Distribute apps using iCloud - ios5

Is it possible to distribute enterprise apps using iCloud as the download location?
I want to be able for a user to use a common username and password to connect to the
iCloud and be able to download the enterprise app and install it.
thank you

You could, however remember that you would need to remain signed in with that iCloud account to sync with that accounts iCloud store. I don't think it would be practical unless all devices having the same account is ok.


Itune Application sharing blocking

IOS paid application sharing we need to block.
Planning to submit paid application in Apple store. Suppose a user brought application and download to Itunes account, then i sync to my mobile device, able to use that.
1.From itunes can we share application ipa to any other user?
2.is there any way to identify which apple id used for downloading?
3.any option for blocking user without downloading from apple store?
Apps bought/downloaded from the app store are linked to the account that download the app. You can there for not just share the IPA.
On a jailbroke device you might be able to remove the security measures that restrict this. But what you are proposing is not possible with official App Store apps.
You cant code to UDID anymore since the update to the iTunes ToS. They are all account bound. In the cases I have tried to share the .ipa file the app data inside that app specific to me did not migrate to the new user

iPhone iOS Dropbox how to pre-authenticate (link) an account for an app?

I would like to try out an idea of using 1 centralized dropbox account to store data for one of my apps. This would be the kind of a "public" collaborative storage space.
To do so, I need to pre-authenticate the user to use a particular dropbox account. Is there a way for me to link a particular app to a dropbox account, and then include some kind of "pre-authenticated/authorized" tokens within the app to allow the user to interact with my dropbox account without the need to login?
Thank you!

Deleting a working app from iTunes Connect

We have a partner that is actually owning our app on it's iTunes Connect account. We are actually developping the v2 of this app which will be included in our iTunes Connect account, it's the same app, just a new release.
Actually the app is at "removed from sales" status in our partner iTunes Connect account and people who have the app can still use it, everything is OK.
But we can't reuse the same app name in our iTunes Connect because the app name is already in use.
So, we are asking our partner to completly delete the app, then we can use the name & publish our own app. The question is :
If our partner completly delete the app, will it continue to work on every user devices?
I already looked at the iTunes developer guide, but it's not really clear, and Apple doesn't answer clearly too ..
Deleting an App If you have created an app in iTunes Connect that you no longer need to see or manage, you can delete it from your iTunes Connect view.
IMPORTANT: Deleting your app will not allow you to reuse your SKU or App Name in the same account again and you will not be able to restore your app once deleted. If you have uploaded a binary or set up this app for the iAd Network, your Bundle ID will not be reusable either.
If you are selling your app to another developer for their own distribution and need to remove it from your iTunes Connect account, we recommend that you use App Delete so the App Name will be freed up for their use.
So, does someone already deleted (not removed from sales) an app from the iTunes Connect ?
Does the app is still working on devices ?
Thanks for answers :)
Yes it will continue to work on the users phone's, but they will not be able to install your app again from iCloud.

Adding Tester to TestFlight

If I add a tester to TestFlightApp.com They get a link to register their device. This then downloads a profile, which is called TestFlight Access. Not for my app.
What is this profile for and how does it relate to my app?
Also do I still need to add the tester's UDID to the apple developer portal, myself?
That profile allows the service to gather the UDID of the testers device. This way the user never has to manually search that UDID and it is possible for the service to provide developers who invite users that information automatically.
Additionally, the installed web clip will authenticate the device against the service, so the apps that can be installed will be offered. These apps are found by comparing the UDID of the device against the provisioning profiles of all apps available.
So yes, you still need to add the UDID to the provisioning profile and compile your app against it.
The profile process is provided by Apple and well documented here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/iPhoneOTAConfiguration/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009505
There are also other services who leverage that functionality for "easier" gathering of UDIDs and providing an easy way to let users download their beta apps.
I'm jumping in here to say, yes you do need to re-build your app with a new profile that includes the new tester's device UDID. I'm having a problem with this for one tester only, that no matter what I do TestFlight refuses to acknowledge that the profile I am using has this one person's UDID in it yet it does. I'm writing to their support group about it and will let the forum know what I find out if anything useful.
The profile allows the test flight app to install your app. And yes, you will still need to add their UDID to the provisioning profile.

Is it possible to get the user's apple ID through the SDK?

is it possible to get the user's information, such as apple ID, through the sdk? I am writing an app which will require an account linked to the app user. I want to allow the user to have one account across multiple devices, so using the device ID is not possible. The easiest way to do this, I am thinking, is to use the app user's apple ID as this account's ID, so not requiring them to create yet another account.
No, it's a privacy issue, just like their phone number.
They'd still have to create an account on your site since you don't have access to Apple's databases, and no one will be willing to give you their iTunes passwords for obvious reasons.
All you're really saving is them entering a user name, since they'd still have to give you a password. It's very easy to remember this data for future runs of your application. Look into using NSUserDefaults. I would recommend against using the UDID and give the user the option to save their password. That way if the phone is lost, whoever finds it doesn't have automatic access to the owner's account. If the user opts for automatic login, you can easily save the password and send it along with the username when the app loads.
It's not (AFAIK) possible. You can only retrieve the device's UDID.
What I've done in the past is link an account on my side with multiple UDIDs on the user's side, so when they install the app on various devices they can just use that single account and it will automatically link that device. Not ideal, but I've not seen a better solution.
If it is a game, you can use the Game Center Account to identify an user
Instead of the UDID for the device, you might try the [UIDevice currentDevice].identifierForVendor It is linked to the device and the app installation.
I am storing the username and encrypted password in a file that is stored in the user's application file space. When the app starts up, if it finds this file, it attempts a login without asking the user. Having a password, even encrypted, stored in the file system does seem insecure, but the application is not one where people are apt to try and steal passwords.