Flowplayer Facebook Integration - facebook

I need help integrating flowplayer into facebook. I have done a lot of research and know that I am very close. I think that my only problem is the syntax that I use for the URL, which is here:
I keep getting the error
300: Player initialization failed Error #1009.
I know that I almost have it working because I can see the Flash player in facebook, it just gives me this error. Can someone please check my syntax of the above link and tell me if it is correct and if you know how to solve this problem, please let me know.

You missed a / sign what is %2F, but there is just a % sign. So the right url should be:
I don't exactly know where do you use this url, here is the url without encode:
http://www.pearlsquirrel.com/flowplayer-3.2.7.swf?config={'clip':{'url':'http://pearlsquirrel.com/mp3/eggoAngel [Cover]_mixdown.mp3'}}
Please try it.


What are some reasons I could be getting a "Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.)" error when trying to send a delete request?

This is really confusing me because I know I'm setting the csrftoken correctly in the header. When I try and send the delete request on Postman I get the same error. I've been searching for a solution for hours and can't seem to find anything good! Do you know what could possibly be happening?
This is some relevant frontend code
var csrftoken = this.getCookie('csrftoken');
axios.defaults.headers.delete['X-CSRFToken'] = csrftoken
axios.defaults.headers.delete['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'
.then(res => this.refreshList());
Let me know if you need anymore info. Any help will be appreciated.
I found the problem. My Delete URL pattern had a slash at the end, and as you can see here, there is no slash after the ID in the axios request. A classic blunder for a coder. I hate small bugs like this, don't you? Still can't help but smile now that it's gone though. I suppose you only learn to check for small things like this with experience. Such is the journey of a young web developer.

ref=ts on facebook app url cause app not found error

I've create an facebook app and it run smoothly at
But the problem is: when I search my app name "icoloring star" in facebook, it link to the app at url:
Then facebook said that:
App "iColoring Star" is unavailable
The app "iColoring Star" is temporarily unavailable due to an issue with its third-party developer. We are investigating the situation and apologize for any inconvenience.
We found that url part "ref=ts" cause above problem, but really do not know why?
Could you explain me why and how to resolve this problem?
Thank you very much.
It sounds like your code is failing when the ref parameter is supplied in the request path.
I was able to repro this with any arbitrary value in the ref parameter when accessing your app
Check your server logs and and see if you're returning a 500 error to facebook when the request comes in
See if you have any code that parses a ref parameter and check it's not throwing exceptions
Make sure your callback URL in the app settings doesn't also specify a ref parameter or your app may receive two values and/or fail entirely
It means 'Top Search'. User enter a query into the top of search.
There are some ref parameters.. ref=bookmarks for example. I dont know the full list.
Did you put your app on Facebook App Center?

"Website: Not a valid URL format" when creating an application of twitter

I'd like to create an application that can integrate with Twitter.
So I went to the website: https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new to create an application.
But the WebSite: field always failed. It said that "Website: Not a valid URL format".
I tried different "valid" URLs, but failed.
Do you have any ideas on the twitter application?
Thanks in advance.
I was trying to set localhost URL and got the same error message.
After replacing
it let me saved my test application
Mine is working. Save it in this format http://url.com. Even this domain.com works.
You can try doing it in a different browser, logout and login.
In my case the problem was in trailing whitespace from copy/paste.
One easy mistake to make is both the callback url and website need to start with http://
This worked for me:
WebSite: http://example.com
CallbackURL: http://example.com/auth/twitter/callback/
I'm able to make applications if I include "http://" at the beginning. Also it might be something browser related (I'm using Chrome) so check that.
I was having the same Issue, then after googling, someone said that:
"I think your website and callback should match. Some examples:
website: http://www.quoteicon.com
callback: http://www.quoteicon.com/twitter/callback "
summarizing the field callback has to be prefixed with the website, otherwise it gets error that the URL is invalid!
and they dont accept local IPs to the webSite fields.
It worked for me, hope this help you.
Old question but I ran into this today. Twitter does not allow localhost or IP addresses in the URL (plus it does require http:// or https:// as a prefix).
However this doesn't help with local debugging.
So an easy workaround is to add something like myapp.here.com in your /etc/hosts file myapp.here.com
and then enter http://myapp.here.com and http://myapp.here.com/auth/twitter in the fields.
That should allow local debugging. It is odd as Facebook makes this a bit easier and it seems like a common task for debugging these types of integrations.
You could even override your actual domain locally if you wanted to use the same Twitter App ID.
Be aware of localhost, if you are developing on local machine. Twitter doesn't allow url with http://localhost:3000 or without http.
I'm wonder, why ;] Hope, They will add it.
I just found that I didn't have a problem with my callback url at all, but the error message was for the Website url!
Tried everything now, eventually only https://example.com/auth worked.
I simply added www and the error was gone.
This issue is resolved when I give my Website & Callback URL same htt://URL.Hope it will help to resolve your solution.

Google App Engine Facebook App Authentication

Hey everyone,
I am trying to create an app in the google app engine for facebook, but I somehow got it caught in an infinite loop, and I can't figure out what to do to stop it. I copied some code from here
to do the authentication, specifically this:
if fb.check_session(self.request) and fb.added:
url = fb.get_add_url()
self.response.out.write('<script language="javascript">top.location.href="' + url + '"</script>')
And when I try to go to the page, it makes me authenticate, and then gets caught in a loop, so I am assuming that my if statement is fail, but I don't know what to do instead.
I am actually uploading this to facebook, so I don't think that the external authentication is the same. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance
Hey WWaldo,
I also had problems with facebook authentication until I found a good app to learn from. At github.com there is a pretty good newer project that solves this problem. It is called runwithfriends and also is a facebook app where we can view exactly how it's done.

facebook chat on the iphone using xmppframework

Well i started of by following all the instructions here:
I used the recommended fork of the facebook api and tried the latest from:
My problem starts with the following error:
< failure xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">< not-authorized/></failure>
The error is a reply from facebook to xmppframework s response to a authentication challenge. The response that is made by the iphone is base64 encoded msg when i decode it i find 2 of the values are null:
and the
This is obviously the reason facebook is returning that error. But the problem i have is i cant seem to find any where to set these values in the framework. Besides i think the session_key should be pulled in from facebook anyway.
I guess what i want to know is a couple of things.
Has any one got the xmppframework working with facebook on a iDevice?
If you have got it working did you have to stray from the path of the instructions on http://code.google.com/p/xmppframework/wiki/FacebookChatHowTo ?
do you know of any other method to get facebook chat working on the iphone?
Any suggestions or help for my current dilemma would be appreciated. Happy to share my code if you want.
I wrote the Facebook integration for XMPPFramework. The api_key and session_key, come from a call to auth.PromoteSession. Facebook is trying to deprecate that call, so to enable it, you must follow step 7, in the HowTo:
Under Migrations, change Disable Deprecated Auth Methods from Enabled to Disabled and Save Changes.