Getting remotely executed commands output in a veriable using expect in perl - perl

I have a password variable $pw and a command variable $cmd.
$pw=UNIX password of a remote machine.
$cmd=Command to be executed in the remote machine.
now if I run the command using back-tick
I will be able to get some value in the output variable.
now if I want to run the same command through a expect I how to achieve the same. I mean how to get the out put of the command run through a expect in a variable.
my expect function is like:
sub expt($$){
my $cmd;
my $timeout;
($cmd, $pw)=#_;
$expect = Expect->new;
printDebug("Running the command under expt");
or die "Cannot spawn $cmd: $!\n";
[ qr/password:/i, #/
sub {
my $self = shift;
[qr/Are you sure you want to continue connecting \(yes\/no\)?/
, sub { my $self = shift;
exp_continue; }],
[qr/Unix password \(user\):/
, sub { my $self = shift;
exp_continue; }
return 0;
And I am calling the function like
By doing this I am able to execute the script in the remote host but my requirement is to store the output of the remote host in a local variable.

Why not using Net::SSH::Expect ? It would be more close to the first method: you "just" need to do something like that:
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new (
host => "",
user => 'myuser',
raw_pty => 1
$ssh->run_ssh() or die "SSH process couldn't start: $!";
($ssh->read_all(2) =~ />\s*\z/) or die "where's the remote prompt?"
$ssh->exec("stty raw -echo");
my $output = $ssh->exec($cmd);
Have a look at Net::SSH::Expect pod documentation, it is quite extensive.


Retry SSH to Host if Connection to the Host Fails in Perl

I have a script, which does SSH to the server and execute some command (In this script, for demonstration I am running Perl print statement with Hello message).
Here is my script:
use strict; use warnings;
use Net::OpenSSH;
$Net::OpenSSH::debug = ~0;
open my $out, '>', '/tmp/debug.txt' or warn $!;
$Net::OpenSSH::debug_fh = $out;
$Net::OpenSSH::debug = -1;
my #hosts = ("ipaddress1","ipaddress2");
my $ssh;
my $command = "perl -e 'print \"Hello..\"'";
foreach my $n (#hosts) {
#Here if connection to the host($n) fails, is it possible to retry again
$ssh = Connect($n, "user", "passwd");
print "Done execution in Host: $n\n";
undef $ssh;
print "**End**\n";
sub Connect {
my ( $host, $user, $passwd ) = #_;
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new($host, user=>$user, password=>$passwd);
$ssh->error and die "Couldn't establish SSH connection: " . $ssh->error;
return $ssh;
Whenever I execute this script, sometimes it successfully prints below message:
Done execution in Host: ipaddress1
Done execution in Host: ipaddress2
But sometimes cannot do ssh to host (either ipaddress1 or ipaddress2) and gives following message:
Couldn't establish SSH connection: unable to establish master SSH connection: master process exited unexpectedly at ....
Its being get died in Connect subroutine (cause I couldn't trace, opened question here).
So, is there any way if I cannot connect(ssh) to the host, retry can be done after certain period of time (for n number times) instead of printing error message and make the script die?
OpenSSH provides a nice interface for errors. I'd start by looking at the examples on the cpan page. Try the following
foreach my $n (#hosts) {
#Here if connection to the host($n) fails, is it possible to retry again
$ssh = Connect($n, "user", "passwd", 3);
print "Done execution in Host: $n\n";
undef $ssh;
print "**End**\n";
sub Connect {
my ( $host, $user, $passwd , $retry_limit ) = #_;
my $timeout = 10;
my $con;
while ( $retry_limit-- > 0 )
$con = Net::OpenSSH->new($host,
timeout=> $timeout,
last unless $con->error();
die "unable to connect ".$con->error() if retry_limit <0;
return $con;

Running sftp commands using

I am trying to download few files from specific folders using sftp utility and am doing it through . Below is the code for that :
use strict;
use Expect;
my $userid = `whoami`;
my $Password = "<password>";
my $command = "sftp " . "$userid" . "\#<server-name>";
my $spawn_ok = 0;
my $timeout = 10;
print "$command \n";
my $exp = new Expect();
$exp->spawn("$command") or die "Cannot spawn $command: $!\n";
[ 'Password:',
sub {
$spawn_ok = 1;
my $fh = shift;
print "Sending password \n";
[ 'sftp> ',
sub {
my $fh = shift;
$spawn_ok = 3;
print "Downloading cfg files \n";
$fh->send("get /home/cfg/*.cfg /tmp/ACC_CCM_CFG","\n");
The problem is apart from downloading files into the above folder : /tmp/ACC_CCM_CFG i also want to run the below command inside the same sftp session :
get /home/appl/*.pl /tmp/ACC_CCM_APPL
But i can't do that since the regular expression for the expect function would be same (sftp>) . How do i run a series of commands inside the same sftp session using expect if the regex of the prompt does not change .
Please throw some light on the above since i can't find any solution .
Any reason for using Expect and system sftp command for this? Using Net::SFTP module would make the job much more easier and clean.

Perl Net::SSH::Expect not printing out all expected output

I am using expect in perl to get interface information from my router. When I run the command on the remote router its missing about 10-15 lines that should be there. Not sure why its stopping, any ideas?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::SSH::Expect;
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new (
host => "",
user => 'user',
password => 'pass'
my $login_output = $ssh->login();
if ($login_output !~ /router#/) {
die "Login has failed. Login output was $login_output";
#$ssh->run_ssh() or die "SSH process couldn't start: $!";
$ssh->send("show int g2/1");
my $line;
while (defined ($line = $ssh->read_line()) ) {
print $line."\n";
Net::SSH::Expect is not reliable. Use other module as Net::OpenSSH, Net::SSH2, Net::SSH::Any or just Expect
use Net::OpenSSH;
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new("",
user => 'user',
password => 'pass',
timeout => 60 );
my $output = $ssh->capture('show int g2/1');
# or for some non-conforming SSH server implementations rather
# common in network equipment you will have to do...
my $output = $ssh->capture({stdin_data => "show int g2/1\n"});
$ssh->error and die "unable to run remote command: " . $ssh->error;
I suspect since you are dealing with a router, you want to enable raw_pty => 1 like the Net::SSH::Expect documentation suggests. Also, it might be easier for you to use the ->exec calls instead of the ->send + read_line.
For debugging further, pass in the log_stdout to the Net::SSH::Expect constructor and see if you can detect anything awry happening. Why did you comment out 'use strict'? Always 'use strict' and 'use warnings'

SSHProcessError The ssh process was terminated in $ssh->waitfor

I am very new to Perl script and trying to write a perl code to ssh to a Router and then run scp export command on the router (scp export from router to a remote destination server).
use Net::SSH::Expect;
use warnings;
$hostname = "Router";
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new (
host => $hostname,
password=> 'abcd',
user => 'admin',
raw_pty => 1,
timeout => 150,
my $login_output = $ssh->login();
if ($login_output !~ /Router/) {
die "Login has failed. Login output was $login_output";
$ssh->send("scp export log traffic start-time equal 2013/04/01\#00:00:00 to user\#<path> end-time equal 2013/04/01\#01:00:00",3);
$ssh->waitfor('user#\'s password:\s*') or die "prompt 'password' not found";
sleep 100;
my $logout = $ssh->close();
print "=" x 50;
print "\n";
I am able to see that script logins to the router fine (I can see a new user on the router everytime I run the script). However, after few seconds, script terminates with error:
SSHProcessError The ssh process was terminated. at cron1 line 22
What is wrong with line 22: $ssh->waitfor('user#\'s password:\s*') or die "prompt 'password' not found";
I used a different approach to login to a server. Have made a function out of this piece of code, works fine every time for me. See if this can help you out..
sub connect {
my $host =shift;
my $password=shift;
my $user=shift;
my $counter=0;
my $login_output;
$ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new (
host => "$host",
password=> "$password",
user => "$user",
raw_pty => 1
$login_output = $ssh->run_ssh();
LABLE_login: # Lable used for looping
if( $login_output =~ /yes/){ # To check if you are logging in for the first time
if( $login_output =~ /Password/){
elsif( $login_output =~ /Password/)
if($counter eq 3)
{ print color('red');print "Cannot connect to host exiting now\n";print color('reset');exit();}
goto LABLE_login;
return $ssh;
I ran into the same problem when $hostname wasn't valid. Doing a simple hostname check first fixed it for me..
die "Host $hostname not found" unless gethostbyname($hostname);
It seems just about any ssh connection error will cause the SSHProcessError error.

Perl Script cannot fork more than 10 times

My perl code does not allow more than 10 forks. For the following perl code, whenever I use more than 10 machines in the list of machines read in to the script, the perl script only forks 10 processes for 10 machines and for the rest it dies with error:
SSHProcessError The ssh process was terminated. at 44
It dies at the line where it says $ssh->waitfor('The authenticity of host*',15);.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Net::SSH::Expect;
use Term::ReadKey;
print "please enter filename:\n";
$filename = ReadLine;
chomp $filename;
print "please enter user ID:\n";
$userID = ReadLine;
chomp $userID;
print "please enter password:\n";
ReadMode 'noecho';
$passwordforuser = ReadLine 0;
chomp $passwordforuser;
ReadMode 'normal';
open READFILE,"<","$filename" or die "Could not open file listofmachines\n";
my #listofmachines = <READFILE>;
foreach $machine (#listofmachines)
my $pid=fork();
if ($pid){
elsif ( $pid == 0 ) {
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new (
host => "$machine",
user => "$userID",
password=> "$passwordforuser",
timeout => 25,
raw_pty => 1,
my $login_output = $ssh->run_ssh or die "Could not launch SSH\n";
$ssh->waitfor('The authenticity of host*',15);
#print "This output for machine $machine\n";
$ssh->waitfor('password: ', 15);
$ssh->waitfor('$ ', 10);
my #commresult=$ssh->exec("uptime");
print $login_output;
print #commresult;
exit 0;
else {
die "Could not Fork()\n";
waitpid($_, 0)
Please help. Thanks, nblu.
Your script using Net::OpenSSH::Parallel instead of Net::SSH::Expect.
The number of simultaneous connections is limited to 10 to overcome any resource exhaustion problem as happening in your script (probably PTYs):
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Net::OpenSSH::Parallel;
use Term::ReadKey;
print "please enter filename:\n";
$filename = ReadLine;
chomp $filename;
print "please enter user ID:\n";
$userID = ReadLine;
chomp $userID;
print "please enter password:\n";
ReadMode 'noecho';
$passwordforuser = ReadLine 0;
chomp $passwordforuser;
ReadMode 'normal';
open READFILE,"<","$filename" or die "Could not open file listofmachines\n";
my #listofmachines = <READFILE>;
chomp #listofmachines;
my $pssh = Net::OpenSSH::Parallel->new(connections => 10);
user => $userID, password => $passwordforuser,
master_opts => [-o => 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no'])
for #listofmachines;
sub do_ssh_task {
my ($host, $ssh) = #_;
my $output = $ssh->capture('uptime');
print "$host: $output";
$pssh->all(parsub => \&do_ssh_task);
for my $host (#listofmachines) {
if (my $error = $pssh->get_error($host)) {
print STDERR "remote task failed for host $host: $error\n";
By default, the remote ssh daemon limits the number of concurrent ssh connections to something like 10 per userid. If that is a problem for you, you will need to change the server configuration...
Perhaps you have a limit to the number of processes you can create? Can you create 30 or more processes in a loop where the children just sleep(60)?
If in fact you have a limit of how many you can do at once, try using Parallel::ForkManager.
If this is from hitting a limit on pseudoterminals, how you set that depends on kernel version; what does uname -a say? also depends on whether the code is using BSD or SysV/UNIX98 ptys. If you see it opening files like /dev/ptyXY where X is one of a-e or p-z, it's the former, and you will have a hard limit of 256 systemwide.
You can change passwords without a pseudoterminal using usermod instead of passwd, but this momentarily exposes the crypted password in the process list; that may be acceptable in your case.