images/links in the gridview not shown/working from the production server using mvc2 -

I am new to MVC2, I have populated a gridview with user details, which have Images and links to another page. On my development machine everything works fine, but on my IIS 7.5 nothing seems to come that easy, images are not displayed, when clicked on links they show 404.0 error page.
1) My published website shows the template and images on the main master page.
2) My Index.aspx has a grid which populates the images, by making calls to the database as follows: '
Width="50px" Height="50px" />
3) It also has a hyperlink which on click should navigate to another page, but instead it shows a 404.0 error page.
My pre-requisites is as follows:
1) I have included all the DLL's needed in the bin folder.
2) My master page has the code of Url.Content to get the css/styles.
3) Have give permissions of IUSR, IIS_IUSR, Network to the folder.
Please help me asap in this regard.

ImageUrl='<%# Eval("VisitorMaster.ID", "/Visitor/showImage/{0}") %>'
ImageUrl='<%# Eval("VisitorMaster.ID", "~/Visitor/showImage/{0}") %>'
Notice the ~/ which will be replaced by the name of your virtual directory.


New Coldfusion11 site doesn't display .cfm pages. Displays index.cfm properly

I am getting a 500 Internal error when trying to load any .cfm page that isn't Index.cfm on my new coldfusion site. This is with 8.5. I went through and created the new site based on previously built sites (I am new and still learning CF and web development) and I have got the Index.cfm to go live, but when I add any files like test.cfm I cannot display them as a new page.
I can however load .html files like test.html and I can call to .cfm pages with cfinclude (I have a header, footer, and form in the index all called upon with cfinclude)
I don't know if I have missed something entirely while setting up this site, or if there is a simple setting I've missed, but any and all help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
500 Internal server error

deployed page loads but does not show - built with gatsby

I deployed a gatsby blog I made to github pages. The first page links to a blog article. Nothing shows up when the link is clicked. But if I type the url in manually (Same url that is linked) I see the page for half a second before it dissapears to a blank page.
Helpful information
Everything in the network tab is status code 200
The HTML is returned in the get request, it is visible in the response
head tag is on the page correctly, body tag is missing the html
No console errors
Works perfectly on development server (localhost)
Domain is hosted with
Using createpage gatsby plugin to generate article page
It works when I deploy on netlify to a random url so maybe something to do with my domain or the gh-pages deployment
After looking at your GitHub code, I think you have a problem here: (Wrong URL: /blog/blog/why-gatsby), also your master code does not match code with the gh-pages (I know it's generated files from gatsby build but other stuff). Also, why are you creating a static query in the index.js component? You can do that with a regular page query.
Your gatsby site starts from and that's why you have that kind of a problem. When gatsby look into pages, there's only blog.js inside of it.
Link problem
<a class="article-card-link" href="/blog/blog/why-gatsby"><section><article><h2 class="article-title">Why Gatsby js ?</h2><p class="article-date">May 09, 2020</p><p class="article-excerpt">In a world with so many JavaScript frameworks such as React, Vue, heck even Next, why Gatsby? The short answer is, none of those frameworks are the target market of Gatsby. Gatsby is a static website generator. Great! Wait, who cares? Well a lot of my clients and so will yours…</p>READ MORE</article></section></a>

TYPO3 CMS Page Tree Copying Isn't Working

I'm trying to copy a working TYPO3 page tree from one location to other. I can copy.. But while pasting only the first page is getting loaded, that is the root page.
I've increased the level of page copy settings in 'User Settings' Tab of the user. But still not working!! If anybody do have a clue.. Please share.
Using TYPO3 v7.6.15.

How to create a new psml page?

I've encountered a .psml page in a portlet app and I don't know how it was created. There exists no physical file for the .psml page. In jetspeed is it possible to create a page via portlet UI, if so how is this achieved ?
Yes you can create a page in JetSpeed through the UI. To do this
Log in using your administrator account.
Click 'edit' (the little pencil icon that shows on each page)
You will see the Page, Folder and Layout configuration on that page.
My understanding is that .psml files are supposed to live inside the pages folder in your Jetspeed home.
Interestingly though, you say your .psml page is inside your app. I am not sure why this would be. If this is the case, perhaps the page was put there by accident?

problem getting my domain redirect to update .html files in dropbox after used iweb SEO TOOL

So I created a nice 6 page website using via dropbox public folder. Everything was working and updating properly until i updated with iwebs SEO TOOL. I added meta and title tags as well as description etc... PROBLEM is that even though my .html files in dropbox are correct and show all new code and tags. when i open up my domain it doesnt show any of my recent seo tool updates.
im thinking that the cheap domainname from is the problem? Is it possible that the default tags and titles and keywords entered into the website creation boxs are overwriting the newer ones in the html within my dropbox?
But still doesnt explain why a stat counter code and google analytics code in the footer and header respectively still do not show up when i view source in browser.
It's because the page at uses a frame to show the content from another location. The meta information comes from the page with the frame, not the page in the frame. You should be able to see the content of the frame using an inspector (comes with all browsers these days) or "View frame source", if your browser does that.
Note that any search engine hits to your pages will link to the dropbox URL, not the frame page (that has essentially no content from the viewpoint of a search engine). If you want search engine results to show up under that domain, you'll have to get hosting that lets you point a domain directly to it.