Cocos2d fails on iPad yet works in simulator - ios5

I have a very simple game using Xcode v4.2.1, Cocos2d v5.0.1. I've tried both compilers in Xcode (LLVM GCC 4.2 and Apple LLVM compiler 3.0. Is there a preference??) On the game screen is a UIKit button that presents the user with a Interface Builder (nib) Settings/Options screen to customize the game a bit. This is all based on what I learned in Ray Wenderlich's tutorial (
After the user makes their changes, they are returned to the game and the changes are in place.
This all works as I want in the simulator, however, when I test the game on an iPad I get the following errors in the debug window:
2012-01-27 18:25:27.305 BonkBonk[1082:707] failed to call context
2012-01-27 18:25:27.310 BonkBonk[1082:707] cocos2d: surface size: 1024x768
2012-01-27 18:25:27.316 BonkBonk[1082:707] Failed to make complete framebuffer object 8cdd
OpenGL error 0x0506 in -[EAGLView swapBuffers]
OpenGL error 0x0506 in -[EAGLView swapBuffers]
OpenGL error 0x0506 in -[EAGLView swapBuffers]
The OpeenGl errors continue on indefinitely.
I use the function viewWillAppear to capture the return from the settings/options screen so that I can pass the new settings to the game layer. If I comment out this code the problem goes away, however, I am not able to get the new user settings to the game layer.
Here is the code:
- (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:animated];
//CCScene *scene = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] runningScene];
CCScene *scene = [BonkBonkLayer scene];
id layer = [scene getChildByTag:1];
[layer userSettings];
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
The commented out line //CCSene *scene... was another failed attempt at getting the layer object from the scene so that I could call the userSettings method where the game layer then can assimilate it into the game.

OK, so I've found something that alleviates my issue.
If anyone knows anything about this, please let me know. I will continue to use this fix unless I hear a reason from someone more knowledgable than myself (and that's not that difficult).
The solution is found in the comment by "psionic" at the end of the following discussion:
Basically, I created a static bool in the EAGLView class (EAGLView.m) that surrounds the call to _resizeFromLayer in the layoutSubViews member function. The call to _resizeFromLayer is only called the first time through, and then never again.
Please read the above discussion and let me know what you like/dislike about this solution, other than the obvious... it's a hack.
A hack,that works. I think.

I had a similar problem. I've integrated cocos2d with UIKit. I added adMob. The problem shows up when user clicks on Ads that presents the google BrowserView. If you dismiss the View using the Done button, the App works fine. However, if user press the Home button when in Browser View, and resume the App, I got the same exception.
OpenGL error 0x0506 in -[EAGLView swapBuffers]
UIKit buttons and the Ads are shown, but it does not render the cocos2d layer.
I got the solution from, but I did not change the cocos2d source. Instead, I added a boolean ivar called isAnimating in AppDelegate.m, and expose the property to the Layers.
To solve this, I stop animation on CCDirector before entering google Browser View. and start animation once resume to the App. isAnimating ivar is used to check that start animation is not called twice.
Hope it helps,

I had similar errors in my app when implementing Cocos2D via CCGLView.
The solution that worked for me was to call
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] popScene]
when presenting the Interface Builder Viewcontroller.


Is CCScene replace during CCTransition possible?

Calling replaceScene: with a CCScene on CCDirector which is during a CCTransition results in dealloc not being called on any scene used, moreover, after this operation any scene is not being displayed.
Here is a link to the sample project
Shortest way to obtain this behavior is such method (I mean reproducing the problem):
SceneOne *destScene = [SceneOne node];
CCTransitionFade *transition = [[CCTransitionFade alloc]initWithDuration:2 scene:destScene];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector]replaceScene:transition];
double delayInSeconds = 1.0;
dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){
[[CCDirector sharedDirector]replaceScene:[SceneTwo node]];
My question is: is there any feasible way to replace scenes when the CCTransition is being performed by the CCDirector?
I have implemented a delegate callback from CCDirector informing me about ending scene replacement, but this is never called if I push the iPhone home button during CCTransition.
If the answer is no, is there a cocos2d-iphone way to achieve goal described below?
Originally, this problem arised when I wanted to add "loading scene" when applicationDidEnterBackground (as a background task) or applicationWillEnterForeground, but I realized it has nothing to do with background execution. My ultimate goal is to provide seamless user experience while a game is waiting for Game Center authentication handler being called, and a "loading scene" being displayed from the very start of the app awaked from background would be sufficient (not only preventing user interaction which can be done many ways, but not showing previous game UI to the user). However, this solution is susceptible to the problem described above - if user taps the home button during scene transition he is going to get a very strange screen after bringing the game from background.
EDIT: After some more research I didn't find any satisfactory solution to replacing scene during CCTransition, however, problem described above was solved by not calling replaceScene but by adding a "loading" CCLayer to the visible CCScene, as #LearnCocos2D (thanks Steffen) suggested. This is not perfect, since adding a child during scene transition still has some narrow window (in the sense of running time) when strange results occur, but it is much better than replacing the scene. I would like to mention that it only concerns me when testing my game on 3GS, since newer devices are significantly faster and it is very difficult to reproduce the problem of "home button" clicking during CCTransition on something faster than 3GS.

iPod Touch iOS 5.1.1 Not calling viewDidDisappear:animated

I've posted this question elsewhere, but as SO is such a great community I'm doing so here as well.
First up, I'm using Cocos2D 2.0-gles20 to put a multiplayer/team oriented game together.
I've been integrating GameKitHelper into the app. To date it's been working just fine on my iPhone4 and iPad2 and in the Simulator, but now when I try to use it on an iPod Touch 4th I'm getting assertions in [CCDirectorIOS startAnimation] because the app is getting a viewWillAppear when it shouldn't and no call to viewDidDisappear when it should.
The reason this matters is that these methods on the CCDirectorIOS class cause Cocos2D to start/stop animation whilst another UIKit view is in front. This is something that I've managed myself with Cocos2D-0.99 but with 2.0 it is handled nicely within the director so that each app doesn't have to handle it specifically.
The GameKitHelper class has the following methods for pushing a GKMatchmakerViewController onto the screen:
-(void) showMatchmakerWithInvite:(GKInvite*)invite
GKMatchmakerViewController* inviteVC = [[[GKMatchmakerViewController alloc] initWithInvite:invite] autorelease];
if (inviteVC != nil)
inviteVC.matchmakerDelegate = self;
[self presentViewController:inviteVC];
-(UIViewController*) getRootViewController
return [CCDirector sharedDirector];
-(void) presentViewController:(UIViewController*)vc
UIViewController* rootVC = [self getRootViewController];
[rootVC presentModalViewController:vc animated:YES];
-(void) dismissModalViewController
UIViewController* rootVC = [self getRootViewController];
[rootVC dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
When I call showMatchmakerWithInvite, on the iPhone4, etc I see a call to viewDidDisappear: on the CCDirectorIOS object which stops animation. This is fine. When the GK view is gone, I see a call to viewWillAppear which restarts the animation. Sweet.
On the iPod Touch however, running exactly the same project, the call to viewDidDisappear is not made, but a call to viewWillAppear is, before the GK view has gone.
I can't fathom why there would be a difference. All devices are running iOS 5.1.1.
It's almost as if the behaviour of UIKit is different on the iPod Touch, but I find that hard to believe. My other thought was that I was looking at a timing issue, but I put some code in to allow the app to keep running even with the problem, but the call to viewDidDisappear never happened.
I can work around this I think by managing the start/stop of animation myself, but I would have preferred not to customise the Cocos2D code.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Well, being the impatient person I am, rather than leave it to others and work on something else, I nutted it out.
I turns out that the iPod Touch devices in question had multi player games disabled in the restrictions app. This seems to cause the GK view to not show "properly" and as a result the events like viewDidDisappear: and viewWillAppear: don't occur the way I was expecting.
So I've been able to revert all of my tweaks and instrumentation in the Cocos2D code, and simply apply a correction to the GameKitHelper class to ensure that if features such as multi-player are disabled, the player isn't able to request them.

Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <GKModalRootViewController: 0xb7e450>

I give up on that point, I just can't figure out what is wrong and where...
Here is the problem: in my iPhone application using Cocos2d, I configured autorotation through a viewController; however, since, when Game center opens its view as the user taps on "Create new account" during the authentication, this view does not receive any touch, but the touch go to the game's view (which is hidden under the Game center view).
I have tried everything I thought about, but since I did not find any callback about this Game Center View, it is hard to find a way to correct this...
Here is the initialization of the game's view:
// Init the UI View Controller
viewController = [[SQViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
viewController.wantsFullScreenLayout = YES;
EAGLView *view = [EAGLView viewWithFrame:[window bounds] pixelFormat:kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8 depthFormat:GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24_OES];
[director setOpenGLView:view];
[director setDeviceOrientation:kCCDeviceOrientationPortrait];
[view removeFromSuperview];
[viewController setView:view];
[window addSubview:viewController.view];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
I have tried many other things, commented every single line in this code, tried some others (such as setHidden:NO, bringSubviewToFront...), but the only results I could get were:
- Game display ok, Game Center ok, but no autorotate
- Game displayed in portrait (the view controller only allow landscape modes), Game Center ok, no autorotate
- Game not displayed (black screen), Game Center ok
And no way to make it all work together... The only clue I have is the title of this topic, "Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for ." But since I do not call the Game Center view myself, I don't know what to do with this...
Anyone, any idea?
I've had the same problem while displaying game center leaderboards in my cocos2d built App ever since moving up to iOS 5.0. I've seen references elsewhere to this being caused by a sub viewcontroller losing focus on the parent viewcontroller, but I've been unable to verify that or get this resolved in my app either.
Good news is that I've run this thru instruments - No Memory Leaks. Also executed the same action repetitively with no apparent failures or ill effects.
So while this message is an annoyance, it doesn't appear (at least for now) to adversely affect the App.
This Error occurs when you try to push a viewController before previous ViewController is finished . Means you are trying to push 2 ViewControllers at the same time.

iphone cocos2d iAd problem

we have an application built using cocos2d, the first class (scene) called from the app delegate is the levels class which then calls the game class (scene) according to user choice. where should i write my iAd code and how ? any help please.
My suggestion would be to look at AdWhirl, which would make your ads decoupled from the ad network.
More can be found below.
My understanding is that you can not put UIViews directly into CCLayer, or CCScene (i hope those are the names), you will have to shrink your scene in order to put the iAd beside your Cocos2d view.
To implement iAd add the import
#import <iAd/ADBannerView.h>
If you initialize iAd in the AppDelegate, it will displayed everywhere.
This is very easy to achieve.
ADBannerView* iAdView = [[ADBannerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
iAdView.currentContentSizeIdentifier = ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierLandscape;
[[[CCDirector sharedDirector] openGLView] addSubview:iAdView];
For more information, look at apples programming guide
I recently wrote a post about this issue (integrating iAd in a Cocos2d-x game) in my blog. Take a look and ask me if you have any questions.

iAd giving problems with Shaking Motion

I have an application that needs to detect a shaking motion to start/restart its activity. It is already on-Line, but now I want to add the new feature of iAd. I've implemented all the needed methods, but I have a problem: when I enter the Ad and then exit, the device can't catch the shaking motion anymore.
Ideas? Hint.
Thank you.
In the below stackoverflow link:- How to use Shake API in iPhone SDK 3.0?
detailed info is provided. check this.
hope it helps
Solved, actually I get the problem reading diggin into answers linked by Srinivas.
The problem was that when the Ad is end and returns back the control to my UIViewController, this one is no more the First Responder setted on his view. The solution:
- (void)bannerViewActionDidFinish:(ADBannerView *)banner {
[[self view] becomeFirstResponder];
Nothing more.