MATLAB: copy a specific portion of an array - matlab

I am trying to copy a few elements from a matrix, but not a whole row, and not a single element.
For example, in the following matrix:
a = 1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 0
How would I copy out just the following data?
b = 1
i.e. rows 1:3 in column 1 only... I know that you can remove an entire column like this:
b = a(:,1)
... and I appreciate that could just do this and then dump the last two rows, but I'd like to use more streamlined code as I am running a very resource-intensive solution.

Elements in a matrix in MATLAB are stored in column-major order. Which means, you could even use a single index and say:
b = a(1:3);
Since the first 3 elements ARE 1,3,5. Similarly, a(6) is 2, a(7) is 4 etc. Look at the sub2ind method to understand more:

You are not "removing" the second column, you are referencing the other column.
You should read some of the Matlab docs, they provide some help about the syntax for accessing portions of matrices:


Function which no longer exists

I am interested in using the function here:
However, when I try to use it in Matlab it says: "Undefined function or variable 'removerows'"
I typed: exist removerows and returned a value of 0, suggesting that it's been removed. Has this function just been renamed? or is it part of a toolbox I may not have, the information does not detail this.
Much appreciated
According to the link that you posted, this function is part of the Neural Network Toolbox. So my guess is that you don't have this toolbox installed.
You can remove rows in a matrix by assigning an empty array to them.
This way you don't have to use functions belonging to toolboxes that require extra licences.
A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6]
A =
1 2
3 4
5 6
A(2,:) = [] %remove row 2
A =
1 2
5 6
Similarly you can provide an index array with the rows to be deleted in case you want to remove several ones.

alternative to reshape or colon in matlab

I want to reduce a two dimensional matrix to row vector.
But using reshape with large matrices is really slow. The other alternative is to use colon, but i want matrix's transpose to be colon and not the matrix itself.
A =
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
A(:) will stack up all the columns one by one. but i am looking for something like this:
and then reshape or colon AA instead of A.
The issue is i dont want to define additional variable like AA.
Is there anyway to reduce dimension of two dimensional matrix without reshape?
You can avoid the additional variable by linear indexing. For your example:
A([2 5 8 3 6 9])
which gives
3 5 7 4 9 2
What's happening here is that you treat A as if it was already transformed into a vector, and the elements of this one-dimensional array are accessed through indices 1 through 9. Using the colon is a special case of linear indexing, A(:) is the same as A(1 : end).
Figuring out the right linear indices can be tricky, but sub2ind can help with that.
It is possible that this slightly speeds up the code, mainly because (as #Shai wrote) you avoid writing data to an intermediate variable. I wouldn't expect too much, though.
Try looking at subsref. For your example, you could use it as follows:
Update: I misunderstood the original question; I thought the OP wanted to select rows from 2:3 from the transposed A matrix keeping the columns as is. I will keep the previous answer in case it could be useful to others.
I think he/she could use the following to slice and flatten a matrix:
subsref(A(2:3,:)', struct('type','()','subs',{{':'}}))
This would give as output:
[3 5 7 4 9 2]'

Does matlab have some sort of data structure with different sized rows/columns or anything similar?

For example a matrix with elements ( 1 2 3 ; 4 5 6 7)
Obviously this creates an error in matlab, but if I had to do this in java I would create an ArrayList> to hold these values.
Have a read about cell arrays. They do what you want and more.

matlab sort one column and keep respective values on second column

How do I just do a simple sort in matlab. I always have to use the excel link to import my data, sort it, then export back to matlab. This is annoying!!!
I have one matrix <10x10> and I want to sort the first column in descending order while keeping it's respective values on the second column. Matlab seems to just sort each column individually.
matrix a
5 4
8 9
0 6
7 3
matrix b (output)
0 6
5 4
7 3
8 9
The sortrows answer by #chaohuang is probably what you're looking for. However, it sorts based on all columns. If you only want to sort based on the first column, then you can do this:
% sort only the first column, return indices of the sort
[~,sorted_inds] = sort( a(:,1) );
% reorder the rows based on the sorted indices
b = a(sorted_inds,:);
Simply use b=sortrows(a); See here.

Removing rows with identical first column value in matlab

I have a cell matrix of size 10000 X 3 in Matlab and I would like to remove rows with the same value in the first column.
That is, if row i and row j have the same value in the first column, I'd like to delete both rows.
I should also say that there can be more than two rows with the same value in the first column and in that case, I'd like to delete all these rows.
How do I do it?
You can use the functions histc, unique and logical indexing to achieve what you want. Here's a small example.
a=randi(10,5,3) %#generate a sample random matrix
a =
5 3 5
5 7 10
7 7 4
8 2 6
8 2 3
[uniqVals,uniqIndx]=unique(a(:,1)); %# get unique values and corresponding indices of the first column of a
count=histc(a(:,1),uniqVals); %# get the bin counts of the elements (i.e., find which are repeated)
b =
7 7 4
Only the row with the non-repeated element is selected. Since you said that you have a cell matrix, simply covert it to a matrix using cell2mat before doing this.