Forms not working with web2py in Chrome - forms

I'm new to web2py and following the book, I'm trying to follow along with the 3rd Chapter building the images application, I'm faced with a problem after building the model and trying to add uploads using the database administration, it doesn't work in chrome, after filling the form and clicking submit, the page refreshes with cleared inputs as new. The form works with other browsers as expected (Firefox, Opera, IE) I'm running on Windows 7.
Anybody knows what is causing such problem ??


MYSQL database is showing blank entries when submitting the data from a PHP form?

I having a serious problem in my project but that problem is really new to me.
Let me explain you, when I'm submitting the data from my PHP form to database so it's working well and I have no issues here, but the problem is that It's working fine only with reputed browsers like chrome, mozilla, opera and other but when someone use
an android default browser to fill that form, the database is showing just a blank entry instead of data.
(means if I'm sending that form to 20 people than the chance are that 2/20 people's entry will show blank in my database even after i have applied the proper validation. So nobody can leave the fields blank. Those 2 persons are ones who aren't using a popular browser)
I think that it's a browser issue and I'm not getting what it is because I have tried severals android phone but it's not working only in 1-2 user's phone who aren't using a populat browser.
Is there any thing that I can do to run that code in every browser??
(I'm not adding code because I think it's working fine and I'm saying this because I'm facing this problem only in some browsers so I think that's a browser problem.? If I'm not wrong..)

Issues using FancyBox 2.1.5 after upgrading APEX 4.2 to 5.0.3

Please help us get FancyBox working with APEX V5.0.3
Our migration to APEX V5.0.3 was going smoothly, we kept the V4.2 production server and loaded v5.0.3 to another pre-prod glassfish server. All of our applications were working fine on the PRE-PROD box until we tested the application that uses FancyBox.
None of the FancyBox features appear to work. The images display inline but there are no errors and the images do not appear to be linked to FancyBox or anything else.
The FancyBox folder JS is stored in the same place as they were on the Prod Server. BeyondCompare verifies The files on both servers are the same (binary comparison).
Any suggestions from anyone?
The developer was following the advice of fac586 from the this link
Our code for using fancybox has to be updated to work in Apex V5.
1st the fancybox file had to be uploaded into a shared component.
2nd The JavaScript in the dynamic actions had to be updated
and 3rd the page template had to be updated as well.

DNN Website not running method correctly on one computer

So I have a DNN Website, there is a feature in the site that updates a users table when you click a button. I wrote this feature, and it works on my local machine and on the webserver, it works for everyone except for my client. My client is running windows 8.1 and the latest version of firefox and chrome. I'm really stumpped on how it can be running fine on my computer when I look at the webserver, but not on their computer when they are looking at the same webserver. When they click the button for the method in question the webpage just refreshes to the default page load rather than going to the correct page and adding new data to the table, even after the button is clicked I will check the database and there is no change. If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate some advice. Thanks!

SilverStripe CMS times-out when changing pages in the CMS

I have installed SilverStripe on several servers successfully in the past (but I'm not a SilverStripe expert). This time my SS install fails to work and I'm at a loss how to fix it.
The Problem
SilverStripe 2.4.6 installed correctly on the server (AFAIK).
The front-end works as expected. (Show default theme. Pages all load correctly.)
I am able to log into the CMS admin section succesfully. The CMS loads but when changing site pages in the CMS using the browser pane on the left, the CMS shows the circular loading symbol. The new page load never completes.
Using the console of Firebug in Firefox - When attempting to change pages in the CMS (by clicking on the page browser pane) the CMS tries to load two pages. The second page request 404s.
The first GET request is from the initial page loads.
The following POST+GET requests fire when clicking on the page tree to change pages.
Attempting to Find the Solution
I've tried deleting and re-installing silverstripe twice. (2.4.7 and 2.4.6) Both times the problem recurs.
A strange thing is that this server is already running two other silverstripe sites (both of which I installed without a hitch). All three websites are accessed via different domains. I tried accessing this install via another domain thinking there might be something wrong with how this third domain is configured but that didn't help either.
What should I try now? I'm stumped.
Thanks in advance.
Responses to Comments
Check your root .htaccess file. Make sure RewriteBase is set to /
Checked. Full .htaccess on PasteBin
Indeed the javascrip URL is strange. Check if there is anything unusual about what's being returned from the previous POST request. Is the site running in dev, test or live mode?
I can't see anything unusual in the POST request.
Clue Found: The site is running in DEV mode. Switching to LIVE mode and the problem disappears. Also the second GET request only shows up in DEV mode.
Example Post request with response.
Example Get request with respones.
This is a work around more than a fix but if you'd rather be coding than bug hunting it might be worth a go! (remember to log out of SS before doing this fix)
In your mysite/_config.php file change
Then you can develop the website in dev mode normally and to use the admin in live mode and avoid the bug you just go to: http://{your_domain}/admin?isDev=0
N.B. might find a proper answer when isn't overloaded and I can see your responses!

Can't submit data when debugging Zend Framework forms with Zend Debugger in Zend Studio

I'm developing a Zend Framework application. When I'm using a browser (outside of Zend Studio), I can submit forms without issue; all validation is passed and it is saved to the database. I'm browsing to the form via a vitrual host served by Zend Server CE.
The problem:
I have one form that is not sending data correctly and I would like to debug it in Zend Studio. When debugging, once I navigate to the form and try to submit data, I can't make it past the validation. I just see the validation error messages, "Value is required and can't be empty" for all fields. The same data, same form, same virtual host submit properly when in a browser out side of Zend Studio's debugging.
Things I have checked:
I have checked all my Run and Debug settings against the Zend Studio user guide (Running and Debugging Zend Framework Projects) as well as those in Zend Server. I have also checked all of the Zend Server settings that seem to apply.
Route I took to debug:
I open the index of the ZF application and choose Run > Debug As > PHP Web page. In the Launch URL dialog box, I just use http://virtualhost/ as the virtual host's document root already points to the public index of the ZF application. It breaks at the first line and I tell it to resume. The first page loads fine. In the browser tab, I then type in the path to the form leaving the GET variables for debugging. The form loads fine and pulls in the correct data. I modify the data and then click submit. After it breaks at the first line and I click resume, the form reloads with all of the error messages as if no data had been submitted. I can't get past that point.
I can give my code for my app, but I don't think it is specific to it as I have duplicated the situation with the example ZF app that comes with Zend Studio.
What I'm using:
Zend Server CE (5.6) -
Zend Studio 8 -
Zend Debugger -
Zend Framework -
1.11 Mac OS X - 10.6.8 -
Thanks in advance.