the scroll bar is hidden behind the keyboard - iphone

I have a UITableViewController with a search bar. When I touch the screen to start the search, I hide the UINavigationBar and show the scope bar search to optimize the space.
For the TableView not hide behind the keyboard and search bar, I add header and footer to the table with their respective heights.
Everything working correctly. But the scroll bar is still hiding behind the search bar and keyboard.
Any suggestions to solve this or some other way to do this whole mechanism?

Resize the table view's frame by subtracting the height of the keyboard.


Gap above ContentView / not the same height as UIScrollview - xib

Issue: gap above where contentView starts. Should be 0.
Despite setting the content view top bottom leading and trailing to 0, the content view has a gap at the top. I am using auto layout only.
Scrollview background is blue &
Content view is grey for easy viewing.
If I set the content view to equal heights as the scroll view, I get an error. And this doesn't seem like the right approach away. According to this setting equal height is optional:
Apple auto layout scrollview page
I do set equal widths.
Entire Screen:
Top of Scroll view:
Bottom of scroll view -> this is right - flush with bottom of scroll view (not sure if that matters)
Subview constraints:
Please help!! Also I am using xib files - not sure if that matters.
Thank you!
You'll notice that the gap is equal in height to the navigation bar.
The gap is there because by default iOS assumes that when using a translucent navigation bar, scroll views (and their subclasses like table views) begin at the top of the screen, behind the translucent navigation bar.
iOS then assumes you do not want your content hidden behind the translucent navigation bar, so it applies a top content inset to any scroll view, of height equal to the navigation bar height.
This behavior can be overridden in two ways:
Unmark Adjust Scroll View Insets on the view controller (see image below)
Make your navigation bar not translucent. If you're using a Storyboard, select the navigation controller that contains the affected view controller, and unmark the Translucent checkbox.

Auto resizing in a tab bar is not working

I have a view with a tab bar and a navigation bar. I have a few buttons and textfields in the view. I have some empty space left at the bottom of my view.
While testing on 3.5 inch screen the empty space is occupied by the tab bar. But, on a 4 inch screen I can see the space left clearly. I tried auto resizing every way but it's not working.
Should I go for creating a separate view for the 4 inch screen?
While working with tab bar you dont have to bother for leaving space for tab bar, it'll make it's space by resizing (not cropping) the height of your view. In result the screen size will minimize.
But in this case view's AutoResizingProperty Must be like:
[yourView setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight];
Or if you are dealing with XIB then it should look like:
With these setting your view will resize itself on bot size of windows.

Brining the UISearch bar from any position: iPhone

Im creating this app for the iPhone and what I want to do is bring up a hidden search bar from any position of a view when scrolling. I currently have it sitting on top of the view.
I want to be able to invoke the hidden search bar from any postion as the user scrolls. The search bar can ONLY be used from the top position as of right now. If any one can point me to the right direction that would be great.
I recommend putting UISearchBar above your UIScrollView via [view insertSubview:searchBar aboveSubview:scrollView]. Then you can just call [searchBar setHidden:NO] and your search bar will appear on the screen.

Making a view scrollable when keyboard active

I have a view with half a dozen text fields and labels, and a button.
I want it to be that when the keyboard pops up, the view becomes scrollable, so you can scroll the view up and see the bottom half of the fields without having to dismiss the keyboard to get to them.
Just putting it inside a UIScrollView doesn't seem to do it.
You have to set the scroll view's contentSize to enable scrolling.

Toolbar placement off with Interface Builder

I have a view xib that I'm manipulating through IB (for various reasons) and it will be launched as a modal view in code. I have a Toolbar at top and another one at bottom with some other UI elements in between. When I run the app, the placement of the top Toolbar isn't as I see it during the layout in IB.
In IB, the top Toolbar is placed at top below the status bar correctly and the next UI element (a label) appears below it. However, in the simulator, the top half of the Toolbar appears underneath the status bar and thus making it look cut off and there is a lot of space between the Toolbar and the label, which isn't reflected in the layout in IB.
For modal views, should the height of the view be different? If so, what does it need to be?
The view's height is set to default height value of 480.
Is the style of the status bar set to Translucent Black in IB? This causes the status bar to not consume any space and as a result "float" above the underlying Views.