Drag button with touch move - iphone

I am working on a custom controller. I want to create a slider, to choose between more options. The problem is that when I touch the button I want to it doesn't call my touchesBegan method. But if I press in any other part of my view, it works. How can I get my button to move?

The UIButton is capturing the touch events. if you try this
myButton.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
Then it will no longer consume the touch events but it will also no longer fire the onTouchUpInside event. In this case you process all of the touches in the super view and position the slider button accordingly.
It should drag just fine. This will work for any UIView.

touchesBegan will not work on a UIButton .. for that to work you will have to subclass UIButton and implement touchesBegan
refer this answer for more info https://stackoverflow.com/a/4863734/919545

Why don't you create a custom UIView and avoid using the UIButton class? It is simplier that subclassing UIButto or to set
myButton.userInteractionEnabled = NO;


iOS UIScrollView cancel UIButton touch on scroll

I have some UIButtons within a UIScrollView, but I do not want to delay the button touches. However, as soon as the scroll view detects a drag/scroll, I want to cancel the UIButton touch and proceed with the scrolling of the UIScrollView.
I have included the following...
_scrollView.delaysContentTouches = NO;
...but (obviously) the button touch does not cancel when dragged. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can implement this functionality?
You can override this method of UIScrollView.
-(BOOL)touchesShouldCancelInContentView:(UIView *)view
return YES;
And in your UIButton, you should add different method for different control events.
show highlight effect for UIControlEventTouchDown.
trigger button for UIControlEventTouchUpInside | UIControlEventTouchUpOutside;
clear highlight effect for UIControlEventTouchCancel.
You could use scrollViewWillBeginDragging to fire off a notification and handle the button canceling by listening for it in your buttons' code. I think this is what you are trying to do, but I'm not sure if I have understood your question correctly.

One tap triggering events on multiple views?

In my program I have placed a UIButton as a subview of a UIView, both of which have userInteractionEnabled set to true. When the button is tapped, an event is called to handle the button tap, which works as expected. However, the button's UIView superview also handles an event which should not be triggered in this case. Can anybody explain why the UIButton AND UIView are both triggering an event? Any help is appreciated.
Should you resign first responder after the button has done its duty so that the view that the button is in is no longer in control.
How about adding: bringSubviewtoFront:scrollview
to the end of your UIButton code. The idea here is to make your uiview the foremost view; which is what I think is happening when you touch the uiview and thus reactivating the triggering events
I have found a solution: I simply made the button a superview of the view which was handling unwanted events, rather than a subview.

Touch on UIButton in a UITableViewCell cannot scroll the table

I need to have a UIButton inside a UITableViewCell, everything works fine except when I touch inside the button and move my finger, the table does not scroll.
I tried to subclass UIButton and in touchesMoved: method send the same message to self.nextResponder, or call touchesCancelled and hope it will pass the touch event to next responder, they both do not work.
Is there any good way to solve this problem? Currently I am adding a UIView on top of the UITableViewCell, and detecting touch events manually, passing result to the button or the rest of the cell respectively, but this is a little bit dirty.
What you can try is setting the delaysContentTouches property of the UITableView to YES.
Additionally you can set the canCancelContentTouches to YES.
If the value of this property is NO, the scroll view does not scroll
regardless of finger movement once the content view starts tracking.
Source: UIScrollView Class Reference
_yourTableView.delaysContentTouches = YES;
_yourTableView.canCancelContentTouches = YES;
The best way is to make a custom cell and do your work neatly.
Check the Apple docs

Make UIView work like a UIButton

I built a Custom Cell in IB and in it created a view that represents a button. It has Labels and ImageViews in it.
I want to know if there is a way to make that view act like a button. That is, show a shadow and call a method when is pressed.
Yes. Just implement tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: and you can do everything you could do in a button action #selector.
As for the shadow and the rounded rectangle button feel, if you use a single cell in a section with UITableViewStyleGrouped, it will be pretty close.
The best is to make it a button. You can use UIButtonTypeCustom and set the background to the cell you've created.
You can use UITapGestureRecognizer and pass the event through a delegate or use UIControl which is a subclass of UIView but with UIButton tap events like touchUpInside and so, and then pass the event with a delegate to your view

UIButton touch event falls through to underlying view

I have created a small UIView which contains two UIButtons. The view responds to UITapGesture events. The Buttons are supposed to respond to TouchUpInside, however when I tap the buttons the responder is the underlying view and the tap gesture selector is triggered. Looking for advice or suggestions.
You can modify the method that responds to the tap gesture in the orange view:
-(void) handleTapFrom:(UITapGestureRecognizer*) recognizer {
CGPoint location = [recognizer locationInView:orangeView];
UIView *hitView = [orangeView hitTest:location withEvent:nil];
if ([hitView isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]) {
//code that handle orange view tap
This way if you touch a UIButton, the tap will be ignored by the underlying view.
The right answer (which prevents the tabrecognizer from highjacking any taps and doesn't need you to implement a delegate etc) is found here. I got a lead to this answer via this post.
In short use:
tapRecognizer.cancelsTouchesInView = NO;
"Which prevents the tap recognizer to be the only one to catch all the
Each UIView has an 'exclusiveTouch' property. If it's set to YES the view won't pass the touch down the responder chain. Try setting this property on your UIButtons and see if that makes a difference.
How are the views ordered in the view hierarchy? Also, are you creating the interface in IB? If you hook up the connections properly, this shouldn't be an issue at all...
The problem with this design is that it's similar to embedding one button into another. While you may have a valid reason to do it, you should be more careful with the event flow.
What happens is the gesture recognizer intercepting touches before they reach subviews (the two buttons in your case). You should implement UIGestureRecognizerDelegate protocol, namely, gestureRecognizer:shouldReceiveTouch: method, and return NO if the touch is inside any of the two buttons. That will prevent the orange view from usurping touches intended for the buttons and the buttons will start to work as expected.
Check out this question.