dynamically add cells to a grouped uitableview and fit the scroll programmatically - iphone

I am trying to create programmatically a uitableview that can scroll and fit based on the number of cells, so if i am adding more cells, i could scroll up and down without the page bouncing.
I tried to do this but it doesnt work:
tblSimpleTable = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 640) style:UITableViewStyleGrouped ];
tblSimpleTable.scrollEnabled = YES;
tblSimpleTable.dataSource = self;
tblSimpleTable.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:tblSimpleTable];
when i add more cells, i can scroll up and down, but the page bounces up so i can't click on the bottom cells. I want to be able to scroll and "stay" where i stop.
UPDATE: just to clarify, since I am using a Grouped table, i dont want to show empty cells, and so i am not sure what should be the height of the able since i may have 1 cell or 100 of them.

The reason you aren't staying where you stop is because your UITableView's height is 640. This means that when you completely scroll all the way down in your UITableView some of the cells will be below the bounds of the view you are looking through. You have two options: decrease your table view height, or add some dummy cells to the bottom of your table view.

Also, if you don't want your tableview scroll to bounce, you could set the "bounces" property of the tableview to NO.
tableView.bounces = NO;


Stop cell from being dragged out of UITableView bounds

I have a UIVIew on which I loaded a UITableView as subview. The tableView is exactly the height of all it's rows(4 of them) heights sumised, about half the height of the main view.
The problem is that when I drag a row to move it I am able to drag beyond the bounds of the table and this cuts my cell's view (I am only able to see the part that is still in the table's bounds).
Is there a property I can change to stop the cell from being dragable out of the table's bounds?
you can do this like below..
[yourtableview setBounces:NO];
let me know it is working or not!!!!
Happy Coding!!!
If the UITableView is exactly the height of the 4 rows . Then you Do Not Need the Scrolling functionality of the UITableView and you can simply stop the scrolling by :-
TableView.scrollEnabled = NO;
Hope this is what you wanted . Please tell otherwise.

Cannot change height of UITableView

In the Apple iPhone Clock App, when a user adds a new alarm a modal view pops up. I am trying to create a UI similar to that.
I currently have a UITableViewController as the root view controller of a UINavigationController.
I also have a UIDatePicker added as a subview to the UINavigationController:
[self.navigationController.view addSubview:mydatePicker];
However, I have about 10+ rows in my UITableview (that of the UITableViewController) and as soon as I added the UIDatePicker I cannot scroll to view all the cells.
I realized that the UITableView size is the same size as it was before I added the UIDatePicker, and therefore I would need to change its size in order to be able to scroll to see all the table cells.
I have tried several things in order to change its size, all to no avail. In the code below I arbitrarily chose 50 for the new height.
First, tried changing the bounds height:
CGRect bounds = [self.tableView bounds];
[self.tableView setBounds:CGRectMake(bounds.origin.x,
Then tried to change the frame height:
CGRect tvframe = [self.tableView frame];
[self.tableView setFrame:CGRectMake(tvframe.origin.x,
Then after googling some more i tried changing the contentSize height:
CGSize thesize = self.tableView.contentSize;
thesize.height = 50;
self.tableView.contentSize = thesize;
None of these appeared to have any effect on the size of the UITableView. I still could not scroll to see all the cells.
I later tried some of the same methods as above but on the UINavigationController instead of the UITableView. I didn't have much luck with this either.
As a last resort, I tried to change the size of the UITableView in the Storyboard editor. I could not figure this out either.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
From the UITableViewController class reference, it:
creates an unconfigured UITableView object with the correct dimensions
and autoresize mask
And a quote from the Table View Programming Guide for iOS which specifically addresses this behavior:
Note: You should use a UIViewController subclass rather than a
subclass of UITableViewController to manage a table view if the view
to be managed is composed of multiple subviews, only one of which is a
table view. The default behavior of the UITableViewController class is
to make the table view fill the screen between the navigation bar and
the tab bar (if either are present).
If you don't want the table view controller setting the size of your tableView, then you need to use a UIViewController instead. See the link that I posted above to the Table View Programming Guide for iOS for other things to consider when going this route.
I had same problem as you mentioned.
I was unable to change the height of tableView of UITableViewController. I tried changing frame and centers of self.view and self.tableview. But failed.
Then I solved it by a trick, changing tableview's contentInset.
self.tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 44.0f, 0); // here you can replace 44.0f with your height
You need to make the UITableView a subview of your main view in order to change its size reliably.
The frame is the correct value to alter once you have made this change.
I dont know what is your real Problem . but for change hight of your UITableView and will Display all rows in UITableView write following code.
self.tblView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 50);
please try it.
Your are taking uitableview controller, in place of that use uiviewcontroller in that add the uitabelview. Now you can the the size of uitableview.

iOS: xcode instance of a subview

I have a view with a button and 8 labels, i want to repeat this view with input from the user to customize these labels, so there will be this base view displayed multiple times on the screen and i don't want them to cover up each other, the button and placement of the labels are the same of each view.
How would i programmatically make a new view appear after user input of the instance view and make sure it doesn't cover up any other view, i hope this isn't to broad, i just want to have one set view with a button and 8 labels, copy it multiple times and display the user input, thanks.
If I'm understanding what you are looking for, you want the display to scroll up showing all the different views that have been created by the user, one after the other.
To accomplish this, you can use a UIScrollView and programmatically add the views to the scroll view as needed. Make sure to increase the contentSize of the scroll view to account for the added views.
Here is some code:
UIScrollView *scrollview = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height)];
//create and add as many of yourView as necessary for your project - y would be the the offset so it gets displayed under the other views
YourCustomView *yourCustomView = [[YourCustomView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, y,self.view.frame.size.width, self .view.frame.size.height)];
//populate yourCustomView with the appropriate information...
[scrollview addSubview:yourCustomView];
//when you are done adding your views - w and h are whatever your content dictates they are
scrollview.contentSize = CGSizeMake(w, h);
[self.view addSubview:scrollview];
Alternatively, depending on your setup and design, you could use a UITableView with a custom UITableViewCell that displays the pertinent info.
Hope that helps!

iPhone how to implement a "Wide" UITableViewCell?

I'd like to have a UITableView with cells wider than 320 points. The user should be able to scroll sideways to be able to view different parts of a UITableViewCell. Is this kind of behavior possible with a UITableView, or should I go and try to implement a tiling UIScrollView?
I tried wrapping a UITableView within a UIScrollView, and the results are terrible - they compete for the scroll gestures and most of the time the scroll view wins, preventing the table from being traversed vertically.
Any input is appreciated!
Thank you!
Update: I tried the proposed solution and it scrolls properly, but the tableview is still only 320 pixels wide. Is tableView's width linked to the window bounds ?
Wrapping the table view with the scroll view is the right way.
UIScrollView with
Show horizontal scrollers
scrolling enabled
autosize to full screen
Inside that, a UITableView
shows vertical scrollers
scrolling enabled
Then I set the table view's frame, with w, being the calculated width of the table view with all columns, whatever your width, and kTableScrollViewHeight being the fixed height of both the table view and the scroll view, in my case, for example 367 points (screen minus status, navbar and tabbar):
tv.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, w, kTableScrollViewHeight);
and the scroll view's content size
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(w, kTableScrollViewHeight);
If you want the scroll-to-top behavior when the user taps the status bar, you might want to set
scrollView.scrollsToTop = NO;
because otherwise the scroll view will take away the tap from the table view.

UIScrollView not showing scroll indicator

I have a UIScrollView which I create and size dynamically using...
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(scrollView.frame.size.width , length);
I then add subviews to the UIScrollView.
I do have scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = YES;
When scrolling the scroll indicator never appears.
Even if I call [scrollView flashScrollIndicators] nothing happens.
Had the same problem and couldn't find the cause. The last answer gave the final hint: whenever I added new subviews I first removed all existing subviews from the scrollview (and apparently also the scroll indicators).
After checking in my loop, if the subview really was of the kind I wanted to be removed the scroll indicators showed up:
for (NSObject * subview in [[[scrollView subviews] copy] autorelease]) {
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[MySubView class]]) {
[(MySubView*)subview removeFromSuperview];
Update: changed code to Nikolai's suggestion
When I've dealt with this before, in my implementation of a grid, I would occasionally get some cells over the top of the scroll indicator. To fix this I am now inserting subviews at index 0 rather than adding them, which adds them to the top. So try something like this:
[scrollview insertSubview:subview atIndex:0];
For me, the horizontal indicator had mysteriously disappeared in my app on iOS 7. Later found out that for some strange reason, I had to enable both Shows Horizontal Indicator and Shows Vertical Indicator to make the horizontal one show up. If I set it to not show the vertical indicator, it would also not show horizontal indicator.
I fix this by adding this code after add new subview:
self.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = NO;
self.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = YES;
It will also happen (at least in the case of a UITableView) if the contentSize is too small for the table view to scroll. If you have enabled bouncing, then the tableview does not actually scroll and does not display the indicators therefore. Try fitting more content inside.
It can happen also if the parent of the scrollview is smaller horizontally than the scroll view itself :
The scroll bar is stuck to the right side of the ScrollView / TableView and this right side is not visible due to the parent bounds ( with a clipToBounds hidding it for instance).
I've seen this issue so I share it in case it can help.
Just check the width of your ScrollView's frame not to be bigger than the width of its parent view frame.
Two conditions,
If you are using a storyboard
If you are using a UITableView inside a UIViewController
Then, you should check your indicator insets are set to 0 (or any other number that is relevant to your autolayout):
Noticed this when the UIScrollView was a 48 px tall horizontal band, scrollable horizontally. Maybe Cocoa decides the area is too small for a scroll indicator...