UILocalNotification loud sound in background - iphone

Is there a way to play UILocalNotification sound loudly ignoring the volume settings? Like this happen in "Find my iPhone" app. I found some answers on this question but all they according to charge and play AVAudioPlayer - which is not correct. We are not able to get the event of UILocalNotification appearing and try to play the sound from another source like AVAudioPlayer. We got the event in AppDelegate when user press "OK" button. So is ther a way to play loud sound by UILocalNotification itself?

No. If your app is running in the foreground, you can use application:didReceiveLocalNotification: and programatically play a sound. Otherwise, you're limited to the options in the UILocalNotification API, which is limited to a very specific set of options and does not let you set the sound volume.


iPhone: MPMusicPlayerController stops AVAudioPlayer

I'm playing a silent music with AVAudioPlayer when user locks the screen, so that my timers won't stop.
However, when I play an iPod music with [MPMusicPlayerController applicationMusicPlayer], AVAudioPlayer stops,without receiving any call back.
Is there any way so that I can start [MPMusicPlayerController applicationMusicPlayer] playing without stoping AVAudioPlayer playing?
Thanks guys, this is the app I'm working on:
It is an Alarm app, this app allows user to lock screen while app is running,and when it is the time of the alarm, app can play iPod music to wake the user.Local notification can not use iPod music as alert sound, so I have to keep the app running while screen is locked.
If user quit the app, it will use local notification as alarm, whose sound is limited to files in bundle.
I can't use UILocalNotification as timer since when in screen locked status(in UIApplicationStatusInactive), app can't receive local notification generated by the system.
Apple has architected their backgrounding system to really limit things like this from happening. Essentially, there is no way for the you to keep the application running in the background unless it needs to be there. If you explain what you are trying to accomplish, maybe a better solution can be found but as good practice, never use random backgrounding methods to do other things. I am assuming that you might be using the faint music as a way to show something custom on the main screen, this is not a good idea.
Your app will get rejected if you play a silent audio.
Also as per apple's documentation https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/IPhoneOSClientImp/IPhoneOSClientImp.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH103, notifications cannot have sounds (soundName) which play more than 30 seconds.
So you wont be able to release your app in the store.
I figured it out myself.
It is not calling [MPMusicPlayerController +applicationMusicPlayer] that stops AVAudioPlayer, but calling [MPMusicPlayerController -setShuffleMode:], I don't know why calling this would stop AVAudioPlayer, but it is where the problem lies in.
Thanks everyone, I think I should paste my complete code next time.

Assign alert tone for UILocalNotification from available sounds in iphone

I am working on an app that used UILocalNotification. I wanted to select sound from default sounds that came with iPhone. How can i list down sounds for assign as the alert tone.
There is one standard sound for notification from system (UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName). You can play any custom sound shorter than 30 seconds. So, if you can download any native sound from ios from anywhere, you will be able to use it as custom sound. Documentation

UILocalNotification custom soundName only vibrates phone when alertBody is specified (unlike UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName)?

I have a VoIP app that uses a UILocalNotification to notify the user of an incoming call when the app is in the background. When a notification is presented I would like it to play a sound & vibrate the phone -- more than once (and without presenting the same message repeatedly). I was able to do this by using a series of notifications - the first would immediately present the message and play a sound (the phone would vibrate as well) - following notifications were scheduled 3 seconds apart; they do not have an alertBody and alertAction but do have the same soundname as used in the first notification. HERE IS MY PROBLEM.. if a soundName other than the UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName is specified the phone will only vibrate for the first notification (the sound will be played each time though). However, if the default soundName is used, then the phone will vibrate with each notification? Is there another way to do this?
Found another way.. display local notification and then start repeating the vibration via a timer.
Interesting. Sounds like a bug. File it with Apple and you might be able to get them to take care of it.

iPhone playing sounds while in the background

I have a small application which is much like a clock. It has been working great on IOS3, but now I am updating it to iOS4.
What I want to do in iOS4 is to let it play a sound any giving time. For instance, if I set it to play at 4.00 PM I want it to play a sound, a sound from the application not from the OS. This works if the app is launced, but if the user went back to the home screen I want the same to happen.
It is OK if a UIAlertView pops up istead of the application.
How can I do this?
Best regards,
Paul Peelen
Sounds like you'll need to use a local notification:
Read http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/iphone/conceptual/iphoneosprogrammingguide/BackgroundExecution/BackgroundExecution.html.
What you want is UIApplication setKeepAliveTimeout:handler: which let you register a handler that will be called. You can use that to start playing audio. (Of course, compute the timeout when your app goes to background)
EDIT: Use UILocalNotification as andy said.
Two things you could possibly try under iOS 4.
Local Notifications can pop up an alert and play a short sound.
Another power hungry option is to register as a background music player, and play silence until time for the alarm to go off, then add your chosen sound to the "music" output. This will fail if the user switches to another media player app.

iPhone (SDK 2.2): adusting playback volume while NOT actively playing music w/ AVFoundation?

So I have an app which plays many short sound clips. I need to know when the sounds are finished playing, and I need to use mp3s, so I'm using AVFoundation for the sound playback.
When a sound is actively playing, and the user uses the hardware volume buttons, the playback volume changes. Problem is, the app is NOT constantly playing sounds, and when it's not, and the hardware buttons are used, the RINGER volume gets adjusted instead.
How do I set it up so, as long as the app is running, the user can adjust the playback volume?
Turns out this can be accomplished by allocating an AVAudioPlayer with any valid sound file and calling the prepareToPlay method, without ever calling the play method.
Works perfectly.
Start an AudioSession and don't stop it when you're not playing sounds.
so you want to disable ringer playback volume as long as the app is running? therefore the hardware controls will only adjust the app playback sounds?
i dont think this is possible unless you are "always playing sound" for example, many games are always playing background music or what have you.
You might be able to accomplish this by constantly playing a 0 volume sound as long as your app is running. You could then play your sound clips over it.
How do I play multiple sounds simultaneously?