how to insert an image into a div with jquery - jquery-selectors

I have the following markup:
<div class="user-photo">
<img src="" />
I want to insert an image in that div when I click another image on a page. My code looks like this:
$('body').on('click', '.image', function() {
$('.user-photo').children('img').attr('src', $(this).attr('src'));
But it is not working

$('body').on('click', '.image', function(e) {
$('.user-photo').children('img').attr('src', $('src'));

I think you are using this in the wrong way (this refers to the bodyin this example, you should use to refer to the clicked element)
$('body').on('click', '.image', function(e) {
$('.user-photo > img').attr('src', $('src'));

You can use the .tmpl() of jquery. It will be used to append html content in div in your case.
$.tmpl("<div class="user-photo"> <img src='' /> </div>")..appendTo("#targetdiv");
Another way is:
$('#div').html('<div class="user-photo"> <img src='' /> </div>')


Polymer 1.x: Modal paper-dialog appears behind its backdrop

Does anybody have any advice for fixing the problem of a modal appearing behind its backdrop?
So far, I have tried making sure I have all the necessary imports (including <paper-dialog-scrollable>).
I also tried a "hack-fix" (suggested by someone) involving setting z-index: auto in the css of paper-header-panel. Neither works.
It's worth noting that the <paper-dialog> tag works just fine. Until I add the modal attribute.
Any ideas?
Similar issues
Appearing around the internet are this issue report and this Stackoverflow question.
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="import" href="" />
<link rel="import" href="../../../bower_components/paper-dialog/paper-dialog.html">
<dom-module id="example-element">
<!-- Dialog -->
<paper-dialog id="contactDialog" modal>
<form id="contact-form" autofocus>
<paper-input autofocus id="name" label="Your Name"></paper-input>
<paper-input id="email" label="Email Address"></paper-input>
<div class="buttons">
<paper-button dialog-dismiss>Cancel</paper-button>
<paper-button dialog-confirm>Accept</paper-button>
<!-- Button -->
<paper-button id="login"
(function() {
is: 'example-element',
properties: {...},
openDialog: function(){
This is my solution:
openDialog: function(){
var body = document.querySelector('body');
Special Note: This answer applies to those trying to implement a <paper-dialog modal> element inside a header element. Specifically, inside <paper-drawer-panel>.
On this bug report rubenstolk provides a hack-fix as follows:
To implement #dhpollack's hack in a nice way, add this function to your custom element:
patchOverlay: function (e) {
if ( {,;
And add on-iron-overlay-opened="patchOverlay" to all your <paper-dialog>'s
I have tested it and verifies that it works. So for now, that solves it. Therefore, I suppose it is sufficient for now to wait until the bug is fixed.
It wasn't quite clear from the screenshot, but the problem is your modal dialog appears behind the <paper-drawer-panel>, yes?
If so, I believe the solution is the same here: just place the dialog or custom element containing the dialog outside of the <paper-drawer-panel>, e.g.:
<paper-header-panel drawer>
<paper-menu selected="{{_selected}}">
<paper-item>Item 1</paper-item>
<paper-item>Item 2</paper-item>
<paper-header-panel mode="standard" main>
<neon-animated-pages selected="{{_selected}}">
<paper-button raised on-tap="openDialog">Show Dialog</paper-button>
<example-element id="dialog"></example-element>
Here is a screenshot illustrating this:

In JSSOR, how to access the current caption via Javascript?

I would like to pass a value from a slide out of JSSOR to other parts of the DOM.
<div class="slide">
<img data-u="image" src="bilder/bild2.jpg" />
<div class="caption" data-u="caption" ><p>Caption text</p></div>
The custom JSSOR Event, EVT_PARK, works fine. But what's missing is how to get the caption of the current slide and put it into the variable currentCaption. How to do that?
And if so, where could I have found that out on my own?
Please have a full test of following code,
<div class="slide">
<img data-u="image" src="bilder/bild2.jpg" />
<div class="caption" data-u="caption" id="caption-slide-0"><p>Slide 0 Caption</p></div>
$("#outer-caption").text($("#caption-slide-" + slideIndex).text());

Jquery mobile : popup removed from DOM

In my JQUerymobile pages, I have embedded popup div.
Here is an example of my pages content :
<div data-role="page" id="myPage" data-dom-cache="true" data-theme="a">
<div data-role="content" data-theme="a" >...</div>
<div data-role="footer" data-theme="a" data-id="footer-sante" data-position="fixed">...</div>
<div data-role="popup" id="popupOne" data-dom-cache="true" data-theme="b">
<div data-role="popup" id="popupTwo" data-dom-cache="true" data-theme="b">
I navigate from pages to anothers. Suddently, my embedded popups disappear from my DOM when I inspect my code.
As shown in my example, the popup location in the source code doesn't seem to change anything to the problem.
Since popups are removed from DOM, the code bellow does nothing (it actually worked before) :
$('#popupOne').popup({ transition: "slidedown", position:"position-header" });
Is there a solution to keep my popups in my DOM ?
Is there a better location to embed popups in source code ?
Another way could be to load a popup from an external (cached) page but i never achieved to do that by javascript.
Any idea to solve the problem (or a workaround) ?
(Both) your HTML placements might be incorrect here. Remove the popupOne markup from the end of the page and paste it inside the div with data-role=content like this :
<div data-role="page" id="myPage" data-dom-cache="true" data-theme="a">
<div data-role="content" data-theme="a" >
<div data-role="popup" id="popupOne" data-dom-cache="true" data-theme="b"></div>
<div data-role="footer" data-theme="a" data-id="footer-sante" data-position="fixed">...</div>
And if you want to reuse popups, I suggest you go the JS way. You could create popups n the fly and open them. Here's some code which does just that. Feel free to alter it to any thing you want :)
"makePopup": function (text) {
var $popup;
//creat popup element
$popup = $("<div/>", {
"data-role": "popup",
"data-theme": "a",
"data-overlay-theme": "a",
"data-transition": "pop"
//create close element
var $close = $("<a/>", {
"data-role": "button",
"html": "Close",
"href": "#",
"data-theme": "e"
}).on("click", function () {
//click event of close element
//create content div - makes a nice jQM page structure.
var $content = $("<div/>", {
"data-role": "content",
//change this any way you want- Im just adding the text from clicked link here.
"html": "<span>" + text + "</span>"
//append $close to $content, then append $content to $popup
return $popup;
And when you want to use this, just do this,
var popupEl = $.makePopup("Some HTML");
And then you could, say, open it :
Or simply,
$.makePopup("Some HTML").popup("open");
Here's a demo :
Hope this is what you wanted :)

Meteorjs - select DOM of a template from another template

I have the following
<div id="header">
{{> header}}
<div class="hidden content_box">
{{> content}}
"content_box" is hidden at the start.
template "header" has a single button.
<template name="header">
<button id="display_content">Click to display content</button>
template "content" is just a simple div
<template name="content">
It's me, content
When I click on the button in the header, I want to "show" the content_box.
How do I achieve this? - or better yet, what is the best way to achieve this type of effect where you need to access the DOM of a template from an event of another template? "click button#display_content": (e) -> ?????
I don't know if it is the best way to do it, but in similar situations what I've done before is to use a session parameter to store the show/hide status of the div. In your click event, you then only need to change the value of the session flag. In the template of the div you want to show/hide, you just return the class name.
Example in JS:{
"click button#display_content": function () {
Session.set('contentShow', true);
Template.content.className = function (input) {
return Session.equals('contentShow', true) ? '' : 'hidden';
<template name="content">
<div class="{{className}} content_box">
It's me, content
You'd need to initialise the session flag to false in Meteor.startup() for example Session.set('contentShow', false);. As session is reactive, the div class name will be re-evaluated automatically when you change the session flag.

updating dom text based on click in jquery

My Simple HTML Structure:
<p id="5">
My Text Qoted Here -
<span class="author">Author </span>
<span class="uptext">20</span>
<img class="im" class="upimg"
src="" />
<img class="im" class="downimg"
src="" />
<span class="downtext">5</span>
as can be seen there are two images, and i want to change the count of the image based on which image is clicked.
i write the following jquery code for it:
$(function() {
$(".upimg").click(function(e) {
curr_val = $(this).closest(".uptext").text();
nos = parseInt(curr_val, 10) + 1;
$(".downimg").click(function(e) {
curr_val = $(this).closest(".downtext").text();
nos = parseInt(curr_val, 10) + 1;
But it does not seem to respond.
You can find the fiddle here
Your <img> tags have two class attributes:
<img class="im" class="upimg"
Try changing that to
<img class="im upimg"
Also, the closest() method returns the closest parent element, not an adjacent sibling, so to find the correct uptext element, you need to use:
you cant use 2 class attribute
you have to do like that
<img class="im upimg"
src="" />