Can I write PowerShell history to a text file on PowerShell exit? - powershell

I am curious to know if we can do this in Powershell.
with Out-File command we can pipe it to get output written to a file. That way I can send all my history commands to a text file.
The Question is Can I send my history commands to a text file every time I exit?
I don't know if this would be of big help but sometimes if you wrote some one liners and you quit the PS console accidentally then all the history commands will be saved to a text file just like recent chat conversations.

You can use start-transcript -path .\console.txt -append in you $profile to have in a txt file all console actions, not just the History but the returns of the commands too.

Another possibility:
function start-histcap {
get-history | out-file c:\testfiles\commandhist.txt -append
Run start-histcap, and you'll be at a nested prompt. Whatever you do there will get written to the history file when you exit that nested prompt.

Its hard to always catch an "exit". you can register for the onexit event but the problem is that will ONLY catch when a user types "exit" not if they hit the X or close in any other way..
Powershell profile "on exit" event?
so in the action event you just do get-history (specify a number if you need more than the default 100) and then set-content to a file...
you might be better off using Start-Transcript, but that only works in Console..


How to save the results of a function to a text file in Powershell

I have the function below that produce multiple outputs, is there a way I can put all the outputs of the function in a text file. I tried below to use Out-File it did not work any suggestions?
function functionAD {Write-output ""...}
functionAD | Out-File -FilePath C:\test\task5.txt -Append
the script above still did not work.
UPDATE: This is, in fact, possible if you overwrite the Write-Host function. It can be done like this:
function Write-Host($toWrite) {
Write-Output $toWrite
Copy and paste this code into your PowerShell console, then run the program.
Don't worry about permanently overwriting the Write-Host command, this will only last for the current session.
Unfortunately, Write-Host can not be rerouted to another file stream. It is the only 'write' command that acts in that way. That is why PowerShell programmers generally try to avoid using it unless there is a specific reason to. It is intended for messages sent directly to the user and is thus send to the program (powershell) itself rather than a console.
I would suggest using some other command if the function is your own. Write-Output is always a safe bet because it can be redirected to any other stream.
Here is a link if you have more questions:

Can I tee unbuffered program output in Powershell?

I'm trying to use Putty's plink.exe as part of a Powershell script, and am having trouble teeing the output.
Some of the commands invoke an interactive response (eg: entering password). Specifically, I'm testing against an Isilon.
Example code:
$command = '&"C:\Program Files\Putty\plink.exe" root# -pw "password" -t -batch "isi auth users create testuser --set-password"'
iex $command
Expected result:
I get a prompt password:
I enter the password
I get a prompt confirm:
I enter the password again
Command ends
If I try to tee the output, using iex $command | tee-object -variable result or even just redirect with iex $command *>test.log, the prompt text doesn't show up until after I've responded to it. While still technically functional, if you don't know exactly what prompt to expect, it's useless.
I've tried using Start-Transcript, but that doesn't capture the output at all. I've also tried using plink's -sshlog argument, but that logs way too much, in a less than readable format.
Is there any way to have stdout be unbuffered in the console, and also have it stored in a variable?
To answer some potential questions:
-This is to be run in an environment that doesn't allow modules, so can't use Posh-SSH.
-The Powershell version available isn't new enough to use the built-in openssh functionality.
This is all about redirecting streams.
When you use redirection, all outputs are redirected from the streams, and passed to be written to file. When you execute:
Write-Host "Some Text" *>out.txt
You don't see any output and it is all redirected to the file.
Key Note: Redirection works on a (simplification) line by line basis, as
the redirection works by writing to the file one line at a time.
Similarly, when you use Tee-Object, all outputs are redirected from the stream and down the pipeline. This is passed to the cmdlet Tee-Object. Tee-Object takes the input, and then writes that input to both the variable/file you want and to the screen. This happens After the input has been gathered and processed.
This means that both redirection and the Tee-Object commands work on a line by line basis. This makes sense both redirection and the Tee-Object commands work this way because it is hard to deal with things like deleting characters, moving around and editing text dynamically while trying to edit and maintain an open file at the same time. It is only designed for a one-way once the statement is complete, output.
In this case, when running it interactively, the password: prompt is written to the screen and you can respond.
When redirecting/Teeing the output, the password: text prompt is redirected, and buffered, awaiting your response. This makes sense because the statement has not completed yet. You don't want to send half a statement that could change, or half an object down the pipeline. It is only after you complete the statement (e.g. entering in the password + enter) that the whole statement is passed down the stream/pipeline. Once the whole statement is sent, then it is redirected/output Tee'd and can be displayed.
#Bill_Stewart is correct, in the sense that you should pick either an interactive prompt, or a fully automated solution.
Edit: To add some more information from comments.
If we use Tee-Object it relies on the Pipeline. Pipelines can only pass complete objects down the pipeline (e.g. complete strings inc. New Line). Pipelines have to interact with other commands like ForEach-Object or Select-Object, and they can't handle passing incomplete data to them. That's how the PowerShell console works, and you can't change it.
Similarly, redirection works line by line. The underlying reason why, I will explain why in a moment.
So, if you want to interact with it character by character, then you are dealing with streams. And if you want to deal with streams directly, it's 100 times more complicated because you can't use the convenience of the PowerShell console, you have to directly run of the process manually and handle all the input and output yourself.
To start, you have to manually launch the process. To do this we use the System.Diagnostics.Process class. The Pseudocode looks something like this:
$p = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::New()
$p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = $true
$p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
#$p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = $true
$p.StartInfo.FileName = "plink.exe"
$p.StartInfo.Arguments = 'root# -pw "password" -t -batch "isi auth users create testuser --set-password"'
$p.EnableRaisingEvents = $true
We essentially create the process, specify that we are going to redirect the stdout (StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true), as well as the stdin to something else for us to handle. How do we know when to read the data? Well, the class has the Process.OutputDataReceived Event. You bind to this event to read in the additional data. But:
The OutputDataReceived event indicates that the associated Process has
written a line, terminating with a newline character, to its
redirected StandardOutput stream.
So even the process class revolves around newlines for streaming data. This is why even redirects *> work on a line by line basis. PowerShell, and cmd, etc. all use the Process class as a basis to run processes. They all bind to this same event and methods to do their processing. Hence, why everything revolves around newlines and statement completions.
(big breath) So. You still want to interactively work with things one character at a time? well then you can't use the convenience of events. You will have to fall back to using a Stream Reader and directly binding to the Process.StandardOutput Property. Unfortunately this is where I stop, and say that to accomplish this
is beyond the scope of SO, and will require much more research to accomplish.

how to prevent external script from terminating your script with break statement

I am calling an external .ps1 file which contains a break statement in certain error conditions. I would like to somehow catch this scenario, allow any externally printed messages to show as normal, and continue on with subsequent statements in my script. If the external script has a throw, this works fine using try/catch. Even with trap in my file, I cannot stop my script from terminating.
For answering this question, assume that the source code of the external .ps1 file (authored by someone else and pulled in at run time) cannot be changed.
Is what I want possible, or was the author of the script just not thinking about playing nice when called externally?
Edit: providing the following example.
In badscript.ps1:
if((Get-Date).DayOfWeek -ne "Yesterday"){
Write-Warning "Sorry, you can only run this script yesterday."
In myscript.ps1:
Write-Host "It is today."
The results I would like to achieve is to see the warning from badscript.ps1 and for it to continue on with my further statements in myscript.ps1. I understand why the break statement causes "It is today." to never be printed, however I wanted to find a way around it, as I am not the author of badscript.ps1.
Edit: Updating title from "powershell try/catch does not catch a break statement" to "how to prevent external script from terminating your script with break statement". The mention of try/catch was really more about one failed solution to the actual question which the new title better reflects.
Running a separate PowerShell process from within my script to invoke the external file has ended up being a solution good enough for my needs:
powershell -File .\badscript.ps1 will execute the contents of badscript.ps1 up until the break statement including any Write-Host or Write-Warning's and let my own script continue afterwards.
I get where you're coming from. Probably the easiest way would be to push the script off as a job, and wait for the results. You can even echo the results out with Receive-Job after it's done if you want.
So considering the bad script you have above, and this script file calling it:
$path = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
$start = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { . "$using:Path\badScript.ps1" } -Name "BadScript"
$wait = Wait-Job -Name "BadScript" -Timeout 100
Receive-Job -Name "BadScript"
Get-Command -Name "Get-ChildItem"
This will execute the bad script in a job, wait for the results, echo the results, and then continue executing the script it's in.
This could be wrapped in a function for any scripts you might need to call (just to be on the safe side.
Here's the output:
WARNING: Sorry, you can only run this script yesterday.
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Cmdlet Get-ChildItem Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
In the about_Break documentation it says
PowerShell does not limit how far labels can resume execution. The
label can even pass control across script and function call
This got me thinking, "How can I trick this stupid language design choice?". And the answer is to create a little switch block that will trap the break on the way out:
Write-Host "NaughtyBreak about to break"
switch ('dummy') { default {.\NaughtyBreak.ps1}}
Write-Host "After switch() {NaughtyBreak}"
Write-Host "After plain NaughtyBreak"
Then when we call OuterScript.ps1 we get
NaughtyBreak about to break
After switch() {NaughtyBreak}
NaughtyBreak about to break
Notice that OuterScript.ps1 correctly resumed after the call to NaughtyBreak.ps1 embedded in the switch, but was unceremoniously killed when calling NaughtyBreak.ps1 directly.
Putting break back inside a loop (including switch) where it belongs.
foreach($i in 1) { ./badscript.ps1 }
switch(1) { 1 { ./badscript.ps1 } }

Get-Content -wait not working as described in the documentation

I've noticed that when Get-Content path/to/logfile -Wait, the output is actually not refreshed every second as the documentation explains it should. If I go in Windows Explorer to the folder where the log file is and Refresh the folder, then Get-Content would output the latest changes to the log file.
If I try tail -f with cygwin on the same log file (not at the same time than when trying get-content), then it tails as one would expect, refreshing real time without me having to do anything.
Does anyone have an idea why this happens?
Edit: Bernhard König reports in the comments that this has finally been fixed in Powershell 5.
You are quite right. The -Wait option on Get-Content waits until the file has been closed before it reads more content. It is possible to demonstrate this in Powershell, but can be tricky to get right as loops such as:
while (1){
get-date | add-content c:\tesetfiles\test1.txt
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
will open and close the output file every time round the loop.
To demonstrate the issue open two Powershell windows (or two tabs in the ISE). In one enter this command:
PS C:\> 1..30 | % { "${_}: Write $(Get-Date -Format "hh:mm:ss")"; start-sleep 1 } >C:\temp\t.txt
That will run for 30 seconds writing 1 line into the file each second, but it doesn't close and open the file each time.
In the other window use Get-Content to read the file:
get-content c:\temp\t.txt -tail 1 -wait | % { "$_ read at $(Get-Date -Format "hh:mm:ss")" }
With the -Wait option you need to use Ctrl+C to stop the command so running that command 3 times waiting a few seconds after each of the first two and a longer wait after the third gave me this output:
PS C:\> get-content c:\temp\t.txt -tail 1 -wait | % { "$_ read at $(Get-Date -Format "hh:mm:ss")" }
8: Write 12:15:09 read at 12:15:09
PS C:\> get-content c:\temp\t.txt -tail 1 -wait | % { "$_ read at $(Get-Date -Format "hh:mm:ss")" }
13: Write 12:15:14 read at 12:15:15
PS C:\> get-content c:\temp\t.txt -tail 1 -wait | % { "$_ read at $(Get-Date -Format "hh:mm:ss")" }
19: Write 12:15:20 read at 12:15:20
20: Write 12:15:21 read at 12:15:32
21: Write 12:15:22 read at 12:15:32
22: Write 12:15:23 read at 12:15:32
23: Write 12:15:24 read at 12:15:32
24: Write 12:15:25 read at 12:15:32
25: Write 12:15:26 read at 12:15:32
26: Write 12:15:27 read at 12:15:32
27: Write 12:15:28 read at 12:15:32
28: Write 12:15:29 read at 12:15:32
29: Write 12:15:30 read at 12:15:32
30: Write 12:15:31 read at 12:15:32
From this I can clearly see:
Each time the command is run it gets the latest line written to the file. i.e. There is no problem with caching and no buffers needing flushed.
Only a single line is read and then no further output appears until the command running in the other window completes.
Once it does complete all of the pending lines appear together. This must have been triggered by the source program closing the file.
Also when I repeated the exercise with the Get-Content command running in two other windows one window read line 3 then just waited, the other window read line 6, so the line is definitely being written to the file.
It seems pretty conclusive that the -Wait option is waiting for a file close event, not waiting for the advertised 1 second. The documentation is wrong.
I should add, as Adi Inbar seems to insistent that I'm wrong, that the examples I gave here use Powershell only as that seemed most appropriate for a Powershell discussion. I did also verify using Python that the behaviour is exactly as I described:
Content written to a file is readable by a new Get-Content -Wait command immediately provided the application has flushed its buffer.
A Powershell instance using Get-Content -Wait will not display new content in the file that is being written even though another Powershell instance, started later, sees the later data. This proves conclusively that the data is accessible to Powershell and Get-Content -Wait is not polling at 1 second intervals but waiting for some trigger event before it next looks for data.
The size of the file as reported by dir is updating while lines are being added, so it is not a case of Powershell waiting for the directory entry size to be updated.
When the process writing the file closes it, the Get-Content -Wait displays the new content almost instantly. If it were waiting until the data was flushed to disk there would be up to a delay until Windows flushed it's disk cache.
#AdiInbar, I'm afraid you don't understand what Excel does when you save a file. Have a closer look. If you are editing test.xlsx then there is also a hidden file ~test.xlsx in the same folder. Use dir ~test.xlsx -hidden | select CreationTime to see when it was created. Save your file and now test.xlsx will have the creation time from ~test.xlsx. In other words saving in Excel saves to the ~ file then deletes the original, renames the ~ file to the original name and creates a new ~ file. There's a lot of opening and closing going on there.
Before you save it has the file you are looking at open, and after that file is open, but its a different file. I think Excel is too complex a scenario to say exactly what triggers Get-Content to show new content but I'm sure you mis-interpreted it.
It looks like Powershell is monitoring the file's Last Modified property. The problem is that "for performance reasons" the NTFS metadata containing this property is not automatically updated except under certain circumstances.
One cirumstance is when the file handle is closed (hence #Duncan's observations). Another is when the file's information is queried directly, hence the Explorer refresh behaviour mentioned in the question.
You can observe the correlation by having Powershell monitoring a log with Get-Content -Wait and having Explorer open in the folder in details view with Last Modified column visible. Notice that Last Modified doesn't update automatically as the file is modified.
Now get the properties of the file in another window. E.g. at a command prompt, type the file. Or open another Explorer window in the same folder, and right-click the file and get its properties (for me, just right-clicking is enough). As soon as you do that, the first Explorer window will automatically update the Last Modified column and Powershell will notice the update and catch up with the log. In Powershell, touching the LastWriteTime property is enough:
(Get-Item file.log).LastWriteTime = (Get-Item file.log).LastWriteTime
(Get-Item file.log).LastWriteTime = Get-Date
So this is now working for me:
Start-Job {
$f=Get-Item full\path\to\log
while (1) {
$f.LastWriteTime = Get-Date
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
Get-Content path\to\log -Wait
Can you tell us how to reproduce that?
I can start this script on one PS session:
get-content c:\testfiles\test1.txt -wait
and this in another session:
while (1){
get-date | add-content c:\tesetfiles\test1.txt
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
And I see the new entries being written in the first session.
It appears that get-content only works if it goes through the windows api and that versions of appending to a file are different.
program.exe > output.txt
And then
get-content output.txt -wait
Will not update. But
program.exe | add-content output.txt
will work with.
get-content output.txt -wait
So I guess it depends on how the application does output.
I can assure you that Get-Content -Wait does refresh every second, and shows you changes when the file changes on the disk. I'm not sure what tail -f is doing differently, but based on your description I'm just about certain that this issue is not with PowerShell but with write caching. I can't rule out the possibility that log4net is doing the caching, but I strongly suspect that OS-level caching is the culprit, for two reasons:
The documentation for log4j/log4net says that it flushes the buffer after every append operation by default, and I presume that if you had explicitly configured it not to flush after every append, you'd be aware of that.
I know for a fact that refreshing Windows Explorer triggers a write buffer flush if any files in the directory have changed. That's because it actually reads the file contents, not just the metadata, in order to provide extended information such as thumbnails and previews, and the read operation causes the write buffer to flush. So, if you're seeing the delayed updates every time you refresh the logfile's directory in Windows Explorer, that points strongly in this direction.
Try this: Open Device Manager, expand the Disk Drives node, open the Properties of the disk on which the logfile is stored, switch to the Policies tab, and uncheck Enable write caching on the device. I think you'll find that Get-Content -Wait will now show you the changes as they happen.
As for why tail -f is showing you the changes immediately as it is, I can only speculate. Maybe you're using it to monitor a logfile on a different drive, or perhaps Cygwin requests frequent flushes while you're running tail -f, to address this very issue.
Duncan commented below that it is an issue with PowerShell, and posted an answer contending that Get-Content -Wait doesn't output new results until the file is closed, contrary to the documentation.
However, based on information already established and further testing, I've confirmed conclusively that it does not wait for the file to be closed, but outputs new data added to the file as soon as it's written to disk, and that the issue the OP is seeing is almost definitely due to write buffering.
To prove this, let the facts be submitted to a candid world:
I created an Excel spreadsheet, and ran Get-Content -Wait against the .xlsx file. When I entered new data into the spreadsheet, the Get-Content -Wait did not produce new output, which is expected while the new information is only in RAM and not on disk. However, whenever I saved the spreadsheet after adding data, new output was produced immediately.
Excel does not close the file when you save it. The file remains open until you close the Window from Excel, or exit Excel. You can verify this by trying to delete, rename, or otherwise modify the .xlsx file after you've saved it, while the window is still open in Excel.
The OP stated that he gets new output when he refreshes the folder in Windows Explorer. Refreshing the folder listing does not close the file. It does flush the write buffer if any of the files have changed. That's because it has to read the file's attributes, and this operation flushes the write buffer. I'll try to find some references for this, but as I noted above, I know for a fact that this is true.
I verified this behavior by running the following modified version of Duncan's test, which runs for 1,000 iterations instead of 50, and displays progress at the console so that you can track exactly how the output in your Get-Content -Wait window relates to the data that the pipeline has added to the file:
1..1000 | %{"${_}: Write $(Get-Date -Format "hh:mm:ss")"; Write-Host -NoNewline "$_..."; Start-Sleep 1} > .\gcwtest.txt
While this was running, I ran Get-Content -Wait .\gcwtest.txt in another window, and opened the directory in Windows Explorer. I found that if I refresh, more output is produced any time the file size in KB changes, and sometimes but not always even if nothing visible has changed. (More on the implications of that inconsistency later...)
Using the same test, I opened a third PowerShell window, and observed that all of the following trigger an immediate update in the Get-Content -Wait listing:
Listing the file's contents with plain old Get-Content .\gcwtest.txt
Reading any of the file's attributes. However, for attributes that don't change, only the first read triggers an update.
For example, (gi .\gcwtest.txt).lastwritetime triggers more output multiple times. On the other hand, (gi .\gcwtest.txt).mode or (gi .\gcwtest.txt).directory trigger more output the first time each, but not if you repeat them. Also note the following:
» This behavior is not 100% consistent. Sometimes, reading Mode or Directory doesn't trigger more output the first time, but it does if you repeat the operation. All subsequent repetitions after the first one that triggers updated output have no effect.
» If you repeat the test, reading attributes that are the same does not trigger output, unless you delete the .txt file before running the pipeline again. In fact, sometimes even (gi .\gcwtest.txt).lastwritetime doesn't trigger more output if you repeat the test without deleting gcwtest.txt.
» If you issue (gi .\gcwtest.txt).lastwritetime multiple times in one second, only the first one triggers output, i.e. only when the result has changed.
Opening the file in a text editor. If you use an editor that keeps the file handle open (notepad does not), you'll see that closing the file without saving does not cause Get-Content -Wait to output the lines added by the pipeline since you opened the file in the editor.
Tab-completing the file's name
After you try any of the tests above a few times, you many find that Get-Content -Wait outputs more lines periodically for the remainder of the pipeline's execution, even if you don't do anything. Not one line at a time, but in batches.
The inconsistency in behavior itself points to buffer flushing, which occurs according to variable criteria that are hard to predict, as opposed to closing, which occurs under clear-cut and consistent circumstances.
Conclusion: Get-Content -Wait works exactly as advertised. New content is displayed as soon as it's physically written to the file on disk*.
It should be noted that my suggestion to disable write caching on the drive did not for the test above, i.e. it did not result in `Get-Content -Wait displaying new lines as soon as they're added to the text file by the pipeline, so perhaps the buffering responsible for the output latency is occurring on a filesystem or OS level as opposed to the disk's write cache. However, write buffering is clearly the explanation for the behavior observed in the OP's question.
* I'm not going to get into this in detail, since it's out of the scope of the question, but Get-Content -Wait does behave oddly if you add content to the file not at the end. It displays data from the end of the file equal in size to the amount of data added. The newly displayed data generally repeats data that was previously displayed, and may or may not include any of the new data, depending on whether the size of the new data exceeds the size of the data that follows it.
I ran in to the same issue while trying to watch WindowsUpdate.log in realtime. While not ideal, the code below allowed me to monitor the progress. -Wait didn't work due to the same file-writing limitations discussed above.
Displays the last 10 lines, sleeps for 10 seconds, clears the screen and then displays the last 10 again. CTRL + C to stop stream.
Get-Content C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log -tail 10
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10

Powershell: How to capture output from the host

I am using powershell to automate some tasks related to checking out/merging in TFS. When I call
tf get * /recurse
I get a bunch of data scrolling by about the files that are getting checked out. The last line generated by this command (assuming its success) is one telling the checkin number. I would like to parse this out so it can be used later on in my script.
I know that I can do something like
$getOutput = tf get * /recurse
but then the output is suppressed entirely and I want the output of that command to be scrolled in realtime. I would basically like to grab everything that just got sent to the output buffer.
Try something like this:
tf get * /recurse | tee-Object -Variable getOutput
The tee-object in PowerShell 2.0 allows you to pipe results to two sources. If you leave the second source empty, the results go to the console.
ls | tee-object -filePath directoryListing.txt
This will write the directory listing to both the console and a text file.