Slick game engine not working with JFrame - jframe

I want to integrate slick in JFrame.
But I am facing following problem:
1. When I try to close frame, it stop slick game but not frame.
Please find my code as below:
CanvasGameContainer canvasGameContainer1 = new CanvasGameContainer(new MainGame("Game 1"));
canvasGameContainer1.setBounds(20, 20, 400, 400);
newFrame = new JFrame("With JFrame");
I have posted same on slick forum but no solution.
here is a link for same...

I know this is an old post, but in case some people are still struggling with the frame not closing, here is a solution that works on Windows:
set your frame defaultCloseOperation to DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE
in the WindowClosing event of your frame, dispose the GameContainer
in the WindowClosed event of your frame, calll System.exit(0)

I don't know why you need to wrap it in a JFrame. Are you also adding menus to the app (instead of rendering them inside the game container, for example)? I guess my question is, why are you wrapping it in a JFrame to start with - maybe there's a specific use case I'm not thinking of? Can you post a screenshot by chance?
I think mixing the windowing kits might be problematic. I just create an instance of an AppGameContainer, and set the fullscreen option to false. As a result, Slick just gives me a window with a close button. When I click the close button, the app closes normally.
I've only officially tested this on Mac OS X 10.6, with JDK 6, but theoretically it should work elsewhere.
Here's the file and code where I initialize my container:
AppGameContainer container = new AppGameContainer(pedSim);
container.setDisplayMode(800, 600, false);


No function dropdown in AnimationEvent in Unity

I try to handle some events during animations, but everywhere I look, every tutorial have access to AnimatorEvent Inspector like this:
A nice simple field, where you can select a function, I want this!
But instead of this, I always getting this sick 5 fields view, and don't have any idea how to handle animation event in this case!
I tried to create function test() with debug log, but it didn't work anyway. Why I can't get access to this simple window where I can choose an function?
You will need to add this animation into a State in Animator Controller (via Animator Window).
In the object which contains Animator component, attach your script component to it.
Open the Animation window, select the object above, you will see a dropdown of animations (top left) which Animator Controller of this object contains. Choose and add event to the animation you want to.
Select the event in Animation Window, in the Inspector, you should see the dropdown of public functions of your script component attached above.
Answer by Aluminium18
Sometimes it doesn't work even if you do all things according to tutorials or advices in internet. I often leave Unity editor launched for a long time without any interactions with it. After several gibernations and several days it can get buggy - various errors appear, you can't see some functions from scripts and so on. So, just reloading the Unity editor solves many of such issues for me. And it continues to happen so for several years no matter what Unity version you have. I tried versions from 2019.x.x to 2022.x.x - all this time Unity behaves itself the same.

why are plugin connected signal not working after saving?

I've created a plugin and it works fine when I open the project but as soon as I press ctrl + s to save the scene for the first time since opening, the buttons on the plugin (Close_btn in this case) stop working
extends EditorPlugin
var Key_Btn=null;
var UI=load("res://addons/Plugin_Name/UI.tscn").instance();
func show_UI():
func close_UI():
func _enter_tree():;
Key_Btn.text=" Key ";
func _exit_tree():
This is what the plugin button looks like:
The UI that pops up when you press the button:
How do I solve this?
I tried your code. I did modify the UI as I describe below. However, with your code, at no point the UI or the button to open it stopped working.
This is what I tried (closing and opening the project between tests):
Saving, then opening the UI. Then closing the UI and opening it again.
Opening the UI, then closing it, then saving, then opening it again.
Opening the UI, saving with the UI open, closing it, then opening it again.
I tested on Godot 3.3, 3.4,, 3.4.3 and 3.5 beta 1.
Since you have a Button called Transparent Background. I had it set to Full Rect, and set the alpha of its self_modulate to make it transparent. Consequently it won't let me interact with anything in the editor…
To be able to close the UI, I had to add a script to Control Main that looks like this:
extends Control
func close():
if is_inside_tree():
Don't forget to make a tool script.
And I connected the press signal from the Transparent Background and Close_btn to the close method I added.
An alternative would have been to emit a signal from the UI and on the EditorPlugin have it connected to close_UI… I didn't do that because I didn't want to change your code. And since it all worked with that code, I can say that issue for you is not that code.
Also be aware that you load an instance the UI scene on the initialization of your EditorPlugin. In consequence…
Some modifications to that scene won't be reflected on the EditorPlugin until you disable and enable it again, or load the project again.
And I say "some modifications", because you will see reflected the modifications to the resources it had when loaded. For example, I can modify the script I attached, or re-import texture, and so on. However, if I replace the resource with a new one, I will see the old resource on the already loaded UI.
With that in mind, I tried modifying the script I attached to introduce an error and saved… And the UI still appears. Except, since the script I attached was not working, I could not close the UI, so I had to close Godot altogether.
In fact, the only way I have been able to make the button stop working after saving was by introducing an error in the EditorPlugin code and saving. I can only assume this is what happened to you.

Create a fixed position window in Mac Application development

I'm new in Mac Application development. I want to create a small tool which having a small window fixed position at the right bottom of the screen like this picture:
Is it possible to do that?
It's possible - but I wouldn't recommend it, as it could be a bad user experience.
The solution is simple, though: set the .isMovable property of the window to false.
For example, for a window IBOutlet, setting:
window.isMovable = false
in applicationDidFinishLaunching works well.
You can also, for example, use window.setFrameOrigin(_ point: NSPoint) to first set it at a fixed position.

C, GTK: window stops updating

I'm developing an application that periodically draws images on a GTK Drawing Area inside a window.
The rendering first works well and the window content gets repainted if I drag another window over the drawing one, but after some random amount of time (some seconds), the window stops updating itself.
New images dont get displayed, and if I then drag another window over the rendering one I get this:
When I click one of the checkboxes below my drawing area, the window gets refreshed and the problem is gone for another few seconds.
Any idea what could make the GTK threads stop updating the window content?
I dont know which part of my code is of interest to answer that question, so I pasted the mostly full version here.
My GTK-main() is called like this:
void window_main()
pthread_create(&drawing_thread, NULL, img_draw, NULL);
Thanks for any hints! :)
Found the solution: in the original example code I used (here) they use a g_timeout_add() to register their periodic drawing function.
The g_timeout_add()-registered function is run by gtk_main(), which means it is protected internally by gdk_threads_enter() and gdk_threads_leave(). That's the point I was not aware of.
Surrounded my call to gtk_widget_queue_draw_area() with these two functions and the bug is gone 8)

open a pop up window without using javascript

how to open a pop up window in code behind(C#) without using javascript.
Besides the fact that popups piss off a lot of people, it is not really possible to do so (if you don't consider target="_blank") without using javascript. Code written in code behind only generates client side code (which can include javascript) or executes some serverside stuff.
There might be other workarounds using flash or silverlight but I'm not sure about that. Maybe if you clarify your goal a little bit more I can give a better solution to your problem.
That is impossible because of "The code behind runs on the server; you need the popup to appear on the client machine. Therefore your code behind can't trigger a popup".
Alternatively, you can show a panel in the page as pop-up window, by seting it's z-index and giving absolute position.
The code behind runs on the server; you need the popup to appear on the client machine. Therefore your code behind can't trigger a popup.
Also, if you use javascript you'll probably find that the client's popup blocker prevents the new window from appearing (unless the popup happens as a direct response to a click - without posting back - in which case you can use <a target="_blank"...> if you really don't like javascript).
I do not think that is possible . what you can do offcourse is to open a new window with defined small width/height and all menus are stripped...
Just add attributes to a link button or to a button in code behind. Try this code to page load or to the button event handler.
Button1.Attributes.Add("onclick","javascript: SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog
({ url: 'PopUp.aspx', title: 'Pop Up Window', width: 600, height: 500 }); return false;");