Enlarging thumbnail images by clicking on them - thumbnails

I have a bunch (about 20)thumbnail jpg images that I want to enlarge to a much bigger image when you click on each thumbnail. But I dont want to have so many large jpgs on my website, because that will slow down the entire site.
Whats the best way to enable the user to view the thumbnail in large without making them into big jpg images?
I need the enlarged image to be as big as possible, because each one has text that I want the user to be able to read easily.
The link to my site is www.totalrecallsolutions.com
I dont want to make them into pdf's because not everyone has a pdf viewer, and I dont want to make them download it.
I also dont want to code each image onto its own webpage, even though I know that that will be able to be as big as I want, because I dont want to spend all that much time.
Any other options?

I have a bunch (about 20)thumbnail jpg images that I want to enlarge
to a much bigger image when you click on each thumbnail. But I dont
want to have so many large jpgs on my website, because that will slow
down the entire site.
I'm a little confused. You don't want to host the images, or you don't want them embedded? If you don't want to host them, use something like photobucket. If you don't want them directly embbeded to your page, look at javascript popup windows.


MAUI CollectionView show Thumbnail instead full size photo

I created a Collection View for a app that showing photo specific by self app captured.
When showing the original photo it very slow e.g. the size of 5MB~10MB may be too large for showing.
Is there any way that I can get or even create the thumbnail for preview?
I tried for using C# standard way but the Image.Save( MemoryStream in MAUI is Windows platform only ...
First of all, I want to point out, that it is not a matter of choice.
Too big images will not be rendered, and you will see nothing but white space. (Learned that from testing it on Android.)
You can check this first:
I also use ImageSharp. (Despite the non-sense that happened recently, this is still a very good tool).
In any case, maybe it will be good to store the photo and the thumbnail separately, speaking of collection view, I do not think that it will perform well, if you need to mass-scale 5-10 MB photos. At least the devices I use cannot do this effectively.

iphone best practice, how to load multiple high quality images

I have about 20-ish high quality images (~3840x5800 px) that I need to load in a simple gallery type app. The user clicks a button and the next image is loaded into the UIImageView.
I currently use [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:] which takes about 6 seconds to load each image in the simulator :(
if I use [UIImage imageNamed:] it takes even longer to load but caches the images which means its quicker if the user wishes to see the same images again. But it may cause memory problems later with all that caching crashing my app.
I want to know whats the best practice for loading these? I'm experimenting with reducing image file size as much as is possible but I really need them to be high quality image for the purpose of the app (zoomable, etc.).
Thanks for any advice
Hey again guys,
Thanks for all ye're advice. The project's spec's have changed a little. Now as well as displaying the images they firstly have to be zoomed in to a particular spot and when the user taps next it zooms out and then displays the next image. So I'm not sure if the proposed solutions fits?
Apple's docs recommend against trying to load single images that are larger than 1024x1024. You should look into using CATiledLayer instead, to load pieces of the images as needed.
You can have a look at this Apple sample:
It shows how to load big images, breaking them in tiles for different zoom levels.
You can't see all those pixels at any given time, so there is no need to load them all. Load lower-res copies ("big-thumbnails") to view the complete image, then selected sub-tiles, maybe of 2 or more different resolution sets, after the user zooms in.
The CATiledLayer API may be able to handle some of the latter for you.

Loading PDFs or Images from URL into a CoverFlow view

I want to load PDFs or Images into a View, but when the source is an URL there might be connection lags, so I wonder what is the best approach when loading content (like magazines) into a Coverflow view in the iPhone?.
(For Coverflow, something like this: http://apparentlogic.com/openflow/ )
Is it ok to get a pdf file then
obtain corresponding page images and
show them in an appropriate
resolution a Coverflow view?
(Downloading the hole PDF might take
Or is better to download images as
needed and then pass them to the
Coverflow? (Although resolution
might be a problem, hence maybe I
wil need more than one image per
Would it be better to have a pdf
file for every page?(So they can be
rendered at any resolution and I
don't have to download the hole file
at once)
I hope you can give some advices on this.
Thanks in advance.
Just for the record:
After some research I came up with images approach. They are the simpler, fastest, and reasonable good resolution. They can be loaded in 2 stages, regular resolution and better resolution for zooming, etc.

How to save multiple UIImage to a file iPad

I have a PDF reader that displays pages of the document. What I want to do is allow the user to draw over the PDF in a transparent view. Then I want to save the drawing (UIImage) to disk. If at all possible, I don't want to have the documents folder filled with files like documentName_page01.png, documentName_page02.png for every page that is drawn over.
However, I can't figure out how to store these UIImages into a single file without it becoming unwieldy and memory intensive.
Any ideas appreciated.
What is the user drawing, just lines, rectangles, circles and so on? Maybe store colors and paths of what needs to be drawn, put all of that into an NSArray and serialise that. That might be easier than trying to put multiple UIImages into a file, will use up less space on the device, and might be faster to load. Then just recreate the drawings.
Use Core Data to store your images in Binary Data fields and retrieve them from there. This way, you won't fill your Documents folder with images, no matter how many PDFs of how many pages you have. Here's a tutorial showing you how to do this.

Preloading images from URL in TableViewCell

I'm making a simple rss reader for the iPhone. The feed (http://feeds.feedburner.com/foksuk/gLTI) contains a reference to images that I want to show in my TableView.
By default, as far as I understand, the iPhone only tries to load images when they are needed: it will only load the images for the rows that are displayed. Only when the user scrolls down, it will start loading the ones that need to be displayed. Right?
Now, since the images are downloaded from the web (they are not too large, but still), the scrolling of my TableView is stuttering. This is in the emulator, so on the device itself it will only be worse.
Luckily, this specific feed only lists the latest 12 entries of the blog. So I guess I should be able to first download an cache all the images, so they can be loaded from the memory, rather than from the URL.
What is the proper approach here?
I had the same problem, where my TableView would have to download each image before it displayed the cell. Like you say, it causes a big slowdown in the scrolling speed. What you need to do is download the images in the background and then insert them into the cell when they're finished downloading. This is how the app store app does it.
This post has all you need to know, including a class file you can use straight away: