Adding Device UDID to XCode - iphone

I am familiar with adding the device UDID to the developer portal…I don't want to add ids overthere .Instead of that I would like to add device ID through Xcode…..Is it possible to add devices through Xcode…..

As far as my knowledge it is not possible.

no you cant ..but you can buy a developer license for 1 device it cost 15$ (google for it) .. guys often used it to install crack applications without jelly break his device.

In XCode 4.2, if you open up the 'Organizer' and click your device in the left menu, there is a button in the bottom of the view, saying 'Add to Portal'. I think that does what you want.


How to determine, whether an iphone app (previous/next version) is existed in our device or not?

I Have an app with 2 versions.... iPaint1 (FreeVersion) & iPaint2(Paid Version)
iPaint 2 has extra features along with the features of iPaint1..
if user have iPaint1 & also if he installed Paint2.
Now we need to display An alert when user launch/uses paint2. Alert will be pop up as
"You already have all features of paint1 in this 2nd version, Delete Paint1 to free space"
only if iPain1 is existed in our device, otherwise no need of alert How is it possible.
(I guess we may achieve this this using AppStore ID & Bundle Identifier but not sure and don't know the process)
Thanks in advance
But It is works on simulator but not in iPod
Answer :
Finally i Got solution in #MDT 's answer. thank u #MDT and others as well.
Thank you for your quick response.. This link is useful for this question.
Is it possible to get information about all apps installed on iPhone?
and in
But It is works on simulator but not in iPod any advice pls.
Without jailbreaking, there is no way for an app to directly get a
list of all installed apps on an iOS device.
Your best alternative may to be use of custom URL schemes. With these you can implement a link in your free app that opens the paid one if it is installed.
You should use custom URL scheme. Provide some custom URL to free App. Now on the starting of paid App, check if it can responds to the custom URL of your free App. If it can, there exists a free version on the device and display the message to remove it.

How can I install an unsigned application on an iPhone from Xcode?

How can I install an unsigned application on an iPhone from Xcode? I am using last version of Xcode and the iOS 5 SDK.
You can't.
Apple wants people to sign up with their developer program, and so the only way to install an unsigned app might involve jail breaking, but I don't know enough as I've never jailbroken an iOS device.
Maybe you're not ready to purchase the license yet. That's when you require JailCoder - an easy to use app for tweaking your project and Xcode. Purchase the license and publish your app when you're happy testing with JailCoder.
Note: Here also a jailbroken device is required.
CAUTION! This DOES require a jailbroken iOS Device.
Yes, you CAN!
If you've built it on your own, you can simply use your phone as developer device (if you don't know how, just google it, I don't remember yet).
The trick is to force Xcode to don't try to code sign your app. If you don't, you'll get an error every time, you try to build it.
Go to Terminal and type:
sudo /Applications/ /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS5.0.sdk/SDKSettings.plist
(You might replace iPhoneOS5.0 with your target SDK)
You'll be asked for your admin password.
Now change the value for the key CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED to NO.
You are almost done.
Go to your project settings, look for "Code Signing" and set all values to Don't Code Sign.
Set the active scheme to your iPhone instead of iPhone 5.0 Simulator and go to Product → Build For → Build For Archiving
Now go to your Organizer Window, head for your iPhone, go to Applications, press the plus sign at left bottom and choose your build path.
In Xcode4 it's /Users/you/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/yourApp/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/ by default.
Select your App binary (it will have a "forbidden" badge, because you're on Mac architecture) and click open.
Wait a few seconds and now your app should be available from your SpringBoard.
It would require jailbreaking, which I don't see why not because my jailbroken iPad doesn't have a virus after probably 300 apps. All the apps from the default repositories are checked and don't have a virus.

"This game is not recognized by game center." iPhone Development

There are already a couple of questions on this but I followed their steps to solve it and it doesn't seem to work for me. Here's what I have done:
1. I double checked to have the bundle identifier in the xcode project to be the exact same as the provisioning profile found on the provisioning portal (it also says Game Center is enabled). No wildcards.
2. I have logged in using a sandboxed account to gamecenter (made 2 accounts incase one wasn't sandbox). I did see the word "sandbox" with some numbers/letters on the top left while signing up for an account, so I'm 100% sure I have a sandboxed account. Tried 2 different sandbox accounts. Tried on 2 different devices (ipad/iphone). Also tried on the iPhone simulator.
3. I have deleted my app from my iPhone many times and tried it again.
I'm running 4.3/xcode 4 on iPhone + iPad.
I'm still receiving the message. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
From memory (I battled with this recently)…
In addition to what you've already done, you have to setup your app (even if it's using a fake bundle ID) in ITC (iTunes Connect). This means you need to put in a name, category, a screenshot and a bunch of other stuff (you can just put dummy data in there for testing purposes). Then you need to create a version of your app, then enable Game Center on that version.
There might have been a few other important steps that I've forgotten, but in between the voodoo dancing and making sacrifices to the gods of iOS etc., that's all I can recall.
Deleting the old app from your device can sometimes help too. Looks like it stores some data with an app and will try to login to actual Game Center instead of Sandbox Mode.
This solved my problem when trying to add Game Center in an update.
This is how I solved the problem. I opened the Settings App, then select Game Center. At the bottom under Developer, turn on "Sandbox".
I had a similar problem. Make sure you have the exact same app version in xcode and ITC. For example, if you have 1.0 in xcode and 1 in ITC it will not work. The version is a string not a float, so 1.0 != 1.
My situation is , It showed "this game is not recognized by game center",and my ipad is jail-broken. so I uninstall Appsync 5.0+ in Cydia--> logout game center---> reinstall app, it's ok now
In my case, almost everything people had suggested was in already correct for my app.
My bundle IDs were correct, my iTunes Connect record was set up, etc. However, the version number of the build that had been uploaded to iTunes Connect was not recent (and didn't match the version I was building onto the test device).
After uploading a newer build to iTunes Connect with a matching version number, it appeared to fix the problem.
I'm not guaranteeing it won't break in the future (because the authentication seems to be very flaky and has worked previously, even with the old version record), but for now it seems to have solved the problem for me.
I learned from somewhere that if your machine(iphone or ipad) is jail-broken, it will assume you use the real game center without the sandbox one.
So, if your devices are jail-broken, just restore it, and give it a try.
Hope this will help you.

Deploying iPhone Apps to Real Devices

I bought developer account,now how can i register my app and install it in real iphone ?
After login to your developer account, you will get "iPhone developer program user guide" (the name might be changed a little. I don't have a developer access right now). This is a long guide and describes everything that you need step by step, from creating a certificate to make a submission build. You really need to read this. There are lots of things to do and it's difficult to explain everything correctly in short notes.
1.Log in to the iPhone developer center
2.Click on "iPhone provisioning portal"
3.Click on "launch assistant"
4.Follow the steps
From XCode, click Menu Window/Organizer, right click your device in Device List on the left and select "Add Device to provisioning portal" and do what it says. That will automatically do all the stuff that needs to be done for you.

Getting UDID from deactivated device without iTunes or XCode?

I installed iPhone OS 4.0 on my friends iPod Touch 3rd gen and forgot to add the udid to the provisioning portal. The device is locked and I can't seem to find a way to revert it to get the UDID. I don't have XCode here. Using iTunes, how can I revert it?
Open the System Profiler, look under USB for your iPhone and use the serial number listed there.
With the device connected to iTunes, click on its serial number; it should change to the UDID. You can use the Edit > Copy menu item to copy that.
Piece of advise. UPPER CASE != upper case when it comes to UUID! I typed in the upper case uuid but you need to write it down in lower case.