Java and main() - eclipse

I'm messing around with Eclipse(and java in general) for the first time in about a year. among the things I have forgotten is the following:
I have a function (void callvote() that I am hoping will be activated by my main function (that is, automatically, relatively early in the program). I currently have it within the same class (body) as the main function itself.
I try to call it withcallvote(); and get an error, "- Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method callvote() from the type body"
my function callvote is, at the moment, in the space below main and simply says
public void callvote()
am i committing a horrible sin by putting more functions in the same class as main?
is this a relatively easy fix that I missed somehow?
What does this error mean?
Have I woken Azatoth with this code?
Thanks in advance,

Without the static modifier callvote is implicitly an instance method - you need an instance of a class to call it.
You could mark it as static also:
public static void callvote() ...
Or create an instance of the declaring class:
MyClass instance = new MyClass();

main() is a static method, meaning you can call it directly from a class whereas non-static members can only be called from an object. In order for you to call the callvote() method you need to first instantiate an object of your class:
public static void main(String [ ] args) {
MyClass myObject = new MyClass();
Another way to avoid the error is to make you callvote() method static as well, but it's usually not what you want to do (but it depends on the nature of your class and method).
This post describes some of the dangers with the overuse of static methods: Class with single method -- best approach?

Try this:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Main().callvote()
the main() entry point of your java program is static. You cannot call a non static method from a static one.
So you have to instanciate your Class first and call the method after.


why we should use static keyword in dart in place of abstract?

I m preparing a class in my flutterfire project and their I want to use some method Which can't change further so that I want to know consept of static keyword in Dart ?
"static" means a member is available on the class itself instead of on instances of the class. That's all it means, and it isn't used for anything else. static modifies members.
Static methods
Static methods (class methods) don’t operate on an instance, and thus don’t have access to this. They do, however, have access to static variables.
void main() {
print(Car.numberOfWheels); //here we use a static variable.
// print(; // this gives an error we can not access this property without creating an instance of Car class.
print(Car.startCar());//here we use a static method.
Car car = Car(); = 'Honda';
class Car{
static const numberOfWheels =4;
String name;
// Static method
static startCar(){
return 'Car is starting';
static keyword in dart used to declare a variable or method that belongs to just the class not the instants which means the class has only one copy of that variable or method and those static variables(class variables) or static methods(class methods) can not be used by the instances created by the class.
for example if we declare a class as
class Foo {
static String staticVariable = "Class variable";
final String instanceVariable = "Instance variable";
static void staticMethod(){
print('This is static method');
void instanceMethod(){
print('instance method');
the thing here to remember is static variables are created only once and every instance crated by the class has different instance variables. therefore you can not call static variables form the class instances.
following codes are valid,
there for following codes will give errors
Use of static variables and methods
you can use static variables when you have constant values or common values that are relevant for the class.
you can read more here -

vertx 2: vertx.eventBus().send(ClassName.ADDRESS, ....) why does it init a new class?

I work on a project based on Vertx the following line:
vertx.eventBus().send(MyClass.ADDRESS, requestBody, new Handler<Message<Object>>() {
public class MyClass implements Handler<Message<JsonObject>> {
public static final String ADDRESS = "coupons.api.manager";
public void handle(Message<JsonObject> msg) {
Whereas MyClass.ADDRESS is a static field of type string in the class MyClass, I found out that the line vertx.eventBus(...) creates an object of MyClass and then runs the handle() function.
My question is why? MyClass.ADDRESS is a string, and a static one. How does vertx "know" that it has to create an object from a class that this string is an attribute of?
I looked at the documentation of the send() function:
and it says that the first argument in the function is "the address to send it to". OK. But, who said that the address means instantiating this class?
I made a small research, and yes. Vertx, behind the curtains, connects all the classes that implement Handler> to the string value they have in the attribute ClassName.ADDRESS.
When the statement:
vertx.eventBus().send(MyClass.ADDRESS, requestBody, new Handler<Message<Object>>() {
is invoked, a new thread is created and runs the handle method in the class MyClass.

Eclipse is forcing everything to be static

For some reason after I had added and removed a static vairable from my code, eclipse started giving me errors on all functions that I call, saying that these functions must be static. However, if I let the program run with these errors, the program runs just as I intended it to do. My Code:
package main;
public class Main implements Runnable {
public void start() {
Thread thread = new Thread(this);
Ball.test(); <--- Giving me an error
public void run() {
public void stop() {
and when I create a method in ball called test it gives me:
public static void test() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Well yes - you're calling the method as if it were a static method:
If you want to call an instance method, you need to call it on an instance, e.g.
Ball ball = new Ball();
It's important to understand the difference between static members and instance members. Have you read the appropriate chapter of the Java tutorial? Do you have a good Java book which would help you? (Stack Overflow is great for specific questions, but not good for learning a language from scratch. Explaining language concepts well takes a lot of space and time.)

extending protected functions boost::python

I have C++ code (not mine, so it is not editable). Problem is with extending protected functions and class.
#include "ExtraClass.h"
bool Func{}
ExtraClass m_Foo;
I need access in Python to m_Foo methods and protected functions like Func() like
from MyClass import *
bar = MyClass()
bar.m_Foo.Run() //something like this
but have an compiler error:
*error: ‘ExtraClass MyApp::m_Foo’ is protected*
PS. If I change protected with public (just for try). I can access *m_Foo* only in readonly mode:
class_<MyClass>("MyClass", init<>())
.def_readonly("m_Foo", &MyClass::m_Foo)
Changing to *def_readwrite* went to compiler error:
/boost_1_52_0/boost/python/data_members.hpp:64:11: error: no match for ‘operator=’ in ‘(((ExtraClass)c) + ((sizetype)((const boost::python::detail::member<ExtraClass, MyClass>*)this)->boost::python::detail::member<ExtraClass, MyClass>::m_which)) = d’
Thank you for any help!
In general, if you want to wrap protected members, then you need to derive a (wrapper) class from the parent that makes the members public. (You can simply say using Base::ProtectedMember in a public section to expose it instead of wrapping it). You will then have wrap it normally. Like this:
class MyWrapperClass : public MyClass {
using MyClass::m_Foo;
In this particular example (which is really not fully baked), if you want to access m_Foo, then you need to wrap ExtraClass. Assuming that you have The problem with readwrite is likely the implementation of ExtraClass (which probably doesn't supply a operator= that you can use).

guice ignores providers?

It seems Guice is ignoring my #Provider methods of my module.
I have a class MyModule like this:
public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
bindInterceptor(Matchers.any(), Matchers.annotatedWith(Timed.class), new GuiceEnabledLoggingInterceptor());
// And more binding lines...
public AnotherClassInApi provideMyClass() {
return AnotherClassInApi.getInstance();
// And more #Provides methods
Main method is
public static void main(String[] args){
Injector INJECTOR = Guice.createInjector(new MyModule());
// ...
In some other part of the project I have class AnotherClassInApi, which is a very standard singleton plus one method:
public class AnotherClassInApi {
private static final AnotherClassInApi INSTANCE = new AnotherClassInApi();
private AnotherClassInApi() { }
// ... more methods
public static AnotherClassInApi getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
Well, I understand that should effectively bind any request for an AnotherClassInApi object to the getInstance() method, but it doesn't work. Funny thing, a breakpoint in the #Provide method is never reached while debugging, but one in the configure method is reached. It seems guice is ignoring my provider annotation, and I think I'm following exactly what Guice guide says about #Provider, so I'm already stuck.
I've been googling around, but can't find anything similar. Any help will be much appreciated.
The concept of Providers (and #Provides methods) is, that they are only called when actually needed. So unless you really use your Injector to create an instance that has an #Inject dependency, your Provider is not ignored, just not used (nor needed).
You can monitor all configured bindings by using "injector.getAllBindings()".
java.util.Map,Binding> getAllBindings()
Returns a snapshot
of this injector's bindings, both explicit and just-in-time. The
returned map is immutable; it contains only the bindings that were
present when getAllBindings() was invoked. Just-in-time bindings are
only present if they have been requested at least once. Subsequent
calls may return a map with additional just-in-time bindings. The
returned map does not include bindings inherited from a parent
injector, should one exist.
This method is part of the Guice SPI and is intended for use by tools
and extensions.