Zend Routing not working correctly - zend-framework

I have a Zend app which I am trying to port over to a [new] computer. I have it working already on the previous machine.
When I go to the URL localhost/myapp, the application loads the correct index page (i.e. runs my IndexController.indexAction() as it should). However, when I go to any other page, I get an error that the controller "myapp" cannot be found.
I have confirmed that rewrites are working (the error page that is rendered is via my custom ErrorController) - it seems that for some reason, Zend is treating the webroot as localhost, which means that the first parameter after that, "myapp", is being treated as the controller.
Any ideas as to what might cause this, and how to fix it without moving the entire application into the root of the web directory?

Found the answer with the addition of the following line in my htaccess file:
RewriteBase /myapp
I'm not quite sure why this line is needed (it's completely omitted on the original computer where the application works just fine), but adding it in solved the issue.

This was working because your .htaccess file is at the root directory so by localhost/myapp it was going to its index.php but couldnt find .htaccess in the project's folder


Codeigniter only $route['default_controller'] works

This project worked until I cloned it on a different location, The only route which works now is $route['default_controller'] when I try to access to another route I get an 404 error but I've changed nothing until the last time it worked.
You may hide the index.php from the url by rewritting urls in .htaccess, Please check you have .htaccess file in new location or right base path in .htaccess file.

Zend framework deployment in Bluemix

We would like to deploy Zend framework in Bluemix. We used the recommended buildpack https://github.com/zendtech/zend-server-php-buildpack-bluemix, however it does not help. For deployment we need to change Document Root to their 'public' folder.
In practice it can be done via changing apache configs or adding htaccess file. So we are not able changing the apache configs, therefore we added htaccess file for it. The folder has been created and via htaccess the document root has been changed (it works). But when the framework has been pushed it does not work (The blank page is appeared without PHP run-time errors).
There is a environment variable that configures the document root for an application using this buildpack:
Using this instead of the htaccess rewrite rules should work.

Zend Framework Setup on Hostmonster?

I have created a project locally using Zend Framework 1.11. I have spent a long time learning the basics of the framework from all the online tutorials I can find, and I now feel fairly comfortable using the ZF Tool and locally working on my project on WAMP. I decided it was time to upload my project and deploy it on my shared hosting server, which happens to be Hostmonster.
After uploading my project, I have been struggling to get it to function correctly on the remote host. I have successfully uploaded my Zend Framework Library and included it in my PHP.ini, and all tests show it is seen by the server.
My directory structure, which was originally created to the standard format by the ZF Tool locally on the command line, is not pointing to the same paths on the remote server, so everything was messed up when I navigated to the Project/public folder. After much more Googling, I found several posts by various bloggers related to modifying .htaccess files, etc., which resulted in all my other sites hosted on the server being disrupted.
The closest I have been able to come to re-creating my initial local site on the Hostmonster host is by:
Taking all the directories out of my "public" ZF folder, and putting them directly in the web root of my server, (public_html), and:
Changing the 'APPLICATON_PATH' of my index.php file from the ZF public folder with the path to my ZF library (changed to reflect where it is in relation to the new location).
With this (tedious) setup, I am now seeing my index view being rendered with all CSS and Javascript, but I am unable to navigate to any of the other views, and the form I have displayed via a view script is likewise not showing up, only the index view is rendered.
My Zend Framework Library is located in a directory in the web root-- public_html, with the php.ini adding it to the include path.
This is becoming very frustrating as I like a lot of the features of ZF, but the restructuring of the site is proving impossible. If anyone has instructions or experience with this setup, I would greatly appreciate it. I am also hosting multiple other sites on this server, so I'm hoping I don't have to change from the single php.ini configuration(5.3) I'm currently using or mess around with a bunch of .htaccess files.
Thanks for any help anyone may have!
I have ZF running on HM no problem. Just place your index.php and .htaccess in your public_html dir, and what I did was created a public_html/zend/library folder and in my index.php including that library to get things working.
Also what do u mean you're running other sites off this server? Are you serving the application on the root of your domain? ie in your http://domain.com/ path? or different subdomains?

Zend framework deployment on the shared hosting

I want to deploy my project made in zend framework to my shared hosting.
My project has such structure:
This is what I have done:
I copied Zend folder (all library files) into library folder
I copied all the structure above into public_html/projects/project
(so if I type www.mydomain.com/projects/project/public I run the project
I tried to click on some link so that it redirected me to www.mydomain.com/projects/project/public/someController/someAction
Unfortunately all i see is a white, empty page.
Locally (using Zend server CE) it worked perfectly
Here it looks like Zend doesn't recognize that it should do anything with this url and redirecto to appropriate action.
What have I missed?
The reason you see empty page instead of errors is that error_reporting is probably off by default on your production server.
You may change the settings concerting displaying errors and exceptions in application.ini.
The other cases the errors are not displayed is something goes wrong in the view (eg. view helpers), which must return string, not the exception.
Things to check:
permissions to write for files/dirs which do require this
PHP version
.htaccess setup
stating the obvious here but I'd check your apache error log.
You should check if the server is running php as a module or CGI, in the later case it will not read the SetEnv of .htaccess and you will have to set to development mode in index.php by hand, or specify your config in php.ini

Problems with setting the path for Zend framework, needed for Youtube API

I copied & pasted this text here. It seems the editor seems to format some parts randomly. ;)
I downloaded ZendGdata 1.9.6, extracted it & uploaded it to my site's
root folder ..., which I need for use with Youtube API to get videos onto my site.
I must say I’m new to all this, and so I would appreciate taking this into account.
The library folder is at /ZendGdata/library.
The problem I'm having is Step. 3 when I follow instructions
for setting it up for that purpose.
Download the Google Data Client Library files.
Decompress the downloaded files. Four sub-directories should be
demos — Sample applications
documentation — Documentation for the client library files
library — The actual client library source files.
tests — Unit-test files for automated testing.
Add the location of the library folder to your PHP path (see the next section)
One of the suggested locations to add the path, apart from the .htaccess file is in php.ini.
My site is on shared hosting. I have no access to the main php.ini file, but I’m allow to create one if I need one. For Drupal CMS, for some functions, it suffices placing one in the root folder.
I added this line:
When I however go to mysite.com/ZendGdata/demos/Zend/Gdata/InstallationChecker.php to test the set up, like is mentioned in the
documentation on Youtube, I get the error:
PHP Extension ErrorsTested No errors found
Zend Framework Installation Errors: Tested 0
Exception thrown trying to access Zend/Loader.php using 'use_include_path' = true.
Make sure you include Zend Framework in your include_path which currently
contains: .:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php
SSL Capabilities Errors: Not tested
YouTube API Connectivity Errors: Not tested
So my question is: Is that the correct way to “Add the location of the library folder to your PHP path” ?
I’m a bit mixed up.
Someone was saying the php.ini file is only active in the folder where it is located. If that is the case, which of the ZendGdata folders should have it?
As I said, my purpose is to have a the Zend framework properly set up to allow using Youtube API, something I also yet have to learn to do.
In Youtube API Google group, I was referred here. The documentation coming with the downloaded file & at zend.com pre-supposes, one knows much more than some beginners like me.
Another person said I try placing this
$clientLibraryPath = '/home/habaris6/public_html/site.root.folder/ZendGdata/library';
$oldPath = set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $clientLibraryPath);
in mysite.com/ZendGdata/demos/Zend/Gdata/InstallationChecker.php
Whereas everything I had tried before failed, except fot the first test, when I placed the above snippet in the installation checker, I got positive tests for everything:
Ran PHP Installation Checker on 2009-12-09T21:16:08+00:00
PHP Extension ErrorsTested: No errors found
Zend Framework Installation Errors Tested No errors found
SSL Capabilities ErrorsTested No errors found
YouTube API Connectivity ErrorsTested No errors found
Does it mean if I place that snippet in install checker, all scripts needing the library can access it?
If not, please let me know what exactly to place in the self-made php.ini & in which folder(s) it should be.
Should that not work, and I were to use .htaccess files, what exactly, based on the folders mentioned above should be the content & exactly which folders should they be in? I read that the .htaccess files should be placed in each folder. Does it really mean I should place one in each of the ZendGdata folders?
I would be grateful for any guidance enabling me to finally start, after failing to sufficient get responses elsewhere.
Thanks in advance.
It's not necessary to put all the ZendGdata code under your website document root. In fact, as a rule I don't put PHP class libraries in a location that can be accessed directly by web requests, because if there's any way to do mischief by invoking the class files directly, then anyone can do it.
Instead, put libraries outside your document root and then reference them from scripts that are run directly. For example, you could create a directory phplib as a sister to your public_html directory. Then upload the ZendGdata bundle under that phplib directory.
You can set your PHP include path in a .htaccess file. You don't need to create a .htaccess file in every directory, because the directives in any .htaccess file apply to all files and directories under the directory where the .htaccess resides. See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/htaccess.html for more information.
So I would recommend creating a .htaccess file at /home/habaris6/public_html/site.root.folder containing the following directives:
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_value include_path ".:/usr/local/lib/php:/home/habaris6/phplib/ZendGdata/library"
See http://php.net/manual/en/configuration.changes.php for more info on this.
Note that this assumes your webhosting company allows you to use .htaccess files, and that they allow you to use the php_value directive in .htaccess files. Enabling these options is an Apache configuration and they could have their own policies against that for reasons of performance or security. You should contact them for this answer; no one on the internet can answer questions about your hosting provider's policies.
If you choose to use the set_include_path() PHP function to append a directory to your runtime include path, you need to do this in each file that serves as a landing point for a web request. That is, if you permit a request to be made directly to foo.php then you need to add the code to foo.php. Any files or classes subsequently included by foo.php use the include path you defined.
Note also that whatever method you use to define the include path, it has to take effect before your script tries to load any PHP class files via the include path. The .htaccess method should accomplish this, and if you use the code method you just have to put the code high enough in your PHP script.
I don't use the method of creating a custom php.ini file under each directory within your site document tree. That's a new feature of PHP 5.3.0, not supported by earlier versions of PHP. If you're using Apache you should just use .htaccess for the same effect.