How do I change Akka and Logback logging level - scala

To change logging level to WARN, do I leave akka.conf to DEBUG:
event-handlers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jEventHandler"]
event-handler-level = "DEBUG"
and change logback.xml to WARN? Or should I change both event-handler-level to WARN and logback.xml to WARN?
If I leave event-handler-level to DEBUG and logback.xml to WARN, my event bus would be over flooded with log events, no?

The event-handler-level determines what gets posted to the logger actors, and the Slf4jEventHandler will then faithfully forward everything to logback. If you know that the second step will then drop messages to the floor, it would be better to not generate them in the first place. Since the event handler does not distinguish different levels for different “message categories”, you need to set the event handler level to the lowest level your logback.xml is configured to emit.


Disabling logging with LogLevel.None not working

I have a project where Log aspect is applied for method entry and exit.
LoggingServices.DefaultBackend = new PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics.Backends.Console.ConsoleLoggingBackend();
To disable log, I have the below statement but I still see method entry, exit (which are LogLevel with Trace) in log
But when I change the loglevel to critical as below, the method entry/exit is not logged.
Shouldn't the LogLevel.None suppress the entry/exit traces ?
The issue has been fixed in PostSharp 5.0.32.

Eclipse/Tomcat7 - simple to send all-or-nothing to console?

I have added this
But my tomcat7 console still shows all this...
I flipped back and forth between SEVERE and ALL and noticed no difference in the console output.
What step am I missing?
Set level to OFF
in your example
Levels used for identifying the severity of an event. Levels are
organized from most specific to least:
OFF (most specific, no logging)
SEVERE (highest value)
FINEST (lowest value)

Can I use Akka's TestEventListener without it polluting my test ouput via STDOUT?

As part of my testing, I am using EventFilter and TestEventListener to listen to log messages. However, doing so causes there to be a massive flood in my command prompt... which makes it very hard to see my tests happening.
Sample Code:
it("should send a welcome message to the user", SystemFortressTest) {
val stub = new SubFortressBuildingPermitRefTraitImplStub
EventFilter.debug(message = "SystemFortressExchange: Received Message: SystemOutput(List(JITMP Booted))", occurrences = 1) intercept {
this code works, but it floods me with debug level data because the TestEventListener prints to STDOUT by default (as it subclasses the default logger which is just straight STDOUT only logging)
I can roll my own logging abstraction that sits on top of Akka's and filter messages from there before it ever hits Akka's stuff... so it wouldn't pollute my command prompt... but that's an awful lot of fuss if there is a similar solution already available.
Problem is, if I use the SL4J Logger, it doesn't work with EventFilter.
What I do is:
akka.loglevel = DEBUG
akka.loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger", "akka.testkit.TestEventListener"]
.. and then in my tests:
This way:
errors and warnings are reported twice (but those should be fixed anyway :) )
debug and info messages are only reported through slf4j
you can still use eventfilters to check for specific messages (perhaps after unmuting them first)
Note that generally I consider testing for log messages a code smell though - usually better to check for more 'observable' behaviour. Perhaps publish an event to the eventstream.
You can configure log levels or completely turn off the logger likewise with other loggers So when you configure TestEventListener you can specify the logging as below.
akka.loglevel = OFF
Hope this helps
A solution is to create a new listener class that extends the TestEventListener and overrides the print method to either do nothing, or log through your preferred logging solution instead of printing directly to stdout. You then can specify your custom event listener as a logger in your application.conf under the akka.loggers option. (see details at
So your event listener would be:
package mypackage
import akka.testkit.TestEventListener
class SilentTestEventListener extends TestEventListener {
override def print(event: Any): Unit = ()
And you would add the following to application.conf:
akka {
loggers = [mypackage.SilentTestEventListener]
If you would turn of logging by altering the log level, or filter noisy logs by using an event filter, then you also wouldn't be able to listen to those logs in your tests, because that is also done with event filters: the logger only executes the filters on the logs until it finds the first one that filters out the log message. If it finds another such filter before the filter used in the test, then your test will never get notified about the log entry.
Another nicer solution would be to implement an event listener that defines its own way of handling logs instead of inheriting and modifying the behavior of the StdOutLogger (since you would expect a subclass of the StdOutLogger to log to stdout...), but this would require more effort than the hacky solution above, since you would have to duplicate the functionality of the TestEventListener.
When using SL4J, here is how we can setup. You will have to turn off sl4j logging to use TestEventListner for testing DEBUG logs.
class MyClassSpec extends TestKit(MyClassSpec.system) {
"MyClass" should "test something" in {
val actor = MyClassSpec.system.actorOf(Props(new MyClass()))
EventFilter.debug(message = s"Testing something", occurrences = 1) intercept {
actor ! "test"
object MyClassSpec {
val testConfiguation = ConfigFactory.parseString("""
akka.loglevel = DEBUG
akka.loggers = ["akka.testkit.TestEventListener"]
implicit val system: ActorSystem = {
ActorSystem("MyClassSystem", testConfiguation )

Quickfix reset sequence number at start time but not set ResetSeqNum in Logon message

When the quickfix initiator reconnects at startTime (defined in config) it deletes the files with sequence number, but does not set ResetSeqNumFlag to Y, and the server replies with a Logout message with text "seq msg number to low ..."
Is there a way to set ResetSeqNumFlag = Y only for this behavior? I don`t want to reset the sequence on every log-on.
This appears to be a QuickFIX/J quirk (some might consider it a bug). If ResetOnLogon=N then no ResetSeqNumFlag=Y is sent when the session start time triggers a logon. If ResetOnLogon=Y, the ResetSeqNumFlag=Y is sent on every logon. I believe this is not a big problem in practice because participants in a FIX session typically reset their sequence numbers locally after a session ends (logically ends at the end time, not a connection disconnect).
If you want to slightly modify the source code to implement this behavior, you'd modify the quickfix.Session next() method. You could add a local flag that indicates a session has restarted (per the schedule as determined by checkSessionTime()). Pass that flag to generateLogon() and that method would use it to determine when to send ResetSeqNumFlag=Y regardless of the ResetOnLogon configuration.
I don`t want to reset the sequence on every log-on.
Then don't do it! Set ResetOnLogon=N.
At StartTime, the session will reset sequence numbers always. If ResetOnLogon=N, then they won't reset again until the next StartTime.
The initiator and acceptor should always have matching ResetOnXXX settings.
What you are asking cannot, should not be done. You start you engine with some config and then you change the config while running. If something goes wrong it will be very difficult to pinpoint what started the issue.
Instead of doing ResetSeqNumFlag = Y try adding ResetOnLogon=Y in your config for the acceptor side(that is if you have control over it) or ResetOnLogout=Y / ResetOnDisconnect=Y in your initiator config file. That would be much easier and changing config while running, is possibly not the best solution.
Your logout(disconnect can happen anytime) will happen anyways at EndTime anyways and should be easier for your application.

Configuring an MDB in JBOSS

How maxMessages property affects the MDB?
For example:
#ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "maxMessages", propertyValue="5").
How would this value affect if maxSessions is 10?
The JBoss docs are a bit wooly on this, they say MaxMessages is defined as
The number of messages to wait for
before attempting delivery of the
session, each message is still
delivered in a separate transaction
(default 1)
I think you were wondering if it affects the number of threads or concurrent sessions than can pass through the MDB at one time, but it seems this parameter is not related to that behaviour, and so there's no conflict.
I think you're confused, maxSessions refer to the the maximum number of JMS sessions that can concurrently deliver messages to MDB.
In the xml confi file standardjboss.xml you'd set MaximumSize to set the number of concurrent messages. In this case I've set it to 150. This affects all MDBs, however.
<!-- WARN: Don't set this to zero until a bug in the pooled executor is fixed -->