Need help on very strange iPhone currency addition and subtraction - iphone

This is 'sorta' urgent since my app just went live today.
My app works fine in the emulator, fine when I copy it to my phone, iPad and other iPhones. We tested the heck out of the app. I submitted it to the appstore and it is now approved and live but an error occurs only with the downloaded appstore app.
Basically i am rebalancing a bill using NSDecimal and number formatters. In the emulator and phone when I step through the code all is well. But the appstore bundle wigs out. It almost appears that the data that I am adding and subtracting is not being initalized.
Has anyone ever seen anything like this?
I know this post is completely vague but trying to figure out where to start debugging if the code in emulator works fine.
--UPDATE-- adding code
//save the text field data
int row = [textField tag] - 900;
NSString *enteredSplitAmount = [formatter stringWithNoCurrency:[textField text]];
[theGuestTotals replaceObjectAtIndex:row withObject:enteredSplitAmount];
//Get data object
BillDataObject* data = [self theAppDataObject];
int changedSplitBy = 0;
UITableViewCell *cell;
UITextField *cellTextField;
double adjustedBill = 0.0;
NSString *guestAmountFromArray;
//NSString *guestAmountAdjusted;
//Figure out how many guests did NOT have their bill changed & get new bill total
for (NSUInteger i=0; i < [theGuestTotals count]; i++)
guestAmountFromArray = [theGuestTotals objectAtIndex:i];
if ([guestAmountFromArray isEqualToString:data.splitByAmountChanged])
//Adding ALL guest amounts to get a NEW Bill Total
adjustedBill += [guestAmountFromArray doubleValue];
if (changedSplitBy == 0)
changedSplitBy = 1;
//Convert newBill to decimal
NSDecimalNumber *adjustedBillTotal = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithDouble:adjustedBill];
NSDecimalNumber *originalBillTotal = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:data.totalBill];
NSDecimalNumber *splitBy = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithInt:changedSplitBy];
NSDecimalNumber *updatedGuestAmount;
//Figure out the the difference is between the new amount and the old amount
NSDecimalNumber *adjustedBillTotalDifference = [originalBillTotal decimalNumberBySubtracting:adjustedBillTotal];
//figure out the difference each guest who did not have their bill changed difference
NSDecimalNumber *guestSplitAmountDifference = [adjustedBillTotalDifference decimalNumberByDividingBy:splitBy];
//loop through array of guest totals to see if a guest total if different from the original split amout
for (NSUInteger i=0; i < [theGuestTotals count]; i++)
guestAmountFromArray = [theGuestTotals objectAtIndex:i];
if ([guestAmountFromArray isEqualToString:data.splitByAmountChanged])
NSDecimalNumber *guestAmount = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:[theGuestTotals objectAtIndex:i]];
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:i inSection:0];
cell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
cellTextField = (UITextField*)[cell viewWithTag:i+900];
//add the split amount to the guest amount
updatedGuestAmount = [guestAmount decimalNumberByAdding:guestSplitAmountDifference];
//update the textfield with UPDATED amount
cellTextField.text = [formatter stringWithNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle numberToFormat:updatedGuestAmount];
//replace the guest amount in the array with the UPDATED amount
[theGuestTotals replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[formatter stringWithNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle numberToFormat:updatedGuestAmount]];
} else {
//Not equal so just update the amount from what it was...
//this might not be needed but I need to format if it is...
cellTextField.text = [formatter stringWithNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle numberToFormat: [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:guestAmountFromArray]];
//Now all guests who were not edited GOT updated now save that update for the next time this function is run
data.splitByAmountChanged = [formatter stringWithNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle numberToFormat:updatedGuestAmount];
//Clear out adjustedBill to get NEW totals after we updated each guest in the loop above
adjustedBill = 0;
//Lets see if we are over or under and do the 'REDISTRIBUTE'
for (NSUInteger i=0; i < [theGuestTotals count]; i++)
adjustedBill += [[theGuestTotals objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue];
adjustedBillTotal = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithDouble:adjustedBill];
if ([originalBillTotal compare:adjustedBillTotal] == NSOrderedAscending)
[warningImage setHidden:NO];
NSDecimalNumber *overage = [adjustedBillTotal decimalNumberBySubtracting:originalBillTotal];
[overUnderLabel setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# over",[formatter stringWithNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle numberToFormat:overage]]];
// [self disableDone];
[self enableRedistribute];
else if ([originalBillTotal compare:adjustedBillTotal] == NSOrderedDescending)
[warningImage setHidden:NO];
NSDecimalNumber *underage = [originalBillTotal decimalNumberBySubtracting:adjustedBillTotal];
[overUnderLabel setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# under",[formatter stringWithNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle numberToFormat:underage]]];
// [self disableDone];
[self enableRedistribute];
[warningImage setHidden:YES];
overUnderLabel.text = #"";
//[self enableDone];
[self disableRedistribute];

I think the problem is your attempt to use the UITableViewCells for data storage. You don't push data into the cells, you wait for the UITableView to call YOUR cellForRowAtIndexPath method.
The UITableView will only retain enough cells to fill the screen. As soon as one scrolls out of sight, it will be released. When your loop tries to retrieve it again with cellForRowAtIndexPath: it will allocate a new cell to give you. While your loop may initialize it, it won't be stored or used by the UITable object.

There was a dead store issue with 2 variables in my method. Even though I set them later on I removed them and re-submitted the app. The issue went away.
Thanks for your tips.


Performance issue creating Section Index Titles for UITableView

I'm displaying an array of contacts ( [[ContactStore sharedStore]allContacts] ) in a tableview and have divided the list into alphabetic sections. I have used the following code to return an array of the first letters of the contacts, and a dictionary of the number of entries per letter.
//create an array of the first letters of the names in the sharedStore
nameIndex = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
//create a dictionary to save the number of names for each first letter
nameIndexCount = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
for (int i=0; i<[[[ContactStore sharedStore]allContacts]count]; i++){
//Get the first letter and the name of each person
Contact *p = [[[ContactStore sharedStore]allContacts]objectAtIndex:i];
NSString *lastName = [p lastName];
NSString *alphabet = [lastName substringToIndex:1];
//If that letter is absent from the dictionary then add it and set its value as 1
if ([nameIndexCount objectForKey:alphabet] == nil) {
[nameIndex addObject:alphabet];
[nameIndexCount setValue:#"1" forKey:alphabet];
//If its already present add one to its value
} else {
NSString *newValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", ([[nameIndexCount valueForKey:alphabet] intValue] + 1)];
[nameIndexCount setValue:newValue forKey:alphabet];
This works, however it is very slow when the array is large, I'm sure there's a better way to do this but I'm quite new to this so am not sure how. Are there any suggestions for a better way to do this?
Although Bio Cho has a good point, you might see an increase in performance by calling
[[ContactStore sharedStore]allContacts]
only once. For example:
nameIndex = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
nameIndexCount = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
Create our own copy of the contacts only once and reuse it
NSArray* allContacts = [[ContactStore sharedStore] allContacts];
for (int i=0; i<[allContacts count]; i++){
//Get the first letter and the name of each person
Contact *p = allContacts[i];
NSString *lastName = [p lastName];
NSString *alphabet = [lastName substringToIndex:1];
//If that letter is absent from the dictionary then add it and set its value as 1
if ([nameIndexCount objectForKey:alphabet] == nil) {
[nameIndex addObject:alphabet];
[nameIndexCount setValue:#"1" forKey:alphabet];
//If its already present add one to its value
} else {
NSString *newValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", ([[nameIndexCount
valueForKey:alphabet] intValue] + 1)];
[nameIndexCount setValue:newValue forKey:alphabet];
Though I can't say for sure, I'd guess that repeatedly accessing your shared store is what's killing you. Maybe only accessing it once will give you what you need.
Consider storing your contacts in Core Data and using an NSFetchedResultsController.
The NSFetchedResultsController will only load a subset of the rows which are visible on the table view, thus preventing your user from having to wait for all the contacts to be sorted.
NSFetchedResultsController will also sort your contacts by an attribute (ie. first or last name), and you can set your section titles to be the first letter of the field you're sorting by.
Take a look at this question and this tutorial.

Filtering an NSArray from JSON?

I'm trying to implement a searchable tableview in my app, where when someone can search a location and get results. It looks something like this:
I'm getting my source from which gives more then just cities, it also has parks, buildings, counties, etc. I want to just show locations which are cities.
The data is a JSON file which is parsed by JSONKit. The whole file comes in (maximum 20 objects) and then the searchable table view shows it. I'm not sure if I should parse the JSON file differently, or if I should make the table view show only the results needed. (Performance in this case is not an issue.). The JSON file gets converted to an NSArray.
Here is part of the array:
adminCode1 = MA;
adminCode2 = 027;
adminName1 = Massachusetts;
adminName2 = "Worcester County";
adminName3 = "";
adminName4 = "";
adminName5 = "";
continentCode = NA;
countryCode = US;
countryName = "United States";
elevation = 178;
fcl = A;
fclName = "country, state, region,...";
fcode = ADMD;
fcodeName = "administrative division";
geonameId = 4929431;
lat = "42.2000939";
lng = "-71.8495163";
name = "Town of Auburn";
population = 0;
score = "53.40083694458008";
timezone = {
dstOffset = "-4";
gmtOffset = "-5";
timeZoneId = "America/New_York";
toponymName = "Town of Auburn";
What I want to do is if the "fcl" (seen in the array) is equal to P, then I want it to show that in the table view. If the "fcl" is some other character, then I don't want it to be seen in the table view. I'm pretty sure that an if statement can do that, but I don't know how to get it so that it filters part of it.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
EDIT: As of now, this is the code to search:
- (void)delayedSearch:(NSString*)searchString
[self.geoNamesSearch cancel];
[self.geoNamesSearch search:searchString
- (BOOL)searchDisplayController:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString:(NSString *)searchString
self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.prompt = NSLocalizedStringFromTable(#"ILGEONAMES_SEARCHING", #"ILGeoNames", #"");
[self.searchResults removeAllObjects];
// Delay the search 1 second to minimize outstanding requests
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
[self performSelector:#selector(delayedSearch:) withObject:searchString afterDelay:0];
return YES;
Your question is basically, how do you filter your array from a search bar string? If so, you can detect when the text changes via UISearchBarDelegate and then go through your array copying those objects that contain the string you are looking for, i.e.
This is the delegate method you want: searchBar:textDidChange:.
[filterArray removeAllObjects];
for(int i = 0; i < [normalArray count]; i++){
NSRange textRange;
textRange =[[[[normalArray objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"name"] lowercaseString] rangeOfString:[searchBarString lowercaseString]];
//I wasn't sure which objectForKey: string you were looking for, just replace the one you want to filter.
if(textRange.location != NSNotFound)
[filterArray addObject:[normalArray objectAtIndex:i]];
filterTableView = YES;
[tableView reloadData];
Note the filterTableView bool value, this is so your tableView knows either to load normally or the filtered version you just made. You implement this in:
tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: //For number of rows.
tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: //For the content of the cells.
Hope this is what you were looking for.
NSMutableArray* filtered = [[NSMutableArray alloc] autorelease];
for (int i=0;i<[data count];i++)
NSDictionary* item=[data objectAtIndex:i];
if (#"P" == [item objectForKey:#"fcl"] )
[filtered addObject:item];
So every time the search field changes, you will compute a new array, and then reload your tableview. The number of rows will be the numbers of rows in your filtered array.
To compute the new array, you can do this (assuming an array of dictionaries):
NSString *searchString; // from the search field
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[origArray count]];
for(NSDictionary *dict in origArray) {
NSString *val = [dict objectForKey:#"fcl"];
if([val length] >= searchString) {
NSString subString = [val substringToIndex:[searchString length]];
if([subString isEqualToString:val]) [array addObject:dict];
Each cell then will get its values from the new array.
Just put your json in a NSDictionary and simply do something like :
if ([[yourJson objectForKey:#"fcl"] stringValue] == #"A")

Store score at the time of completing game & get data on HighScore button press in iphone

I have done this code to store score.
But this is giving me the last added score only, not storing data every time on new index.
dictWinData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:txt_EnterName.text,
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",iTap], nil];
int increment = 0;
NSLog(#"array data is:--> %#",array);
for (int intWinData = 1; intWinData < [array count]; intWinData++)
[dictWinData setObject:array forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"NameScore%d",increment]];
If any mistake is there in my code then please let me guide for this.
Is there anyother way to store the data..?
Is NSUserDefaults helpful to store & display data...?
How to use NSUserDefaults to store & retrive data.
The issue is with this line:
int increment = 0;
Every time you press the save button the increment will be initialized to zero and hence every time the value is added to dictionary for same key NameScore0. Hence it will over write the existing dictionary value.
You need to make the increment as static like static int increment = 0; or make it as a global variable, it will solve the issue.
dictWinData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:txt_EnterName.text,
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",iTap], nil];
static int increment = 0;
for (int intWinData = 1; intWinData < [array count]; intWinData++)
[dictWinData setObject:array forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"NameScore%d",increment]];
NSUserDefaults is used for displaying the application setting in the ios device's settings pane. Don't save your application data there.
Instead of NSUserDefaults you can use plist to store data.
Please check the link

Reduce time to perform big operation on iphone app

When I launch an app, I need to retrieve all contacts from Address Book & store it in array to display it in table view. I wrote this code in viewDidAppear method. While contacts are retrieving from Address Book , I am showing activity indicator. I have around 1100 contacts in my address book. For this it took 14 seconds to retrieve data & store it in array. Its not acceptable time. So I need to optimize this & reduce time to max 2 to 3 seconds.
I need all contacts because when my app launches , I need to search for contacts so I need all the data available in my array.
How can I reduce this timing ? If you need more information just let me know.
Any kind of help is highly appreciated. Thanks.
UPDATE 1 : My code
- (NSMutableArray*)getAddressBookData {
self.tempArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
APP_DELGATE.people = (NSArray*)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook);
peopleCount = [APP_DELGATE.people count];
for (int i=0; i<peopleCount; i++) {
ABRecordRef record = [APP_DELGATE.people objectAtIndex:i];
NSNumber *recordId = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:ABRecordGetRecordID(record)];
NSLog(#"record id is %#",recordId);
// Get fname, lname, company
NSString *fnm = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(record, kABPersonFirstNameProperty) ;
NSString *lnm = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(record, kABPersonLastNameProperty) ;
NSString *comp = (NSString*)ABRecordCopyValue(record,kABPersonOrganizationProperty);
// Get Ph no
ABMultiValueRef phoneNumberProperty = ABRecordCopyValue(record, kABPersonPhoneProperty);
NSArray* phoneNumbers = [self getPhoneNoWithoutSymbols:(NSArray*)ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues(phoneNumberProperty)];
NSString *strPhoneNos = [self getStringRepresentaionFromArray:phoneNumbers];
NSLog(#"strPhoneNos => %#",strPhoneNos);
// Get emails
ABMultiValueRef emailProperty = ABRecordCopyValue(record, kABPersonEmailProperty);
NSArray* emails = (NSArray*)ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues(emailProperty);
NSString *strEmails = [self getStringRepresentaionFromArray:emails];
NSLog(#"strEmails => %#",strEmails);
// Get URL
ABMultiValueRef urlProperty = ABRecordCopyValue(record, kABPersonURLProperty);
NSArray* urls = (NSArray*)ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues(urlProperty);
NSString *strURLs = [self getStringRepresentaionFromArray:urls];
NSLog(#"strURLs => %#",strURLs);
// Get Address
ABMultiValueRef address=ABRecordCopyValue(record, kABPersonAddressProperty);
CFDictionaryRef dic=nil;
NSMutableArray *addressArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for (int index=0; index<ABMultiValueGetCount(address); index++) {
dic=ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex(address, index);
NSString* labelName=(NSString*)ABMultiValueCopyLabelAtIndex(address, index);
if (labelName) {
NSString *street =(NSString*) CFDictionaryGetValue(dic, kABPersonAddressStreetKey);
NSString *city= (NSString*)CFDictionaryGetValue(dic, kABPersonAddressCityKey) ;
NSString *state= CFDictionaryGetValue(dic, kABPersonAddressStateKey);
NSString *country=CFDictionaryGetValue(dic, kABPersonAddressCountryKey);
NSString *zipcode=CFDictionaryGetValue(dic, kABPersonAddressZIPKey);
NSString *addressDetails=#"";
if (street) {
addressDetails=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# ",street];
if (city) {
addressDetails=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %# ",addressDetails,city];
if (state) {
addressDetails=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %# ",addressDetails,state];
if (country) {
addressDetails=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %# ",addressDetails,country];
if (zipcode) {
addressDetails=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %# ",addressDetails,zipcode];
[addressArray addObject:addressDetails];
NSString *strAddress = [self getStringRepresentaionFromArray:addressArray];
NSLog(#"strAddress => %#",strAddress);
// Get Notes
NSString *noteString=(NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(record, kABPersonNoteProperty);
// Get Birthdate
NSDate *birthDate=(NSDate*)ABRecordCopyValue(record, kABPersonBirthdayProperty) ;
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:#"MMMM dd yyyy"];
NSString *birthdateString = [formatter stringFromDate:birthDate];
[formatter release];
// Get user image
UIImage *image = nil;
if( ABPersonHasImageData( record ) ) {
NSData *imageData = (NSData*)ABPersonCopyImageData(record);
image = [UIImage imageWithData:imageData];
[imageData release];
// Create User object & add it to array
User *user = [[User alloc]initUserWithUniqID:recordId.intValue FirstName:fnm lastName:lnm company:comp phoneNumbers:strPhoneNos emails:strEmails urls:strURLs address:strAddress notes:noteString dob:birthdateString userImage:image];
[self.tempArray addObject:user];
[user release];
self.tempArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[self.tempArray sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(compare:)]];
APP_DELGATE.allUsersArray = self.tempArray;
return tempArray;
-(NSMutableArray*)getPhoneNoWithoutSymbols:(NSArray*)array {
self.phNoArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for (NSString *str in array) {
[self.phNoArray addObject:[self getPhNo:str]];
return self.phNoArray;
-(NSString*)getPhNo:(NSString*)str {
NSString *str0 = [str stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#" " withString:#""];
NSString *str1 = [str0 stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"(" withString:#""];
NSString *str2 = [str1 stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#")" withString:#""];
NSString *str3 = [str2 stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"-" withString:#""];
return str3;
-(NSString*)getStringRepresentaionFromArray:(NSArray*)array {
return [array componentsJoinedByString:DELIMITER_SYMBOL];
Firstly, try some general approaches to reduce time by using more optimized code and less repetition of code and also through less use of loops or may be only iterate loops only till the data is obtained. Also you can check whether your code is properly distributed as far as the Time Profiling is concerned.
Secondly, we feel that time required is more because user is shown an Activity Indicator till 14 seconds. If you don't show it and don't block the User Interface till data is getting copied into your array, then user may feel that it is more smooth So here is how you can do that:
You can use NSThread to allow the application to launch while you retrieve all your data from the AddressBook and Store it in your array.
You can use
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(fetchAddressContacts:) withObject:nil];
For more information you can refer to detachNewThreadSelector: from NSThread
So basically in AppDelegate you need to code as following in AppDelegate.m
-(void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(fetchAddressContacts) withObject:nil];
-(void)fetchAddressContacts {
//Do your stuff to copy your contacts from address book to array
// Once you finish this task you can trigger an NSNotification which could be caught on some other viewController or implement a delegate to transfer data to a viewController and proper actions can be executed once the data is loaded.
Let me know if you need more help.
Hope this helps you.
Perform your contacts retrieval method diagnostics and identify what calls are causing the bottleneck here.
Share your code and describe the bottlenecks
Any operation taking serious amount of time should be performed in a thread. In this case, I'd gather the data on first startup only and store them internally. You can refresh the primary data anytime later on demand (refresh button?) otherwise work with the internally stored "clone" of the contacts rather than calling any time-consuming operation on every app's start.
BTW: Be careful about the address book contacts these days :-)
When your app first install fetch all the contacts and save in coredate/plist file when next time app opens then show the contacts from the storage which is very fast as compare to fetching contacts from iPhone database. Now the problem how to update contacts which newly added, so for every contact there is property called "kABPersonModificationDateProperty" and "kABPersonCreationDateProperty" ,use this to find only updated contacts and add in the storage. Hope this helps.

Spotted a leak in UITextView delegate method. Confused about solution

I've got a problem with an UITextView and one of its delegate methods in my navigation based app:
- (BOOL)textView:aView shouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)range replacementText:(NSString *)text
I managed to limit the max length of text the user can input using the above method. But I'm using a leaky array for that matter I think.
The problem is:
I want to save the amount of typed characters right in the very moment the user enters the last line of my textview. I then use that value to calculate the string length - which I compare to the textview's content size to set a limit. The code works fine - but since the method it's inside of is updating with every text input, I'm having trouble releasing the array in the right moment.
Here's some code:
if (numLines == 9)
if (!numCharsArray)
numCharsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1]; // Stack trace gives this line 3,3% of the leak.
numChars = tView.text.length;
NSNumber *number = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:numChars]; // This line gets 77,3%.
[numCharsArray addObject:number]; // This line gets the rest, 24,3%.
[number release];
startChars = [[numCharsArray objectAtIndex:0] integerValue];
NSString *lastLine = [[NSString alloc]initWithString:[[tView text] substringFromIndex:startChars]];
CGSize lineSize = [lastLine sizeWithFont:tView.font forWidth:tView.contentSize.width lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap];
[lastLine release];
if (range.length > text.length)
return YES;
else if (numLines == 9 && lineSize.width >= tView.contentSize.width - 45)
return NO;
numCharsArray = nil;
[numCharsArray release];
I tried the out-commented statement above, but that gives me an app crash once I leave the last line of the textview. And as you can see in the code comments - without releasing the array I get a leak.
So how and where do I release that array correctly - keeping it safe while the user is on the last line?
Just replace with
first one
numCharsArray = [NSMutableArray array]; // you do not need to release
//explicitly as its autorelease numberWithInt
second one
NSNumber *number = [NSNumber numberWithInt:numChars]; //autorelease
NSString *lastLine = [[tView text] substringFromIndex:startChars];