How to check whether two image views are in same position? - iphone

I am working in a project where the images are drag able. In which if i put one image over the other image the image has to be changed.
What i need is
1) I want to check whether both the images are in same place or not.
2) The position of image must not be exact.It may be approximately equal

If you want to check if two UIImages intersect, this is a good way:
CGRect rect1 = myView1.frame;
CGrect rect2 = myView2.frame;
if (CGRectIsNull(CGRectIntersection(rect1, rect2))) {
//They collide
You have all the info you need about this here:

//for checking whether one image is inside another image
if(CGRectContainsRect(ImageView1.frame, ImageView2.frame))
//your code for overlapping here
//for checking whether one image intersects another
//your code for intersection here

Here is an approach assuming the images are the same size
// using ints because it is easier for taking the abs value
int dx,dy;
dx = frame1.origin.x - frame2.origin.x;
dy = frame1.origin.y - frame2.origin.y;
dx = abs(dx);
dy = abs(dy);
// overlapping width and height
int ovHeight, ovWidth;
ovWidth = frame1.size.width-dx;
ovHeight = frame1.size.height-dy;
int ovArea = ovWidth*ovHeight;
int imageArea = frame1.width*frame1.height;
int percentOverlap = ovArea*100/imageArea;
if (percentOverlap > 80) {
// do work here

CGRect frame1 = imgView1.frame;
CGRect frame2 = imgView2.frame;
this will give you two frame structures..which consist of origin(x,y) values and size(width,height) values..
compare according to your needs.


How to layout correctly

I just try to create my own layout. I used UITableView for my UIViewController. I have some JSON response from server. This is like detailed publication. Also i calculate my UITableViewCell height because my publication contain mix of images and text. I wrote own layout and recalculate when device in rotation.
for (UIView * sub in contentSubviews) {
if([sub isKindOfClass:[PaddingLabel class]])
PaddingLabel *textPart = (PaddingLabel *)sub;
reusableFrame = textPart.frame;
reusableFrame.origin.y = partHeight;
partHeight += textPart.frame.size.height;
[textPart setFrame:reusableFrame];
} else if([sub isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]])
UIImageView * imagePart = (UIImageView *)sub;
reusableFrame = imagePart.frame;
reusableFrame.origin.y = partHeight;
reusableFrame.origin.x = screenWidth/2 - imageSize.width/2;
reusableFrame.size.width = imageSize.width;
reusableFrame.size.height = imageSize.height;
[imagePart setFrame:reusableFrame];
partHeight += imagePart.frame.size.height;
But I have some issue.
When device change orientation state UIScrollView offset is same as was. I don't know how to change it.
Before rotation:
After rotation:
I want to save visible elements in rect.
Suggest pls.
There are a couple of choices, depending on what you wish to show after rotation. One possible solution is get contentOffset.y/contentSize.height before rotation, then multiple it to new contentSize.height to derive the new contentOffset.y. Or if you wish to keep a specific element visible before and after rotation, get the difference between element_view.frame.origin.y and contentOffset.y, then set new contentOffset.y to be element_view.frame.origin.y + difference.

CGRect Grid on screen?

I want to create a grid of rectangles at the centre of screen leaving some space on the edges. The need of that arises because I am spewing different sprites at random points and they keep spawning on top of eat other. So i thought if there is a way of creating a class that creates the grid and returns me with a random rect and mark it occupied as long at the sprite stays in that rect and make it free after.
If i can get some help or any tips it will be great. Any other solutions to achieve this are welcome too.
You could nest two for loops, one for rows and one for columns, make them both run 5 times, and in each loop increment the x position and y position by one-fifth the width and height of the screen and put these coordinates into a CGRrect. That would do what you want.
Thanks #andrewx for your help. This will create CGRect in the given range and then return a random one.
-(void) makeCGRectArray{
rectsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int x = 30; x<=420; x= x+60) {
for (int y=40; y<=280; y=y+40) {
CGRect newRect = CGRectMake(x, y, 60, 40);
[rectsArray addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGRect:newRect]];
[self getRandomCgrect:rectsArray];
-(CGRect) getRandomCgrect:(NSMutableArray*) rectArray{
NSInteger randomPoint = (arc4random() % (49));
CGRect randomRect = [[rectsArray objectAtIndex:randomPoint] CGRectValue];
self.isOccupied = YES;
return randomRect;

How to adjust width of TTStyledTextLabel?

I am implementing an IM app on iOS. I found that three20 library has a TTStyledTextLabel which provides cool features like showing images and url links. However I want to embed the TTStyledTextLabel in a message bubble (just like the sms app shipped with iphone does), where I need the label to adjust its size according to the text length. I found that TTStyledTextLabel can adjust its height according to its width, but I don't know how to make it shrink horizontally when the text is very short and can't fill up a whole line. Any suggestions?
I think I have a slightly better solution: I get the rootFrame of the ttstyledtext and iterate over its sibling frames to find the max width.
It works like this:
TTStyledTextLabel* label = [[TTStyledTextLabel alloc] init];
label.text = [TTStyledText textFromXHTML:myTextToBeDisplayed];
[label sizeToFit];
CGFloat maxWidth = 0;
TTStyledFrame *f = label.text.rootFrame;
while (f) {
int w = f.x + f.width;
if (w > maxWidth) {
maxWidth = w;
f = f.nextFrame;
return CGSizeMake(maxWidth, label.height);
I tried doing it by incrementally passing the width parameter in size to sizeToFit and looking at the resulting height to give cues in terms of whether the size is ok. But this is not a elegant solution
for (int index = 100; index < 320; index= index+30)
label.width = x;
if (label.height < 20)

How to get the Template Chooser/Document Browser view on iOS?

What is the view used to create the Template Chooser view in the iWork apps on iPad?
How can I create a view like that on iPad, and what would be a best way to implement it on iPhone considering screen size constraints.
There isn't any built-in view that will provide that functionality. Which means there will be quite some work to duplicate that functionality.
What you can try is:
1) Create a new UIViewController with a nib.
2) Add the top bar and an UIScrollView with opaque = NO and alpha = 0.
3) If you have a fixed number of "templates" they can be added directly in the nib. You should be able to use UIImageView
4) Otherwise you can add the "templates" dynamically in e.g. viewDidLoad. The only part which can be a little bit tricky is calculating the frame. The following pseudo code should get you started.
int MARGIN = 20;
float templateWidth = self.scrollView.bounds.size.width / 3;
float templateHeight = 300;
for (int i = 0; i < [templates count]; i++) {
int row = i / 3;
int col = i % 3;
float x = MARGIN + col * templateWidth;
float y = MARGIN + row * templateHeight;
CGRect templateFrame = CGRectMake(x, y, width - 2 * MARGIN, height - 2 * MARGIN);
// initialize `UIImageView` or similar
templateView.frame = templateFrame;
[self.scrollView addSubView:templateView];
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(self.scrollView.bounds.width, /* max bottom of templates */);
After you have got the layout perfected the rest should be quite straightforward since you only need to respond to taps on your template images. Take a look at UITapGestureRecognizer for one way of doing that.
Regarding the iPhone. I would probably do it in the way you select a document in the iWorks apps. Only one template is displayed on screen at the time and you swipe left/right to choose. But it all depends on the context. Perhaps a table view is better suited for the iPhone.
Good luck!
With iOS 6, use UICollectionView!

iPhone position of a subview?

I add a view dynamically, but when it appears on the form, it's in the upper left hand corner.
Where do I set the X and Y of the new subview?
You should set the frame property:
myView.frame = CGRectMake(10,10,200,100);
This will position the view at location (10,10), with a size of 200x100
Note that you cannot change coordinates individually, as you might expect. That is, this doesn't work:
self.mysubview.frame.origin.x += 17; // FAILS! Not assignable!!
If it was a pain to calculate all the other coordinates you need, you can (a) suck it up or (b) do something like the following:
CGRect theFrame = self.mysubview.frame;
theFrame.origin.x += 17;
self.mysubview.frame = theFrame; // this is legal