Why should I implement rotateCounterClockwise() in ZXing? - zxing

I am creating a subclass to LuminanceSource. Is there a reason why I should expect to or have to implement rotateCounterClockwise()?
Implications to performance or reliability (or both)?

You can always have isRotateSupported() and make that method throw an exception if you don't want to implement it.
It is provided because the interface does not know what your internal structure is like, so otherwise a rotation involves converting your data to a common format, performing the transform, then converting the common format data back into your format.


How to call Rust functions in Flutter (Dart) via FFI, but with convenience and safety?

I know we can call Rust from Flutter/Dart via FFI. But Flutter only allows the C ABI when doing FFI. Therefore, I have to manually write down boilerplate code. Especially, Rust unsafe code - since I have to deal with lots of raw pointers :(
Therefore, is there any approaches to do it in a safe way? We know Rust itself is very safe (since its unique memory management approach), and Dart/Flutter itself is also very safe (since GC). But I do not want the ffi call be the Achilles heel and destroy the safety of my app!
There are several ways to do it.
a. JSON/Protobuf-based Approach
The first way that I have used in the production environment for a year is that, you can use JSON or Protobuf to pass all the data between Rust and Dart/Flutter. By doing this, you do not need to write down tons of boilerplate code to allocate/free a String, a List of bytes, a struct/class, etc. All you need to do is to write down one single function that accepts a byte array payload and outputs a byte array result. By saying "one" function, I mean, you can have an action field in your JSON/Protobuf, so calls to indeed different Rust functions can be interleaved into this one thin interface.
Despite its convenience (only a bit of unsafe boilerplate), the drawback is also evident. The serialization and deserialization does not come for free. You will have to pay the CPU time and memory for it, which can be quite large sometimes. Moreover, you cannot easily pass around big objects. For example, if you have an image (you know, at least megabytes of size), serializing it to Protobuf, then deserialize it from Protobuf can be quite a waste of both CPU and memory - useless copies! Even worse, since Flutter/Dart FFI does not support a convenient way of async FFI, you have to make it running in a separate worker isolate - one more memory copy. You can see more here: https://github.com/dart-lang/language/issues/1862 (this is an issue that I opened).
b. Code generator
The second way that I use recently is to write down a code generator. Indeed the code follows several common patterns, such as "allocate - fill data - call FFI - free", etc. So it is not that hard to write a generator to automatically do such kind of things. The idea is to mimic what human beings will do when they write down boilerplate code manually.
I did hope that there already exist some code generator such that I could directly use, but it seemed that none exists... So, go and write it by yourself.
c. Use existing open-source code generator
After I write down the code generator, I guess people may have the same problem as me, so I open-sourced it: https://github.com/fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge
Indeed, my code generator not only solves the problem above, but also have rich type support, allows zero-copy, allows async programming and direct call from main isolate, etc, which can be implemented via code generator but will require lots of boilerplate code if you do it by hand.
Disclaimer: This is a Q&A-style answer to show my thoughts and what I have done on this problem that is critical to my own app in production environment. Indeed I have used the JSON approach since last year, and later refactor into the code generator approach. Hope it also helps other people who faces the same situation!

Validating input parameters for JAX-RS methods

I'm writing a JAX-RS API, and am using the Response class as the return type of each method. However, I'm trying to figure out the "best" approach to validate parameters.
I've written some REST APIs before, and would usually have custom validation routines in the method and then have a custom return object with validation messages in it. I'm thinking I want to do the same here, but is that "preferred"?
I know there are annotations like #NotNull, etc. that you can apply and provide custom validation messages, but I don't really like the way that ends up looking.
So, what I did is that I wrote a return object bean that I'm using as the .entity() for my JAX-RS response, and I'm putting all of my validation messages in there. I use the same return object for Successes and Failures, but it's just a matter of which parameters I populate in there depending on the scenario. This is an internal API, so there won't be any external consumers. I just wanted to standardize the return type so it always returns the same "object".
Does that sound like a good approach? I'm a little rusty on REST API best practices, and I've been googling around like crazy but haven't really come to any best practices conclusions.
Input validation for RestAPI is not straight forward. There are a lot of internet resources, but none covers an elegant way of doing this.
As you mentioned the trivial input validations can be done using the annotation of different implementations of jax-rs library.
These annotations can be sophisticated as regex is supported. Which will help you cover more validation cases than #NotNull, #size , etc.
Theses annotations also accept message as input, which will help you customize a message that has to be returned to a user.
Those annotations may not look sexy (specially when regex is involved); but I would still prefer it over writing my own validator.
The other concern of validation which is a little bit tricky is when you want to validate constraints (more like a logic),
say for example you have this requirement: if parameter A has value X, Parameter B must have not be empty, otherwise it is OK to have parameter B empty.
This is not something you could handle using the usual javax.validation.constraints.*. I didn't find a good library that could handle this.
take a look at
you could write your own custom validation logic that will be called whenever the library intercepts call to your API.

How to wrap procedural algorithms in OOP language

I have to implement an algorithm which fits perfectly to the procedural design approach. It has no relations with some data structure, it just takes couple of objects, bunch of control parameters and performs complicated operations on them, including creating and modifying intermediate temporal data, subroutines calls, many cpu-intensive data transformations. The algorithm is too specific to include in either parameter object as method.
What is idiomatic way to wrap such algorithms in an OOP language? Define static object with static method that performs calculation? Define class that takes all algorithm parameters as constructor arguments and have result method to return result? Any other way?
If you need more specifics, I'm writing in scala. But any general OOP approach is also applicable.
A static method (or a method on a singleton object in the case of Scala -- which I'm just gonna call a static method because that's the most common terminology) can work perfectly fine and is probably the most common approach to this.
There's some reasons to use other approaches, but they aren't strictly necessary and I'd avoid them unless you actually need an advantage that they give. The reason for this is because static methods are the simplest (if least versatile) approach.
Using a non-static method can be useful because you can then utilize design patterns like the factory pattern. For example, you might have an Operator class with a method evaluate. Now you could have different factories create different Operators so that you can swap your algorithm on the fly. Perhaps a calculator might have an AddOperatorFactory, MultiplyOperatorFactory and so on. Obviously this requires that you are able to instantiate an object that represents the algorithm. Of course, you could just pass a function around directly, as Scala and many other languages allow. Classes allow for inheritance, though, which opens the doors for some design patterns and, well, you're asking about OOP, not Scala specifically.
Also useful is the ability to have state with an object. With static methods, your only options for retaining state are either having global state (ew) or making the user of the static methods keep track of this state (more work for the users). With an instance of an object, you can keep that state inside the instance. For example, if your algorithm is a graph search, perhaps you'd want to allow resuming a search after you find the first match (which obviously requires storing state).
It's not much harder to have to do new MyAlgorithm().doStuff() instead of MyAlgorithm.doStuff(), so if in doubt, I would err on the side of avoiding static methods if you think you'll need the functionality that having an instance offers.

Key-Value-Observation -- Looking for a more elegant solution to respond to value changes

I've run into a frustrating feature of KVO: all notifications are funneled through a single method (observeValueForKeyPath:....), requiring a bunch of IF statements if the object is observing numerous properties.
The ideal solution would be to pass a method as an argument to the method that establishes the observing in the first place, but it seems this isn't possible. Does a solution exist to this problem? I initially considered using the keyPath argument (addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:) to call a method via NSSelectorFromString, but then I came across the post KVO Dispatcher pattern with Method as context and the article it linked to which offers a different solution in order to pass arguments along as well (although I haven't gotten that working yet).
I know a lot of people have come up against this issue. Has a standard way of handling it emerged?
OP asks:
Has a standard way of handling it emerged?
No, not really. There are a lot of different approaches out there. Here are some:
Seriously, there are a ton of these... Google "KVO blocks"
I can't say that any of the options I've seen seem prevalent enough to earn the title "standard way". I suspect most folks who feel motivated to conquer this issue just pick one and go with it, or write their own -- it's not as if adapting KVO to use block based callbacks is rocket science. The Method-based approach you link to doesn't seem like a step forward for simplicity. I get that you're trying to take the uncertainty of the string-based-key-path <-> method conversion out of the equation, but that kind of falls down because not all observable keys/keyPaths are methods. (If nothing else, you can observe arbitrary keys on NSMutableDictionaries and get notifications.)
It sure would be nice if Apple would release a new blocks-based KVO API, but I'm not holding my breath. But in the meantime, like I said, just pick one you like and use it or write your own and use that.

Reusing NSXMLParser

in a class i'm writing i'll most likely have to use NSXMLParser twice to parse two different xml's, and i'm wondering which approach should i use?
- release the parser after it finished parsing url and reinitialize when need to parse the second url?
- use different class as delegate for parsing other url?
- or something else?
In my own personal experience, I've commonly had to parse several different REST xml responses and for each of them I inherit a base class and create one class per request/response/parse. IMHO although this isn't clean code, I honestly find it impossible to write clean code when dealing with a SAX-style parser.
My advice would be separate calls and perhaps separate classes if you don't want a bunch of if-else's in your code. Now if the XML is very similar, it could be a different story...
I have written a class which implements the parser methods and you just have to pass it a string (your url). It returns with an array of elements. It may be of use to you.
You can download it here: http://www.kieranmcgrady.me/helper-classes-for-parsing-xml-files
In the past I've often made classes to parse each response type that I expected to see, you can reuse an NSXMLParser, but I really haven't seen a need to.
Depending on your requirements you may want to just read the responses into nested NSDictionaries, then deal with accessing the elements that you need directly from the dictionaries.