Webdriver kicks the bucket on "find_element" - element

I am using the Ruby interpretation of Webdriver. Now the webpage I am looking at may or may not contain a certain element. If it doesn't I would like to look for another element. However, whenever Webdriver can't find an element it throws an exception.
My question is, can I check to see if the element even exists on the page without littering my code with begin/rescue blocks ?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

The short answer is no. To check if element exists, you have to rescue errors. find_element always throw NoSuchElementError if element was not found. You can for example take a look at implementation of #exists? method in Watir-WebDriver.
Still, you can use find_elements method which will return empty array if not elements were found.
elements = #browser.find_elements(id: 'doesnt-exist')
if elements.empty?
# go to the next element
# work with element
element = elements.first


talend thmap get value of outer loop element

I'm just starting out with thMap.
So far I have successfully mapped an X12 835 message to output structures. That works no problem.
I have also successfully acquired the LoopIndex of the current loop using the LoopIndex() function.
My challenge:
I need to get the value of an element from the enclosing loop.
In the attached image, everything in green is working.
I'm trying to get the value down the red line.
My goal is to do this assignment
gsRecord.parent_id = enclosing loop isaRecord.id
The documentation explains some things but I don't see examples putting it together.
Does anyone have any good examples, videos or suggestions?
Update from 12/9/22
Here is something I have tried. Providing this example in hopes someone recognizes a specific issue to help move me forward. Any input would be appreciated.
Per this screenshot
I am attempting to output in gsRecord.parent_id the loopIndex of the parent loop (isaRecord).
This gives me the following error
"An reference in an LoopIndex/Variable was made to an either an input
map element or an output map element that is not in the context of the
reference. Use an enclosing looping output map element here.(msg #1202)"
Given the reference to 'enclosing looping output map element here' it feels like the gsRecord is not properly defined as a child of the isaRecord.
However the definition of the gsRecord is in reference to the isaRecord as in this screenshot.
It feels like there is some combination of LoopIndex and EnclosedContext that I could use to accomplish this but I'm unable to find any in-depth documentation on the functions.
Any help would be appreciated.

GTK: TreeModel::iter_next returns false when there are more elements

I have a TreeView with a TreeStore, and it looks like this:
I get the selected row from the TreeView by calling get_selection and calling get_selected on the resulting TreeSelection. From this I obtain a TreeIter which should point to the selected row.
I expect either iter_next or iter_prev (from TreeModel) to be successful since there is another row at the same level, namely Hello. However, calling either of those iter functions on the selected iter returns false.
Have I misunderstood something?
The documentation for TreeModel::iter_next states:
Returns an iterator pointing to the node following iter at the current level.
And Hello and Hello 2 are evidently on the same level.
I found the problem. I listen for Shift+Up to do the operation I mentioned. However, it seems like GTK first acts according to the Up keypress so that when my node_up function is called, the focus has changed to the Help node.

Accessing nested elements in python

I am new to python.I am posting here for the first time and I know question might be quite basic but problem is I can't figure out myself.
Lets say I have
I want the user to enter one of the elements of one of the tuples as input and the other element is printed.Or more precisely I would say that just one of elements in List[x][0] is input and corresponding List[x][1] element is printed as output.I hope it makes sense.
Please check List in the question.I think you forgot a quote(") in the first tuple.[("a^here,"b"),("c","d"),("e","f")]
I think this might help you.
c=raw_input('ENTER A CHARACTER-')
for i in xrange(len(List)):
if c in List[i]:
print List[i][abs(ind-1)]

What is [ ] in google chrome developer console?

While testing code in the google chrome developer console, i get
and sometimes i get "".
The later shows up,when i think there not such strings available with the current selector combinations.But i still couldn't figure out the meaning of the former [] square brakets.
Please help.
With the information that you've given, all we can do is make assumptions. However, when you're logging things to the console, [] is an empty array, whereas "" is an empty string.
[] are returned whenever you jquery returns empty object. i.e. you selector expression cant locate what you are trying to search.
whereas "" is just simple string
i looked into your given site..
when i tried :
$('.four columns alpha') i get object[] (which means there jquery is returning empty object)
but when you write correct expression like :
$('.four.columns') you will get array of Div's which can be used like object.
Hope i'm able to make you understand. if any doubts do write.
And $('.four columns alpha') this is not the right way to select div's with more than one css class right way is to do something like below:

SWI-Prolog cgi_get_form(Arguments) saving and handling arguments web form

I'm looking for a way of saving and after handling the arguments of a web form in SWI-Prolog when I submit the form and I call the same program to generate another form and so on. Always calling the same prolog program from one form to the next one.
The CGI SWI-Prolog library saves these arguments as a list of Name(Value) terms, i.e [Name(Value)].
if I pass the arguments like a hidden argument inside the form (TotalArguments is a list):
format('"<"input type="hidden" id="nameofform1" name="nameofform1" value="~w" />~n', TotalArguments),
I need to get rid of the id or name that concatenates on my resultant list on TotalArguments when I append it. Any idea of how to do this so that the final list looks like [nameofform1(value1), nameofform2(value2),...]?
I could also write this list of arguments and append it into a file, and consult it every time the program is called again, but this will load them always and I only need to load the arguments needed in the specific step and form handled at the moment. Because otherwise this file could contain undesirable info after some executions. Any thoughts on how to do it this way?
Any other suggestions for this kind of problem?
Edit with my solution using hidden form
I've solved it by creating:
extract_value([A0|__ ], Valor) :-
A0 =.. [_, Value],
Valor is Value.
and then doing:
extract_value(Arguments, Value),
and submiting the hidden value of the form like:
format('<"input type="hidden" id="nameofform1" name="nameofform1" value="~w"/>~n', [Value]),
and appending it in the next form so that it looks how I wanted:
It's a bit unclear to me what exactly you need here, but to remove the first element of a list that unifies with a given element (especially if you know for certain that the list contains such an element), use selectkchk/3. For example:
selectchk(id(_), List0, List1),
selectchk(name(_), List1, List)
in order to obtain List, which is List0 without the elements id(_) and name(_). Kind of implicit in your question, as I understand it, seems to be how to create a term like "form1(Value)" given the terms name(form1) and Value. You can do this for example with =../2. You can create a term T with functor N and arguments Args with
T =.. [N|Args]
It does not seem necessary to write anything to files here, I would simply pass the info through forms just as you outline.