iPhone: Programmatically store audio as ring tone - iphone

I am working on an iPhone application, where i need to store an audio file(which i get from my server) as a ringtone on the iPhone device programmatically. Is it possible to do that? What are the APIs supported for it. And, Does the Appstore allow such apps to be released?

Most probably the user will have to do it himself. You can ease-up a bit this process
for him using iTunes file sharing. See:
How to add a ringtone from an application to ringtones of iphone?
You could also check the code of ringtonesapp.

No, you can't do this. There's no public API for this.
If you're doing this on a jailbroken device, you can just replace one of the default Apple ringtones with your ringtone.


How to get ringtone list of iPhone programmatically

I am developing a iPhone alarm app.
I have to display the list of ringtones.
How can I obtain these names?
And then how use these ringtones for alarm?
Apple has set things up so that one cannot use or change the ringtones available programmatically -- see App Store Guidelines . You will need your own files for this.

App Store: Can I limit downloads of my app to camera-only devices?

I've written an app that requires a camera to work (there's not really any point in the app without a camera being present).
I'm currently doing all the last little bits required for submission to the app store. Should there be an option anywhere or a .plist property I can set so that non-camera devices won't be able to download my app? Or, should I just make it clear in the description?
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
Look at the info.plist 'Required device capabilities' setting.
(Search that URL for 'required device capabilities').
You should also make it clear in your description, as well as the plist. People with multiple previous devices might be able to download your app using iTunes on their Mac or PC, even if they do not currently have a device with a camera.

For the iPad or iPhone, how do you control the system Volume? For example, have a button that mutes all audio

I would like to make a button in my iPad app (probably will be similar to iPhone apps) that when I push this button, all audio is muted, even when you exit the app.
I don't see anyway that you can control the volume, although I'm sure other apps have that I have seen in the app store for the iPhone. I also read some places that doing this would reject you from the app store.
How could I go about lowering, or highering the volume of the iPad from an app that works even when the app closes?
Thank you!
AFAIK, you can't, at least not programmatically. But you can integrate an MPVolumeView.
Using a UISlider to change volume
You can't do this. Apple does not let you make system-wide changes that affect other apps like this.

How to programmatically change iPhone settings

It is possible to change iPhone settings from an application?
I want to change settings like enable/disable WIFI, enable/disable vibrations, change ring tone, enable/disable bluetooth, call forwarding, mail accounts, etc. I want to be able to change all settings programmatically. I would appreciate some sample code.
Thanks for any help.
You cannot do this unless your application is run on a jailbroken phone.
You can do some of these items programatically on a non-jailbroken phone. Toggling Bluetooth is discussed here, and it's very easy to get working. Programmatically turn on bluetooth in the iphone sdk?
I am not sure about the other items. Of course you cannot submit this code to the app store, but for personal use it can be very handy.

is there a way to view via code the iphone sms archive?

is there a way to view via code the iphone sms archive and sort them in an app?
I would imagine that on a jailbroken phone you could read the DB, but using the normal SDK this is impossible. Each app is sandboxed to prevent it from reading data from other apps. Also, there is no API for it.
In short - no, SDK does not provide access to this information.
If it's jailbroken most certainly, you can even edit it by hand!