I'm writing a function that returns elements which appear in one list and not in another. For example,
(except '(a b c) '(a d b e f))
will return '(c). The first argument can be an atom, and both are assumed to be flat. Here's my code:
(define (except lm ln)
(cond ((null? ln) lm)
((not (list? lm))
(cond ((in? lm ln) '())
(#t lm)))
((null? lm) '())
((in? (car lm) ln) (except (cdr lm) ln))
(#t (cons (car lm) (except (cdr lm) ln)))))
Then an error returns saying "except: misuse of unit import keyword in: (except (cdr lm) ln)".
Why this is happening?
Looks like you're running into some problem with the unit library which has an except keyword defined. But it should still be possible to use it as a name for your function, so I'm guessing that something else is wrong. It'll be possible to say more if you provide the complete code that you're trying to run.
I want to ask why this function doesn't work...
(defun nenum(ls)
((null ls) nil)
((listp car(ls)) (nenum (rest ls)))
((numberp car(ls)) (nenum (rest ls)))
(t (cons (car ls) (nenum (rest ls))))))
Example: (nenum '(l 1 i (b) (5) s -2 p)) --> (l i s p)
Thank you!
Looking at the predicate you have in one of your cond terms:
(listp car (ls))
Thus apply the function listp with the two arguments car and the result of calling the function ls with no arguments. car and ls both need to be free variables and listp needs to be a different function than the one defined in CLHS since it only takes one argument.
Perhaps you have though you were writing Algol? An Algol function call look like operator(operand) but not CL. CL is a LISP dialect and we have this form on our function calls:
(operand operator)
If we nest we do the same:
(operand (operand operator))
You got it right in the alternative (cons (car ls) (nenum (rest ls)))
Replace car(ls) with (car ls).
Here's a much easier way to write that function:
(defun nenum (list)
(remove-if (lambda (item)
(or (listp item)
(numberp item)))
Note that NIL doesn't need its own test because listp covers it.
There's no need to write a function like this from scratch. Common Lisp already provides remove-if, and you can give it a predicate that matches numbers and non-atoms:
CL-USER> (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
(or (numberp x)
(not (atom x))))
'(l 1 i (b) (5) s -2 p))
;=> (L I S P)
Or, to make it even clearer that you're keeping non-numeric atoms, you can use remove-if-not with a predicate that checks for numeric atoms:
CL-USER> (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
(and (atom x)
(not (numberp x))))
'(l 1 i (b) (5) s -2 p))
;=> (L I S P)
Note that the empty list, which is often written as (), is just the symbol nil. As such, it too is a non-numeric atom. If you'd want to keep other symbols, e.g.,
CL-USER> (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
(and (atom x)
(not (numberp x))))
'(li (b) -1 (5) sp))
;=> (LI SP)
then you'll probably want to keep nil as well:
CL-USER> (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
(and (atom x)
(not (numberp x))))
'(van (b) () (5) a))
;=> (VAN NIL A)
I am writing a function, try-weak-cues, to select a response from a large set of responses. This program is essentially a conversation with the user.
(define try-weak-cues
(lambda (sentence context)
(define helper
(define helper2
(lambda(list-of-pairs context)
(cond((null? list-of-pairs)
(cond((null? list-of-pairs) '())
((any-good-fragments?(cue-part(car list-of-pairs))sentence) (helper2(cdr(car list-of-pairs))context))
(else(helper(cdr list-of-pairs)))))))))
(helper *weak-cues*))))
Below is the list of responses that the function is supposed to pull from:
(define *weak-cues*
'( ( ((who) (whos) (who is))
((thats right) (exactly) (you got it)
(right on) (now youve got it)))
((second-base third-base)
((no whos on first) (whos on first) (first base))) )
( ((what) (whats) (what is))
((first-base third-base)
((hes on second) (i told you whats on second)))
((right) (sure) (you got it right))) )
( ((whats the name))
((first-base third-base)
((no whats the name of the guy on second)
(whats the name of the second baseman)))
((now youre talking) (you got it))))
The error:
define: bad syntax (multiple expressions after identifier) in: (define
helper (lambda (list-of-pairs) (define helper2 (lambda (list-of-pairs
context) (cond ((null? list-of-pairs) (cond ((null? list-of-pairs)
(quote ())) ((any-good-fragments? (cue-part (car list-of-pairs))
sentence) (helper2 (cdr (car list-of-pairs)) context)) (else (helper
(cdr list-of-pairs))))))))) (helper weak-cues))
The problem is that, when you define an internal procedure inside the body of a lambda, you have to write an expression after the definition, typically calling the internal procedure. For example, this is wrong:
(define f
(lambda (x)
(define g
(lambda (y)
<body 1>))))
But this is correct, notice how after the inner lambda definition there's a <body 2> part:
(define f
(lambda (x)
(define g
(lambda (y)
<body 1>))
<body 2>))
Also, your code will be much easier to debug if you avoid this style of procedure definition:
(define f
(lambda (x)
It'll be shorter and clearer like this:
(define (f x)
Now, back to your code. After fixing the formatting and switching to the shorter procedure definition syntax, your code will look like this:
(define (try-weak-cues sentence context)
(define (helper list-of-pairs)
(define (helper2 list-of-pairs context)
(cond ((null? list-of-pairs)
(cond ((null? list-of-pairs) '())
((any-good-fragments? (cue-part (car list-of-pairs)) sentence)
(helper2 (cdr (car list-of-pairs)) context))
(else (helper (cdr list-of-pairs)))))))
<missing body>)
(helper *weak-cues*))
Now it's clear that the body of helper is missing, after the inner definition of helper2 you didn't write anything. Possibly you intended to call helper2 at that point, but your code is confusing enough as it is and I can't guess what to write in the missing body, it's up to you.
This question already has answers here:
Flatten a list using only the forms in "The Little Schemer"
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
If I have an s expression, for example '(1 2 (3) (4 (5)) 6 7), how would I convert that into a list like (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)? I basically need to extract all of the atoms from the s expression. Is there a built in function that would help me do it?
(define (convert-to-list s) ... )
My algorithm so far is, if the first element is an atom append it onto a list. If the first element is a list then get the car of that element and then call the function (convert-to-list) with that function so it catches the base case of the recursion. And append the cdr of that list being invoked on convert-to-list to car of it. I'm trying to teach myself scheme from Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs and I'm just trying out random things. Doing this recursively is proving to be more difficult than I anticipated.
To literally answer your question, "Is there a built in function to help me do this?", in Racket yes there is. flatten does exactly this: "Flattens an arbitrary S-expression structure of pairs into a list."
> (flatten '((a) b (c (d) . e) ()))
'(a b c d e)
> (flatten 'a)
However it's a great exercise to think about how you would write flatten yourself.
Chris Jester-Young's comment has a link to an elegant way. If she'd posted that as an answer, instead of as a comment, I'd suggest marking her answer as accepted, not mine. :)
Your algorithm doesn't look bad, it's just missing a step or two.
(define (flatten lst) ; 'flatten' is a better name for this function IMO
((null lst) nil)
;; Don't worry that I'm calling (flatten (cdr lst)) without any checking;
;; the above case handles it
((atom (car lst)) ; The car's okay
(cons (car lst) (flatten (cdr lst))))
((cons? (car lst)) ; The car still needs flattening; note the use of
; 'append' here (the car-list may have any number of elements)
(append (flatten (car lst)) (flatten (cdr lst))))))
Between the (flatten (car lst)) calls dealing with the first element and the (flatten (cdr lst)) calls recursively dealing with the rest of the list, the input list ends up a flat list (i.e. no elements are conses).
(Warning: I'm not a Scheme guru; the above code may contain errors.)
Your cases should cover the empty list, an atom, (car s) being an atom, and (car s) being a list.
This works, though I bashed out a list append function because I didn't remember what the built-in one was. Works in Racket Advanced Student.
(define (list-glue left-list right-list)
((null? left-list) right-list)
(else (cons (car left-list) (list-glue (cdr left-list) (right-list))))))
(define (convert-to-list s)
((null? s) '())
((not (list? s)) (cons s (quote ())))
((not (list? (car s))) (cons (car s) (convert-to-list (cdr s))))
(convert-to-list (car s))
(convert-to-list (cdr s))))))
Now, if you want a faster implementation, you don't need append at all.
The idea is to pass around what you would append onto as a parameter. I call this tail.
If you have an empty s-exp, you just return the tail, since there is nothing to add to it.
I've got the code, flat and flat2, where flat uses a match statement, things in racket, and flat2 just uses a cond, which I find a little harder to read, but I provide it in case you haven't seen match yet.
#lang racket
(define (flat s-exp tail)
(match s-exp
['() tail]
[(cons fst rst)
(let ([new-tail (flat rst tail)])
(flat fst new-tail))]
(cons atom tail)]))
(define (flat
[(empty? s-exp) tail]
[(list? s-exp)
(let* ([fst (first s-exp)]
[rst (rest s-exp)]
[new-tail (flat])
(flat fst new-tail))]
(cons s-exp tail)]))
To use them, call them like so (flat '(1 () (2 (3)) 4) '()) ===> '(1 2 3 4).
You need to supply the empty list for them to start off on.
This can be done simply by recursing on sublists and rest-lists. You can see how easily this code reads. Like such:
(define (convert-to-list list)
(if (null? list)
(let ((next (car list))
(rest (cdr list)))
(if (list? next)
(append (convert-to-list next) (convert-to-list rest))
(cons next (convert-to-list rest))))))
> (convert-to-list '(a b c))
(a b c)
> (convert-to-list '((a b) (((c d) e f) g h) i j))
(a b c d e f g h i j)
I'm a beginner in lisp and I need somebody to explain to me how the prog form works, step by step. What is the initial value of l1 ? Nil ?
The problem outputs T if the list has an even number of elements on the first level, nil if not.
(defun nr_par (l)
(prog ((l1 l))
((null l1) (return T))
((null (cdr l1)) (return NIL))
((null (cddr l1)) (return T))
(T (setf l1 (cddr l1))
(go ciclu)))))
On console:
(nr_par '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
The program is straightforward, but not very idiomatic lisp (it is rather imperative instead of functional). Step by step goes as follows.
prog uses a series of variable bindings, in this case, l1 is assigned the value of l initially. Then, a series of statements in which a loop starts (again, not very lisp idiomatic).
This type of loops use a tag (ciclu) and a goto instruction (go), again, not recommended, but it is there. After that, the cond checks a series of cases. When the list is empty (null), you return true, in other cases, you check if the length is even or odd, and return the value in consequence.
In the case that the list is longer than one or two elements (neither of the cases is null), the l1 list is adjusted to point to the next of the next element of itself (the cddr function).
Finally, the go function turns the program back to the ciclu tag.
The program will finish when any of the cond clauses is met, returning either T or NIL.
See PROG in CLHS: L1 is var, L is init-form, so the initial value of L1 is the value of L.
As the CLHS page for prog says, it does three things: lets you have local vars and initialize them; lets you have tags as in tagbody and use go; and lets you use return as inside a block named NIL:
(defun nr_par (l)
(prog ((l1 l)) ; local binding(s)
(if (null l1) (return T)) ; return
(if (null (cdr l1)) (return NIL))
(setf l1 (cddr l1))
(go ciclu))) ; go
(defun nr_par1 (l) ; directly equivalent
(labels ((ciclu (l1)
(if (null l1) (return-from ciclu T))
(if (null (cdr l1)) (return-from ciclu NIL))
(ciclu (cddr l1))))
(ciclu l)))
(defun nr_par2 (l) ; also equivalent
(do ((l1 l (cddr l1)))
(NIL) ; while T ...
((null l1) (return T))
((null (cdr l1)) (return NIL)))))
Function call is a glorified goto after all, isn't it?
See also Longest decreasing sequence in Lisp for an example representing several mutually-recursive functions hand-compiled into a prog with a bunch of GO statements.
How can I remove nested parentheses recursively in Common LISP Such as
(unnest '(a b c (d e) ((f) g))) => (a b c d e f g)
(unnest '(a b)) => (a b)
(unnest '(() ((((a)))) ())) => (a)
Here's what I'd do:
(ql:quickload "alexandria")
(alexandria:flatten list)
That works mainly because I have Quicklisp installed already.
(defun flatten (l)
(cond ((null l) nil)
((atom l) (list l))
(t (loop for a in l appending (flatten a)))))
I realize this is an old thread, but it is one of the first that comes up when I google lisp flatten. The solution I discovered is similar to those discussed above, but the formatting is slightly different. I will explain it as if you are new to lisp, as I was when I first googled this question, so it's likely that others will be too.
(defun flatten (L)
"Converts a list to single level."
(if (null L)
(if (atom (first L))
(cons (first L) (flatten (rest L)))
(append (flatten (first L)) (flatten (rest L))))))
For those new to lisp, this is a brief summary.
The following line declares a function called flatten with argument L.
(defun flatten (L)
The line below checks for an empty list.
(if (null L)
The next line returns nil because cons ATOM nil declares a list with one entry (ATOM). This is the base case of the recursion and lets the function know when to stop. The line after this checks to see if the first item in the list is an atom instead of another list.
(if (atom (first L))
Then, if it is, it uses recursion to create a flattened list of this atom combined with the rest of the flattened list that the function will generate. cons combines an atom with another list.
(cons (first L) (flatten (rest L)))
If it's not an atom, then we have to flatten on it, because it is another list that may have further lists inside of it.
(append (flatten (first L)) (flatten (rest L))))))
The append function will append the first list to the start of the second list.
Also note that every time you use a function in lisp, you have to surround it with parenthesis. This confused me at first.
You could define it like this for example:
(defun unnest (x)
(labels ((rec (x acc)
(cond ((null x) acc)
((atom x) (cons x acc))
(t (rec (car x) (rec (cdr x) acc))))))
(rec x nil)))
(defun flatten (l)
(cond ((null l) nil)
((atom (car l)) (cons (car l) (flatten (cdr l))))
(t (append (flatten (car l)) (flatten (cdr l))))))
Lisp has the function remove to remove things. Here I use a version REMOVE-IF that removes every item for which a predicate is true. I test if the thing is a parenthesis and remove it if true.
If you want to remove parentheses, see this function:
(defun unnest (thing)
(remove-if (lambda (c)
(member c '(#\( #\))))
(princ-to-string thing))
Note, though, as Svante mentions, one does not usually 'remove' parentheses.
Most of the answers have already mentioned a recursive solution to the Flatten problem. Using Common Lisp Object System's multiple dispatching you could solve the problem recursively by defining 3 methods for 3 possible scenarios:
(defmethod flatten ((tree null))
"Tree is empty list."
(defmethod flatten ((tree list))
"Tree is a list."
(append (flatten (car tree))
(flatten (cdr tree))))
(defmethod flatten (tree)
"Tree is something else (atom?)."
(list tree))
(flatten '(2 ((8) 2 (9 (d (s (((((a))))))))))) ; => (2 8 2 9 D S A)
Just leaving this here as I visited this question with the need of only flattening one level and later figure out for myself that (apply 'concatenate 'list ((1 2) (3 4) (5 6 7))) is a cleaner solution in that case.
This is a accumulator based approach. The local function %flatten keeps an accumulator of the tail (the right part of the list that's already been flattened). When the part remaining to be flattened (the left part of the list) is empty, it returns the tail. When the part to be flattened is a non-list, it returns that part prefixed onto the tail. When the part to be flattened is a list, it flattens the rest of the list (with the current tail), then uses that result as the tail for flattening the first part of the list.
(defun flatten (list)
(labels ((%flatten (list tail)
((null list) tail)
((atom list) (list* list tail))
(t (%flatten (first list)
(%flatten (rest list)
(%flatten list '())))
CL-USER> (flatten '((1 2) (3 4) ((5) 6) 7))
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
I know this question is really old but I noticed that nobody used the push/nreverse idiom, so I am uploading that here.
the function reverse-atomize takes out each "atom" and puts it into the output of the next call. At the end it produces a flattened list that is backwards, which is resolved with the nreverse function in the atomize function.
(defun reverse-atomize (tree output)
"Auxillary function for atomize"
(if (null tree)
(if (atom (car tree))
(reverse-atomize (cdr tree) (push (car tree) output))
(reverse-atomize (cdr tree) (nconc (reverse-atomize (car tree)
(defun atomize (tree)
"Flattens a list into only the atoms in it"
(nreverse (reverse-atomize tree nil)))
So calling atomize '((a b) (c) d) looks like this:
(A B C D)
And if you were to call reverse-atomize with reverse-atomize '((a b) (c) d) this would occur:
(D C B A)
People like using functions like push, nreverse, and nconc because they use less RAM than their respective cons, reverse, and append functions. That being said the double recursive nature of reverse-atomize does come with it's own RAMifications.
This popular question only has recursive solutions (not counting Rainer's answer).
Let's have a loop version:
(defun flatten (tree &aux todo flat)
(check-type tree list)
(shiftf todo tree nil)
(unless todo (return flat))
(dolist (elt todo)
(if (listp elt)
(dolist (e elt)
(push e tree))
(push elt flat))))))
(defun unnest (somewhat)
((null somewhat) nil)
((atom somewhat) (list somewhat))
(append (unnest (car somewhat)) (unnest (cdr somewhat))))))
I couldn't resist adding my two cents. While the CL spec does not require tail call optimization (TCO), many (most?) implementations have that feature.
So here's a tail recursive version that collects the leaf nodes of a tree into a flat list (which is one version of "removing parentheses"):
(defun flatten (tree &key (include-nil t))
(check-type tree list)
(labels ((%flatten (lst accum)
(if (null lst)
(nreverse accum)
(let ((elem (first lst)))
(if (atom elem)
(%flatten (cdr lst) (if (or elem include-nil)
(cons elem accum)
(%flatten (append elem (cdr lst)) accum))))))
(%flatten tree nil)))
It preserves null leaf nodes by default, with the option to remove them. It also preserves the left-to-right order of the tree's leaf nodes.
Note from Google lisp style guide about TCO:
You should favor iteration over recursion.
...most serious implementations (including SBCL and CCL) do implement proper tail calls, but with restrictions:
The (DECLARE (OPTIMIZE ...)) settings must favor SPEED enough and not favor DEBUG too much, for some compiler-dependent meanings of "enough" and "too much".
And this from SBCL docs:
... disabling tail-recursion optimization ... happens when the debug optimization quality is greater than 2.