How does google books highlight text in a scanned image - hit-highlighting

If I do a keyword search here:
The highlighted text in the "flowing text" seems easy enough but if you switch to show "scanned pages" it still shows the highlighted text? Anybody know how they accomplish this.

Through an OCR process, either when they scanned the image or dynamically when you request the page.


Give hand icon and tooltip for the hightlighted words in a sentence flutter web

My requirement is to change the color of some words in a sentence and give hand icon and also show a tooltip with some actions.
Like this,
I used highlight_text: ^1.6.0.But I am facing two issues,
1)not able to add hand icon to that highlighted text
2)not able to give tooltips with some actions
SelectableText() widget may helps you for select text with cut ,copy /paste action , for more info explain briefly with some code snippets

How to select text in DTAttributedTextView?

I'm using DTCoreText DTAttributedTextView in my app to highlight the urls in my text. My other criteria is to be able to select by tapping and holding similar to UITextView. However, DTAttributedTextView doesn't seem to to use a UITextView as a placeholder. Anybody has an idea how I can achieve this?
That's a feature that's only available via the paid version of DTCoreText.
from the github page
This is useful for drawing simple rich text like any HTML document without having to use a UIWebView. For text selection and highlighting (as you might need for an Editor or Reader) there is the commercial DTRichTextEditor component which can be purchased in the Cocoanetics Parts Store.

Table border style lost after uploaded on Gdoc

We are now working on upload word document on Google Docs by .NET. We have an template which contains tables, we set border style of tables to none, then all the borders are invisible. But after we uploaded it on Google Docs, the borders appears in black. We tried upload the template to Google Docs manually, the borders appear too. So I think our code is correct, does the Google Docs API allow us to change the style of table border after convert .docx to Google Doc? Or any solution to keep the borders invisible?
I've tried to make the table border to white (the paper color), then the borders is hidden while I upload it to Google Docs without conversion. But while I try to edit it, the table border appears again. I guess that's because Google viewer convert the .docx to GDoc while I try to edit the .docx document.
I've tried to set table border to none in Word, but the borders still appears after conversion. Is this a bug of Google document conversion? It should set the border to zero while the table border was set to none in Word, but it doesn't do that. Is there anybody can help me on this issue? Many thanks.
To answer your first question, there is no way of modifying the document content after uploading. You may, however find better fidelity by converting to HTML or PDF and uploading those formats.
Otherwise, you should raise a bug report on the issue tracker, so that the conversion can be improved.
This is not an answer to your problem, but it's a work around that I'm using currently, by setting the border colour to white it no longer displays the black borders.

Highlighting a string in a pdf iphone

I'm developing a book app.My client has provided all the contents of pdf.
I have already implemented all the contents of pdf to book.
But he wanted to highlight a text in that pdf.
The user would like the text to allow for highlighting (like if you're reading a paper book).
Is this possible? Can anyone help me on this, please?
Thanks in advance.
Theoretically yes.. depends on a bit hacking and other things, for example fonts used in the PDF. Have a look at PdfKitten, their demo project can find text in a PDF and highlight it. That should give you a first pointer on how to highlight. If you want to the user to highlight with the touches you would need to be able to transform locations of touches into the PDF to determine where exactly the user touched, but it should be possible.

Make pdf reader like functionality in my app (highlight the content)

I need a functionality like in the iphone pdf reader.
i want that user select some text content and that content should be highlighted with yellow color.
Currently i am using text view and want to know that can i achieve same functionality in it.
or i have to shift to pdf ?
Please tell that how to achieve that in either of the two.
You can try NSAttributedString-Additions-for-HTML
Take a look at EGOTextView
A drop-in replacement for UITextView that amongst other things supports attributed strings. This would allow you to achieve your aim of selecting text, and then applying a style to that selection such as a yellow highlight.