key points:
This is based on my own experiments. Do tell me if I'm wrong.
Types are expressed by their PS type accelerators and map onto .NET types as follows:
[int] ... [System.Int32]
[long] ... [System.Int64]
[decimal] ... [System.Decimal]
[float] ... [System.Single]
[double] ... [System.Double]
PowerShell never auto-selects an unsigned integer type.
Note: In PowerShell [Core] 6.2+, you can use type suffix US, U or UL (see above) to force treatment as an unsigned type (positive number); e.g., 0xffffffffffffffffU
This can be unexpected with hexadecimal number literals; e.g., [uint32] 0xffffffff fails, because 0xffffffff is first - implicitly - converted to signed type [int32], which yields -1, which, as a signed value, cannot then be cast to unsigned type [uint32].
Append L to force interpretation as an [int64] first, which results in expected positive value 4294967295, in which case the cast to [uint32] succeeds.
That technique doesn't work for values above 0x7fffffffffffffff ([long]::maxvalue), however, in which case you can use string conversion: [uint64] '0xffffffffffffffff'
PowerShell widens integer types as needed:
For decimal integer literals / strings, widening goes beyond integer types to [System.Decimal], and then [Double], as needed; e.g.:
(2147483648).GetType().Name yields Int64, because the value is [int32]::MaxValue + 1, and was therefore implicitly widened to [int64].
(9223372036854775808).GetType().Name yields Decimal, because the value is [int64]::MaxValue + 1, and was therefore implicitly widened to [decimal].
(79228162514264337593543950336).GetType().Name yields Double, because the value is [decimal]::MaxValue + 1, and was therefore implicitly widened to [double].
For hexadecimal (invariably integer) literals / strings, widening stops at [int64]:
(0x100000000).gettype().name yields Int64, because the value is [int32]::MaxValue + 1, and was therefore implicitly widened to [int64].
0x10000000000000000, which is [int64]::MaxValue + 1, does not get promoted to [System.Decimal] due to being hexadecimal and interpretation as a number therefore fails.
Note: The above rules apply to individual literals / strings, but widening in expressions may result in widening to [double] right away (without considering [decimal]) - see below.
PowerShell seemingly never auto-selects an integer type smaller than [int]:
('1' - 0).GetType().FullName yields System.Int32 (an [int]), even though integer 1 would fit into [int16] or even [byte].
The result of a calculation never uses a smaller type than either of the operands:
Both 1 + [long] 1 and [long] 1 + 1 yield a [long] (even though the result could fit into a smaller type).
Perhaps unexpectedly, PowerShell auto-selects floating-point type [double] for a calculation result that is larger than either operand's type integer type can fit, even if the result could fit into a larger integer type:
([int]::maxvalue + 1).GetType().FullName yields System.Double (a [double]), even though the result would fit into a [long] integer.
If one of the operands is a large-enough integer type, however, the result is of that type: ([int]::maxvalue + [long] 1).GetType().FullName yields System.Int64 (a [long]).
Involving at least one floating-point type in a calculation always results in [double], even when mixed with an integer type or using all-[float] operands:
1 / 1.0 and 1.0 / 1 and 1 / [float] 1 and [float] 1 / 1 and [float] 1 / [float] 1 all yield a [double]
Number literals in source code that don't use a type suffix:
Decimal integer literals are interpreted as the smallest of the following types that can fit the value: [int] > [long] > [decimal] > [double](!):
1 yields an [int] (as stated, [int] is the smallest auto-selected type)
214748364 (1 higher than [int]::maxvalue) yields a [long]
9223372036854775808 (1 higher than [long]::maxvalue) yields a [decimal]
79228162514264337593543950336 (1 higher than [decimal]::maxvalue) yields a [double]
Hexadecimal integer literals are interpreted as the smallest of the following types that can fit the value: [int] > [long]; that is, unlike with decimal literals, types larger than [long] aren't supported; Caveat: values that have the high bit set result in negative decimal numbers, because PowerShell auto-selects signed integer types:
0x1 yields an [int]
0x80000000 yields an [int] that is a negative value, because the high bit is set: -2147483648, which is the smallest [int] number, if you consider the sign ([int]::MinValue)
0x100000000 (1 more than can fit into an [int] (or [uint32])) yields a [long]
0x10000000000000000 (1 more than can fit into a [long] (or [uint64])) breaks, because [long] is the largest type supported ("the numeric constant is not valid").
To ensure that a hexadecimal literal results in a positive number:
Windows PowerShell: Use type suffix L to force interpretation as a [long] first, and then (optionally) cast to an unsigned type; e.g. [uint32] 0x80000000L yields 2147483648, but note that this technique only works up to 0x7fffffffffffffff, i.e., [long]::maxvalue; as suggested above, use a conversion from a string as a workaround (e.g., [uint64] '0xffffffffffffffff').
PowerShell [Core] 6.2+: Use type suffix us, u, or ul, as needed; e.g.: 0x8000us -> 32768 ([uint16]), 0x80000000u -> 2147483648 ([uint32]), 0x8000000000000000ul -> 9223372036854775808 ([uint64])
Binary integer literals (PowerShell [Core] 7.0+) are interpreted the same way as hexadecimal ones; e.g., 0b10000000000000000000000000000000 == 0x80000000 == -2147483648 ([int])
Floating-point or exponential notation literals (which are only recognized in decimal representation) are always interpreted as a [double], no matter how small:
1.0 and 1e0 both yield a [double]
Your problem is that the ToUint64 doesn't understand the Powershell syntax. You could get around it by doing:
($MemoryFromString / 1GB) * 1GB
As the $MemoryFromString will be converted its numeric value before the division.
This works because at the point of division Powershell attempts to convert the string to a number using its rules, rather than the .Net rules that are baked into ToUInt64. As part of the conversion if spots the GB suffix and applies it rules to expand the "1GB" string to 1073741824
EDIT: Or as PetSerAl pointed out, you can just do:
($MemoryFromString / 1)

Converting number in scientific notation to int

Could someone explain why I can not use int() to convert an integer number represented in string-scientific notation into a python int?
For example this does not work:
print int('1e1')
But this does:
print int(float('1e1'))
print int(1e1) # Works
Why does int not recognise the string as an integer? Surely its as simple as checking the sign of the exponent?
Behind the scenes a scientific number notation is always represented as a float internally. The reason is the varying number range as an integer only maps to a fixed value range, let's say 2^32 values. The scientific representation is similar to the floating representation with significant and exponent. Further details you can lookup in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_point.
You cannot cast a scientific number representation as string to integer directly.
print int(1e1) # Works
Works because 1e1 as a number is already a float.
>>> type(1e1)
<type 'float'>
Back to your question: We want to get an integer from float or scientific string. Details: https://docs.python.org/2/reference/lexical_analysis.html#integers
>>> int("13.37")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '13.37'
For float or scientific representations you have to use the intermediate step over float.
Very Simple Solution
1- First you convert Scientific value to float.
2- Convert that float value to int .
3- Great you are able to get finally int data type.
Because in Python (at least in 2.x since I do not use Python 3.x), int() behaves differently on strings and numeric values. If you input a string, then python will try to parse it to base 10 int
int ("077")
>> 77
But if you input a valid numeric value, then python will interpret it according to its base and type and convert it to base 10 int. then python will first interperet 077 as base 8 and convert it to base 10 then int() will jsut display it.
int (077) # Leading 0 defines a base 8 number.
>> 63
>> 63
So, int('1e1') will try to parse 1e1 as a base 10 string and will throw ValueError. But 1e1 is a numeric value (mathematical expression):
>> 10.0
So int will handle it as a numeric value and handle it as though, converting it to float(10.0) and then parse it to int. So Python will first interpret 1e1 since it was a numric value and evaluate 10.0 and int() will convert it to integer.
So calling int() with a string value, you must be sure that string is a valid base 10 integer value.
int(float(1e+001)) will work.
Whereas like what others had mention 1e1 is already a float.