Zend_Acl and a dynamic Assert - zend-framework

I'm trying to imply some dynamic assertions into my Zend code and have been using an article by [Ralph Schindler][1] but I couldn't get it to work. What I wanna do is make an "allow" rule in de Acl that checks if the person logged in is actually the owner of a piece of UserContent.
I have the a User class and a UserContent class (deleted all the unneccessary bits):
class User implements Zend_Acl_Role_Interface {
private $_roleId;
public function getRoleId() { return $this->_roleId; }
class UserContent implements Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface {
private $_resourceId;
private $_userId;
public function getResourceId() { return $this->_resourceId; }
public function getUserId() { return $this->_userId; }
Now in my Acl class My_Acl I have defined a 'member' role, a 'usercontent' resource and a 'edit' privilege, and would like to create the following allow rule:
$this->allow('member', 'usercontent', 'edit', new My_Acl_Assert_IsOwner());
where the Assert implements the class Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface:
class My_Acl_Assert_IsOwner implements Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface {
public function assert(Zend_Acl $acl, Zend_Acl_Role_Interface $role=null, Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface $resource=null, $privilege = null) {
[return true if the user logged in is owner of the userContent]
where I'm still struggling with what to put in the actual assert method.
Let's say I am logged in as a member (so my $_roleId='member'), and want to check if I'm allowed to edit a piece of UserContent, something like this:
$userContentMapper = new Application_Model_Mapper_UserContent();
$userContent = $userContentMapper->find(123);
if ($this->isAllowed($userContent, 'delete')) echo "You are allowed to delete this";
In the assert method I would like to put something like:
but this gives me the error messages *Call to undefined method Zend_Acl_Resource::getUserId()*. Strange, cos if I test if the resource is an instance of the UserContent I get a confirmation: adding the following line to the asset method:
if ($resource instanceof UserContent) echo "True!";
I get a true indeed. What goes wrong?
For a test I have added an extra public variable ownerId to the UserContent class, definied as follows:
private $_id;
public $ownerId;
public function setId($id) {$this->_id = $id; $this->ownerId = $id;
Now if I add $resource->ownerId to the assert method, I get no error message, it simply reads the value from the class. What is going wrong? $resource is an instance of UserContent, but I can't call the method getUserId, but I can call the public variable $ownerId??
[1] http://ralphschindler.com/2009/08/13/dynamic-assertions-for-zend_acl-in-zf

As #pieter pointed out, the acl rule is being called in another place within your app which is why when you check that the resource is an instance of UserContent it is echoing True.
The acl rule you declare is checking for an "edit" privilege:
$this->allow('member', 'usercontent', 'edit', new My_Acl_Assert_IsOwner());
but when you're testing for a "delete" privilege:
if ($this->isAllowed($userContent, 'delete')) echo "You are allowed to delete this";
Try adding this to your acl:
$this->allow('member', 'usercontent', 'delete', new My_Acl_Assert_IsOwner());


Symfony 4.2 Creating Repository as service in vendor/acme/demo-bundle

I am working on a third party bundle which is in the vendor/ directory.
I have an Entity class which looks like this:
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Acme\DemoBundle\Repository\ArticleRepository")
* #ORM\Table(name="acme_demo_article")
class Article
And a Repository class like this:
class ArticleRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository
public function __construct(RegistryInterface $registry)
parent::__construct($registry, Article::class);
This generates the following error:
The "Acme\DemoBundle\Repository\ArticleRepository" entity repository
but its service could not be found. Make sure the service exists and
is tagged with "doctrine.repository_service".
If i remove the repositoryClass from the entity definition, I dont have the error anymore and i can use doctrine as such from my controller:
this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Article::class)->findBy([], null, $limit, ($page - 1) * $limit);
I tried adding the repository as a service in the bundle service definition but it does not change anything:
resource: '../../Repository/ArticleRepository.php'
autoconfigure: true
tags: ['doctrine.repository_service']
bin/console debug:autowire or debug:container wont show the service.
I also tried adding the extension:
namespace Acme\BlogBundle\DependencyInjection;
use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension\Extension;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\YamlFileLoader;
class AcmeBlogExtension extends Extension
public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)
$loader = new YamlFileLoader(
new FileLocator(__DIR__.'/../Resources/config')
Did not work either. I dont have the impression that the extension is being called. I tried adding a constructor to it and dump, die in the constructor, but there are no results of the dump.
So my question is how do i define my repositories as a service from the vendor directory ?
The source code is overhere: https://github.com/khalid-s/sf4-bundle-test
After much struggling, i succedded in my task. I dont think that's it should be done like this, but if this can help someone...
I added in my DependencyInjection folder of the bundle:
class AcmeBlogExtension extends Extension
public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)
$loader = new YamlFileLoader(
new FileLocator(__DIR__.'/../Resources/config')
I created a compiler (this is the part which i struggled to figure out) to register my service
class RepositoryCompiler implements CompilerPassInterface
* #inheritdoc
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
$container->register('acme_blog.repository', ArticleRepository::class);
I added in my Bundle class:
class AcmeBlogBundle extends Bundle
/** #info this function normally is useless */
public function getContainerExtension()
// This is only useful if the naming convention is not used
return new AcmeBlogExtension();
* #inheritDoc
public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
$container->addCompilerPass(new RepositoryCompiler());
And finally the service itself:
resource: '../../Repository/*Repository.php'
autoconfigure: true
autowire: true
tags: ['doctrine.repository_service']
The autoconfigure and autowire are useless since they are not taken into consideration when i debug:container which looks like this:
php bin/console debug:container acme
Information for Service "acme_blog.article.repository"
---------------- -----------------------------------------------
Option Value
---------------- -----------------------------------------------
Service ID acme_blog.article.repository
Class Acme\BlogBundle\Repository\ArticleRepository
Tags doctrine.repository_service
Public yes
Synthetic no
Lazy no
Shared yes
Abstract no
Autowired no
Autoconfigured no
---------------- -----------------------------------------------
One very important note which made me loose a lot of time:
Do clear your cache after every change to your services. Even in dev
mode they are not reloaded after every refresh

Laravel 4 Auth with Facebook (no password authentication)

I'm trying to set up an authentication system with Laravel 4 with a Facebook login. I am using the madewithlove/laravel-oauth2 package for Laravel 4.
Of course, there is no password to add to my database upon a user loggin in with Facebook. I am, however, trying to check to see if a user id is in the database already to determine if I should create a new entity, or just log in the current one. I would like to use the Auth commands to do this. I have a table called "fans".
This is what I'm working with:
$fan = Fan::where('fbid', '=', $user['uid']);
if(is_null($fan)) {
$fan = new Fan;
$fan->fbid = $user['uid'];
$fan->email = $user['email'];
$fan->first_name = $user['first_name'];
$fan->last_name = $user['last_name'];
$fan->gender = $user['gender'];
$fan->birthday = $user['birthday'];
$fan->age = $age;
$fan->city = $city;
$fan->state = $state;
$fan->image = $user['image'];
return Redirect::to('fans/home');
else {
return Redirect::to('fans/home');
Fan Model:
class Fan extends Eloquent {
protected $guarded = array();
public static $rules = array();
When I run this, I get the error:
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Auth\Guard::login() must be an instance of Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface, instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder given
EDIT: When I use: $fan = Fan::where('fbid', '=', $user['uid'])->first();
I get the error:
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Auth\Guard::login() must be an instance of Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface, null given, called in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/crowdsets/laravel-master/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Auth/Guard.php on line 368 and defined
I do not know why it is giving me this error. Do you have suggestions on how I can make this work? Thank you for your help.
You have to implement UserInterface to your model for Auth to work properly
use Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface;
class Fan extends Eloquent implements UserInterface{
public function getAuthIdentifier()
return $this->getKey();
* Get the password for the user.
* #return string
public function getAuthPassword()
return $this->password;
getAuthIdentifier and getAuthPassword are abstract method and must be implemented in you class implementing UserInterface
To login any user into the system, you need to use the User model, and I bet inherited classes will do the trick as well but I'm not sure.
Anyway, your Fan model does not associate with the User model/table in any way and that's a problem. If your model had a belong_to or has_one relationship and a user_id field then you could replace Auth::login($user) with Auth::loginUsingId(<some id>).
Original answer:
You are missing an extra method call: ->get() or ->first() to actually retrieve the results:
$fan = Fan::where('fbid', '=', $user['uid'])->first();
Alternatively, you can throw an exception to see what's going on:
$fan = Fan::where('fbid', '=', $user['uid'])->firstOrFail();
If you see different errors, update your question with those errors.

Undefined variable: mysqli - PHP OOP

How can I implement mysqli in an extended class?
I am uploading an image and storing it in a MySQL database, but I get this error:
Notice: Undefined variable: mysqli in ...ecc/ecc/ on line 33
Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in ...ecc/ecc/ on line 33
Here is my test code:
interface ICheckImage {
public function checkImage();
public function sendImage();
abstract class ACheckImage implements ICheckImage {
public $image;
private $mysqli;
public function _construct(){
$this->image = $_POST['image'];
$this->mysqli = new mysqli('localhost','test','test','test');
class Check extends ACheckImage {
public function checkImage() {
if($this->image > 102400) {
echo "File troppo grande";
public function sendImage() {
//This is the line 33 give me the error
if ($mysqli->query("INSERT INTO images (image) VALUES ('$this->image')")) {
echo "Upload avvenuto &nbsp";
} else {
echo "Errore &nbsp" . $mysqli->error;
$form = new Check();
There are some errors in your code.
The $mysqli member is private inside the abstract class. It will not be inherited by the Check class, so it does not exist there. Make it protected.
Access to the members of a class always needs $this-> in front, specifically $this->mysqli in this instance.
The constructor function must be named __construct with two underscores in front.
The image check looks wrong. $_POST['image'] does contain something that you expect to store in the database, but you also compare it with an integer value and seem to echo an error message if it is bigger. While the data handling will work, e.g. you can compare a string from POST data with an integer, it looks like you want something else.

Zend Framework: How to inject a controller property from a Zend_Controller_Plugin

I wrote a plugin that needs to set a property on the controller that's currently being dispatched. For example, if my plugin is:
class Application_Plugin_Foo extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function dispatchLoopStartup(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
// Get an instance of the current controller and inject the $foo property
// ???->foo = 'foo';
I want to be able to do this:
class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
$this->view->foo = $this->foo;
Any help is greatly appreciated!
The action controller is not directly accessible directly from a front-controller plugin. It's the dispatcher that instantiates the controller object and he doesn't appear to save it anywhere accessible.
However, the controller is accessible from any registered action helpers. Since action helpers have a preDispatch hook, you could do your injection there.
So, in library/My/Controller/Helper/Inject.php:
class My_Controller_Helper_Inject extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
public function preDispatch()
$controller = $this->getActionController();
$controller->myParamName = 'My param value';
Then register an instance of the helper in application/Bootstrap.php:
protected function _initControllerInject()
new My_Controller_Helper_Inject()
And, as always, be sure to include My_ as an autoloader namespace in configs/application.ini:
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "My_"
Then, in the controller, access the value directly as a public member variable:
public function myAction()
One thing to note: Since the helper uses the preDispatch() hook, I believe it will get called on every action, even an internal forward().
Browsing through the API, I didn't find a way to reach the controller directly (I'm guessing this loop is performed before the controller exists). What I could find is almost as easy to access, albeit with a bit different syntax.
Via request params
class Application_Plugin_Foo extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function dispatchLoopStartup(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$yourParam = 'your value';
if($request->getParam('yourParam')) {
// decide if you want to overwrite it, the following assumes that you do not care
$request->setParam('yourParam', $yourParam);
And in a Zend_Controller_Action::xxxAction():
Via Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
There's another way mentioned in MWOP's blog, but it takes the form of an action helper instead: A Simple Resource Injector for ZF Action Controllers. His example would let you access any variable in Zend_Controller_Action as $this->yourParam.

Probable reasons why autoloading wont work in Zend Framework 1.10.2?

Iam writing an application using Zend Framework 1.10.2.
I created few model classes and a controller to process them.
When Iam executing my application and accessing the admin controller. Iam seeing this error.
Fatal error: Class 'Application_Model_DbTable_Users' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\bidpopo\application\controllers\AdminController.php on line 16
The error clearly shows its an autoloading error.
Hence I wrote this code in the bootstrap file.
protected function initAutoload()
$modeLoader = new Zend_Application_Module_AutoLoader(array
('namespace'=>'','basePath'=>APPLICATION_PATH ));
return $modeLoader;
Still the error remains :( . Can anyone suggest me what Iam missing out here?
This is the location of the Model Users class.
This is its code.
class Application_Model_DbTable_Users extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
//put your code here
protected $_name='users';
public function getUser($id)
$id = (int)$id;
$row = $this->fetchrow('id='.$id);
{throw new Exception("Could not find row id - $id");}
return $row->toArray();
public function addUser($userDetailArray)
public function updateUser($id,$userDetailArray)
public function deleteUser($id)
$this->delete('id='. (int)$id);
This is the Admin Controller's code
class AdminController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function init()
/* Initialize action controller here */
public function indexAction()
$this->view->title= "All Users";
$users = new Application_Model_DbTable_Users();
$this->view->users = $users->fetchAll();
public function addUserAction()
// action body
public function editUserAction()
// action body
public function deleteUserAction()
// action body
You application classes don't follow the proper naming convention for the namespace you've set. The Zend_Application_Module_AutoLoader is a little different than the normal autoloader in that it doesn't simply change the '_' in the class name with '/'. It looks at the second part of the class name and then checks a folder for the existence of the class based on that.
You need to change the line:
$modeLoader = new Zend_Application_Module_AutoLoader(array(
This means it will autoload all module classes prefixed with 'Application_'. When it the second part of the class is 'Model_' it will look in "{$basePath}/models" for the class. The '_' in the rest of the class name will be replaced with '/'. So the file path of the file will be "{$basePath}/models/DbTable/Users.php".
Read more here.