Looking for the best equivalents of prefetch instructions for ia32, ia64, amd64, and powerpc - prefetch

I'm looking at some slightly confused code that's attempted a platform abstraction of prefetch instructions, using various compiler builtins. It appears to be based on powerpc semantics initially, with Read and Write prefetch variations using dcbt and dcbtst respectively (both of these passing TH=0 in the new optional stream opcode).
On ia64 platforms we've got for read:
__lfetch(__lfhint_nt1, pTouch)
wherease for write:
__lfetch_excl(__lfhint_nt1, pTouch)
This (read vs. write prefetching) appears to match the powerpc semantics fairly well (with the exception that ia64 allows for a temporal hint).
Somewhat curiously the ia32/amd64 code in question is using
as it would if that code were to be consistent with the ia64 implementations (#ifdef variations of that in our code for our (still live) hpipf port and our now dead windows and linux ia64 ports).
Since we are building with the intel compiler I should be able to many of our ia32/amd64 platforms consistent by switching to the xmmintrin.h builtins:
_mm_prefetch( (char *)pTouch, _MM_HINT_NTA )
_mm_prefetch( (char *)pTouch, _MM_HINT_T1 )
... provided I can figure out what temporal hint should be used.
Are there read vs. write ia32/amd64 prefetch instructions? I don't see any in the instruction set reference.
Would one of the nt1, nt2, nta temporal variations be preferred for read vs. write prefetching?
Any idea if there would have been a good reason to use the NTA temporal hint on ia32/amd64, yet T1 on ia64?

Are there read vs. write ia32/amd64 prefetch instructions? I don't see any in the instruction set reference.
Some systems support the prefetchw instructions for writes
Would one of the nt1, nt2, nta temporal variations be preferred for read vs. write prefetching?
If the line is exclusively used by the calling thread, it shouldn't matter how you bring the line, both reads and writes would be able to use it. The benefit for prefetchw mentioned above is that it will bring the line and give you ownership on it, which may take a while if the line was also used by another core. The hint level on the other hand is orthogonal with the MESI states, and only affects how long would the prefetched line survive. This matters if you prefetch long ahead of the actual access and don't want to prefetch to get lost in that duration, or alternatively - prefetch right before the access, and don't want the prefetches to thrash your cache too much.
Any idea if there would have been a good reason to use the NTA temporal hint on ia32/amd64, yet T1 on ia64?
Just speculating - perhaps the larger caches and aggressive memory BW are more vulnerable to bad prefetching and you'd want to reduce the impact through the non-temporal hint. Consider that your prefetcher is suddenly set loose to fetch anything it can, you'd end up swamped in junk prefetches that would through away lots of useful cachelines. The NTA hint makes them overrun each other, leaving the rest undamaged.
Of course this may also be just a bug, I can't tell for sure, only whoever developed the compiler, but it might make sense for the reason above.

The best resource I could find on x86 prefetching hint types was the good ol' article What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory.
For the most part on x86 there aren't different instructions for read and write prefetches. The exceptions seem to be those that are non-temporal aligned, where a write can bypass the cache but as far as I can tell, a read will always get cached.
It's going to be hard to backtrack through why the earlier code owners used one hint and not the other on a certain architecture. They could be making assumptions about how much cache is available on processors in that family, typical working set sizes for binaries there, long term control flow patterns, etc... and there's no telling how much any of those assumptions were backed up with good reasoning or data. From the limited background here I think you'd be justified in taking the approach that makes the most sense for the platform you're developing on now, regardless what was done on other platforms. This is especially true when you consider articles like this one, which is not the only context where I've heard that it's really, really hard to get any performance gain at all with software prefetches.
Are there any more details known up front, like typical cache miss ratios when using this code, or how much prefetches are expected to help?


From where is the code for dealing with critical section originated?

While learning the subject of operating systems, Critical Section is a topic which I've come across. To solve this problem, certain methods are provided like semaphores, certain software solutions, etc...etc..etc. But I've a question that from where is the code for implementing these solutions originated? As programmers never are found writing such codes for their program. Suppose I write a simple program executing printf in 'C', I never write any code for critical section problem. And the code is converted into low level instructions and is executed by OS, which behaves as our obedient servant. So, where does code dealing with critical section originate and fit in? Let resources like frame buffer be the critical section.
The OS kernel supplies such inter-thread comms synchronization mechanisms, mutex, semaphore, event, critical section, conditional variables etc. It has to because the kernel needs to block threads that cannot proceed. Many languages provide convenient wrappers around such calls.
Your app accesses them, directly or indirectly, via system calls, ie intrrupts that enter kernel state and ask for such services.
In some cases, a short-term user-space spinlock may get plastered on top, but such code should defer to a system call if the spinner is not quickly satisfied.
In the case of C printf, the relevant library, (stdio usually), will make the calls to lock/unlock the I/O stream, (assuming you have linked in a multithreaded version of the library).

Is Objective C fast enough for DSP/audio programming

I've been making some progress with audio programming for iPhone. Now I'm doing some performance tuning, trying to see if I can squeeze more out of this little machine. Running Shark, I see that a significant part of my cpu power (16%) is getting eaten up by objc_msgSend. I understand I can speed this up somewhat by storing pointers to functions (IMP) rather than calling them using [object message] notation. But if I'm going to go through all this trouble, I wonder if I might just be better off using C++.
Any thoughts on this?
Objective C is absolutely fast enough for DSP/audio programming, because Objective C is a superset of C. You don't need to (and shouldn't) make everything a message. Where performance is critical, use plain C function calls (or use inline assembly, if there are hardware features you can leverage that way). Where performance isn't critical, and your application can benefit from the features of message indirection, use the square brackets.
The Accelerate framework on OS X, for example, is a great high-performance Objective C library. It only uses standard C99 function calls, and you can call them from Objective C code without any wrapping or indirection.
The problem with Objective-C and functions like DSP is not speed per se but rather the uncertainty of when the inevitable bottlenecks will occur.
All languages have bottlenecks but in static linked languages like C++ you can better predict when and where in the code they will occur. In the case of Objective-C's runtime coupling, the time it takes to find the appropriate object, the time it takes to send a message is not necessary slow but it is variable and unpredictable. Objective-C's flexibility in UI, data management and reuse work against it in the case of tightly timed task.
Most audio processing in the Apple API is done in C or C++ because of the need to nail down the time it takes code to execute. However, its easy to mix Objective-C, C and C++ in the same app. This allows you to pick the best language for the immediate task at hand.
Is Objective C fast enough for DSP/audio programming
Real Time Rendering
Definitely Not. The Objective-C runtime and its libraries are simply not designed for the demands of real time audio rendering. The fact is, it's virtually impossible to guarantee that using ObjC runtime or libraries such as Foundation (or even CoreFoundation) will not result your renderer missing its deadline.
The common case is a lock -- even a simple heap allocation (malloc, new/new[], [[NSObject alloc] init]) will likely require a lock.
To use ObjC is to utilize libraries and a runtime which assume locks are acceptable at any point within their execution. The lock can suspend execution of your render thread (e.g. during your render callback) while waiting to acquire the lock. Then you can miss your render deadline because your render thread is held up, ultimately resulting in dropouts/glitches.
Ask a pro audio plugin developer: they will tell you that blocking within the realtime render domain is forbidden. You cannot e.g. run to the filesystem or create heap allocations because you have no practical upper bound regarding the time it will take to finish.
Here's a nice introduction: http://www.rossbencina.com/code/real-time-audio-programming-101-time-waits-for-nothing
Offline Rendering
Yes, it would be acceptably fast in most scenarios for high level messaging. At the lower levels, I recommend against using ObjC because it would be wasteful -- it could take many, many times longer to render if ObjC messaging used at that level (compared to a C or C++ implementation).
See also: Will my iPhone app take a performance hit if I use Objective-C for low level code?
objc_msgSend is just a utility.
The cost of sending a message is not just the cost of sending the message.
It is the cost of doing everything that the message initiates.
(Just like the true cost of a function call is its inclusive cost, including I/O if there is any.)
What you need to know is where are the time-dominant messages coming from and going to and why.
Stack samples will tell you which routines / methods are being called so often that you should figure out how to call them more efficiently.
You may find that you're calling them more than you have to.
Especially if you find that many of the calls are for creating and deleting data structure, you can probably find better ways to do that.

Speed improvements for Perl's chameneos-redux in the Computer Language Benchmarks Game

Ever looked at the Computer Language Benchmarks Game (formerly known as the Great Language Shootout)?
Perl has some pretty healthy competition there at the moment. It also occurs to me that there's probably some places that Perl's scores could be improved. The biggest one is in the chameneos-redux script right now—the Perl version runs the worst out of any language: 1,626 times slower than the C baseline solution!
There are some restrictions on how the programs can be made and optimized, and there is Perl's interpreted runtime penalty, but 1,626 times? There's got to be something that can get the runtime of this program way down.
Taking a look at the source code and the challenge, how can the speed be improved?
I ran the source code through the Devel::SmallProf profiler. The profile output is a little too verbose to post here, but you can see the results yourself using $ perl -d:SmallProf chameneos.pl 10000 (no need to run it for 6000000 meetings unless you really want to!) See perlperf for more details on some profiling tools in Perl.
It turns out that using semaphores is the major bottleneck. The lion's share of total CPU time is spent on checking whether a semaphore is locked or not. Although I haven't had enough time to look at why the source code uses semaphores, it may be that you can work around having to use semaphores altogether. That's probably your best shot at improving the code's performance.
As Zaid posted, Thread::Semaphore is rather slow. One optimization could be to use the implicit locks on shared variables instead of them. It should be faster, though I suspect it won't be faster by much.
In general, Perl's threading implementation sucks for any kind of usage that requires a lot of interthread communication. It's very suitable for tasks with little communication (as unlike CPython's threads and CRuby's threads they are actually preemptive).
It may be possible to improve that situation, we need better primitives.
I have a version based on another version from Jesse Millikian, which I think was never published.
I think it may run ~ 7x faster than the current entry, and uses standard modules all around. I'm not sure if it actually complies with all the rules though.
I've tried the forks module on it, but I think it slows it down a bit.
Anyone tried s/threads/forks/ on the Perl entry? Or Coro / Coro::MP, though the latter would probably trigger the 'interesting alternative implementations' clause.

A trivial SYSENTER/SYSCALL question

If a Windows executable makes use of SYSENTER and is executed on a processor implementing AMD64 ISA, what happens? I am both new and newbie to this topic (OSes, hardware/software interaction) but from what I've read I have understood that SYSCALL is the AMD64 equivalent to Intel's SYSENTER. Hopefully this question makes sense.
If you try to use SYSENTER where it is not supported, you'll probably get an "invalid opcode" exception.
Note that this situation is unusual - generally, Windows executables do not directly contain instructions to enter kernel mode.
As far as i know AM64 processors using different type of modes to handle such issues.
SYSENTER works fine but is not that fast.
A very useful site to get started about the different modes:
They got rid of a bunch of unused functionality when they developed AMD64 extensions. One of the main ones is the elimination of the cs, ds, es, and ss segment registers. Normally loading segment registers is an extremely expensive operation (the CPU has to do permission checks, which could involve multiple memory accesses). Entering kernel mode requires loading new segment register values.
The SYSENTER instruction accelerates this by having a set of "shadow registers" which is can copy directly to the (internal, hidden) segment descriptors without doing any permission checks. The vast majority of the benefit is lost with only a couple of segment registers, so most likely the reasoning for removing the support for the instructions is that using regular instructions for the mode switch is faster.

How to determine SSE prefetch instruction size?

I am working with code which contains inline assembly for SSE prefetch instructions. A preprocessor constant determines whether the instructions for 32-, 64- or 128-bye prefetches are used. The application is used on a wide variety of platforms, and so far I have had to investigate in each case which is the best option for the given CPU. I understand that this is the cache line size. Is this information obtainable automatically? It doesn't seem to be explicitly present in /proc/cpuinfo.
I think your question is related to this question or this one. I think it is clear that - unless you can rely on a OS or library-function - you will want to use the CPUID instruction, but the question then becomes exactly what information you are looking for. - And of course, AMD's and Intel's implementations don't need to agree. This page suggests using Cpuid.1.EBX[15:8] (i.e., BH) for finding out on Intel and function 80000005h on AMD. In addition, on Intel, CPUID.2... seems to contain the relevant information, but it looks like a real pain to parse out the desired information.
I think, from what I've read, both AMD and Intel CPUID instructions will support CPUID.1.EBX[15:8], which returns the size of one cache line in QUADWORDs as used by the CLFLUSH instruction (which isn't present on all processors, so I don't know whether you'll always find something there). So, after executing CPUID.1, you'd have to multiply BH by 8 to get the cache line size in bytes. This hinges on my implicit assumption (please can anyone say whether it is really valid?) that the definition of one cache line size is always the same for CLFLUSH and PREFETCHh instructions.
Also, Intel's manuals states that PREFETCHh is only a hint, but that, if it prefetches anything, it will always be a minimum of 32 bytes.
Another useful resource (even if not directly answering your question) for the optimised use of PREFETCHh is Intel's optimisation manual here.