How to run multiple calculations using `oninput` (HTML5)? - forms

I need a way of running a few calculations based on the contents of a single text box. I'm currently using a form, with the text box what accepts numeric values. I then use the oninput to calculate the other values eg.
<form oninput="x.value=7+y.value">
However I need a way of running multiple calculations using oninput. Is this possible? If so how? If not, what are my other options?

I solved this issue. You can do something like so:
<form oninput="x.value=7+y.value;z.value=y.value+300">


Adding preview option in cq:dialog?

Is it possible to add a session in cq:dialog which renders whatever data is supplied in the fields and previews it out in real time. In the simplest of scenarios, I need to add two numbers and when I enter both the numbers the cq:dialog should preview it's output as 4. There should be two sessions in the the cq:dialog, like two columns, the left one to enter value to the fields and the right to display the rendered output. How to achieve this? Is it possible to?
You can make use of "event handlers". Adobe docs has a simple example using JQuery that you can customize for your requirement.

How to prevent writing before prefix in GWT valuebox

I am using GWT ValeBox with GWT Renderer to show amount with $ as prefix.
Now I want not to allow user to type any thing before dollar sign. I tried various GWT event handlers like ValueChangeHandler and some others but unable to achieve goal.
Still struggling for it. If anybody know good solution for it, please share here.
The easiest would be to not include the currency as part of the value, but next to the field.
Alternatively, you could replace the value with a numeric-only value on focus, and reformat it as a currency on blur.
Couple of solutions:
Use a label before the valuebox. Label value will be $ and valuebox will contain the numeric value.
You can use empty text in the valuebox. Empty text will specify user to enter $ value.

Phone Number Masking in Zk

I need to add masking for telephone number.Is there any attribute for asking in textbox like primefaces
or we have to add jquery for it.
Below is my code:
<textbox value="#bind(vm.phoneNo)" width="180px" constraint="no empty"/>
Below Image showing error message stick to Textbox (Tele)
Below Image showing error message not stick to Textbox(Tele).This is main issue
Here is a zk demo, shows you how to use jq.
But zk got different types of input elements as well that you may like to use,
cos they got constraint attribute where you can define reg ex.
See textbox for example.
If you use MVVM you could use the #validator too. Here is a demo of it.

Extjs 4 :Disable all the input elemets in an Extjs form at once

I have created a extjs form which is divided into 2 parts using column layout and have almost 10-15 input elements in it. How can i disable all these input elements at a time depending on a condition. Currently i have created a function which fetchs all the components in a form and using ext.each loop through each element to disable them
Here is the function that i use
function prepare_form_view(form){
var f=Ext.getCmp(form);
var els=f.query('component');
var xtype=o.getXType();
Is there any alternative way so that I can disable all elements without looping through each and every elements. I want to use this function with other forms too. I looking for something like 'setFieldDefult' function.
If you are using FormPanel in ExtJs 4.x this is what you are looking for -
The getForm() method returns the Ext.form.Basic object, with this class, you also could access to all the fields on this form with getFields(), then you could iterator all the fields to do anything.
Hope this helps and good luck:-)
What about panel's disable/enable method? This seems much easier.
Here is a suggestion.. Since, you say your form is divided into two parts why don't you put them in a FieldSet ? You can disable the fieldset as a whole with one method ie, setDisabled.
This will avoid the looping of components and disabling / enabling them one after the another.
You could use the cascade function of the form panel which is the ExtJs way to to do it but if you check the source code of the cascade function you will see that it uses a for loop also. The only benifit of using the cascade function is that it will work also for forms with nested panels. I think that your implementation will not work properly a case like that.

How to change the SSRS input parameters position in report

My SSRS report contains 7 input parameters and while running my report the size of the parameter(i.e. length) is increasing.
One of my input parameter(drop down list) may contain 100 characters so the size is not constant but i want to place all parameters in 2 lines or 3 lines(in a row).
Now it is coming 2 parameters per a row
Please advice
As gbn indicates, it's not easy to change the built in report server method of presenting the parameters. SSRS likes to always use two parameters per line, presented in the order that they exist in the report (which must match the dependency order.)
So the alternatives that gbn mentions: Both involve building a "Wrapper" application: some custom code or a web page that you can code however you like to get the parameters. Then you call Reporting Services, either in code or by passing a formatted URL with your parameters. The report can be displayed in a frame, new window, or passed as a stream to where ever you'd like.
The URL access is pretty straightforward and reliable: I often use it either by hand (to create "favorites") or in code.
For what you are looking for, these might be more work than you expected, but they will be extremely flexible for your interface.
You can certainly do that, just right click on the RDL file in the solution explorer and select view code. then move the XML tags named <ReportParameter Name="Nameofparameter"> under <ReportParameters> according to where ever you want to position. And then save it. thats it!!!
The report parameters are kind of floating in values of 2, so if u have 4 report parameters then it will be shown as 1,2 next line 3,4. Best of luck!!
Use ASP.NET for the paramaters and a ReportViewer control or URL access to render. Seriously.
I don't know of any option to present parameters any way other then the default
I believe you could try using jQuery. The report parameters are rendered in a table under a div tag with class sqlrv-ParameterContainer. Write a jQuery or JavaScript function that will extract the full innerHTML from this div ie. the table content and then extract the table row information like the <label> or <input> tags.
Create your desired table structure with <table><tr><td>{extracted sections}</td><td></td></tr></table> or leave it to your requirement...
Then just append this new HTML structure in place of the original default structure.
In jQuery it will be like
which will give you the entire table structure that comes inside the parameter. Use XML parsing and get the input controls and all. Extract these controls as-is, don't change anything.
$(".sqlrv-ParameterContainer table").remove(); // it will remove the SSRS rendered default table from DOM
$(".sqlrv-ParameterContainer table").appendChild('<table><tr>......</tr></table>'); // Append your custom html structure here....
This was something that came to my mind quickly... I would suggest you test it... :)
This doesn't help the OP with SSRS-2008 but in case it helps others - Microsoft have improved this in SSRS 2016 - parameters can now be easily managed via the GUI in Report Builder / Visual studio: