Facebook "Like" popup appears behind sidebar on Wordpress site - facebook

Just finished installing G+, Facebook Like and Tweet buttons onto my site (www.biginjapan.co) on each individual post. My issue though is that when you press the FB Like button the popup box opens up so you can share the article if desired, but part of it appears behind the sidebar. It looks like this:
Picture showing my problem
Am not sure if you'll need any code to advise me here, but if you do please let me know. All I want to do is make the Facebook popup appear above the sidebar so you can view it properly.

In your content div
#content {
overflow: hidden;
float: left;
width: 619px;
padding: 0pt 15px;
Remove overflow hidden.

Remove the line overflow: hidden for #content. it's on line 247.

It is layer issue. It can be handle by z-index. For the slider layer (content), use lower z-index means
.slider{ z-index: -1; }
For the popup layer (content ) use higher z-index than slider
.popup{ z-index: 123; }


CSS Filter (any) hiding elements after a checkbox is absolute positioned in Chrome 62

Below are some images of the form which I want to show a dialogue over, and want to blur the background. This works fine on other browsers but in Chrome Version 62.0.3202.94 (Official Build) (64-bit) It is creating problems
Here is the layout and the checkbox,
Its a toggle button to change size input fields
Here is the css for the checkbox
opacity: 0;
padding: 0;
position: absolute;
margin-top: -999999999px;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
After applying the blur filter my form is emptied.
Just writing here for the question, I found that the margin-top: -99999999px is quite a big number and when I changed it to margin-top: -999999px it worked.
I was about to ask why my elements are not visible on the page, but as I already have fix it, I want to know the reason for it and to put this question here for other developers.
For me, the issue was with a checkbox positioned absolute and having very high negative margin top. Lowered the number and it is fixed.

I have installed "share this" to my blog and when the I click the facebook like button only a part of it shows up on screen. How do I fix this?

I emailed support and they replied by saying to add this code to my css.
**span.st_fblike_hcount span div.fb-like span iframe#f249dba5d33c086.fb_ltr
height: 234px !important;
max-width: 634% !important;
I am new to programming and do not know where exactly I should add this code. Can some one please instruct me on how to correct this problem.
My url My Blog
It looks as though you need to go into the plugin folder and modify the CSS file. In the sharthis folder is a file called sharthis.css
Open the file in a text editor and add the following code that they gave you.
span.st_fblike_hcount span div.fb-like span iframe#f249dba5d33c086.fb_ltr
height: 234px !important;
max-width: 634% !important;
Save and refresh the page and it should work

How To Resize The Widths Of Menu Items in UberMenu

I installed the Ubermenu plugin on my site here:
The widths of the menu items are too wide. Therefore the menu does not fit into its container as shown here:
How can I make the width of the menu items narrower?
This is more of a CSS question / issue than related to Wordpress. Your main problem is this right here on line 36 of your style.css:
.navigation ul li a{display:block; float:left; color:#666; text-decoration:none; padding:15px 0 0 0; height:28px; width:130px;}
You need to remove the width property of your <li> tag here. This will bring your menu up on one line.
So what you will have is this instead:
.navigation ul li a{display:block; float:left; color:#666; text-decoration:none; padding:15px 0 0 0; height:28px;}
I would suggest playing around with your width properties and your height properties to force the menu to look right. Another suggestion is to use Firebug for Firefox or for Google Chrome to help debug CSS issues. It helps you find them fast.
Go to admin.css file and note that you may loose your warranty, change the following:
Hope it will help.

Accessing the dom in Facebook's Like Button Popup

I have a like button that is loaded from ajax on to my page. When the user clicks it, a popup appears with a textbox that the user can fill and a description of my website. I want to access the dom of that popup, which is in an iframe.
This is so I can add text to the textbox.
All of the following is done in Firebug's Console.
I access the iframe with this:
var x = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[3] // the '3' selects this specific iframe
Then, I try this...
And I get
Now this probably has something to do with it, but Firebug's DOM Window does not show inside the iframe. It just shows this:
<iframe id="f3fb49f36c" name="f1b13ffab" scrolling="no" style="border: none; overflow: hidden; height: 225px; width: 401px; " class="fb_ltr" src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/comment_widget_shell.php?locale=en_US&master_frame_name=f39fb5fa34&offsetX=0&sdk=joey"/>
BUT, in in the Element tab under Chrome's Developer Tools, I can see everything inside it.
Any help you can offer is appreciated.
Take a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-origin_policy.
It's not possible.

Responsive website on iPhone - unwanted white space on rotate from landscape to portrait

I am creating a responsive website, and have just noticed a strange behaviour in my content pages when viewed on the iPhone. It scales correctly when loaded in portrait mode, and also when rotated to landscape. However, when rotating back to portrait the page seems to shift left, or not zoom correctly, and there is a strip of white space down the right-hand side. This white space also seems to be present on first loading in portrait as the user can swipe the page left
Rather than complicating the explanation any further, here's a link to a sample page where this behaviour is occurring. Have a look on an iPhone, then have a look at the home page which does not have this issue.
If you need to see anything further, just me know :)
Fixed it! The issue was coming from one particular div - to find it, it was a process of deleting the different elements until the issue went away.
To fix it I needed to add overflow-x: hidden to that div and it sorts it out! Hope this is useful to others with a similar issue.
I had the same problem, I fixed it by setting:
html, body { width:100%; overflow:hidden; }
This problem occurs when width of any division is greater than the width of iPAD's screen.
In my case, some divisions were having size of 1000px, so I just went for width:auto and it works. overflow-x:hidden also does the same thing, but is not a preferred way.
I don't have an iphone to test this on but I have come across something similar with websites I've created in the past. In my case its because there was a bug in safari mobile that messed with the scale when going from port to land.
The following code fixed it for me (can't remember where I got it from at the moment)
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) {
var viewportmeta = document.querySelectorAll('meta[name="viewport"]')[0];
if (viewportmeta) {
viewportmeta.content = 'width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0';
document.body.addEventListener('gesturestart', function() {
viewportmeta.content = 'width=device-width, minimum-scale=0.25, maximum-scale=1.6';
}, false);
Using "overflow-x: hidden" solves part of the problem, but screws the scroll, acting with strange behaviors (as Jason said).
Sometimes, the hardest part is to discover what is causing the problem. In my case, after a few hours, if found that the problem was in Twitter's Bootstrap:
If you're using Twitter's Bootstrap with "control-group" zones for your forms, the problem could be there. In my case i solved the problem with:
.control-group .controls {
overflow-x: hidden
Now the white space on the right was gone :)
I'd like to add to Navneet Kumar's solution because it worked for me. Any div tag styled with width=100% cannot also have left or right padding. The mobile browsers (I noticed the problem on iPhone and Android devices) interpret the div as having a width greater than 100%, thereby creating the extra space on the right side. (I knew this regarding fixed widths, but not percentage widths.) Instead, use width=auto in conjunction with padding.
I know it's a while since this topic was opened but I came across a similar situation and found it was because I had an element with the following properties right: -999999px; position: absolute; hidden off screen.
Changing the above to left: -999999px; position: absolute; solved the same issue the OP had (white screen to the right and ability to swipe right).
I'm using Bootstrap 3.3. I tried all of these solutions, and nothing worked. Then, I changed my <div class="container"> to <div class="container-fluid"> in the section that I was having trouble with. This solved the problem.
I tried all what has been suggested here, nothing works. Then I've relized that it connect with scale of page. So then I added <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> to header.php in my main theme's folder and it 's fixed problem.
Seems as though results are varying for different circumstances but a sitewide
html, body { width:100%; x-overflow:hidden; }
seems to have worked for me!
Had a similar problem. Fixed it by setting the width to a current device width.
body, html {
max-width: 100vw;
margin: 0 auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
Since installing protostar joomla template 3.X and start adding content in the module K2 I noticed that annoying scroll with a blank space on the right side, visible especially in iphones.
A correct partial answer was gave for Eva Marie Rasmussen, adding to the body tag in the file template.css these values:
width: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
But this solution is only partial.
Search div class or label that is causing this problem and once detected add to that class in the file templete.css the same values:
width: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
In my case add to the class "span" these two lines to finally look like this:
[Class * = "span"] {
float: left;
min-height: 1px;
margin-left: 20px;
width: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
And it´s working now¡¡