Is there any method to create a virtual file resource in eclipse?
By my definition, such a resource would appear (for Eclipse) to reside at a certain location within the Eclipse project's workspace, but is actually stored somewhere else.
My overall goal is to resolve xml schema documents from project dependencies (jar imports) based on their relative import location. I can accomplish this goal, but now I need a way to make those resolved documents visible in the project folder (within the Eclipse project) relative to the document that imported them without actually writing them to the source folder (they shouldn't be checked-in to source control).
The goal is to allow xml documents to resolve properly in the various eclipse editors, while allowing some of the referenced documents (XSDs and the like) to reside within archives on the project's classpath (or anywhere else such that they're referenced by the project, really).
My initial plan of attack is to create a custom builder plugin which would resolve such documents into virtual resources as the build path was changed. (assuming that such a "virtual file resource" is something that can be created).
Any help is appreciated.
IPath location = new Path(name);
IFile file = project.getFile(location.lastSegment());
file.createLink(location, IResource.NONE, null);
seems to be the way to do it;
Every projects in eclipse has 4 .files(.settings,.classpath,.cprojects and .projects).
Can anyone explain me why are these files generated and what happens if I delete these 4 files. I have deleted these files from one app which resulted in changing the name of app.
Eclipse is a runtime environment for plugins. Virtually everything you see in Eclipse is the result of plugins installed on Eclipse, rather than Eclipse itself.
The .project file is maintained by the core Eclipse platform, and its goal is to describe the project from a generic, plugin-independent Eclipse view. What's the project's name? what other projects in the workspace does it refer to? What are the builders that are used in order to build the project? (remember, the concept of "build" doesn't pertain specifically to Java projects, but also to other types of projects)
The .classpath file is maintained by Eclipse's JDT feature (feature = set of plugins). JDT holds multiple such "meta" files in the project (see the .settings directory inside the project); the .classpath file is just one of them. Specifically, the .classpath file contains information that the JDT feature needs in order to properly compile the project: the project's source folders (that is, what to compile); the output folders (where to compile to); and classpath entries (such as other projects in the workspace, arbitrary JAR files on the file system, and so forth).
Blindly copying such files from one machine to another may be risky. For example, if arbitrary JAR files are placed on the classpath (that is, JAR files that are located outside the workspace and are referred-to by absolute path naming), the .classpath file is rendered non-portable and must be modified in order to be portable. There are certain best practices that can be followed to guarantee .classpath file portability.
The .settings folder is used by various plugins to set persistent 'Properties' as opposed to 'Prefereneces' to specify project specific settings that should be preserved.
.settings is usually a directory you most definitely want checked into svn/cvs/git etc as it will ensure that all users who check that project out into eclipse use the right project specific settings.
In our case we use it to supply a minimum compiler version of java but we want things compiled to 5 for our servers. We also use it to enforce some coding standards and auto-formaters which makes version diffs much easier to read.
In your specific case you selected 'Enable Project Specific Settings' under "Properties->Java Compiler" by right clicking on the project and choosing properties.
In our Eclipse plugin are we managing some resources using navigator. For every folder in the navigator Eclipse is creating an .project file which leads to some problem in the code under resource management.
One way is to filter .project file pragmatically. But I wonder if there is a configuration or setting in Eclipse to prevent creation of .project files for the maps under navigator?
.project files created by Eclipse IDE is essential cannot be prevented from generation.
For Further information please refer to documentation at Eclipse Documentation.
The workaround would be to create a project in your workspace and then create a linked folder to the resources you want to scan that are somewhere else on the file system.
Don't try to delete the project meta data. That will lead to more trouble afterwards than simply configuring the team API to ignore the .project files during all version control operations. That .project file contains meta information from all plugins, not only from yours.
Depending on the VCS used, you should just create a default .gitignore, svn:ignore, or whatever you need.
Besides that, I would simply call it a bug in your plugin that it tries to do something with that file. It simply should not do that. Other plugins will create other files in the projects and you should not try to handle each and every file, if they don't belong to your plugin. The JDT plugin also knows which files to compile and which to ignore.
I am currently working on an effort which makes use of Windriver's Workbench tool, which I understand is built on top of Eclipse.
Our source control tool is ClearCase and we are working primarily out of snapshot views located on the workstations of individual developers. As a result the absolute path for each developer's view is different. As deeply nested relative paths can be somewhat cumbersome (e.g. ../../../../../Some_Package/src/) we are using a Linked Resource PROGRAM_ROOT_PATH which identifies the particular view directory for a given developer.
This is working relatively well for for referencing header and library directories in the build properties, but we are trying to reference that Linked Resource from our build scripts in order to do build post processing such as copying the compiled program to a release area.
Accessing the Linked Resource as though it were an environmental variable appears to be the wrong thing to do as $(SOURCE_ROOT_PATH) provides an empty string. Is there a way to access this information from Eclipse / Workbench from a makefile?
Look inside the .classpath and .project files in the root of your workspace project - I believe the linked resource should be defined in one or the other of those (probably .classpath). From your script (you don't mention if it is Ant, Maven, Gradle, etc.) you should be able to find a way to get that value out of the .classpath (through some plugin or custom code).
We use Eclipse, ClearCase, and Ant. The easiest way I have found to share projects is to include the .project, .classpath, and build.xml files in the top level of the project in ClearCase. Then when you create your view, mount it in your Eclipse workspace, and do a File -> Import, then choose Existing Project from the popup. Browse to the top-level of the project in the view and import it.
The paths in the build.xml and .classpath are relative from that point down, so it doesn't matter what the absolute path is up to the project. For example, your build will define your source directory as something like ./src/java, test directory as ./test/java, etc. Whether your absolute path is c:\workspace\project or /home/someuser/project or whatever doesn't matter to your build script.
When creating a New Enterprise Application Project, instead of creating the usual tree with:
+Deployment Descriptor
+JAX-WS WebServices
+JRE System Library
+JBoss v5.1
+EAR Libraries
+JavaScript Resources
Eclipse is creating only a very simple structure. Like This:
+JavaScript Resources
Only the .settings folder and .project file are being created in the project's folder. No source, etc.
What's going on with this?
It sounds more like you're listing the contents of a View rather than what's actually in your project. There isn't actually a "JavaScript Resources" folder, it's a root node under which the project's known types and globals are browsable. Have you checked the Project Explorer view (Window->Show View)?
in my Java Eclipse project that contains JUnit tests, I also have a package "resource" that contains all input data used for the tests. But when compiling JUnit tests, the Java compile also data available in resources, so I find the same data in the "bin" folder. Is there a way to avoid this?
If you have a particular package within the source path you want to exclude (your resources folder for example), you can right click on the package and select: Build Path > Exclude.
This will tell Eclipse that you don't want to include that package as part of the build.
This is making a couple of assumptions: that you're using Eclipse Helios (because the option might be different in older versions), and that the resources are stored in the same folder as your regular java source files (because if resources is in a folder by itself, you can remove that entire folder from the build by using Build Path > Configure Build Path -> Source tab.
After the discussion in the comments regarding why you would or would not want to copy resources into the bin directory:
The contents of your bin directory should be ignored and not checked into to a version control system (when using CVS, bin should be an entry in the .cvsignore file)
The resources are only duplicated on your local machine, which is fast and hard discs are big. I'm not sure you should be worrying about this
If you're using Class.getResource to access those resources, they need to be on the classpath somewhere. The bin directory is as good a place as any
So, realistically (barring some unknown, like the files are hundreds of gigabytes or something), I don't think you need to be concerned about excluding these files from the build.