Efficient document format to store "Votes" in Mongo DB? - mongodb

I'm trying to store "Votes" in MongoDB and I am stuck on how to proceed in an efficient way.
Basically , I have a question with several options like A B C D ...(6 total).
I am giving voters the option to choose an option and want to save the "Vote" with fields like:
MongoDate, option, voter name, and maybe couple more fields.
I am planning to have unlimited "Votes" in the thousands and even in millions on a given question.
In terms of retrieving the data : I would like to be able to query it mainly by Date and present in charts, like a stock price with hourly, daily, monthly... intervals
In other words it is like time series.
I am not sure on the "format" of the document in MongoDB;

One reasonable way to do it would be to have a votes collection, where each document looks like:
v: 'a', //voted for the first option
d: Date(), //the date
n: 'Bob',
Then, index on the date field. Be careful not to shard on the date field alone, though, if you have to end up sharding this. I listed the field names as single characters because the name of every field is stored in mongoDB, so for better space efficiency, you should use shorter names. If you aren't concerned about space, a longer, more informative name is probably fine.


MongoDB query is slow even when searching by indexes

I have a collection called calls containing properties DateStarted, DateEnded, IdAccount, From, To, FromReversed, ToReversed. In other words this is how a call document looks like:
IdAccount: 123,
DateStarted: ISODate('2020-11-05T05:00:00Z'),
DateEnded: ISODate('2020-11-05T05:20:00Z'),
From: "1234567890",
FromReversed: "0987654321",
To: "1231231234",
ToReversed: "4321321321"
On our website we want to give customers the option to search by custom calls. When they search for calls they must specify the DateStarted and DateEnded Those fields are required the other ones are optional. The IdAccount will be injected on our end so that the customer can only get calls that belong to his account.
Because we have about 5 million records we have created the following indexes
The reason why we did not created a compound index is because we want to be able to search by custom criteria. For example we may want to search by all calls with date smaller than December 11 and from a specific account.
Because of the indexes all these queries execute very fast:
db.calls.find({'DateStarted' : {'$gte': ISODate('2020-11-05T05:00:00Z')}).limit(200).explain();
db.calls.find({'DateEnded' : {'$lte': ISODate('2020-11-05T05:00:00Z')}).limit(200).explain();
db.calls.find({'IdAccount' : 123 ).limit(200).explain();
// etc...
Even queries that use regexes execute very fast. They only work fast if I use ^... meaning that it must start with a search pattern as:
db.calls.find({ 'From' : /^305/ ).limit(200).explain();
and that is the reason why we created the field FromReversed and ToReversed. If I want to search for a To phone number that ends with 3985 I will execute:
db.calls.find({ 'ToReversed' : /^5893/ ).limit(200).explain(); // note I will have to reverse the search option to
So the only queries that are slow are the ones that do not start with something such as this query:
db.calls.find({ 'ToReversed' : /1234/ ).limit(200).explain();
Why is it that if I combine all the queries it is very slow? For example this query is very slow:
'ToReversed' : /^5893/
The problem is the 'ToReversed' : /^5893/. If I execute that query by itself it is really fast. Even if I put something that does not give me the limit of 200 results fast. Should I add a compound index as well? just for the scenario where it is slow
I need to give our customers the option to search by phone numbers that end with or start with a specific criteria. The moment I add extra stuff to the query it becomes really slow.
By researching on the internet if I use the hint option it is faster. It goes from 20 seconds to 5 seconds.
'ToReversed' : /^5893/
This is still slow and it will be great if I can lower it to 1 second just like the simple queries take milliseconds.
For the find query you showed us involving filtering on 4 fields, ideally the optimal index would cover all 4 fields:
db.calls.createIndex( {
"DateStarted": 1,
"DateEnded": 1,
"IdAccount": 1,
"ToReversed": 1
} )
As to which columns should appear first, you should generally place the most restrictive columns first. Check the cardinality of your data to determine this.

Best way to structure MongoDB with the following use cases?

sorry to have to ask this but I am new to MongoDB (only have experience with relational databases) and was just curious as to how you would structure your MongoDB.
The documents will be in the format of JSONs with some of the following fields:
"url": "http://....",
"text": "entire ad content including HTML (very long)",
"body": "text (50-200 characters)",
"date": "01/01/1990",
"phone": "8001112222",
"posting_title": "buy now"
Some of the values will be very long strings.
Each document is essentially an ad from a certain city. We are storing all ads for a lot of big cities in the US (about 422). We are storing more ads every day, and the amount of ads per city varies from as little as 0 to as big as 2000. The average is probably around 700-900.
We need to do the following types of queries, in almost instant time (if possible):
Get all ads for any specific city, for any specific date range.
Get all ads that were posted by a specific phone number, for any city, for any date range.
What would you recommend? I'm thinking I should have 422 collections - one for each city. I'm just worried about the query time when we query for phone numbers because it needs to go through each collection. I have an iterable list of all collection names.
Or would it be faster to just have one collection so that I don't have to switch through 422 collections?
Thank you so much, everyone. I'm here to answer any questions!
Here is my "iterating through all collections" snippet:
for name in glob.glob("Data\Nov. 12 - 5pm\*"):
val = name.split("5pm")[1].split(".json")[0][1:]
coll = db[val]
# Add into collection here...
MongoDB does not offer any operations which get results from more than one collection, so putting your data in multiple collections is not advisable in this case.
You can considerably speed up all the use-cases you mentioned by creating indexes for them. When you have a very large dataset and always query for exact equality, then hashed indexes are the fastest.
When you query a range of dates (between day x and day y), you should use the Date type and not strings, because this not just allows you to use lots of handy date operators in aggregation but also allows you to speed up ranged queries and sorts with ascending or descending indexes.
Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't making "city" a field in your JSON solve your problem? That way you only need to do something like this db.posts.find({ city: {$in: ['Boston', 'Michigan']}})

Should I use the timestamp in "_id"?

I need monitor the time of the records been created, for further query and modify.
first thing flashed in my mind is give the document a "createDateTime" field, with the default value of "new Date()", but Mongodb said the document _id has a timestamp embedded with, and the id was generated when the document was created, so it sounds dummy to add a new field for that.
for too many times, I've seen people set a "createDateTime" for their data, and I don't know if they know about the details of mongodb's _id.
I want know should I use the _id as a "createDateTime" field? what is the best practice?
and the pros and cons.
thanks for any tips.
I'd actually say it depends on how you want to use the date.
For example, it's not actionable using the aggregation framework Date operators.
This will fail for example:
db.test.aggregate( { $group : { _id: { $year: "$_id" } } })
The following error occurs:
"errmsg" : "exception: can't convert from BSON type OID to Date"
(The date cannot be extracted from the ObjectId.)
So, operations that are normally simple date operations become much more complex if you wanted to do any sort of date math in an aggregation. It would be far easier to have a createDateTime stamp. Counting the number of documents created in a particular year and month would be simple using aggregation with a distinct createdDateTime field.
You can sort on an ObjectId, to some degree. The remaining 8 bytes of the ObjectId aren't sortable in a meaningful way. Most MongoDB drivers default to creating the ObjectId within the driver and not on the database. So, if you've got multiple clients (like web servers for example) creating new documents (and new ObjectIds), the time stamps will only be as accurate as the various servers.
Also, depending the precision you'd need, an ISODate value is stored using 8 bytes, rather than the 4 used in an ObjectId.
Yes, you should. There is no reason not to do, besides the human readability while directly looking into the database. See also here and here.
If you want to use the aggregation framework to group by the date within _id, this is not possible yet as WiredPrairie correctly said. There is an open jira ticket for that, you might watch. But of course you can do this with Map-Reduce and ObjectID.getTimestamp(). An example for that can be found here.

use indexing to speed up reading from mongodb database

I have a collection of documents that is very very large (hundreds of million documents)
each document is as such
date in YYYY/MM/DD format
There are ~50 different names, ~60 different type1, ~20 different type2
I need to read from this database, usually it is either:
a unique set of (name,type1,type2), but with all dates
a few dates for all type1
List item
Currently I am reading without any indexing and it is very slow! Much slower than having a few flat sql tables...
How can I use index to speed up this database?
date in YYYY/MM/DD format
There's MongoDB datetime format. Use it. It uses less memory than the string and it doesn't need additional conventions. Your format is sane in the sense that it's lexicographical ordering is equivalent to chronological ordering for dates between 0001-01-01 and 9999-12-31, but the built-in datatype is definitely preferable for range queries.
There are ~50 different names, ~60 different type1, ~20 different type2
Your keys have very low selectivity, so individual indexes are probably pointless
I need to read from this database, usually it is either:
a unique set of (name,type1,type2), but with all dates
Use a compound index for {name, type1, type2}. If you also need chronological ordering, you might want to add date for sorting or use a monotic primary key like ObjectId and rely on natural ordering.
db.collection.ensureIndex({'name' : 1, 'type1' : 1, 'type2' : 1, 'date' : 1});
a few dates for all type1
What is 'a few dates'? I assume you mean something like "all dates in a given date range"? Use an index for date. date should naturally have a much better selectivity, so individual keys make sense.
db.collection.ensureIndex({'date' : 1});
List item
List all items? Any ordering? You need something more specific. Keep in mind that skip/take is expensive.

MongoDB - forcing stored value to uppercase and searching

in SQL world I could do something to the effect of:
SELECT name FROM table WHERE UPPER(name) = UPPER('Smith');
and this would match a search for "Smith", "SMITH", "SmiTH", etc... because it forces the query and the value to be the same case.
However, MongoDB doesn't seem to have this capability without using a RegEx, which won't use indexes and would be slow for a large amount of data.
Is there a way to convert a stored value to a particular case before doing a search against it in MongoDB?
I've come across the $toUpper aggregate, but I can't figure out how that would be used in this particular case.
If there's not way to convert stored values before searching, is it possible to have MongoDB convert a value when it's created in Mongo? So when I add a document to the collection it would force the "name" attribute to a particular case? Something like a callback in the Rails world.
It looks like there's the ability to create stored JS for MongoDB as well, similar to a Stored Procedure. Would that be a feasible solution as well?
Mostly looking for a push in the right direction; I can figure out the particular code once I know what I'm looking for, but so far I'm not even sure if my desired functionality is doable.
You have to normalize your data before storing them. There is no support for performing normalization as part of a query at runtime.
The simplest thing to do is probably to save both a case-normalized (i.e. all-uppercase) and display version of the field you want to search by. Suppose you are storing users and want to do a case-insensitive search on last name. You might store:
_id: ObjectId(...),
first_name: "Dan",
last_name: "Crosta",
last_name_upper: "CROSTA"
You can then create an index on last_name_upper, and query like:
> db.users.find({last_name_upper: "CROSTA"})