The Celery docs section Performance and Strategies suggests that tasks with multiple 'steps' should be divided into subtasks for more efficient parallelization. It then mentions that (of course) there will be more message passing overhead, so dividing into subtasks may not be worth the overhead.
In my case, I have an overall task of retrieving a small image (150px x 115px) from a third party API, then uploading via HTTP to my site's REST API. I can either implement this as a single task, or divide up the steps of retrieving the image and then uploading it into two seperate tasks. If I go with seperate tasks, I assume I will have to pass the image as part of the message to the second task.
My question is, which approach should be better in this case, and how can I measure the performance in order to know for sure?
Since your jobs are I/O-constrained, dividing the task may increase the number of operations that can be done in parallel. The message-passing overhead is likely to be tiny since any capable broker should be able to handle lots of messages/second with only a few ms of latency.
In your case, uploading the image will probably take longer than downloading it. With separate tasks, the download jobs needn't wait for uploads to finish (so long as there are available workers). Another advantage of separation is that you can put each job on different queue and dedicate more workers as backed-up queues reveal themselves.
If I were to try to benchmark this, I would compare execution times using same number of workers for each of the two strategies. For instance 2 workers on the combined task vs 2 workers on the divided one. Then do 4 workers on each and so on. My inclination is that the separated task will show itself to be faster; especially when the worker count is increased.
Concurrency means the ability to allow more than one tasking process at a time
But where does threading fit in it?
What's the relation between threading and concurrency?
What is the important link between these two which will fully clear all the confusion?
Threads are one way to achieve concurrency. Concurrency can be achieved at many levels and in many ways. Here are some of them from low to high level to give you a rough idea:
CPU pipelines: at a hardware level, multiple instructions are executed in parallel (each instruction is at a different stage in the pipeline)
Duplication of ALU and FPU CPU units. There are more arithmetic-logic units and floating point units in a processor that can execute instructions in parallel.
vectorized instructions. Instructions which execute for multiple data.
hyperthreading/SMT. Duplication of the process context.
threads. Streams of instructions which can be executed in parallel.
processes. You run both a browser and a word processor on your system.
tasks. Higher abstraction over threads and async work.
multiple computers. Run your program on multiple computers
I'm new here but I don't really understand the down votes? Could someone explain it to me? Is it just because this question has (likely) been answered or because it's considered obvious?
Now that that's out of the way...
Nothing being executed on the CPU is from a "process" or anything else. They're all threads, scheduled and entirely managed by the kernel using a variety of algorithms to reach expected performance for any given application. The CPU only allows n threads, where n equals (cores * hyperthreads). In most cases hyperthreads will be 2 so you have double the core count to get logical CPU count. What this really means is that instead of 4 (for example) threads being run at once, it can support up to 8. Now the OS may have hundreds of threads at any given time, how is that possible? Well the kernel uses a variety of checks such as how frequently and long the thread sleeps to assign it a priority. Whenever the CPU triggers a timer interrupt the OS will swap out threads appropriately if they've reached their alotted time slice based on the OS determination of its priority.
we're having a setup with a large number of separate django installations on a single box. each of these have their own code base & linux user.
we're using celery for some asynchronous tasks.
each of the installations has its own setup for celery, i.e. its own celeryd & worker.
the amount of asynchronous tasks per installation is limited, and not time-critical.
when a worker starts it takes about 30mb of memory. when it has run for a while this amount may grow (presumably due to fragmentation).
the last bulletpoint has already been (somewhat) solved by settings --maxtasksperchild to a low number (say 10). This ensures a restart after 10 tasks, after which the memory at least goes back to 30MB.
However, each celeryd is still taking up a lot of memory, since the minimum amount of workers appears to be 1 as opposed to 0. I also imagine running python celery worker does not lead to the smallest-possible footprint for the celeryd, since the full stack is loaded even if the only thing that happens is checking for tasks.
In an ideal setup, I'd like to see the following: a process that has a very small memory footprint (100k or so) is looking at the queue for new tasks. when such a task arises, it spins up the (heavy) full django stack in a separate process. and when the worker is done, the heavy process is spun down.
Is such a setup configurable using (somewhat) standard celery? If not, what points of extension are there?
we're (currently) using celery 3.0.17 and the associated django-celery.
Just to make sure I understand - you have a lot of different django codebases, each with their own celery, and they take up too much memory when running on a single box simultaneously, all waiting for a celery job to come down the pipe? How many celery instances are we talking about here?
In my experience, you're using django celery in a very different way than it was designed for - all of your different django projects should be condensed to a few (or a single) project(s), composed of multiple applications. Then you set up a small number of queues to field celery tasks from the different apps - this way, you only have as many dormant celery threads taking up 30mb as you have queues, and a single queue can handle multiple tasks (from multiple apps if you want). The memory issue should go away.
To reiterate - you only need one celeryd, driving multiple workers. This way your bottleneck is job concurrency, not dormant memory needs.
Why do you need so many django installations? Please let me know if I'm missing something, or if you need clarification.
What is the better way of making full use of multiple cores for parallel processing in a Scala/Hadoop system?
Let's say I need to process 100 million documents. Documents are not very large, but processing them is computationally intensive. If I have a Hadoop cluster with 100 machines with 10 cores each, I could either:
A) send 1000 documents to each machine and let Hadoop start a map on each of the 10 cores (or as many as are available)
B) send 1000 documents to each machine (still using Hadoop) and use Scala's parallel collections to make full use of the multiple cores. (I would put all documents in a parallel collection, and then call map on the collection). In other words, use Hadoop for distribution at cluster level, and use parallel collections to manage the distribution to cores within each machine.
Hadoop is going to offer a lot more than just parallelization. It offers a platform to distribute work, a scheduler for handling concurrent jobs, a distributed filesystem, the ability to perform a distributed reduce, and fault tolerance. That said, it is a complicated system and can sometimes be difficult to work with.
If you plan to have multiple users submitting many different jobs, Hadoop is the way to go (out of the two options). However, if you are devoting a cluster to be always be processing documents through the same function, you could, without too much trouble, develop a system with Scala parallel collections and actors for inter-machine communication. The Scala solution would give you more control, the system could respond in real time, and you wouldn't have to deal with a lot of Hadoop configuration that doesn't pertain to your task.
If you need to run varied jobs over large amounts of data (larger than would fit on a single node), then use Hadoop. I can give you more information if you describe your requirements in more detail.
Update: one million is a fairly small number. You might want to do some calculations and see how long it would take on a single machine with parallel collections. The advantage here is that the development time is minimal!
The answer depends on the following question - does your Scala code capable to fully utilize all cores available. Probabbly if you have good intrinsic synchronization between parts of the document to be processed or some other way to parralelyze algorithm without lock contention - then the "B"" is the way. If so - configure one mapper per node and let your mapper to utilize cores in a best way.
If your gain from the parralelization is not that good, and adding more threads (cores) to the processing does not improve performance in a linear way - then the "A" can be better way. Efficiency of "A" also depends on the size of your RAM - you will need enough ram for 10 mappers per node.
I can suspect that ideal solution can be somewhere in between. So my suggestion is to develop mapper which takes number of threads used as a parameter and then do a few tests increasing number of threads per mapper and decreasing number of mappers per node.
Hadoop is not very good for processing a lot of small files, but for processing a small amount of very large files. Is there any way you can merge the files before processing them, or are they all totally different? Hadoop takes care of distribution and parallelism itself, so there is no need to explicitly send X docs to Y machines. And also i don't think you should use hadoop only as a distribution mechanism, that is not what it's made for. You should either use a real map/reduce, or build your own system for whatever you are trying to do, but not try to bend hadoop to your will.
Just wanted to ask whether it's true that parallel processing is faster than sequentially processing.
I've always thought that parallel processing is faster, so therefore, I did an experiment.
I benchmarked my scripts and found out that after doing a bunch of
sub add{
for ($x=0; $x<=200000; $x++){
$data[$x] = $x/($x+2);
threading seems to be slower by about 0.5 CPU secs on average. Is this normal or is it really true that sequentially processing is faster?
Whether parallel vs. sequential processing is better is highly task-dependent and you've already done the right thing: You benchmarked both and determined for your task (the one you benchmarked, not necessarily the one you actually want to do) which one is faster.
As a general rule, on a single processor, sequential processing tends to be better for tasks which are CPU-bound, because if you have two tasks each needing five seconds of CPU time to complete, then you'll need ten seconds of CPU time regardless of whether you do them sequentially or in parallel. Setting up multiple threads/processes will, therefore, provide no benefit, but it will create additional task-switching overhead while also preventing you from having any results until all results are available.
CPU-bound tasks on a multi-processor system tend to do better when run in parallel, provided that they can run independently of each other. If not, or if you're using a language/threading model/IPC model/etc. which forces all tasks to run on the same processor, then see "on a single processor" above.
Parallel processing is generally better for tasks which are I/O-bound, regardless of the number of processors available, because CPUs are fast and I/O is slow, so working in parallel allows one task to process its data while the other is waiting for I/O operations to complete. (This is why make -j2 tends to be significantly faster than a plain make, even on single-processor machines.)
But, again, these are all generalities and all have cases where they'll be incorrect. Only benchmarking will reveal the truth with certainty.
Perl threads are an extreme suck. You are better off in every case forking several processes.
When you create a new thread in perl, it does the following:
Make a copy - yes, a real copy - of every single perl data structure in scope, including those belonging to modules you didn't write
Start up what is almost a new, independent instance of perl in a new OS thread
If you then want to share anything (as it has now copied everything) you have to use the share function in the threads module. This is incredibly sucky, as it replaces your variable, with some tie() nonsense, which adds much-too-fine-grained locking around it to prevent concurrent access. Accessing a shared variable then causes a massive amount of implicit locking, and is incredibly slow.
So in short, perl threads:
Take a long time to start
waste loads of memory
Cannot share data efficiently anyway.
You are much better off with fork(), which does not copy every variable (the kernel does copy-on-write) unless you're on Windows.
There's no reason to assume that in a single CPU core system, parallel processing will be faster.
Consider this png example:
The red and blue lines at the top represent two tasks running sequentially on a single core.
The alternate red and blue lines at the bottom represent two task running in parallel on a single core.
Can a shared ready queue limit the scalability of a multiprocessor system?
Simply put, most definetly. Read on for some discussion.
Tuning a service is an art-form or requires benchmarking (and the space for the amount of concepts you need to benchmark is huge). I believe that it depends on factors such as the following (this is not exhaustive).
how much time an item which is picked up from the ready qeueue takes to process, and
how many worker threads are their?
how many producers are their, and how often do they produce ?
what type of wait concepts are you using ? spin-locks or kernel-waits (the latter being slower) ?
So, if items are produced often, and if the amount of threads is large, and the processing time is low: the data structure could be locked for large windows, thus causing thrashing.
Other factors may include the data structure used and how long the data structure is locked for -e.g., if you use a linked list to manage such a queue the add and remove oprations take constant time. A prio-queue (heaps) takes a few more operations on average when items are added.
If your system is for business processing you could take this question out of the picture by just using:
A process based architecure and just spawning multiple producer consumer processes and using the file system for communication,
Using a non-preemtive collaborative threading programming language such as stackless python, Lua or Erlang.
also note: synchronization primitives cause inter-processor cache-cohesion floods which are not good and therefore should be used sparingly.
The discussion could go on to fill a Ph.D dissertation :D
A per-cpu ready queue is a natural selection for the data structure. This is because, most operating systems will try to keep a process on the same CPU, for many reasons, you can google for.What does that imply? If a thread is ready and another CPU is idling, OS will not quickly migrate the thread to another CPU. load-balance kicks in long run only.
Had the situation been different, that is it was not a design goal to keep thread-cpu affinities, rather thread migration was frequent, then keeping separate per-cpu run queues would be costly.