If only segmentation is enabled - operating-system

beginners question:
"If" paging is disabled and only segmentation is enabled (CR0.PE is set) then does that mean if a program is loaded in memory (RAM), its whole binary image is loaded and none of its "part" is swapped out, becoz a program is broken into fixed size chunks only when paging is enabled (which then can be swapped out). And if it's true this will reduce the number of processes that run in memory of a particular size of RAM, say 2 GB?

Likely, but not necessarily.
It depends on the operating system...
You could write an operating system that uses a segment to map a part of the program into memory. When the program accesses memory outside the segment, you get a segmentation fault. As the segmentation fault is then passed to the operating system, it could swap in some data from disk and modify segmentation information, before returning control to the program.
However, this is probably difficult and expensive to do, and i do not know of any operating system that acts in this way.
As to the number of processes - you need to split the available memory into contiguous parts, one for each process. This is easy if processes do not grow; if they do, you need padding and may need to copy processes around, which is rather expensive...


Difference between paging and segmentation

I am trying to understand both paradigms of memory management;however, I fail to see the big picture and the difference between both. Paging consists of taking fixed size pages from a secondary to a primary storage in order to do some task requested by a process. Segmentation consists of assigning to each unit in a process an address space, so they are allowed to grow. I don't quiet see how they are related and that's because there are still a lot of holes in my understanding. Can someone fill them up?
I think you have something confused. One problem you have is that the term "segment" had multiple meanings.
Segmentation is a method of memory management. Memory is managed in segments that are of variable or fixed length, depending upon the processor. Segments originated on 16-bit processors as a means to access more than 64K of memory.
On the PDP-11, programmers used segments to map different memory into the 64K address space. At any given time a process could only access 64K of memory but the memory that made up that 64K could change.
The 8086 and it successors used segments with base registers. Each segment could have 64K (that grew with the processors) but a process could have 4 segments (more in later processors).
Paging allows a process to have a larger address space than there is physical memory available.
The 8086's successors used the kludge of paging on top of segments. However, that bit of ugliness has finally gone away in 64-bit mode.
You got your answer right there, paging relates with fixed size pages in a storage while segmentation deals with units in a page. 'Segments' are objects in the class 'Page'

MATLAB and clearing the swap space

In the debugging mode I stop at some breakpoint and do some matrix manipulation in order to test the program. These manipulations are computationally expensive so MATLAB uses the swap space on my linux system. Then, after continuing the program running, the swap space is almost full so MATLAB crushes. Is there a way I could clean the swap at the debugging node? Doing clear all and clear classes makes effect only on RAM memory, but do not affect the swap.
You can't. Swap isn't special, so just work through this as as a regular out-of-memory issue. If you free up memory, you'll indirectly free up the swap that's being used to back it (or avoid having to use swap to supplement it).
Swap space is just an OS-managed backing store for virtual memory. From a normal program's point of view, swap is RAM (just slow RAM) and you don't manage it separately. (Well... you can "wire" pages to prevent them from being swapped out and so on, or use OS APIs to directly manipulate swap, but those are low-level platform-specific details, (like, below malloc), and not exposed to you as a Matlab M-code programmer, and not what you want to do here.) If your Matlab program runs out of memory, that means it's used up or fragmented its process's virtual memory, not something in particular about your swap space. (Unless there's a low-level bug somewhere.)
When this happens, you may need to look elsewhere in your Matlab program (e.g. in global variables, figure handle properties, or other levels of the function call stack) to find additional data that hasn't been cleared yet, or just restart the Matlab process to fix memory fragmentation (which can happen if your code fills up the memory with lots of small arrays).
Like #siliconwafer suggests, memory, whos, and feature memstats are good tools for debugging this. And if you're stopped inside the debugger, realize you can't actually clear everything until you dbquit out of it.
Doing large matrix operations inside the debugger is not necessarily a recoverable operation: if you've modified arrays held in local variables in the stack frame(s) you're working on, but there are still copies of them held in other variables or frames, Matlab's copy-on-write mechanism needs to hold on to both copies of the arrays, and you might be out of luck for that run of the program if you hit your RAM limits.
If clear all and clear classes after exiting the debugger are not recovering enough memory for you, that smells like either memory fragmentation or a C-level memory leak (like in a MEX file). In either case, you need to restart Matlab to resolve it. Avoid the use of large cellstr arrays or other arrays-of-small-arrays to reduce fragmentation. And take a good hard look at your C code if you're using any custom MEX functions.
Or you just might not have enough memory to do the operations you're doing.

why Matlab don't use Swap but error "Out of memory"?

I was wondering why Matlab doesn't use swap, but instead throws the error "Out of memory"?
Shouldn't Matlab just slow down instead of throwing an "Out of memory"?
Is this Java related?
I know "out of memory" means it's out of contiguous memory. Doesn't swap have contiguous memory, or? I'm confused...
It is not about MATLAB. What happens when you try allocate more memory than exists in your hardware is an OS specific behavior.
On Linux, by default the OS will 'optimistically' allocate almost anything you want, i.e. swap space is also counted as allocatable memory. You will get what you want - no OOM error, but slow computations with swap-allocated data. This 'feature' is called overcommit. You can change this behavior by modifying the overcommit settings in Linux (have a look e.g. here for a brief summary).
Overcommit is probably not the best idea to use this for solving larger problems in MATLAB, since the entire OS starts to work really slow. It can definitely not be compared to optimized 'out-of-core' implementations that consciously use the hard disk in computations.
This is how it is on Linux. I do not know how to change the memory allocation behavior on Windows, but I doubt you really want to do that. You need more RAM.
And you do confuse things - swap has nothing to do with contiguous memory. Memory allocated by the OS is 'virtual memory', which is contiguous regardless of whether the underlying physical memory can be mapped to contiguous pages.
Edit For transparent 'out-of-core' operations on large matriices using disk space as extra memory you might want to have look at VVAR fileexchange project. This class pretends to be a usual MATLAB class, but it operates on an underlying HDD file. Note that the usual array size limitations of MATLAB still apply.

Paging or segmentation for virtual memory, which is better?

Most OSes use paging for virtual memory. Why is this? Why not use segmentation? Is it just because of a hardware issue? Is one better than the other in certain cases? Basically, if you had to choose one over the other, which one would you want to use and why?
Let's assume it's an x86 for argument's sake.
OS like windows and Linux use a combination of both segmentation and paging. The virtual memory of a process is first divided into segments and then each segment consists of a lot of pages. The OS first goes to the specific segment and in that segment it then locates the particular page to access an address
Taken from :operating systems concepts by galvin
one of the issues..
Segmentation permits the physical address space of a process to be non-
contiguous. Paging is another memory-management scheme that offers this
advantage. However, paging avoids external fragmentation and the need for compaction, whereas segmentation does not.
Segmentaion problem:
The problem arises because, when code fragments
or data residing in main memory need to be swapped out, space must be found
on the backing store. The backing store has the same fragmentation problems
but access is much slower, so compaction is impossible.
Paging solves it by:
The basic method for implementing paging involves breaking physical memory into fixed-sized blocks called frames and breaking logical memory into
blocks of the same size called pages.The backing store is divided into fixed-sized blocks that are the same size as the memory frames or clusters of multiple frames.
Since pages-frames-The backing store all are divided into same size so it doesn't lead to external fragmentation. But may have internal fragmentation.
So pagesize must be chosen correctly
Operating Systems concepts
Note, that Single-Address-Space Operating Systems sometimes use segmentation to isolate processes.

Segmentation in Linux : Segmentation & Paging are redundant?

I'm reading "Understanding Linux Kernel". This is the snippet that explains how Linux uses Segmentation which I didn't understand.
Segmentation has been included in 80 x
86 microprocessors to encourage
programmers to split their
applications into logically related
entities, such as subroutines or
global and local data areas. However,
Linux uses segmentation in a very
limited way. In fact, segmentation
and paging are somewhat redundant,
because both can be used to separate
the physical address spaces of
processes: segmentation can assign a
different linear address space to each
process, while paging can map the same
linear address space into different
physical address spaces. Linux prefers
paging to segmentation for the
following reasons:
Memory management is simpler when all
processes use the same segment
register values that is, when they
share the same set of linear
One of the design objectives of Linux
is portability to a wide range of
architectures; RISC architectures in
particular have limited support for
All Linux processes running in User
Mode use the same pair of segments to
address instructions and data. These
segments are called user code segment
and user data segment , respectively.
Similarly, all Linux processes running
in Kernel Mode use the same pair of
segments to address instructions and
data: they are called kernel code
segment and kernel data segment ,
respectively. Table 2-3 shows the
values of the Segment Descriptor
fields for these four crucial
I'm unable to understand 1st and last paragraph.
The 80x86 family of CPUs generate a real address by adding the contents of a CPU register called a segment register to that of the program counter. Thus by changing the segment register contents you can change the physical addresses that the program accesses. Paging does something similar by mapping the same virtual address to different real addresses. Linux using uses the latter - the segment registers for Linux processes will always have the same unchanging contents.
Segmentation and Paging are not at all redundant. The Linux OS fully incorporates demand paging, but it does not use memory segmentation. This gives all tasks a flat, linear, virtual address space of 32/64 bits.
Paging adds on another layer of abstraction to the memory address translation. With paging, linear memory addresses are mapped to pages of memory, instead of being translated directly to physical memory. Since pages can be swapped in and out of physical RAM, paging allows more memory to be allocated than what is physically available. Only pages that are being actively used need to be mapped into physical memory.
An alternative to page swapping is segment swapping, but it is generally much less efficient given that segments are usually larger than pages.
Segmentation of memory is a method of allocating multiple chunks of memory (per task) for different purposes and allowing those chunks to be protected from each other. In Linux a task's code, data, and stack sections are all mapped to a single segment of memory.
The 32-bit processors do not have a mode bit for disabling
segmentation, but the same effect can be achieved by mapping the
stack, code, and data spaces to the same range of linear addresses.
The 32-bit offsets used by 32-bit processor instructions can cover a
four-gigabyte linear address space.
Aditionally, the Intel documentation states:
A flat model without paging minimally requires a GDT with one code and
one data segment descriptor. A null descriptor in the first GDT entry
is also required. A flat model with paging may provide code and data
descriptors for supervisor mode and another set of code and data
descriptors for user mode
This is the reason for having a one pair of CS/DS for kernel privilege execution (ring 0), and one pair of CS/DS for user privilege execution (ring 3).
Summary: Segmentation provides a means to isolate and protect sections of memory. Paging provides a means to allocate more memory that what is physically available.
Windows uses the fs segment for local thread storage.
Therefore, wine has to use it, and the linux kernel needs to support it.
Modern operating systems (i.e. Linux, other Unixen, Windows NT, etc.) do not use the segmentation facility provided by the x86 processor. Instead, they use a flat 32 bit memory model. Each user mode process has it's own 32 bit virtual address space.
(Naturally the widths are expanded to 64 bits on x86_64 systems)
Intel first added segmentation on the 80286, and then paging on the 80386. Unix-like OSes typically use paging for virtual memory.
Anyway, since paging on x86 didn't support execute permissions until recently, OpenWall Linux used segmentation to provide non-executable stack regions, i.e. it set the code segment limit to a lower value than the other segment's limits, and did some emulation to support trampolines on the stack.