Powershell Multidimensional Arrays - powershell

I have a way of doing Arrays in other languagues like this:
$x = "David"
$arr = #()
$arr[$x]["TSHIRTS"]["SIZE"] = "M"
This generates an error.

You are trying to create an associative array (hash). Try out the following
sequence of commands
$arr["david"] = #{}
$arr["david"]["TSHIRTS"] = #{}
$arr["david"]["TSHIRTS"]["SIZE"] ="M"
Note the difference between hashes and arrays
$a = #{} # hash
$a = #() # array
Arrays can only have non-negative integers as indexes

from powershell.com:
PowerShell supports two types of multi-dimensional arrays: jagged arrays and true multidimensional arrays.
Jagged arrays are normal PowerShell arrays that store arrays as elements. This is very cost-effective storage because dimensions can be of different size:
$array1 = 1,2,(1,2,3),3
True multi-dimensional arrays always resemble a square matrix. To create such an array, you will need to access .NET. The next line creates a two-dimensional array with 10 and 20 elements resembling a 10x20 matrix:
$array2 = New-Object 'object[,]' 10,20
$array2[4,8] = 'Hello'
$array2[9,16] = 'Test'
for a 3-dimensioanl array 10*20*10
$array3 = New-Object 'object[,,]' 10,20,10

To extend on what manojlds said above is that you can nest Hashtables. It may not be a true multi-dimensional array but give you some ideas about how to structure the data. An example:
$hash = #{}
$computers | %{
"Status" = ($_.Status)
"Date" = ($_.Date)
What's cool about this is that you can reference things like:
Also, it is far faster than arrays for finding stuff. I use this to compare data rather than use matching in Arrays.
Hope some of that helps!

Knowing that PowerShell pipes objects between cmdlets, it is more common in PowerShell to use an array of PSCustomObjects:
$arr = #(
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'David'; Article = 'TShirt'; Size = 'M'}
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'Eduard'; Article = 'Trouwsers'; Size = 'S'}
Or for older PowerShell Versions (PSv2):
$arr = #(
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Name = 'David'; Article = 'TShirt'; Size = 'M'}
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Name = 'Eduard'; Article = 'Trouwsers'; Size = 'S'}
And grep your selection like:
$arr | Where {$_.Name -eq 'David' -and $_.Article -eq 'TShirt'} | Select Size
Or in newer PowerShell (Core) versions:
$arr | Where Name -eq 'David' | Where Article -eq 'TShirt' | Select Size
Or (just get the size):
$arr.Where{$_.Name -eq 'David' -and $_.Article -eq 'TShirt'}.Size
Addendum 2020-07-13
Syntax and readability
As mentioned in the comments, using an array of custom objects is straighter and saves typing, if you like to exhaust this further you might even use the ConvertForm-Csv (or the Import-Csv) cmdlet for building the array:
$arr = ConvertFrom-Csv #'
Or more readable:
$arr = ConvertFrom-Csv #'
Name, Article, Size
David, TShirt, M
Eduard, Trouwsers, S
Note: values that contain spaces or special characters need to be double quoted
Or use an external cmdlet like ConvertFrom-SourceTable which reads fixed width table formats:
$arr = ConvertFrom-SourceTable '
Name Article Size
David TShirt M
Eduard Trouwsers S
The disadvantage of using an array of custom objects is that it is slower than a hash table which uses a binary search algorithm.
Note that the advantage of using an array of custom objects is that can easily search for anything else e.g. everybody that wears a TShirt with size M:
$arr | Where Article -eq 'TShirt' | Where Size -eq 'M' | Select Name
To build an binary search index from the array of objects:
$h = #{}
$arr | ForEach-Object {
If (!$h.ContainsKey($_.Name)) { $h[$_.Name] = #{} }
If (!$h[$_.Name].ContainsKey($_.Article)) { $h[$_.Name][$_.Article] = #{} }
$h[$_.Name][$_.Article] = $_ # Or: $h[$_.Name][$_.Article]['Size'] = $_.Size
Note: referencing a hash table key that doesn't exist in Set-StrictMode will cause an error:
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
PropertyNotFoundException: The property 'John' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists.

Here is a simple multidimensional array of strings.
$psarray = #(
('Line' ,'One' ),
('Line' ,'Two')
foreach($item in $psarray)

Two-dimensional arrays can be defined this way too as jagged array:
$array = New-Object system.Array[][] 5,5
This has the nice feature that
outputs a one-dimensional array, containing $array[0][0] to $array[0][4].
Depending on your situation you might prefer it over $array = New-Object 'object[,]' 5,5.
(I would have commented to CB above, but stackoverflow does not let me yet)

you could also uses System.Collections.ArrayList to make a and array of arrays or whatever you want.
Here is an example:
$resultsArray= New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
[void] $resultsArray.Add(#(#('$hello'),2,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1))
[void] $resultsArray.Add(#(#('$test', '$testagain'),3,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,2))
[void] $resultsArray.Add("ERROR")
[void] $resultsArray.Add(#(#('$var', '$result'),5,1,1,0,1,1,0,2,3))
[void] $resultsArray.Add(#(#('$num', '$number'),3,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,2))
One problem, if you would call it a problem, you cannot set a limit. Also, you need to use [void] or the script will get mad.

Using the .net syntax (like CB pointed above)
you also add coherence to your 'tabular' array...
if you define a array...
and you try to store diferent types
Powershell will 'alert' you:
$a = New-Object 'byte[,]' 4,4
$a[0,0] = 111; // OK
$a[0,1] = 1111; // Error
Of course Powershell will 'help' you
in the obvious conversions:
$a = New-Object 'string[,]' 2,2
$a[0,0] = "1111"; // OK
$a[0,1] = 111; // OK also

Another thread pointed here about how to add to a multidimensional array in Powershell. I don't know if there is some reason not to use this method, but it worked for my purposes.
$array = #()
$array += ,#( "1", "test1","a" )
$array += ,#( "2", "test2", "b" )
$array += ,#( "3", "test3", "c" )

Im found pretty cool solvation for making arrays in array.
$GroupArray = #()
foreach ( $Array in $ArrayList ){
$GroupArray += #($Array , $null)
$GroupArray = $GroupArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}

Lent from above:
$arr = ConvertFrom-Csv #'
Print the $arr:
Name Article Size
---- ------- ----
David TShirt M
Eduard Trouwsers S
Now select 'David'
$arr.Where({$_.Name -eq "david"})
Name Article Size
---- ------- ----
David TShirt M
Now if you want to know the Size of 'David'
$arr.Where({$_.Name -eq "david"}).size


Powershell - Search every element of a large array against every element of another large array

I have two large arrays. One is an array (call it Array1) of 100,000 PSCustomObjects, each of which has a property called "Token". And the other array is simply an array of strings, the size of this second array being 2500 elements.
The challenge is that EVERY element of Array1 needs to be checked against all the elements in Array2 and tagged accordingly. i.e., if the the Token value from Array1 matches any of the elements from Array2, label it as "Match found!"
Looping through would actually make it extremely slow. Is there a better way to do this?
P.S.: The items in Array1 have an ordinal number property as well, and the array is sorted in that order.
Here is the code:
$Array1 = #()
$Array2 = #()
#Sample object:
$obj = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Token -Value "SOMEVALUEHERE"
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TokenOrdinalNum -Value 1
$Array1 += $obj # This array has 100K such objects
$Array2 = #("VAL1", "SOMEVALUEHERE", ......) #Array2 has 2500 such strings.
The output of this would need to be a new array of objects, say 'ArrayFinal', that has an additional noteproperty called 'MatchFound'.
Please help.
I would create a Hashtable for fast lookups from the values in your $Array2.
For clarity, I have renamed $Array1 and $Array2 into $objects and $tokens.
# the object array
$objects = [PsCustomObject]#{ Token = 'SOMEVALUEHERE'; TokenOrdinalNum = 1 },
[PsCustomObject]#{ Token = 'VAL1'; TokenOrdinalNum = 123 },
[PsCustomObject]#{ Token = 'SomeOtherValue'; TokenOrdinalNum = 555 } # etcetera
# the array with token keywords to check
$tokens = 'VAL1', 'SOMEVALUEHERE', 'ShouldNotFindThis' # etcetera
# create a lookup Hashtable from the array of token values for FAST lookup
# you can also use a HashSet ([System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]::new())
# see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.collections.generic.hashset-1
$lookup = #{}
$tokens | ForEach-Object { $lookup[$_] = $true } # it's only the Keys that matter, the value is not important
# now loop over the objects in the first array and check their 'Token' values
$ArrayFinal = foreach ($obj in $objects) {
$obj | Select-Object *, #{Name = 'MatchFound'; Expression = { $lookup.ContainsKey($obj.Token) }}
# output on screen
$ArrayFinal | Format-Table -AutoSize
# write to Csv ?
$ArrayFinal | Export-Csv -Path 'Path\To\MatchedObjects.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Token TokenOrdinalNum MatchFound
----- --------------- ----------
VAL1 123 True
SomeOtherValue 555 False
100kb objects isn't too big. Here's an example using compare-object. By default it checks every object against every other object (919 ms). EDIT: Ok, if I change the order of $b, it takes much longer (13 min). Sorting both lists first should work well, if most of the positions end up the same.(1.99 s with measure-command). If every item were off by 1 position it will still take a long time ($b = 1,$b).
$a = foreach ($i in 1..100kb) { [pscustomobject]#{token = get-random} }
$a = $a | sort-object token
$b = $a.token | sort-object
compare-object $a.token $b -IncludeEqual
InputObject SideIndicator
----------- -------------
1507400001 ==
120471924 ==
28523825 ==

Constructing a table from raw data in powershell

I am frustrated beyond belief with Powershell at the moment, because I feel stupid for spending 2 whole work days figuring out a (most likely super simple) solution for the following problem: I would like to convert two arrays ($HeaderCells, $DataCells) into a table and nothing seems to work. I tried PSObjects, Arrays, Hash Tables, data tables... Here is my code:
$Table = #()
$HeaderCells = #("Company","Country")
$DataCells = #("Test Inc.","Misc Corp.","USA","UK")
foreach ($HeaderCell in $HeaderCells)
foreach ($DataCell in $DataCells)
$Table += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{$HeaderCell=$DataCell}
my Output is:
Test Inc.
Misc Corp.
I would like to get two columns (Company and Country), but no matter what I try (even the most nested for loops, I always end up overwriting variables or just getting errors.
My actual use case is actually a bit more complicated (extracting a table from a html page), but solving this part will allow me to continue, I hope.
My desired output would be to have the HeaderCells as the Headers and the DataCells as the Rows, so something like this:
Company Country
------- --------
Test Inc. USA
Misc Corp. UK
If we assume you already have a way to populate $HeaderCells and $DataCells with collections, you could take a more dynamic approach:
$DataCountPerGroup = $DataCells.Count/$HeaderCells.Count
$table = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $DataCountPerGroup; $i++) {
$hash = [ordered]#{}
$dataIncrement = 0
$HeaderCells | Foreach-Object {
$index = $dataIncrement * $DataCountPerGroup
This assumes that $DataCells.Count % $HeaderCells.Count is 0 and if not, you will need some error checking.
The idea is if you have n number of headers, then you will have n category groups of data with each of those having the exact same number of items.
The outer for loops through the number of items in a data category. This means if you have 4 companies (category 1), 4 countries (category 2), and 4 websites (category 3), the loop will iterate 0 through 3 (4 times). An ordered hash table is initialized at the beginning of the loop. $dataIncrement is a temporary variable to help us jump from the different categories within $DataCells. Once the hash table is populated, it can then be used to construct the custom object that will represent an entry in your table ($table).
A trivial example using the indices of your two arrays would process as follows:
$HeaderCells contains 3 items (indexes 0-2)
$DataCells contains 15 items (3 groups of 5 items)(indexes 0-14)
$i becomes 0.
$hash is initialized.
$hash adds key $HeaderCells[0] and value $DataCells[0].
$hash adds key $HeaderCells[1] and value $DataCells[5].
$hash adds key $HeaderCells[2] and value $DataCells[10].
A custom object is created using $hash and is added to $table.
$i becomes 1.
$hash is initialized.
$hash adds key $HeaderCells[0] and value $DataCells[1].
$hash adds key $HeaderCells[1] and value $DataCells[6].
$hash adds key $HeaderCells[2] and value $DataCells[11].
A custom object is created using $hash and is added to $table.
$i becomes 2.
$hash is initialized.
$hash adds key $HeaderCells[0] and value $DataCells[2].
$hash adds key $HeaderCells[1] and value $DataCells[7].
$hash adds key $HeaderCells[2] and value $DataCells[12].
A custom object is created using $hash and is added to $table.
By now, you can see the repeated processes that are happening. $i will continue to increment and the processes will continue with the same pattern until $i becomes 5. When $i becomes 5, the processing will break out of the loop.
I do not know what data you want to sort out there, but look at the example bellow. Basically I am creating a [PSCustomObject] and attach that as a row of an array.
"Apple Corp",
"Peach LLC",
"Ananas LLC",
"Tomato Corp"
$result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($name in $list){
if($name -like "*corp"){
Company = $name
Country = 'USA'
$result += $obj
Company = $name
Country = 'UK'
$result += $obj
And the here is the output :
Write-Output $result
Company Country
------- -------
Apple Corp USA
Peach LLC UK
Ananas LLC UK
Tomato Corp USA
This is just PoC to get the idea, the logic you want to implement is all up to you.
I'm a little confused by your example data, but here's how you might structure the code if your data was tweaked a bit to have a repeated list of [company1], [country1], [company2], [country2], etc.
$HeaderCells = #("Company","Country")
$DataCells = #("Test Inc.","USA","Misc Corp.","UK", "Canada Post", "CA")
$Table = #()
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $DataCells.Count; ) {
$row = new-object -TypeName PSObject
# Suggestion to replace the following:
# foreach ($HeaderCell in $HeaderCells)
# {
# $row | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $HeaderCell -Value $DataCells[ $i++ ]
# }
# with:
$HeaderCells | ForEach-Object {
$row | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $_ -Value $DataCells[ $i++ ]
$Table += $row
You can also try:
$DataCells = "Test Inc.","Misc Corp.","USA","UK"
$half = [math]::Floor($DataCells.Count / 2)
(0..($half - 1)) | ForEach-Object {
Company = $DataCells[$_]
Country = $DataCells[$_ + $half]
Company Country
------- -------
Test Inc. USA
Misc Corp. UK

Sorting and Comparing Arraylists

I'm pretty new to Powershell and have a problem.
It seems I can get neither the Compare-Object nor the Sort-Object funtions to work.
I got two Arraylists which I fill with 10 objects of type "Table".
#Create Arraylists
$list1 = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
$list2 = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
#Declare Table-Class
class Table {
[String] $name
[Int] $number
#Fill list1
[Int] $i = 0
while ($i -lt 10) {
$entry = new-Object Table
$entry.name = "Name";
$entry.number = $i;
#Fill list2
[Int] $j = 10
while ($j -gt 0) {
$entry = new-Object Table
$entry.name = "name";
$entry.number = $j;
Now I want to compare these two ArrayLists like this:
Compare-Object $list1 $list2 | ForEach-Object {$_.InputObject}
This doesn't seem to work and I think it's because I'm not really doing anything with the comparison. If someone could help me with the correct Syntax I'd be really happy.
Anyway, I think this comparison would somehow return a $false boolean.
If that were true, I'd like to sort $list2 by $entry.number.
I'm attempting this like that:
$list2 = $list2 | Sort-Object -Property { $_[1] }
But my list doesn't change at all. I already tried several different "solutions" but it seems none of these is a real "solution".
I'd be really glad if someone could help me or at least point me in the right direction.
EDIT: For future readers, here is the working syntax:
#sort list by the property number
$list2 = $list2 | sort-object -Property number
#count differences and if differences greater than 0, do stuff
[Int] $diff
$properties = $list1 | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
foreach ($property in $properties) {
$diff = 0
$diff = (Compare-Object $list1 $list2 -Property "$property").count
if ($diff -ne 0) {
#do stuff
else {
#do something else
Your sorting does not work because -Property expects you to pass the name of an actual property. In your case the class two properties: $name and $number. You can also check what properties an object has by using $list2 | Get-Member. So in order to sort, you can use:
$list2 = $list2 | Sort-Object -Property number
Now the reason Compare-Object is not working is because it's implemented differently that one might expect. See this answer explaining how it works.
One other thing you should keep in mind: Calling $list2.Add($entry) actually returns an integer (the index of the inserted element). PowerShell returns all uncaptured output. This can cause some unexpected behavior/output if you are not careful. So you should get in the habit of writing [void] $list2.Add($entry), unless you really want to return those indexes.

powershell select-object outputs array on one line

I have around 20 arrays which contain over 100 values each.
I want to output these to a csv file with column headings.
If I type any of these arrays in a powershell command prompt they display on multiple lines and I can select different items from the array using $arrayname{14] for example, so I think they are being stored correctly.
If I use the following line in my script:
"" | select-object #{Name="Column1"; Expression={"$Array1"}},#{Name="Column2"; Expression={"$Array2"}},#{Name="Column3"; Expression={"$Array3"}} | export-csv $exportLocation -notypeinformation
Then it creates the columns with the heading but each array variable is displayed on one line.
How can I get the output to display the arrays in the respective columns on a line of their own?
You need to convert your 4 arrays into an array of objects with 4 properties. Try this:
$Array1 = #(...)
$Array2 = #(...)
$Array3 = #(...)
$Array4 = #(...)
$len1 = [Math]::Max($Array1.Length, $Array2.Length)
$len2 = [Math]::Max($Array3.Length, $Array4.Length)
$maxlen = [Math]::Max($len1, $len2)
$csv = for ($i=0; $i -lt $maxlen; $i++) {
New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property #{
'Column1' = $Array1[$i];
'Column2' = $Array2[$i];
'Column3' = $Array3[$i];
'Column4' = $Array4[$i];
$csv | Export-Csv 'C:\path\to\output.csv'

Powershell Select-Object from array not working

I am trying to seperate values in an array so i can pass them to another function.
Am using the select-Object function within a for loop to go through each line and separate the timestamp and value fields.
However, it doesn't matter what i do the below code only displays the first select-object variable for each line. The second select-object command doesn't seem to work as my output is a blank line for each of the 6 rows.
Any ideas on how to get both values
$ReportData = $SystemStats.get_performance_graph_csv_statistics( (,$Query) )
### Allocate a new encoder and turn the byte array into a string
$ASCII = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
$csvdata = $ASCII.GetString($ReportData[0].statistic_data)
$csv2 = convertFrom-CSV $csvdata
$newarray = $csv2 | Where-Object {$_.utilization -ne "0.0000000000e+00" -and $_.utilization -ne "nan" }
for ( $n = 0; $n -lt $newarray.Length; $n++)
$nTime = $newarray[$n]
$nUtil = $newarray[$n]
$util = $nUtil | select-object Utilization
$tstamp = $nTime | select-object timestamp
Let me slightly modify the processing code, if it will help.
$csv2 |
Where-Object {$_.utilization -ne "0.0000000000e+00" -and $_.utilization -ne "nan" } |
Select-Object Utilization,TimeStamp
It will produce somewhat different output, but that should be better for working with.
The result are objects with properties Utilization and TimeStamp. You can pass them to the another function as you mention.
Generally it is better to use pipes instead of for loops. You don't need to care about indexes and it works with arrays as well as with scalar values.
If my updated code won't work: is the TimeStamp property really filled with any value?