How to use SBT with multiple sub project web applications? - scala

I am building some web applications using SBT to handle my dependencies. The web apps are using some common libraries and will likely end up running in the same web container. I would like to use a project setup where each of these web applications are sub-projects and all of them are started when I run container:start in SBT. Are there any guides how to set this up? Is there a better way to organize my project?

xsbt-webplugin has an example in src/sbt-test/webapp-common/multi-container.


Web App in Eclipse using Mave

I want to develop a Web App in Eclipse using Maven build tool. Where can I find a good tutorial to develop such kind of app?
Thank you.
For your Kind Information There is no big difference between Normal And Maven application. Generally
1.In normal web application we add jars in lib folder in maven in pom.xml
we add maven dependency instead of adding libs
2.The Projects structure is also changed

is maven required to develop spring based project?

I am developing (Single developer) a Spring based project for a Traveling based website.
and this is my first Spring based project, I want to use Maven in my project, because hosting sites like Cloud Bees expecting maven based project for deployment.
Is Maven required to develop Spring based project in Single developer environment.
FYI I am using eclipse IDE.
No it is not required.
You can develop in Spring using Ant or Maven or Gradle etc. or nothing at all.
Although it might be easier to do it with Maven (for library management)
It is not required per se, but you will run into some serious pain down the road if you don't use Maven or Gradle.
The first and foremost reason to use Maven or Gradle is to be able to very simply run tasks that occur ofter (like building a war or running the tests) and to be able to declaratively obtain the required dependencies (which in the case of a typical Spring application are plentiful).
If you are just starting to use build tool, I would suggest you take look at Gradle instead of Maven.

make a standalone independent application out of a dynamic web project in eclipse

So, I've made a dynamic web project in Eclipse.It uses Jsp and servlets. Now I am told to make a standalone independent application for the same. I tried to google as to how it can be done. Most of them pointed me to use Export->Runnable jar file. But on doing so I can't find my dynamic web project in the Launch Configuration. Now how to make the standalone independent application ?
I've done a similar thing using embedded Jetty which means the application jar provides the web service without having to rely on a web server.

Build tool for Scala web application development

While working with Scala frameworks such as Play! and Lift I was really amazed how these frameworks manage to create a full development stack from the source code up to the web application container (Jetty).
Right now I'm trying to configure a project on my own with the following features:
Automatic deployment on Tomcat 7 (I'm not using Jetty as I require JEE6 support)
WAR file packaging
Is it possible to do it with a build tool such as SBT or Maven?
Note: My goal is to create my own project structure, not using an existing framework (even though I'm taking some ideas from them).
There is a web plugin for SBT:
It gives you war packaging, but not automatic deployment (other than on Jetty, which it integrates, but which you don't have to use).
That said, I'd like to see a fork of that plugin that removes the Jetty dependency and adds an automatic external deployment option. Shouldn't be too hard to do.

building development environment for GWT with JBoss

I am using eclipse IDE and want to build up a development environment for creating an app.
I have an EJB module on Jboss5 and would like to add a GWT project.
I could see that GWT during development is executed on it's development host mode, but the problem is that in this case I can not local EJB services deployed on my JBoss.
Is there anyway to overcome this challenge? how can I use the eclipse along with JBoss to develop, run and debug GWT application? I don't mind using ANT script in order to compile and deploy on JBoss, just need to know if this is possible (Also to debug the GWT application).
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
There is a sample setup to use JBoss Tools with GWT and GWT Plugin.
Strelok's sample page now recommends following the guidelines for creating a GWT project using a general Eclipse Web Tool Project approach.