Set column to 0 with probability p - matlab

I've got a matrix A with the dimensions m X n. For every column i (i > 0and i <= n) I want to flip a coin and fill the whole column with 0 values with probability p. How can this be accomplished in MATLAB?
A = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8] and p = 0.5 could result in
A' = [1 0 3 0; 5 0 7 0]

You can use the function rand() to generate an array of uniformly distributed random numbers, and use logical indexing to select colums where that array is less than p:
A = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8];
p = 0.5;
A(:, rand(size(A,2), 1)<p) = 0
A =
0 2 0 0
0 6 0 0

You can do something like bsxfun(#times, A, rand(1, size(A, 2)) > p). Alex's answer is admittedly better, though.


Zero pad a vector in MATLAB

I have a vector that contains 5 numbers and I want to pad it with zeros. How can I do it?
A = [1 2 3 4 5].';
I want the zero padded vector to be like this:
A_new = [0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5].';
Also, for another case, I want to assign 1, 3, 4 to matrix W as follows, with all else being zeros. The length of W is 7. W = [0 1 0 0 3 0 4].
You can use following code
newA = [zeros(5,1); A]
About another case. You need something like
inds = [2 5 7];
elems = [1 3 4];
W = zeros(7,1);
W(inds) = elems

How to group rows with same column values?

Given the matrix with coordinates in 3D space and values for two variables (say a and b) in two matrices I would like to merge rows for same points into a common matrix.
To clearly explain the matter, let's say we have matrices
A=[posX, posY, posZ, a]
B=[posX, posY, posZ, b]
and would like to combine them into
AB = [posX, posY, posZ, a, b]
for example
A = [0 0 1 1; 0 1 0 4; 5 0 12 8];
B = [0 0 0 5; 0 1 0 3; 5 11 7 7];
would give
AB = [0 0 0 0 5; 0 0 1 1 0; 0 1 0 4 3; 5 0 12 8 0; 5 11 7 0 7];
In order to do that I first created
ATemp = [A, zeros(length(A,0)]
BTemp = [B(:, [1 2 3]), zeros(length(B),1), B(:,4)]
and then tried to use functions accumarray and grpstats but haven't managed to form the AB matrix.
I would be very thankful if anyone suggested the way to get the desired matrix.
[edit] This solution is only valid if each (x,y,z)-point occurs only once in each matrix. If there are several, there is a dimension mismatch in the second line (and/or the third).

From matrix column subtract corresponding vector value

I have a matrix 'x' and a row vector 'v'; the number of elements in the row vector is the same as the number of columns in the matrix. Is there any predefined function for doing the following operation?
for c = 1 : columns(x)
for r = 1 : rows(x)
x(r, c) -= v(c);
Here's an octave demonstration:
octave> x = [1 2 3;2 3 4]
x =
1 2 3
2 3 4
octave> v = [2 0 1]
v =
2 0 1
octave> z=bsxfun(#minus,x,v)
z =
-1 2 2
0 3 3
If you are using Octave 3.6.0 or later, you don't have to use bsxfun since Octave performs automatic broadcasting (note that this is the same as actually using bsxfun, just easier on the eye). For example:
octave> x = [1 2 3; 2 3 4]
x =
1 2 3
2 3 4
octave> v = [2 0 1]
v =
2 0 1
octave> z = x - v
z =
-1 2 2
0 3 3
Alternatively, you can replicate your vector and directly subtract it from the matrix
z = x-repmat(v, size(x, 1), 1);

Sampling from two vectors with randsample

I have 2 vectors (n and t) eg:
n t
1 5
5 3
5 2
2 6
2 9
Once I sample from vector n through randsample(n,1), I want to sample from the vector t but only from the values corresponding to that same one in vector n.
eg. If I drew a value of 2 from n, I then want to draw the value 6 or 9 from t. But how do I tell matlab to do that?
You could potentially do this:
out = t(n == randsample(n, 1))
This will create a filter based on whether n = its own random sample, ie if
randsample(n, 1) = 2
(n == randsample(n, 1)) = [0
and applying this to t ie:
t(n == randsample(n, 1)) = [6
which are the two corresponding values to 2 in n, but in t.
Hope this helps.
PS if you need just one value from t then you can randsample the output that this function gives you.
Simple one-liner, assuming you have them stored in a Nx2 matrix
nt = [
1 5;
5 3;
5 2;
2 6;
2 9];
n = nt(:,1);
t = nt(:,2);
you can sample nSamples with replacement by randmonly indexing the matrix row-wise, i.e.:
nSamples = 5;
keepSamples = nt(randi(length(nt),nSamples,1),:);

How to vectorize row-wise diagonalization of a matrix

I have an n-by-m matrix that I want to convert to a mn-by-m matrix, with each m-by-m block of the result containing the diagonal of each row.
For example, if the input is:
[1 2; 3 4; 5 6]
the output should be:
[1 0; 0 2; 3 0; 0 4; 5 0; 0 6]
Of course, I don't want to assemble the matrix step by step myself with a for loop.
Is there a vectorized and simple way to achieve this?
For a vectorized way to do this, create the linear indices of the diagonal elements into the resulting matrix, and assign directly.
%# create some input data
inArray = [10 11;12 13;14 15];
%# make the index array
idxArray = reshape(1:nr*nc,nc,nr)';
idxArray = bsxfun(#plus,idxArray,0:nr*nc:nr*nc^2-1);
%# create output
out = zeros(nr*nc,nc);
out(idxArray) = inArray(:);
out =
10 0
0 11
12 0
0 13
14 0
0 15
Here's a simple vectorized solution, assuming X is the input matrix:
Y = repmat(eye(size(X, 2)), size(X, 1), 1);
Y(find(Y)) = X;
Another alternative is to use sparse, and this can be written as a neat one-liner:
Y = full(sparse(1:numel(X), repmat(1:size(X, 2), 1, size(X, 1)), X'));
The easiest way I see to do this is actually quite simple, using simple index referencing and the reshape function:
I = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6];
J(:,[1,4]) = I;
K = reshape(J',2,6)';
If you examine J, it looks like this:
J =
1 0 0 2
3 0 0 4
5 0 0 6
Matrix K is just what wanted:
K =
1 0
0 2
3 0
0 4
5 0
0 6
As Eitan T has noted in the comments, the above is specific to the example, and doesn't cover the general solution. So below is the general solution, with m and n as described in the question.
J(:,1:(m+1):m^2) = I;
If you want to test it to see it working, just use
Note: if J already exists, this can cause problems. In this case, you need to also use
It may not be the most computationally efficient solution, but here's a 1-liner using kron:
A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6];
B = diag(reshape(A', 6, 1) * kron(ones(3, 1), eye(2))
% B =
% 1 0
% 0 2
% 3 0
% 0 4
% 5 0
% 0 6
This can be generalized if A is n x m:
diag(reshape(A.', n*m, 1)) * kron(ones(n,1), eye(m))