Find a replacement for JavaModelUtil.getResolvedTypeName - eclipse

I've always used JavaModelUtil.getResolvedTypeName(ifield.getTypeSignature(), itype) in my plugincode. This is internal code of eclipse and I'm trying to replace this code with a "legal" variation. But I seem to be unable to find an alternative.
So what can I use instead of JavaModelUtil to get the qualified classname, if I have only the IField and the IType in which the IField exists.
Thanks for any help!

Looks like you can use org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType.resolveType(String). This is what getResolvedTypeName uses internally. You will have to do a bit more processing since resolveType expects a name and not a signature (in other words, you need to pass MyType instead of QMyType;. If you look at the signature and implementation of the resolveType method you should be able to figure out how to use it.


How does Js.cast() perform its type checking?

I'm using GWT 2.9 with elemental2-1.0.0-RC1.
The following code throws a ClassCastException at runtime:
DocumentRange documentRange = Js.cast(DomGlobal.document); // Fails
Range range = documentRange.createRange(); // Never reaches here
When I change to use an Js.uncheckedCast() instead, it succeeds:
DocumentRange documentRange = Js.uncheckedCast(DomGlobal.document);
Range range = documentRange.createRange(); // Works
The documentation for Js.uncheckedCast() says:
"You should always prefer regular casting over this (unless you know what you are doing!)."
I don't know why I'm having to use it, so I'm feeling nervous. Can someone explain how Js.cast() performs its type-checking and why I need to use an Js.uncheckedCast() in this instance?
Js.cast() is a way to cheat a bit, and do something that the Java language will not permit, but might actually be legal. Ignoring "how it actually works", the idea is that you can now get past issues where Java would complain, even if it turns out to be legit.
An example could be where you take a java.lang.Double or double and want to treat it as a JsNumber so you can call toPrecision(2) on it. Since java.lang.Double is final, it isn't legal to cast to an unrelated type, but Java doesn't know that in GWT, Double is really just a js Number. So, instead you can perform the cast with Js.cast(). The compiler will insert a runtime type check in there, verifying at runtime that your number is in fact a JS Number instance.
Another example could be trying to extend some native type that elemental2 provides, either to implement a workaround for a missing feature, or to do something browser-specific. Your new class may not extend the existing class - from JS's perspective this is okay, you are just describing the API that you know will exist at runtime. As such, we need to avoid the Java language check of "does this cast even make sense?", and just tell the compiler to try it.
On the other hand, you can "lie" to the compiler with Js.uncheckedCast(). This is used in cases where you are even asking the runtime to skip the check, and just pretend that it will work. This can let you do weird things, like treating Strings as if they were arrays, or solve cross-frame problems. No runtime check will be emitted, so instead you might just get a TypeError if a method/property is missing, instead of a proper ClassCastException.
In elemental2-dom 1.0.0-RC1, there is a class called DocumentRange, but it doesnt really make any sense - it is declared as a class, which means it can be type checked in JS, but the browser spec says that it should be an "interface" (which in JS-land means that it just is a description of a type, rather than something you can typecheck).
This bug is inherited from closure-compiler, which claims that this has a constructor:
The fix is for closure-compiler to refer to this as an interface, and for a new release of elemental2 to be made so you can use this.
There are two workarounds you can make here. The first is to cheat with Js.uncheckedCast(DomGlobal.document) and say "yes, I know that the Document is not instanceof DocumentRange, but that's because there is no such class as DocumentRange, so just pretend it worked so I can call createRange() on it". This is what you are doing already - it hides the fact there is a bug, but at the end of the day it works.
The "correct" answer is to declare your own DocumentRange, and do a Js.cast() to that instead. This is still gross - you have to keep your new interface around until closure gets fixed, and then elemental2 gets released, and then you have to remember to clean it up.
In this case, I would suggest lying to GWT and using Js.uncheckedCast() - there is only a single method on here, and it is unlikely to change in a meaningful way.

Using boost's socket.async_send_to()

I've been stuck on this for a while now. I am trying to send the following:
boost::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]> m_data
over the wire using:
_socket.async_send_to(boost::asio::buffer(m_data), m_remote_endpoint,
boost::bind(&UDPServer::handle_send, this, message,
I get the error "no instance of overloaded function boost::asio::buffer matches the argument list boost::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>"
m_data is filled in another function.
I suspect this is because I actually have to use the key word new on m_data. But I can't quite figure out how to do it. I've tried a few different variations. Can anybody offer me some insight here? This is probably more a question of how to dereference a shared pointer then anything. Thanks in advance!
boost::asio::buffer has an impressive lists of consttructors, but neither of them takes shared_ptr<[]> (possibly an oversight form lib authors).
In your case, you simply need to derefence shared ptr, for example, by calling get on it.

Find indirect calls to specific built-in MATLAB function

What do I want?
I am looking for a way to detect all points in my code where a specific function is called.
Why do I want it?
Some examples:
Some output comes out sorted or randomized, and I want to know where this happens
I am considering to change/overload a function and want to know in which part of my code this could have impact
What have I tried?
I tried placing a breakpoint in the file that was called. This only works for non builtin functions which are called from short running code that always executes everything.
I tried 'find files', this way I can easily find direct calls to sort but it is not so easy to find a call to sort invoked by unique for example.
I have tried depfun, it tells me:
whether something will be called
from where non-builtin functions will be called
I thought of overloading the builtin function, but feels like a last resort for me as I am afraid to make a mess. | Edit: Also it probably won't help due to function precedence.
The question
What is the best way to track all potential (in)direct function calls from a specific function to a specific (built-in)function.
I don't exactly understand your use case, but I guess most of the information you want can be obtained using dbstack, which gives you the call-stack of all the parent functions calling a certain function. I think the easiest way is to overload built-in functions something like this (I tried to overload min):
function varargout = min(varargin)
% print info before function call
disp('Wrapped function called with inputs:')
[stack,I] = dbstack();
disp('Call stack:')
for i=1:length(stack)
fprintf('level %i: called from line %i in file %s\n', ...
i, stack(i).line, stack(i).file);
% call original function
[varargout{1:nargout}] = builtin('min', varargin{:});
% print info after function call
disp('Result of wrapped function:')
I tried to test this, but I could not make it work unfortunately, matlab keeps on using the original function, even after playing a lot with addpath. Not sure what I did wrong there, but I hope this gets you started ...
Built-in functions take precedence over functions in local folder or in path. There are two ways you can overload a built-in for direct calls from your own code. By putting your function in a private folder under the same directory where your other MATLAB functions are. This is easier if you are not already using private folder. You can rename your private folder once you are done investigating.
Another way is to use packages and importing them. You put all your override functions in a folder (e.g. +do_not_use). Then in the function where you suspect built-in calls are made add the line "import do_not_use.*;". This will make calls go to the functions in +do_not_use directory first. Once you are done checking you can use "clear import" to clear all imports. This is not easy to use if you have too many functions and do not know in which function you need to add import.
In addition to this, for each of the function you need to follow Bas Swinckels answer for the function body.
Function precedence order.
Those two methods does not work for indirect calls which are not from your own code. For indirect calls I can only think of one way where you create your own class based on built-in type. For example, if you work only on double precision types, you need to create your own class which inherits from double and override the methods you want to detect. Then pass this class as input to your code. Your code should work fine (assuming you are not using class(x) to decide code paths) since the new class should behave like a double data type. This option will not work if your output data is not created from your input data. See subclassing built-in types.
Did you try depfun?
The doc shows results similar to the ones you request.
doc depfun:
[list, builtins, classes, prob_files, prob_sym, eval_strings, called_from, java_classes] = depfun('fun') creates additional cell arrays or structure arrays containing information about any problems with the depfun search and about where the functions in list are invoked. The additional outputs are ...
Looks to me you could just filter the results for your function.
Though need to warn you - usually it takes forever to analyze code.

Play route syntax for ignoring a part of slug

What we want is basically this:
However this doesn't work.
We have found the following workaround:
But this makes the code of the method slightly ugly. Is there a better way to do this?
Looking at the code over here, the router isn't able to deal with the "slug" part without specifying an identifier... the parser combinator doesn't declare it as optional, and the map (^^) is clearly using it as is.
It could be a good feature request if it wouldn't induce other problems where a pattern will hide all other routes because it's defined higher in the file (or even worst, included).
And it looks like it has been done on purpose if we look here, we can figure out that dynamic parameter cannot be assigned a default value -- indeed, in this case we'll fall in the case I've just mentioned :-/.
My first advice would be to tell you to use ignore as an Option[String] and the action definition to set it as None (rather than an empty String because it's more expressive).
My second would be to incite you to wonder if such case is really relevant, because it's error prone and could hide further problems

How to write a string starting with '=' to a cell using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel

I'm using the Perl package Spreadsheet::WriteExcel to write an Excel file. I want to write a string that starts with the equal sign, "=ABC()", to a cell.
$ws->write('A1', '=ABC()');
But I got an error message of
Unknown function ABC() in formula
Can someone advise?
Use the write_string method directly instead of using write:
$ws->write_string('A1', '=ABC()');
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel's write method is a convenience method that guesses what kind of data you're trying to store. If it guesses wrong, you should use one of the type-specific methods.
#Cjm already provided the best answer. Still, I'd like to remember that's possible also to format any cell as text and type whatever you want, that won't be interpreted.