iOS iPhone Phonegap HTML App scrollbar and device width issue - iphone

I created my first iOS 5.0 iPhone app and the app's actual size is 480 width by 320 height, which is the default size of the iPhone.
My problem is I don't want the app to allow scrollbars or what I really mean is the ability to scroll past the 320 in height which is happening.
I looked at the Safari Web Content guide here
I still can't seem to figure this out can anyone suggest a fix.

you can do two things. in your css set your main wrapper to overflow:hidden;
also add this to your js onDeviceReady()
that will not allow any scrolling and lock the app down.
NOW if you do want to allow scrolling I suggest looking into iScroll it's really easy to set up and get working, and will give a native look and feel to the scrolling.


My webpage is not responsive on iPhone and iPad. The container moves around and wanders. There is horizontal scrolling and it doesn't stay contained

My webpage at moves around on iPhone and iPad. I've made it responsive and it doesn't move around on desktop but does on iPhone and iPad. The container I made is 100% width and max-width so it's supposed to stay contained within the viewports parameters. The page wanders and scrolls horizontally on iPhone and iPad. I used overflow:hidden and it does not prevent the page from wandering left and right on iPhone and iPad. If anyone has an iPhone or iPad you can check it out. I've opened the page on an android phone and it does not wander. I've inspected the page on Chrome and it doesn't move around like it does when I look at it on my iPhone and iPad. I can not figure out what the problem is.
I thought maybe padding and margins may be an issue but I can't really tell what may work because it is fine when I inspect the page on chrome. Once I look at it on my iPhone and iPad i get horizontal scrolling and it moves diagonally and doesn't stay within the viewports parameters.

Flash of white when changing orientation on iOS Safari

What causes the flash of white to the right of a responsive design when changing orientation from portrait to landscape on the iPhone with iOS 6?
Try it on Safari for iOS 6:
Websites like this don't do it:
But this one does:
Something to do with re-processing (CPU lag) to fit a wider screen?
It doesn't happen in Chrome for iOS6...
For example, I just removed all img from my own testing site and set the background of <body>, <html> etc. to non-white, but it still happens. This seems to happen with a lot of different websites out there, but others are completely immune to it...
Could it be a problem with someone on the website, or an iOS Safari bug?
Thats because of the elements in the header of which (dis)appear when changing orientation. It forces the header to resize and the elements below are pushed down. This causes a repaint of the DOM, that causes the short white flash on iOs.

iphone flip is zooming in (against my will)

I've started working on a mobile page and I've made the css so that the page can expand or contract and look fine. When I rotate the page though, by turning my iphone sideways, instead of resizing as though there is a new screen size (wide), it's zooming in. I have an image on the page and I really don't want it to zoom in, because it pixelates the image. I would rather it resize as though it was a new page.
You can see it here:
I figured it out by adding this meta tag, I haven't tested it on android or ipads, but this at least solves my problem for iphone.

Can't manually scroll div on Android nor iPhone

I am making a web app for the Android and iPhone that has a div for content. I can update the div programmatically and have it scroll down but I can't scroll using just my finger.
You can see it here:
Type in "Cookie firs" and then select that clue (obviously there are other bugs to work out!) and it will have enough hints to fill the screen. With Chrome on a PC it works correctly and the list becomes scrollable if it is too big for the screen. On the iPhone and Android it does not.
Does anyone know what the deal is? Thanks!
iPhones cannot scroll absolute positioned divs by default, I believe.
iScroll might help.

iPhone - customizing WebKit

Apple has disabled the overflow CSS aspect in mobile Safari so it is not possible to scroll inside a fixed height div. This is quite annoying.
While making an iPhone native app, is it possible to access WebKit settings to turn that feature on ?
You can scroll with 2 fingers.
If you don't want to scroll with 2 fingers, try
WebKit is a private framework, so you can't do anything even if you develop a native app (for AppStore).
Nope. Sorry - you'll have to use js to position things.
It's disabled because you aren't "scrolling", you are moving the viewport, so position-fixed doesn't make sense.