properties file in maven - eclipse

i'm using maven properties file for subdivide test and production properties,
in main properties file I have something like this:
in test properties i have something like this:
for completeness, in pro:
when I compile with maven, the properties result file doesn't change ${} variables....
after a lot of tests, i discovered that if I remove '#' char in 'sender.riesame', the properties file results correct!!
i searched in internet something about '#' char, but i don't found nothing
can you help me?
thanks in advance
(i'm sorry for my english)


Generate starter code based on new file VSCode

Is there a way to configure some code based on a file extension when created in VS Code? I'm currently working with psioniq file header which has been pretty helpful in generating good header files, but I'm looking to take this a step farther.
When I create a new file, based on a specific file extension, I would like it to generate some starting code that I can configure. For example, I work with Verilog a lot. It would be really cool if Code could generate based on the file name.
Create new file
Code generates some code (like below) or something else that could be configured based on the filetype:
module <filename> (
input ,
output ,
Anyone have any extensions they know about or resources they can point me to to implement this?
This would be a pretty easy extension to write but an alternative is snippets.
You can create keywords, based on the extensions, that when you type it it'll create all that code for you.

How underscored directories are filtered in Jekyll/Webrick?

Update: Check my answer below.
I just realized that in Jekyll Webrick server, directories starting with underscores(_includes, _layouts etc.) can't be accessed and are not listed when jekyll serve --show-dir-listing option is turned on. I wonder how Jekyll does that, as Webricks shows underscored directories on default. I did a quick search in the source code, I checked lib/jekyll/commands/serve.rb and similar files, but could not find the exact reason. It might be something related to fancy_listing?
It is there!:
Update: I found the relevant code in jekyll/reader.rb, which has a filter function and it is defined in jekyll/entry_filter.rb! :) Here is the code:
First a regex is defined:
SPECIAL_LEADING_CHAR_REGEX = %r!\A#{Regexp.union([".", "_", "#", "~"])}!o.freeze
Then special?function is defined:
def special?(entry)
And special?function is used in the filter function to detect and filter those files matching the regex.
And the Readerclass is using this filtering function in various places.
To be honest, I still did not get how jekyll bring those things together but I think I'll try to figure them out myself.

How to access a data file in a plugin generator?

I'd like to access a data file I have in the _data folder and use this in a plugin generator, but I'm not sure how. I have: do |project|
But when I try to compile it tells me "undefined method 'projects' for Hash(...) NoMethodError. What is the correct syntax?
If you post what your _data file looks like I can give you a better answer, but try:['projects'].each do |project|

How do I get Eclipse to ignore errors in WSDL file?

EDIT: To be clear, I want to get rid of the big red X on my project, not just filter the errors from the "Problems" list.
I get a bunch of these errors. How do I make Eclipse ignore them? I donøt have the option of fixing the actual problem :(
src-resolve.4.2: Error resolving component 'ser:char'. It was detected that 'ser:char' is in namespace '', but components from this namespace are not referenceable from schema document 'file:///Users/itunesuser/git/online-service-wizard/suppression-extension/src/main/resources/com/satorisoftware/ws/infuse/multiservice/multiservice.wsdl'. If this is the incorrect namespace, perhaps the prefix of 'ser:char' needs to be changed. If this is the correct namespace, then an appropriate 'import' tag should be added to 'file:///Users/itunesuser/git/online-service-wizard/suppression-extension/src/main/resources/com/satorisoftware/ws/infuse/multiservice/multiservice.wsdl'. multiservice.wsdl /Scrubbr-suppression-extension/src/main/resources/com/satorisoftware/ws/infuse/multiservice line 623 WSDL Problem
Go to window > preferences search for validations(it is not under any menu) > scroll down for wsdl and uncheck the wsdl in the list see the screenshot like below.
Go to Properties, find Validation, switch off WSDL validation entirely.
Not ideal, but better than nothing.

How to get scons to treat a directory itself as a target?

I'm trying to set up a build involving an external tool which produces a directory as output (doxyindexer for the curious). So far, I've essentially got these commands:
target = "doxysearch.db/iamchert"
The problem that I'm having is that I think I'd like target to be the directory itself, not some random file inside the directory. There's nothing I can glob because the target doesn't exist until I build it and I don't want to presume anything that Dimitri might change! When I use the directory as the target, I get this error:
TypeError: Tried to lookup Dir 'doxysearch.db' as a File.:
which is why I picked iamchert to be the target. Those lines all seem to work as expected, even if my approach is a hack. However, I can't get that last line to work. I need to copy the directory doxysearch.db into the cgi-bin directory, which is specified on the command line by the user. Maybe someone can explain how to do this step properly? I'm a newb when it comes to scons!
I'm having trouble googling the answer because all the search words involved are too common to find me specific help!
SCons does in fact treat all the files in a dir as dependencies of that dir. There are some dark corners that need work, but it should work in a simple case like this.
What you need is the undocumented target_factory builder flag. When you define Doxyindexer do it like this:
doxyindexer = Builder(..., target_factory=env.fs.Dir)
and have your builder return the dir itself. That should avoid the TypeError you were getting.
Im not sure how well SCons will work with the target being a directory. The issue is: How should SCons determine if the directory has changed or not to know if it should be built? The obvious answer would be that a directory is considered to be changed if it has more or less files therein, but I dont think SCons currently does this check and you might have to make your own builder to get it.
I did the following example to test this, and it never builds:
env = Environment()
env.Command(target = 'targetDir',
source = 'srcTextFile',
action = Copy("$TARGET", "$SOURCE"))
When I execute SCons, I always get the same result:
scons: '.' is up to date
Regarding your SCons code, I think it would work better as follows:
targetDir = "doxysearch.db/iamchert"
srcFiles = ["project1.xml","project2.xml","project3.xml"]
doxygenTarget = doxygen.Doxyindexer(targetDir, srcFiles)
    # This may need to be called via the Command() builder like this:
    # cmd = "doxygen.Doxyindexer("$TARGET", "$SOURCE")
    # doxygenTarget = env.Command(target=targetDir, source=srcFiles, action=cmd)
# This call to Default isnt really necessary
Install(ARGUMENTS["cgibin"], doxygenTarget)